professor emeritus edmund gordon quotes

A: Thats hard. Members of the Gordon Commission include heavy hitters from around the worlds of education, psychology and psychometrics. We share stories that highlight best practices, lessons learned and next-gen teaching practice. Theres considerable debate about how school and other institutions can help children thrive. People are different. During his career, Dr. Gordon has examined outcomes for children of color and those from low-income families, and the importance of public education to support human rights-based and equity-centered affirmative development for all. Brooklyn LAB has been one of the many beneficiaries of Dr. Gordons imperative that education should cultivate intellective competence. We have a sense that we belong in the society. He is the author of more than 200 articles and over 20 books. At a moment while much of the field had been deeply suspicious and critical of the dominant use and social consequences of assessment, specifically in a policy context of accountability testing, where standardized testing have been the driving neoliberal mechanism of curriculum, teaching, learning, and the context and culture of schooling. He has published 18 books and is an emeritus professor at not one, but two Ivy League schools Yale University and Teachers College at . His publications consist of more than 200 articles and 18 books and monographs. He is the John M. Musser Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Yale University, the Richard March Hoe Professor at Teachers College, Columbia . Youve got some people who are scrounging day-to-day. I had the good fortune of working with W.E.B. Although a small woman in stature she had a strong, radical, and powerful voice. One of his mentors and personal friends was W.E.B. Professor Gordon L. Clark is the former Director of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment with cross-appointments in the Sad Business School and the School of Geography and the Environment at Oxford University and is an Emeritus Fellow at St Edmund Hall. In 2011-2013, Gordon served as the organizer and chair of the Gordon Commission in the Future of Assessment in Education. They thought it would reinforce stereotypes. This has been a paradigmatic revolution away from scholarship that has understood difference to be based on biological determinism, social deficiency, or culture of poverty to a rather Marxist educational and cultural psychological lens on human learning and development of all persons. In 1879 he left Chicago and became pastor of the church of the Messiah in New York city, and in 1903 he became pastor emeritus. Gordon was recognized as a preeminent scholar of African-American studies when he was awarded the 2011 Dr. John Hope Franklin Award from Diverse Issues in Higher Education magazine at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Council on Education.[2][3]. The assemblage that makes up the Gordon Paradigm are all a product of the seismic paradigm shifting work that Edmund W. Gordon brought to education and social science research. Finally, Gordon describes his mentorship with W. E. B. We'd been talking over supper one night and he says, "Gordon, I don't want to back away one iota from my turn-of-the-20th-century position, that the problem of the century would be the problems. Eric is also a member of the Getting Smart advisory board. Thanks to Dr. Gordons work, we have the foundation for all educators to understand the role that student agency plays in educating our most historically marginalized students, and the work that we need to do to help students persevere and advocate for themselves with authority., Dr. Gordons lessons focus on how school systems can and must do better for learners and families. Son of Edmund Tayloe and Mabel (Ellison) Gordon. A respected scholar, a founding father of the Head Start preschool program and expert on educational testing, Gordon has been called the premier Black psychologist of his generation. But instead of relaxing in his golden years, for the past two, Gordon has been leading The Gordon Commission, a study group of noted scholars with the stated goal of exploring what education assessment will be, and should become, by 2050. Edmund Wyatt Gordon (born June 13, 1921) is a professor of psychology who "had a tremendous influence on contemporary thinking in psychology, education and social policy and the implications of his work for the schooling of lower status youth and children of color in America". Du Bois, and Dr. Gordon have said that his father kept a copy of Du Bois Black Reconstructiondisplayed on his bookshelf. Edmund W. Gordon has been thinking about child well-being for a long time. Edmund W. Gordon Jr. is TC's Richard March Hoe Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Education, and founder of the College's Institute for Urban and Minority Education. [10], From July 2000 until August 2001 he was Vice President of Academic Affairs and Interim Dean at Teachers College, Columbia University. Edmund W. Gordon has been thinking about child well-being for a long time. D. has been married to Susan G. Gordon, M.D. Edmund Wyatt Gordon (born June 13, 1921) is a professor of psychology who "had a tremendous influence on contemporary thinking in psychology, education and social policy and the implications of his work for the schooling of lower status youth and children of color in America". In 2000, they co-founded The CEJJES Institute in Pomona, New York on route NY 45 in Rockland County, New York to serve the African Diaspora. He was Chief of the Head Start Research Office under President Lyndon Johnson and from 2011 to 2013 he organized and mentored the (ETS) Gordon Commission, bringing together scholars to research and report on the Future of Assessment for Education. Do you think that Head Start has been successful? My wife, Susan, my late wife, was a physician, a pediatrician. At the ceremony, Harlem Childrens Zone President Geoffrey Canada, whom both Time and Fortunehave named as among the greatest leaders of our time, reflected on Dr. Gordons contributions: All of my thinking about education comes from how [Dr. Gordon] has led this field, saying there are fundamental principles that we have to have as educators if were going to level the playing field. Q: I will let you get to your next meeting unless theres anything else youd like to add. Through a Fellowship with the Gordon Commission on the Future of Assessment in Education, Brooklyn LABs founding team came to understand the importance of assessment for learningthat is, assessments that not only measure learning, but also generate actionable evidence to improve and inform teaching and learning. This month, Teachers College celebrated his legacy with a conference that explored topics such as better use of educational assessments for learning. Gordon Laxer, Professor Emeritus University of Alberta, NDP member . A: We built Head Start to compensate for those things that were not happening at home. A feminist and fighter for social justice, she was a brilliant and dedicated pediatrician, a longtime professor of pediatrics at Columbia Universitys College of Physicians and Surgeons, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. That is to say, assessment should serve the function of informing and enhancing the transactions of teaching and learning. Dr.Gordons distinguished career spans professional practice and scholarly life, but one common thread is a dedication to justice. [20], In 2017, he was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Gordon, who earned his education doctorate at Teachers College in 1957, has served the world as a psychologist, minister, community activist, writer, scholar, researcher, and educator. . Providing the conceptual leadership for the group has probably been the most challenging intellectual experience of my life, says Gordon. The latter part of Gordons dreams for Head Start have not come to fruition, despite what he believes to be the overall success of the program. Before most knew what an achievement gap was, Dr. Edmund W. Gordon was working to eliminate it. We get to look back at what his thinking has been, what it is presently and work with him to predict what education will be.. In 199697, he chaired the AERA Task Force on the Role and Future of Minorities. Welcome To The Dr. Edmund W. Gordon Archives housed at the University of Texas, Benson Latin American Collection | Texas Archival Resources. He has served as visiting professor at City College of New York and Harvard. As we do that today, celebrating the life and work of Dr. Gordon, we invite you to contribute your own tribute in a document Brooklyn LAB will collate and share with Dr. Gordon and his family. So in school, a kid coming out of the ghetto has to contain the behaviors that have been adaptive in the ghetto and privilege the behaviors that the teacher is rewarding in class. I would greatly enrich the schools capacity to compensate for what should have been happening at home. And the people that they want to develop, do develop. MORE. It was from him that I first learned to pay attention to context. Returning to the quote that I started with: I like to think that he taught me how to think. I opened my remarks this afternoon with this quote, not to center his relationship with Dubois, though clearly important mentor for him intellectually, but more so to what Professor has done for so many of his students and mentees of what has been called the Gordon School or the Gordon Paradigm of Inquiry and Practice. In fact, Gordon popularized the term. Q: So it sounds like youre saying school has done such a substandard job, therefore its less important than it might be. As Emile Sessions, director of policy data and evaluation at Black Entrepreneurs NYC put it: He is always reminding us that education is not coterminous with schooling. I carry Dr. Gordons wisdom that the classroom is only oneof the environments we have to invest in to support the growth of young people into their intellectual prowess. Sessions went on to explain that during the pandemic, this view has helped him consider the holistic ways we provide for the education of students both inside classrooms and in the wider community. Professor went on to expound his statement with the following about Dubois: He was an analyst and reconceptualizer of the notions behind other peoples work, the context out of which that work had grown, and most importantly the various and multiple meanings of a particular set of ideas. Insights and reporting on the people behind the news, At 100 years old, Edmund Gordon thinks the key to schooling starts at home, Why settling the Dominion lawsuit is so imperative for Fox News, Dominion v. Fox trial delayed for settlement talks, people familiar with the matter say, The Dominion vs. Fox defamation case is finally going to trial. A careful man, he takes slow deliberate pauses between thoughts and drags his sentences to understanding. And the people in the room are influenced by, and almost by default, are students of Professor Gordon because hes had such an incredible impact on education. The fundamental problem is the diversity. He has published 18 books and is an emeritus professor at not one, but two Ivy League schools Yale University and Teachers College at Columbia. Focusing on how making a difference has emerged as one of the most powerful learning experiences. All of them are not necessarily as useful in learning to be academically proficient. So my intellective function from the day I met her started going up to keep up with her. The commissions findings will be made public next winter. Today, however, at 91, Gordon is still . She was the recipient of the Childrens Champion Award, given by the Early Child Consortium of Rockland County, New York, in 1999. Home Publications 26 Most Recent Most Downloaded . The Gordon School and Paradigm of Inquiry and Practice is an assemblage of scholars, scholarship, and scholar/activist practices. Note: This article was originally posted in the Teachers College. He is widely known for his research on diverse human characteristics and pedagogy. How concerned are you with this and what do you think we can do to try to address it going forward into next year? He is an elected fellow of the American Psychological Association, American Society of Psychological Science, and American Association for Orthopsychiatry, and a life member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Half a century ago,. And Im running because the people Im talking to are the people who fund research and can you believe it, at 100, theyre thinking about funding a new project for me. Twitter As in so many domains of his life, Dr. Gordon brought together a group of education leaders whom he had mentored individually and collectively for decades. Barack Obama is the emeritus President of the United States. Meanings. We have an extensive variety of listings for both academic and non-academic positions at postsecondary institutions. Edmund W. Gordon has been one of the leading intellectuals in the field of education for longer than I have been alive. Education Corridor. With some perspective he concedes, This is too important an initiative to rest on the shoulders of such an old man. But he likely wont have to shoulder the work alone. Instagram A: No, it is time for me to run. Q: And is there value in using it as an accountability tool, which is what theyve been doing, with consequences for schools with low scores? But she kept after me on my diet, she made me eat the proper things, she was very insistent on the exercise, and she was sharp as a whip. His daughter, Dr. Jessica Gordon Nembhard, said Dr. Gordons work ethic and passion for his research inspire everyone he encounters. The more information, the more we will be able to personalize your email! Gordon could retire comfortably at his home in upstate New York having established a tremendous legacy. 2023 Cox Matthews and Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Gordonis an AERA Fellow, was the inaugural speaker in 2004 for the AERA Annual Brown Lecture in Education Research, and received the AERA Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award in 2000 and the AERA Relating Research to Practice Award in 2010. Because academic learning is a specialized culture, and if youre going to be good at it, youve somehow got to contain other cultural norms. One of the things weve been exploring in the commission is the relationship between the affective and situative domains in relation to the cognitive domains, says Gordon, describing one study. Robert Gordon. . A: I think we could determine how well schools perform in a much less expensive way than the mass assessment. Throughout his long distinguished career, Dr. Gordon has demonstrated a deep commitment to using his scholarship in service of justice and the betterment of society. Professor Gordon was recognized as a preeminent scholar of African-American studies when he was awarded the 2011 Dr. John Hope Franklin Award from Diverse Issues in Higher Education magazine at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Council on Education. I wont even try to count as they continue to keep coming. New learning models, tools, and strategies have made it easier to open small, nimble schooling models. The latter part of Gordon's dreams for Head Start have not come to be, but he still believes the overall program has been a success. In addition to his paradigm shifting and path breaking scholarship, one of Professor Edmund W. Gordons greatest legacies has been by way of mentorship. Your contributions helps The CEJJES institute a 501(c)(3) cultural, educational, and research Institute to improve the educational and social conditions for all disenfranchised people. Gordon stated that getting this job had as much to do with his doctoral studies as it did affirmative action. Throughout, Dr. Gordon insisted that the measurement sciences can and should be of greater service to teaching and learning,and that developments from science and technology will both demand and enable progress. As a nonagenarian, however, Gordon is leading the most comprehensive study of issues within assessment to date with funding from Education Testing Services, the worlds largest private nonprofit educational testing body, an organization responsible for standardized tests including the GRE. Professor Emeritus Edmund Gordon Edmund W. Gordon Jr. is TC's Richard March Hoe Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Education, and founder of the College's Institute for Urban and Minority Education. He is the author of more than 200 articles and 18 books. They wanted to see Dr. Gordons kids move ahead, because they thought we belonged. Gordon has leveraged his reputation and ETS support to gather leading minds to parse out issues that have rendered assessment in the American school system so problematic. (52) The emeritus professor of philosophy might have retired, but he still held an honorary position on the school board. We see these ideas materialized throughout Edmund W. Gordons life and career. Wed been talking over supper one night and he says, Gordon, I dont want to back away one iota from my turn-of-the-20th-century position, that the problem of the century would be the problems of the color line. . Leading figures like Dr. Diane Ravitch, Dr. Lauren Resnick and Dr. Claude Steele are a few among the 33 assembled. [1], Professor Gordon's career spans professional practice, minister, clinical and counseling psychologist, research scientist, author, editor, and professor. What better way to honor his intellectual and pedagogical legacy than in the naming of this school. While the town was heavily segregated and African Americans weren't allowed to shop alongside white Americans, the Gordon family was allowed to shop in a department store on Wednesday afternoons because of the strong reputation of Gordon's father.[27]. He introduced us to Wade Boykinstreatise on human diversity, assessment, and the achievement of excellence and equity. Please submit the following information and you will be given a link to download our free guide: What is Place-Based Education and Why Does it Matter? (53) D. , an emeritus research scientist at the University of Michigan's . He was also an architect of the nation's Head Start program in the 1960s. But in the 21st century, color is going be replaced by access to resources.. Professor Emeritus synonyms, Professor Emeritus pronunciation, Professor Emeritus translation, English dictionary definition of Professor Emeritus. On a warm September morning in 2016, a group of respected education leaders, including the chancellor of the New York City Department of Education, the former assistant secretary for civil rights for President Obamas Department of Education, and the founder of Harlem Childrens Zone, gathered in a crowded auditorium for a naming and groundbreaking ceremony for the flagship facility that would soon house the new Edmund W. Gordon Brooklyn Laboratory High Schoolin downtown Brooklyn. May 27, 2021 Edmund Gordon, John M. Musser Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Yale University On Friday, June 18, the UMass Amherst College of Education will host "Sustaining Diversity, Culture, and Identity in Pedagogies and Assessments, An Online Colloquium Honoring the Work of Edmund Gordon." 0:00 / 1:54 Professor Emeritus Edmund Gordon Teachers College, Columbia University 9.92K subscribers Subscribe 1.4K views 10 years ago Edmund W. Gordon, Ed. I would package it and give it to Amazon. Edmund Cord (trumpet) M. Dee Stewart (trombone) Choral Conducting Chancellor's Professor Emeritus. He has devoted much of his life to working to narrow the achievement gap between white and Black children. From July 2000 until August 2001 Gordon was Vice President of Academic Affairs and Interim Dean at Teachers College, Columbia University. This meant a rethinking of topics such as pedagogy and the diversity and plurality of human subjects that education and social policy are supposed to be responsive to; a retooled conceptualization of the necessity of guided human development in order to enable the possibilities of human agency; a reconceptualizing of equity that is not synonymous with the necessary equality of educational opportunities, but rather equity as a particular focus on social justice and pedagogical conditions; a cultural psychological focus on experience, identity, and pluralism and their implications for human learning and development; a move from compensatory to supplementary to comprehensive conceptions of education that understands education not as that which is particular to the place of schooling but rather as a social process that is ubiquitous to being human; and, with a greater focus in more recent years on the evaluation and assessment not of education but for education. My father was a physician in the segregated South. Dr. Gordon, on behalf of all the educators in this country, on behalf of Americas children, I want to personally thank you.. contribute your own tribute in a document Brooklyn LAB will collate and share with Dr. Gordon and his family. A Soliloquy on Viewing the Life of Professor Edmund W. Gordon from the First Decade of His Second Century, Dr. American psychologist and educator (born 1921), American Educational Research Association, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, "Edmund Gordon, Marian Wright Edelman to be Honored with John Hope Franklin Awards", "Marian Wright Edelman receives Dr. John Hope Franklin Award", "Dr. Edmund Gordon on the Causes of the Achievement Gap", "Dr. Edmund W. Gordon Battles to Eradicate Achievement Gap", "Psychologist Edmund W. Gordon speaks about academic achievement gap", "Studying Race, Privilege and Intellectual Levels", "University of California - Edmund W. Gordon Biography", "Institute for Research on the African Diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean (IRADAC)", "The City College of New York:: CCNY Hosts Tenth Annual LSAMP Conference", "ETS Creates Edmund W. Gordon Chair for Policy Evaluation and Research", "Edmund Gordon - National Academy of Education",, "Five professors elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences", "Human Variance and Assessment for Learning Implications for Diverse Learners of STEM: A National Conference | CADRE", The New York Public Library Archives & Manuscripts, "Life, Leadership, and Learning: From the Archive of Edmund W. Gordon | University of Texas Libraries | the University of Texas at Austin", "Preeminent Scholar Edmund Gordon Named AERA Honorary President", "Reflections on Edmund Gordon | Inside the Academy", "At 100 years old, Edmund Gordon thinks the key to schooling starts at home",, Teachers College, Columbia University alumni, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from March 2022, Articles with PDF format bare URLs for citations, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 08:50. Today, many educators point to Dr. Gordon as their own inspiration and mentor, and ground their work in the Gordon Paradigm on Research and Practice. Gordon's scholarship has focused on the development of students who were African-American, ethnic minorities, and of low socioeconomic status who triumphed over significant odds to become better achievers. Du Bois, a world-renowned author, activist, and co-founder of the NAACP. Please submit the following information and you will be given a link to download our free guide: Quick Start Guide to Place-Based Professional Learning. He is widely known for his research on diverse human characteristics and pedagogy and the education of socio-economically marginalized populations. [25], Edmund Gordon was born in 1921 in the segregated town of Goldsboro, North Carolina. [8], Edmund Gordon was working at Stanford University with colleagues that were involved in John F. Kennedy's beginnings of social change. Claude Baker; Jeffrey Hass (electronic and computer music) Eugene O'Brien; Edmund W. and Susan G. Gordon committed their lives, both in their being and becoming, to overturning such a violent system. A: Its not at the top of my list. Longer than I have been happening at home the author of more than articles... 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