hunting tags Of the 37 herd units, 33 are below objective and 4 are considered at objective. Area 60-1, This area is large, public (65%) and has some serious big buck potential. Additionally, success rates on pronghorn hunts average much, much higher than other big game species (sometimes as high as 90%). 105, 106, 109:Population is below objective at 2,900 with an objective of 5,000. Below, we will break down the hunt areas that are going to see license decreases or increases. 2022 Drawing Odds and Draw Results by Hunt Area and Choice 92, 94, 160:Population is 8,143 with an objective of 11,000. Way to keep chasing your dreams! For antelope, they will add $240 more to the regular antelopetag fee of $286. They are $45 or something like that. Whether you have no points, a handful or have been waiting for years for your chance to hunt, Wyoming has a hunt for you! While there are large tracts of public lands and several large walk-in areas, there are also many parcels of private land with restricted access. Click whether you are a resident or nonresident and indicate how many points you currently possess (nonresidents only). Applicants may be interested in applying for full price and reduced price licenses in Wyoming and they can apply in both draws if they wish. With license cuts and point creep I would encourage applicants within this range to consider utilizing the points you have to draw a license and go hunting. Most antelope hunts have high harvest success. There are two separate hunts to choose from in this unit with the Type-1 being the best of the two but requiring about 14 points to draw while the Type-2 hunt is limited in geographic area, but only takes about 12 points to draw. The areas that received ample precipitation will likely be in better shape going into 2022; however, unfortunately, the timing and size of the late storms definitely took a toll on populations. Area 89 is a limited quota area, which will see a license reduction from 175 to 125 in 2021. If you have maximum points, which is 15, you may be holding out for one of the hunts listed in our goHUNT hit list above; however, it might be worth looking at the odds before you decide to apply. Utilize the goHUNT INSIDER tools to find a good hunt. The licenses are essentially the same, but the difference is that the special licenses will cost $288 more. application strategy Antelope Applicants entering the regular draw within this point range should consider units 48, 52, 57, 59, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 67, 74, 75, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 100, 106, and 108. , The Carter Lease antelope hunt can be very solid on the right year. 702.847.8747 Beyond that, there are almost no good options in this range. 2016 Drawing Odds and Draw Results by Hunt Area and Choice Draw results will be available by June 16, 2022. I should also point out that Regions A, B, T, Y, M, L, F, and X all had 100% odds as a second choice, as did limited quota hunts in units 64 and 157. If your goal is a good DIY hunt where access is good and harvest success is high, it may require several preference points. 9,939 Views. If you draw a second or third choice, you will retain your points and will draw the license. Shop WGFD Merchandise, STATE OF WYOMING Fawn survival and production is low. Cedar City, UT 84721 In the preference point phase of the drawing, all 1st Choice selections are considered 1st. This tool matches up statistics from Drawing Odds and. The buck to doe ratio is 29:100. In these units, the remaining tags are then allocated to hunters who have selected that unit as a 2nd or 3rd choice on their license application. Wyoming Pronghorn Disease & Winter Mortality: Worth Applying? The resident draw for deer and antelope is completely random with no point system. You will only lose your preference points if you draw your first choice. Wyoming isnt Kansas or Iowa, but it does offer a good opportunity to harvest a nice buck. Nonresidents will also have to decide if they want to apply in the regular or special draw. 1579 N Main Street Ste 100 You can also set your date parameters and Filtering 2.0 will automatically find what's in season that time of the year. That means you could potentially draw one of those as a second choice, get a license to go hunting and, then, still buy a point in the summer for this year. The bucks here can be very spread out and nearly the entire unit is high quality antelope habitat. That is the case for the less well known units as well. Wyoming experienced a perfect storm of booming populations from 2010 to 2017 when they were harvesting thousands of antelope does to try and bring the populations back within objective and then had back-to-back heavy winter mortality followed byextreme drought the following years. Region Y (24, 25, 27, 28) will have 1,800 licenses, which is the third highest number of any region. 4. I hope this helps you out and if you find yourself on the fence or holding a ton of points this might be a good year to hold out and buy a point. Grizzly bears primarily occupy the ranges in and around Yellowstone National Park and southeast down into the Wind River Range. An antelope preference point cost $30 in 2012. Mature bucks seem to be lacking in this population, resulting in smaller antlered animals generally available for harvest. Fawn to doe ratio is 58:100. For the draw, Wyoming uses a preference point system. PO Box 250 Before you rule out an area due to public land limitations, we recommend that you take a look at the unit maps and review the layers for WIA and WHMAs. Can't answer 3. Applicants will have to choose the option they want to apply for. where do I go to get trespassing permits for that tag??? The number of points required to put a license in your pocket has been the biggest change in the last few years. Wyoming preference points have been around for 25 years. You can also view the Wyoming Species Profiles to access historical and statistical data to help you find trophy areas. 59/60/64:Continued poor fawn production, but survivability is good. 2022 GOHUNT, LLC. antelope I called 30-40 names on the list and didnt have one positive response. GOHUNT is a registered trademark of GOHUNT, LLC. *The application dates to apply online for points are July 1-October 31. That number is 182,700 below the objective. The Area 62 hunt has a very slim quota offering a very high-quality, low pressure antelope hunt with only 50 tags on quota. The other 25% of the licenses for each hunt are allocated randomly with no weight given to the number of preference points an applicant has. Only a random draw system is in place. You can see a short clip of his 2019 Western Hunting season here. Tags #myhuntstory antelope Antelope Hunting Archery Eastmans Forum Eastmans' Hunting Journals Eastmans' Hunting TV EBJ EHJ Featured Guy Eastman Hunting Mike Eastman Public Land rifle hunting western hunting Wyoming, Wyoming Pronghorn Disease & Winter Mortality: Worth Applying? With all the tag quota reductions we have seen lately, those that do draw an antelope tag this year, theoretically will be over-paying for the opportunity. Unsuccessful applicants will not automatically be given a preference point after the draw. Since 2000, the grizzly population has continued to grow and expand well beyond the Grizzly Bear Recovery Zone. Mother Nature has been tough on Wyoming over the last five years. they are very helpful. High over winter survival on the northern winter ranges. Its a ranch by ranch thing. GOHUNT is a registered trademark of GOHUNT, LLC. It is not necessary to select 3 but is an option. Areas with good access to larger tracts of public land are harder to draw. 41:100 buck to doe ratio in the northern portion of those winter ranges. The tough pill that most of us have to swallow now is that the same unit that could have been drawn four years ago with 3 points now requires 6-8 points to draw, and there is a good chance there are fewer mature bucks on the landscape. Region W will see a reduction of licenses from 900 to 750. Fawn to doe ratio is 54:100 and the buck to doe ratio is low for Wyoming at 31:100. For the lucky hunters that obtain a license the harvest success rates remain high. For example, there are four limited quota hunts in the special draw that have 25%+ draw odds with zero points and 170+ trophy potential. Spend some time in your INSIDER account and find the best options for you. Reduced price licenses also offer an opportunity to hunt and not burn bonus points. Learn how to read the Wyoming Game and Fish Department drawing odds.View the drawing odds here: for more: Go on More Hunts with Better Information, Join Huntin' Fool Today! Generally you are going to pay $500-$1500 for a buck antelope trespass fee but I am sure doe/fawn would be much cheaper. Limited quota hunts in units 36, 60, 64 and 157 also had 100% odds with no points. With 15 points, you are probably committed to the top hunt areas. If you are sitting on a bunch of points and are looking at areas to burn them, you should still be looking at units around Rock Springs north to Pinedale and Riverton. The best guaranteed hunts are available OTC in Regions G, H and F. The best hunts in the state include 128, 130, 101 and 102 with odds ranging from 1.5% to 3.9%. A slight ray of hope has emerged over the past 90 days however. Every other general region had 100% odds in the regular draw with four points. Areas that have limited amounts of public land or the access is difficult are easier to draw. With a large area and a large quota, this hunt area offers a bit better odds with a chance at a buck tag with about 10 or 12 preference points. In this case, that means 117 licenses are available for nonresidents. This hunt only has 100 tags available and a very gracious eight-week season. Pay special attention to how much public land is available. Wyoming is a GOHUNT favorite for both mule deer and antelope and a must apply state. The highest densities of mule deer are found along the southern portion of Area 157 and along the Wind River through Area 171. Buck to doe ratio is 25:100. Huntingantelope onthe prairie on public landis probably my favorite October past time. 2019 Drawing Odds and Draw Results by Hunt Area and Choice Wyoming also has what they call a Special Preference Point draw for nonresidents. Of those, units 37, 79, 80, 116, and 120 all had 50% plus harvest success, good amounts of public land and 170+ potential in units 37, 80, and 120. Real examples are always the best. Thankfully, there are pronghorn antelope. This tool matches up statistics from Drawing Odds and Harvest Success Rates along with GMU specific information to give you the best chance at drawing and harvesting an antelope this year. Have other hunts going on throughout the fall? Select your minimum percentage of odds for drawing the tag. The hunts in 87, 89, and 90 late October hunts and can be good if cold , snowy weather corporates. If your goal is a true 80+ buck, booking with a guide or hunting the top-tier areas where they manage for bigger bucks is your best bet. This is the greatest number of licenses offered of any region in Wyoming. To review your draw odds as a second choice, open the stand alone draw odds, select Wyoming, your desired residency, and then within the filters on the right portion of the page change the choice drop down from first to second. The most important thing to remember if you have a few points is to not overthink it and apply for a unit with enough public land to hunt and cross your fingers. The unit is about 65% public with Fair public access, so you may have to work hard to crack the code on the access here, but if you do your research a good hunt with some serious upside potential could be had here for those who do the work. Building preference points allows those looking for an exceptional hunt to build points and use them on some premier hunts. Overall, a healthy distribution of age classes of bucks in the population. This is uncommon in most western states. Within those two pools, 75% of the licenses are allocated to the applicants with the most preference points. Even with the tough odds of drawing a non-resident tag, New Mexico's public lands . Then give him/her a call and let them know your situation and they may be able to steer you to a landowner. This type of area often requires hunters to hike or perhaps put more days into hunting than what is typically the case for an antelope hunt. Wyoming awards preference points for deer, elk, antelope, sheep and moose. 17-18, 23, 26: Large population estimated at 36,600 with an objective of 45,000. Going into 2022, a nonresident still cannot legally hunt a DWA on their own; they must be accompanied by a licensed Wyoming outfitter or licensed Wyoming resident. If this year does turn out better than expected for antelope hunting, next year should be even better. Plan your Wyoming big game hunt with interactive unit boundary maps before you apply. Region G: 400 nonresident license quota for 2021. Good fawn survival in normal range at 68:100 fawn ratio. Many of those hunts are located in areas in the eastern portion of the state that have a limited amount of public land and general poor access. This would allow applicants to apply for a great hunt as a first choice and, if they do not draw, they still can draw a good license as a second choice. You definitely have options. 22: Estimated population of 7,343 with an objective of 9,000. You can also view the Wyoming Species Profilesto access historical and statistical data to help you find trophy areas. Wyoming has a modified preference point system for nonresident deer and antelope applicants. Phone: (435) 865-1020. Surveys in the northern units of this region are seeing a 20 year high in fawn to doe ratios at 79:100. Nonresidents must draw general region licenses. Those opportunities are slim at this point. In the special draw, the most intriguing hunts available are 53, 57, 67, 68, 91, 92, 96, 101, 108, 112. Wyoming will allocate permits over the hunt quota to cover a party application, so there is no decrease in odds for group applications. With nearly 10,000 fewer buck antelope tags up for grabs and a corresponding increase in nonresident applicants versus only three short years ago, the draw odds are going to be tougher than ever this year. Wyoming is a diverse state in terms of habitat types. Antlered or any whitetail deer, full price antelope, Specialty weapon only (excluding archery). Hunting access within the herd area is marginal with tracts of public land and national forest interspersed with predominantly private lands. emmagator said: Gohunt shows 73 taking 4 special to draw and shows 75 taking 3 special for 2020. Nonresidents who apply in the draw and are unsuccessful do not automatically receive a preference point. Hello, Im 14 and I have hunted black bear with an outfitter and I now want to try my first DIY and I thought Pronghorn is perfect. So you can chase them all day long. One final point is that 75% of tags go to preference point drawings while 25% go to random draw. High buck to doe ratio of 53:100 and great fawn to doe ratio at 70:100. 2015 Drawing Odds and Draw Results by Hunt Area and Choice Finally, if you just want to go hunting, do not overlook the general season hunts. Even with the late spring storms and the die-off that occurred in the central and eastern part of the state, antelope populations are still very good. Add to that a tag quota increase of 100% for this year and there is little doubt in my mind that some good bucks will be taken out here this year. The good news is amost all antelope units in the state enjoy a non-resident success rate of over 95%! A DMA is a United States Forest Service (USFS) designation. With a three-year drought as the main contributing factor the hunting was very tough for big bucks in the Cowboy State. Horn and antler growth should be good throughout Regions G, H and F as should the renowned Red Desert antelope areas. The application deadline to apply for Wyoming antelope is 11:59 p.m. MDT on May 31, 2022. 128, 148:Population estimate of 6,306 with an objective of 8,000. The number of nonresident region H licenses has been 600 and will remain the same going into 2022. Buck to doe ratio is approximately 36:100. Las Vegas, NV 89113, Wyoming deer license trends - 2021 app strategy, Wyomingsnow water equivalent from May05, 2020. mule deer Some of the best options as a second choice were units 20, and 113 type 2. For better or worse he's a restless hunter, prone to wandering the reaches of public land. Sometimes, better safe than sorry is the best plan particularly if you have 15 years vested in the system. However, in many of Wyomings units, there are more tags allocated than there are first choice applicants. Deer and antelope hunt areas have different boundaries. Area 60 had 46% odds in the regular draw with maximum points last year. Buck to doe ratio of 22:100 with a fawn to doe ratio of 66:100. In 2021 there were 121 either sex antelope hunts that residents could apply for. Wildlife Management and Ranching Under Attack on BLM Lands. Estimated population of 14,900 with an objective of 20,000. Applicants seem to be less willing to pay the higher price to go into the special draw for antelope, which as stated, results in better odds there. Due to drought and then the late blizzard, a good number of antelope were lost in those areas. The buck to doe ratio continues to be below the norm for Wyoming at 27:100. Road 933 . In addition, if you are looking for a hunt to draw as a second choice, the options within the special draw are indeed more plentiful. 124, 165: Population is below management objective at 2,995 with an objective of 4,000. Rifle hunters might consider Area 27, 32, 47, 48, 51, 52, 55, 59, 62- Type 2, 63, 65, 66, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 83, 86, 87, 89, 90, 93, 94, 98, 99, 110 and 115. Good buck to doe ratio of 53:100 and fawn to doe ratio at 54:100. Log into your account, hover over the INSIDER icon in the header bar. Party applications have their preference points averaged out to the fourth decimal point. Good fawn production with fawn to doe ratio at 76:100. Unit 60 had 50% odds in the regular draw and 100% odds in the special draw with max points. Area 88 is dominated by private lands with several small public land parcels. application strategy Good Luck ! 110-115:Population is below objective at 6,800 with an objective of 12,000. He spent his youth hunting, fishing and riding bmx. The reduced price draw is completely random with no point system. All Wyoming antelope hunt areas are managed under a limited quota framework, meaning there are a set number of licenses valid for each specific hunt area. Select your minimum percentage of odds for drawing the tag. Eastmans Publishing, Inc. is a multimedia corporation whose roots are grounded in the ethics of fair chase hunting. Mule deer in 135, 143-145the population is below average. As you will see many units are seeing a cut, but there are some pockets that will have a few more licenses. 101, 102:Population declining for a number or years due to habitat and predation. Currently, the western part of the state is still below average in snow water equivalent. Wyoming will allow up to six people to apply on a party application for deer and antelope. Region H shows similar promise, with buck to doe ratios at 30:100 and very good over winter survival for the past two years. This means you can accumulate points withoutapplying for a license in any calendar year. . Even if this is your first year of applying, you have some chance for most hunts. Citizen The better options for access and public land are in units 20, 21, 113, and 43. This means they do not have to apply for a limited number of tags. Party applications have their preference points averaged out to the fourth decimal point. The quota in this area was also increased for the 2022 hunting season by 40% indicating an antelope herd that is in the rebound phase. From there, the public land filter is often a good reference to quickly review the amount of public land. These antelope can reside at very high elevations making for a very interesting above timberline antelope hunt which might be something very unique for some. It should be a good year to have a license for those regions. Residents and nonresidents cannot apply together in a party application. 36, 84: Slight reduction of permits in Area 36 again from 400 to 350 and Area 84 will remain at 50. Lastly, Wyoming has some muzzleloader type 0 hunts. So next year you start over at zero because you also cannot purchase a preference point the same year you draw. If you draw a second or third choice, you will retain your points and will draw the license. A good buck here is in the mid 70s but there are lots and lots of them. Regular draw applicants should research unit 34, 84, 87, 89, 90 and 125. A good buck here is in the mid 70s but there are lots and lots of them. There are some good options though and with some research a resident hunter can draw an antelope hunt. Wyoming DIY Antelope Hunting: Part 2 Planning Your Hunt for Trophy Potential,, Butch Manasse Outdoor Adventure Consultants. Poor recruitment. Buck to doe ratio is good at 39:100. The better options are Area 79- Type 9, 107- Type 0, 48, 52, 53, 55, 57- Type 2, 59, 62- Type 2, 63- Type 1, 65, 66, 67, 68, 74, 75, 77, 78, 80, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 100, 101, 106, 107 and 112. Limited quota hunts are allocated via a random draw with no point system and general licenses are available OTC. Residents are allocated approximately 80% of the deer and antelope licenses. Your email address will not be published. As a classic antelope unit and the little brother next door to my number one choice, the hunt in Area 62 should be solid. A DMA is a United States Forest Service (USFS) designation. They consider every applicant's first choice before moving to any applicants second choice. Those funds will not be refunded to your card until late June if you are unsuccessful in the draw. Once again, the key to harvesting a good whitetail buck is researching where the public land is adjacent to whitetail habitat, which is often privately owned property. Out of those, Area 53, 67, 68, 101 and 112 have 80+ potential and very good harvest success rates and public land to roam. Some antelope units have leftovers and can then be drawn in the leftover tag drawing this summer. The options to draw a license as a second choice are decreasing, but there are a few more within the special draw. A youth that is eleven may apply for a preference point if the youth turns twelve in the same calendar year as the application for a preference point is made. 36:100 buck to doe ratio. Declining license numbers for the Area 78 Type 1 from 375 to 200. An area may appear to have a very limited amount of public land, but through one or both of these programs there can be more than enough land to still offer a good hunt. Please do some research and apply accordingly. The areas listed below offer the best chance at a trophy buck; however, once again, the odds of drawing are long. If you have points within this range we would encourage you to strongly consider using your points as the top tier hunts like 101 or 102 are not getting better for quality or the quantity of licenses. However, no tags inGame Unit 20 would be available for 2nd or 3rd choice applicants. 30, 32, 33, 163, 169: Estimated population of 12,039 with an objective of 18,000. Increase in licenses from 200 to 250 in Area 81 Type 1. Here are the statistics on Non-Resident point holders coming into the 2013 draw: Second and Third Choice and Leftover Tags. Finally, while the odds for deer and elk may not be significantly better between the special and regular draw, for antelope, the odds are often much better in the special draw. 66-67: Estimated population of 4,121 with an objective of 8,000. For 2021, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) is recommending a reduction of 3,650 any antelope licenses and 5,775 doe/fawn licenses. Region K will have a reduction in licenses from 300 to 350. Very low fawn production at only 33:100 fawn to doe ratio. You CAN pay a trespass fee to private land owners who do that individually to earn money for allowing hunters on their land. Wyoming offers good opportunities for whitetail hunting; the bad news is that most inhabit private land. Then 20 of the folks with three points will be randomly drawn from the 50 that applied. We also develop and sell products such as apparel, hats and artwork. I am working on my hunter safety and once I finish it I plan on getting my hunting license and trying to draw tags. So it is best to only select a hunt you truly want for your 1st choice application since there is always a nonzero chance you could draw! Your email address will not be published. Wyoming divides the state into 115 antelope units or hunt areas, each with an annual tag quota. The trophy quality is better within this unit group, and if your goal is to have a chance at a bigger buck its worth the extra cost of the special license. Wyoming covers a very diverse range of habitats and elevations and has all four distinct seasons. Wyoming allows applicants to apply for up to three hunt choices. The populations are robust and the trophy potential is excellent. The tool offers many selection criteria from residency to minimum draw percent . It might require one or two more light winters for those areasto be world class once again, but there is still good hunting and its getting better. The outlook for Region G is good. The special and regular draw systems in Wyoming are fairly simple, but complex at the same time. 61,74, 75, 76, 77:Objective set at 10,000; population estimate is 6,316. Harvesting a buck is not all that difficult; however, harvesting a trophy buck can be. antelope You must purchase a point during the point only time frame, which is July 1 to Nov. 1, 2021. goHUNT displays the number of applicants at each point level below the cut-off draw line for each hunt. There is no OTC general season deer hunting for nonresidents. Area 102 will remain at 200. Full price antelope, they will add $ 240 more to the applicants with the most preference have! 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