This region of space had been scouted several solar decades before by the 103rd Pioneer Company, the Soul Hunters, and was found to be teeming with wild outposts of renegade strains of Mankind and roaming xenos hosts. Having secured orbital space, Jaghatai proceeded with a combat drop, with several squadrons of gunships and landing craft descending onto the boreal plains that marked the edge of the world's inhabited zone. Magnus countered that this was certainly true of Roboute Guilliman and perhaps Lorgar as well, in his own warped way. Bulky vessels of the Alpha Legion's second rank tried to bar its path, sliding into a hurried defensive formation with what now looked like ponderous clumsiness. These reports said Russ had turned rebel, and driven by his hatred for Magnus, his Legion had utterly decimated the Thousand Sons Legion and their Primarch Magnus had died at the Wolf King's own hand. The last of the Primarchs recovered, (suspect) sources claim that Alpharius was encountered near the end of the Great Crusade, leading a swarm of fighters and small attack craft that managed to entrap and board a Luna Wolves cruiser. It was the Khagan! The close relationship of the White Scars Primarch to these two brothers was matched, somewhat, by the relationships between their respective Legions. The ill will created by these and numerous other incidents has led to the two Chapters even in the late 41st Millennium regarding one another with barely-contained loathing, a situation that none can see an end to any time soon. More White Scars Destroyers screamed through the wreckage, corkscrewing and diving like plunging pods of cetaceans. Most of the Primarchs, without realising it, had already cast their lots in the great drama about to unfold, and only a few remained. The endless pursuit of velocity came with its costs: gunnery captains had been heard to complain of reduced Lance range, and it was well known that a White Scars warship would not carry as many troops or dropships as the equivalent vessel in a standard fleet, but such factors carried little weight in a Legion drenched in the wild-riding tradition of the Chogorian plains. Their capital ships were even slower, unable to take advantage of modified engines or the White Scars' almost preternaturally-skilled ship crews. An acne lesion ( pimple) grows when bacteria, oils and dead skin fill up and inflame pores, the tiny openings in your skin through which oil and sweat rise to the surface. Arvida vowed that he would. The Khan had been a fool to come, and a greater fool to come down to the surface in person. From the wide plains of Chogoris, the rugged wastes of Kolarne and Old Earth's many recruitment camps, the Khagan replenished the ranks of the Legion and the White Scars emerged from the Kolarne Circle campaign a Legion reborn. In stark contrast, the Vth Legion seemed to have a very poor relationship with many of the other Space Marine Legions, most of all with the Death Guard and their equally mysterious Primarch Mortarion. Fighting their way clear, the Primarchs reunited with their gene-sons outside of the city, and in council with the Great Khan's Stormseers they determined that the entire world was under some manner of xenos domination, one born not of physical reality, but of the other-realm of the Warp. The enemy infesting that system were only Greenskins, remnants of the Ork empire destroyed on Ullanor, the last slivers of the Warlord Urrlak Urruk's horde. The gap between the fleets slowly closed. Caught up in the maelstrom of the two opposing factions of White Scars aboard the bridge of their Legion's flagship, Shiban Khan had to make a decision -- fight and most likely die alongside his brothers or listen to the pleas of a mortal woman. This time it would not stop, not until only one faction remained on the bridge, Traitor or Loyalist, whichever was which. Hasik ordered a Vox-link to be opened with the flotilla, and to prevent any of their vessels from opening fire on them. If the Space Wolves had truly done this, then perhaps their power did match their boasts. When the chronograph reached 0, the White Scars vessels moved, every one of them, all at the same time, into full attack speed. Lorgar has no reason to follow the Emperor since he himself said he was just a man. Jaghatai Khan adorned his tent with his greatest conquest's head, just as he had with his first enemy two solar decades before. His faceplate was that of a suit of gold-crested Mark III Power Armour, archaic and festooned with Thousand Sons iconography. There was substantial tectonic activity, atmospheric pollution levels were far in excess of mortal tolerances. That was when Shiban realised they had been drawn into a trap. 36 Reviews. Following a particularly devastating ambush by the Iron Warriors at Iluvuin, the Khagan was determined to make his way to the Imperial Throneworld, to stand by the Emperor's side when the Warmaster and the Traitors would inevitably invade the Sol System and lay siege to Terra. A pair of White Scars Battle-Brothers on a two-man Attack Bike slay Traitor Marines during the retaking of the Lions Gate Spaceport. They gathered wisdom as other Legions gathered weapons, to be kept at the ready until the time came to unleash them upon the foe. These veterans recite a different end to the tale, a different declaration by Jaghatai Khan to his enemy, one that speaks of a wound long left untended in the Legion and its Primarch. This was the destiny of the Vth Legion. Rather than assaulting the almost-invincible flanks of the Chaos army, he redirected his highly mobile ordu and the surviving Loyalist tank divisions of the Imperial Army to the Lion's Gate Spaceport. Mortarion did not make empty threats. The Khan now saw the larger strategic picture -- the Alpha Legion did not wish to fight the White Scars, nor did they want to join them. I know some pages are pretty cringe, but the Tactics pages are invaluable and one of the main sources some people (myself included) when trying to get ground-level summaries of game . Arvida led the surviving Keshig far through the empty city, until they found themselves within the ruins of a grand audience chamber. Horus refused and chose to continue his rebellions of his own will. Never in uncounted years of combat had he felt more than trivial stirrings of fatigue. The Emperor's judgement at the Council of Nikaea proved severe, largely as a result of His anger at Magnus for delving into forbidden sorcery in contravention of the Emperor's explicit warnings to him decades before. The walls curved upwards steeply, terraced like an auditorium and striated with bands of metallic ore. Brass instruments lay about it, each one smashed or warped. Despite this, the proliferation of these Warrior Lodges quickly spread amongst the other Legions -- even into the White Scars Legion. That'd be odd considering that this colour is associated with Khorne rather than Tzeentch in the universe, but if you consider that Magnus comes from an Egyptian-like planet, it all makes sense: in Ancient Egypt, red was the traditional colour of the god Set, the desert (which is what his homeworld became) and chaos. The last thing he saw before collapsing was the stranger cutting down Mortarion's foster parent with a single stroke. Its exact details are lost to the casual embellishment and adaption by the White Scars who still spin the tale, but a truth can be learned from the core of it, which remains a constant no matter which of the Brotherhoods recalls the story. Ever stranger creatures emerged among them: giant scarabs, towering mantids and Vespid-like beasts. Turning to the dozens of White Scars around him there were khans, captains, senior ship-officers and mortal commanders -- just a few of those who had been persuaded and who were now working to free the Legion from the hand of tyranny in service to Horus. The Khan was enraged -- the hunt had not been concluded, the kill had been ripped away. With a twist, he wrenched the sword from the Noyan-Khan's gauntlet, then switched back and plunged the dao's point deep into Hasik's midriff. He delibarely had his legion decimate itself with no real rhyme or reason to the process. Yet, only one soul could see the Warp as it truly was, and that was Magnus the Red, the only one of his brothers that Jaghatai had ever truly trusted. When he overcame the orbital defences of the Ork Warlord Overdog Mashogg, which had stymied attacks by both the Space Wolves and the White Scars, he was credited by historians only as a nameless "comrade-in-arms". It turned out to be the ruin the Crimson King had worked for centuries to avoid, but their father was not the forgiving sort. The Thousand Sons Astartes Arvida remained with the White Scars Legion and was given quarters on board the Swordstorm. The Loyalist White Scars fought in a flurry of vicious strokes, wrenching their blades deep into the flesh of their enemies. He would fight once again for unity and in secret revelled in the new challenge before him, at last able to slip the bonds of duty that had kept him busy with the mundane realities of governorship on Chogoris. He left his blade unsheathed, holding it loosely at his side. He informed Shiban and his men that the bridge was sealed. After a violent confrontation with Rogal Dorn, Curze fled before his brothers could render judgment, and ordered the Night Lords fleet to return to Nostramo and detonate the world's core. The two fleets grappled together as they pulled away from Prospero, locked in a web of broadsides and attack runs. Jaghatai could see how his brother thought it would all play out; first hobble the sorcerers. The White Scars went after them, harrying, strafing, hurling all their pent-up fury in a maelstrom of Lance-energy. Yet the Great Khan was no simple berserker, for in even the simplest task he sought perfection through discipline. After the Siege of Terra failed, Mortarion led his forces into the Eye of Terror and was rewarded for his service with elevation to daemonhood, ruling over a plague world he shaped into a miserable mockery of Barbarus. (as well as basically anything that gets in his way). They had no choice. Commanders still use the title Warmaster but are aware of its sordid history, the. It is said that after being mysteriously transported from Terra through the Warp in his gestation capsule by the Ruinous Powers of Chaos, Khan landed on a planet in the Segmentum Pacificus named by the Imperium Mundus Planus, or as the native population called it, Chogoris. In either case it seemed most likely that they would never meet again. Khan's legacy began in the Empty Quarter. You will remain here and let others know of the price of pride, that we shall not have to sully our blades again.". Others went with him into confinement, among them Goghal, Hibou and Torghun Khan. As he did so, he raised his blade. If his ships detected anything with a Fenrisian marker, they were ordered to kill it. The White Scars most famously took part in the historic Ullanor Crusade, the vast Imperial assault on the Ork empire of the Overlord Urrlak Urruk. Plunge into the enemy's breast like a blade, cut out his heart, and you will know fulfillment. The citizens of the Imperium at large were taught that humanity had moved beyond religion and superstition. No Remembrancers have spun its events into epic stanzas or captured it in lurid pict record, but many among the White Scars speak of it when outsiders make light of the Great Khan's prowess in battle or of the cruel streak that hides behind his smile. He was found by Ong Khan, the chieftain or khan of a small tribe called the Talaskars, who saw the young Primarch as a gift from the gods. Though he thought Jaghatai brittle, at least he always spoke the truth. Qin Xa explained that they would make one more final attempt to find their Primarch. The Khan informed Hasik that they had all been lied to by Horus. Jaghatai had been in pursuit of a mighty Drukhari lord, likely the Archon of the Kabal that had attacked Corusil V and perhaps even Chogoris itself. Qin Xa stepped in front of the Khan. Such symbolism was fairly common among the various warrior societies that made up much of the early Imperium's vast armies, with many of the Space Marine Legions employing similar trials for their recruits. The Khan pounced, sweeping his dao hard and locking edges with Hasik's tulwar. He volunteered to do the dirty jobs when he got his legion, to prove how tough he was. The infant Konrad Curze crashed into the night world of Nostramo, an industrial hell wracked with pollution and lawlessness where an affluent ruling class exploited and repressed the rest of the population. Jaghatai still had a choice, and Magnus implored his brother to make the right one. A year after his arrival, Nostramo was crime-free, its population united in mortal terror of the Night Haunter, a king who ruled from the shadows and personally butchered any who defied him. The Alpha Legion struggled to regroup in its wake, pulling warships from the far-flung cordon formation like an octopus clutching its many limbs back to itself. The Vth Legion returned to the Great Crusade not as the Pioneer Companies of old, but as the White Scars, united as a true Legion. The Khan was no fool, and of course this new galaxy would be led by Horus. Khan was caught by one of the Palatine's aristocratic hunting bands led by the son of that emperor. By the time the White Scars arrived, they found the Warp Gate was in ruins and that it was teeming with the forces of the enemy. He was the champion, the sacrificial king. Targutai Yesugai led a small strike force onto the crystalline space station, desperate to make use of the Dark Glass. The Ultramarines are a formerly Loyalist First Founding Space Marine Legion that broke away from the Imperium of Man during the latter years of the 30th Millennium and formed their own separate empire known as the Ultramar Segmentum. The Terminators turned to face it, powering up their weapons. Once in this state, the White Scars could take them on. Both felt that to leave the new Primarch bereft of a true understanding of the Imperium's foundation and culture would leave him ill-prepared to integrate properly with its factions and politics. In the aftermath of this monumental victory, the Great Khan watched with approval as Horus Lupercal, greatest of the Primarchs and most favoured son of the Emperor, took up his new office as Warmaster of all the Imperium's military forces. As he stared grimly at the macabre surroundings around him, he suddenly felt a restless, gentle movement in the dust. Mortarion too struggled against this vile foe, and while his scythe cut through its thrashing tentacles by the dozen, it strove to gain dominion over his mind and to become master of his flesh. It was another thing, though, to witness what he had done, to see the truth of the White Scars star-speakers' (astropaths) testimony. Every body was unwashed and stinking and clad in shredded rags, as if the wearer had given no thought to their own bodily well-being for many solar months, perhaps even years. As a result of their primarch's disappearance, the White Scars hold a particularly savage grudge against the Drukhari and will gladly seek out any opportunity to make war upon those savage and terrifying xenos. Feeling the dust stir around his feet, coils of marsh-green teleportation energy rippled down. Unlike the brutal sons of Angron or the wild wolves of Fenris, the White Scars did not lack in discipline, and though they wore the cloak of the savage, they were not the same wild killers as those more infamous of their kin. But the Khan was not moved by these demands. Scholars of war might ponder what force might test the powers not just of one, but of three of the Emperor's gene-sons, and in the contest that ensued they might find one such possible answer. Khan and his brothers had all been working for something better than this. According to the writings about the Great Khan found in the White Scars' fortress-monastery of Quan Zhou, the White Scars learned upon their return to Chogoris following the end of the Heresy that their homeworld and its people had been the target of numerous raids by the Drukhari to seize thousands of Chogorians as slaves. They moved on the Kurayed tribe and razed its yurts to the ground, slaying every man, woman and child in a murderous, revenge-driven frenzy. However, the Khagan had chosen this battleground and his strategy with care. Mortarion planted the heel of his enormous scythe into the dust. The stakes were too high to leave things hanging unresolved -- the invaders were going to charge again. The Primarch of the White Scars strode forth after the retreating horrors, his long daopower blade shimmering. She ran straight towards Shiban as he charged the Servitor pits, her arms waving frantically. Black Spiral Dancers are one of the tribes found in the World of Darkness. But the shade of Magnus explained that there were but two paths to chose from -- he could hunker down in what remained of their father's Imperium and try to keep Horus from beating down the door, or he could choose to remember how Horus had once been, and stand at his side as he brought terror to the complacent. In some accounts, Horus tweaked the Emperor's orders to the Space Wolves from "apprehend the Thousand Sons" to "destroy the Thousand Sons," in order to drive Magnus the Red into the traitors' camp. The White Scars fleet was paralysed. But, for all that, still he could not stir. One example of such rivalry can be found in the case of the Raven Guard and the White Scars, who have harboured a mutual mistrust dating back centuries. The Khagan had come to Proserpo to find a friend. The lightning never ceased, flickering away on the northern horizon. It was the same choice he himself had once offered to the tribes and cities of Chogoris, and even when it was cloaked in pomp and ceremony, the Khan of Khans understood what the Emperor's offer meant: to live as His vassal or perish as His rival. Before he died, Yesugai's astral form imparted a final message for his friend Arvida -- he asked him to utilise his vast psychic abilities to guide the White Scars' fleet to the Throneworld. Dorn saw that he and his men were doomed and resigned himself and his legion to diecue Roboute Guilliman with the Ultramarines coming in from out of nowhere to save Dorn and his men. A command was given, issued from the Vox-grill of one of the commanders. That the whispers of the faithless could not be allowed to prevail. Qin Xa and his surviving Keshig warriors gathered around the Khagan. As the creatures began to overwhelm the Legionaries, pressing in from all sides, Qin Xa roared the Khan's name defiantly as he prepared to meet his death with both eyes open. As the White Scars' vessels began to move, the Alpha Legion reacted. It would have calmed the others, to see a warrior-Primarch making his case in support of the Librarius. The dream had died. Shiban's instinct was to charge after them, cutting them down as they broke. The Khan coldly noted that Hasik had been aware that he would return when he launched his coup. These creatures had been a blight on the otherwise benign world of Prospero for centuries, consuming the minds of mortals. He had ever been more than a simple butcher and general, more a builder of empires than some among his kin. The guy the other Primarchs met nearing the end of the Great Crusade was Omegon. With such an elite cadre of trained psychic specialists utterly loyal to the Emperor, the galaxy could be brought into the Imperial fold with ease. Mortarion passed on his values of fortitude and relentlessness, but the grim Primarch never bonded with his brothers, with the exception of Horus Lupercal and Konrad Curze. But for now, battle called. It was a classic containment pattern, designed to hem the Vth Legion formation in and prevent isolated warships from running the cordon. tattooing over white . The Psychneuein had not followed him down, but the absence of any movement beyond his own was chilling. The Alpha Legion had already been given every chance to explain themselves. Despite the offers of unity and peaceful integration transmitted by the Great Khan, he and his warriors were greeted not as long-lost kin or saviours, but as invaders, and their fleet came under swift attack. These lodges had already made their choice. As the Khagan decided on his Legion's next move, the Alpha Legion cordon remained intact, its smooth unity broken only by minor adjustments to the twin defensive lines. As Jaghatai fought the hideous creatures, the ground beneath his feet gave way, the flagstones damaged by the Space Wolves' relentless orbital bombardment. From high up on the terraces on either side of the bridge, many metres up between the pillars and suspended platforms, massed Bolter-fire tore up the floor in a cloud of debris. The Khan informed him that he could choose neither. He ignored Eldrad Ulthran's warnings about the weapon and Horus, and encouraged his legion to turn to forbidden methods to improve themselves until the Emperor's Children became just as devoted to the God of Excess. He never actually bothered to ask the Emperor if he and his legion could do something else. To the west of the Palatine's empire was the Empty Quarter, a barren grassland with few resources, and as such it was never invaded by the Palatine's armies. Also, this piece of lore was written before Alpharius was given a twin in the form of Omegon. He betrayed the Emperor, then his best friend Ferrus Manus, tried to sacrifice Perturabo for daemonhood, abandoned Horus' war to do his own thing with the majority of his Legion, and even during the battle of Terra itself his forces ran around butchering random civilian targets rather than participate in the actual siege. The Psychneuein came after them. Jaghatai Khan was nominated by Horus as campaign commander. Horus triggered the end of the Imperium by killing his. Mortarion the Death Lord, Primarch of the Death Guard Legion, arrives upon Prospero. When a master painter produced a painting of the campaign that prominently featured the Imperial Fists, while the Iron Warriors only appeared in the background, Perturabo requested the painting and, as soon as the artist handed it over, burned it to cinders while explaining that if his legion was not properly honoured in the aftermath of a victory, he would prefer they not be remembered at all. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. They were pathfinders in both a tactical and strategic sense, amongst the keenest and most proficient breed of the Legiones Astartes created by the Emperor. Jaghatai and Magnus liked each other specially for the mutual respect that each showed to the other; the White Scar was not afraid of psykers and was willing to help the formation of the Librarius (alongside Sanguinius), while Magnus actively tried to understand the sons of Chogoris instead of treating them like simple barbarians (which is one of the main reasons the White Scars stay away from the Imperium). There were no gods, they were told, and what looked like magic was just the growing power of the human mind. If Magnus yet lived then everything could be salvaged. The Khan could sense that a choice was coming, a grand choice. Their father's time was over -- the Khan could either be a part of the new order that replaced him or be swept aside in its wake. The Khan told Hasik that he knew nothing of the truth. No time was set for the gathering, but all the Brotherhood khans knew it would be soon. His feelings about Leman Russ had always been mixed -- respect for the warrior; exasperation at the boasts, the self-appointed exceptionalism. An ornate rebreather covered the lower half of his face. While he didn't get involved in Guilliman's Terran Crusade, the Era Indomitus has seen the Daemon Primarch become more active than he has been for millennia. Among these scholars the young Primarch quickly mastered his psyker powers, surpassing his teachers and peering into the depths of the Empyrean, growing in mental strength even as his body developed into a giant. Coils of oily gas spilled from the lining of his battle plate, dribbling down the skull-painted surfaces and hissing on contact with Prospero's death-dry soil. The forces were even now, each carrying devastating amounts of firepower. It was later revealed that the White Scars presence at the Kalium Gate was merely another diversion, as they had no intention of utilising the Warp Gate, for the Khagan's true purpose was to find the notorious senior Navigator, Novator Pieter Achelieux. But his two brother Primarchs disagreed, for they felt that such potentially dangerous abilities needed to be curbed. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The Khan asked the Noyan-Khan what madness he had unleashed. On the open fields of the Empty Quarter that day, more than 50,000 warriors took up blades in forms beyond count and cut a mark upon the flesh of their own faces, each gauging the depth and pattern of the wound to mark their loyalty. Hypertrophic Scar. Website. As they hacked and countered, neither giving up so much as a centimetre of ground, it mingled upon the blades' edges, as rich and dark as wine. He promised the White Scars that his master would do everything in his power to treat Arvida's condition, for the Sigillite had long been awaiting his arrival at Terra. Jaghatai, who had struggled long with the disunity of his adopted people, saw clearly the benefits of the Imperium and the Emperor's secular doctrine of the Imperial Truth, and in the ranks of the Luna Wolves he saw the dire cost of opposition. The fighting was bizarre -- close-packed, confused and brutal, but strangely detached. Jaghatai Khan (pronounced Jagg-a-tie KAAN), also known as "The Great Khan," "the Khagan" and "the Warhawk," was the primarch of the V Legion of Space Marines, the White Scars, who led them through the years of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy.. Jaghatai fought alongside his White Scars for another 70 standard years following . Enraged, Mortarion backed away, Silence crackled into life, sparking with green-tinged energy. Opt for products with green tea and hyaluronic . Qin Xa and the surviving Keshig made their way back towards the central part of the ruined city of Tizca where their Primarch had been swallowed up by the massive hole in the centre of a ruined square. Howls of agony filled the air as lumpy matter was sucked up the creatures' translucent proboscis. Inter-fleet communications were shut down and incoming bursts blocked -- the enemy had had their chance to make themselves understood. The world's wind howled in their empty wake, the ash stirred, the lightning forked. The best Imperial naval officers could not have performed such a manoeuvre in less than five solar minutes, and it would have required hundreds of course-correction warnings and solar hours of preparation to bring off. The other choice, no less invidious, was to remain true to their oaths and bound to a slow diminishment. With his death, the traitors fled in disarray, the Heresy was ended, and the Imperium's grim fate was sealed. Some ships still ran with dissension, and the process of restoring order was neither quick nor without violence. But the Khan would not take direction from anyone, not even from a Throneworld that only now that its Legions were tearing one another to pieces, deigned to remember that it had his warriors at its service. Young Lorgar grew up on the feudal world of Colchis, a once-advanced culture that had regressed following the Age of Strife, until it was dominated by a priesthood called the Covenant that prophesied how a great leader would one day redeem them. Created by a bunch of regulars from Something Awful's anime subforum and launched in 2003, it serves as an English-language version of Futaba Channel.. 4chan hosts boards dedicated to just about every generalized subject you can think of (and a few specialized subjects, as well), which are named /[a letter or letter string indicating what the board is about . 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