Alison Eldridge is Managing Editor, Strategic Content at Encyclopaedia Britannica. They represent the light of the sun and are used to help guide the sun back to us. The first step is to gather your supplies. This could be a fun activity to do with your family or friends. Traditionally, green has been the color most commonly associated with Yule. If you haven't worn it, used it, played with it, listened to it or eaten it in the past year, pitch it. Runes and crystals can be made it into ornaments. Burning a log in celebration of Yule started well before medieval times. [44][46] A passage of the Commentary on the prophet Daniel by Hippolytus of Rome, written in about 204, has also been appealed to. Yule, festival observed historically by Germanic peoples and in modern times primarily by Neo-Pagans, coinciding with the winter solstice (December 2122 in the Northern Hemisphere; June 2021 in the Southern Hemisphere). Thank you for the opportunity! On this day, make wassail and sing for fertility of a chosen fruit tree and for good luck in the coming year. In fact, for me, Yule is always a time for introspection to sit back and reflect and consider what I want the next year to look like. You can say whatever you like, but here is an example: "Hail, sun! We pray that you will bless us during the coming year and bring us happiness and prosperity. Most commonly, the celebration consisted of a hearty feast and general revelry, which included wassailing (caroling), drinking,anddancing. You can also make holiday cards or decorations to give to loved ones. Use an environmentally-friendly cleaner to get rid of dirt and grime. After decorating the log, a family might burn it in a hearth or an outdoor fire pit while singing songs. Privacy Policy | Cover the altar with a winter-themed altar cloth if possible, and in the center, three white candles in individual candleholders. Yule is celebrated on the winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. Terms of Use | The Alfar are male ancestors and powerful nature spirits. Many Wiccans use green Yule decorations to invite all these things into their homes in the upcoming year. However, some of the most common greetings for Yule include "Happy Yule!" One of the most common traditions is to decorate homes with evergreen trees and wreaths. Its known as a kissing plant, but its great for protection as well! All rights reserved. I like to leave out offerings during the Winter Solstice. The HPs says: It is the season of the Crone, the time of the winter goddess.Tonight we celebrate the festival of the winter solstice,the rebirth of the Sun, and the return of light to the Earth.As the Wheel of the Year turns once more,we honor the eternal cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. Yule is the perfect time to decorate! However, today many people celebrate both Yule and Christmas in conjunction. Yule is a time to celebrate the return of the sun and the birth of the new year. Are you familiar with the tradition of the Yule log? The red berries that help wild animals survive the winter give us the reds. It's also a time to celebrate with family and friends, and share the spirit of giving during the holidays. It is the day with the fewest daylight hours of the year. I love the YULE LOG,it helps my home to be Peaceful and Joyful this time of year. It is a time for giving thanks and for gathering with family and friends. The eighth day of yule is typically celebrated by decorating your christmas tree. However, that date tends to move around from year to year. It is customary that no work is done during the yuletide. THE 12 DAYS OF YULE IN MODERN PRACTICE While we do not have clear historical evidence pointing to how each day of Yule was celebrated, that hasnt stopped However, other colors such as red, silver, and gold may also be used to represent Yule. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Or perhaps you like to troll the ancient yuletide carols? On this day offerings are made to the wild birds, animals, and spirits of the woods. Yule is a time to celebrate the hope of returning light and life. It is not just about the rebirth of the God figure in pagan lore. Decorate it with lights and symbols of the season. For example, you could make holly water by soaking holly leaves in spring water under a full moon. Although the word itself was first noted around 1475, the holiday was, by all accounts, present before that. Use a broom to sweep out any little bits of dirt and grime it's also a symbolic way of sweeping negative energy out of your home. Try casting a quick spell over your tea before drinking it. In other cases, it may represent nature, springtime, and the environment. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The Christmas holiday is still referred to as Yule in the Scots language. If you're really into ceremony and symbolism, have the Maiden wear a white robe and stand in the east. Yule is one of the oldest winter celebrations in the worldcelebratedon the winter solstice. Alternatively, you can add them to a spell youll keep on your altar. Next, you need to light the candles and say a prayer to the sun. Sort your belongings so they're in a place you can find them later, in a way that makes sense to you AND your family members. Perhaps someone in this group will benefit from what others have contributed. You can also decorate a holiday tree during WebWe light the Yule log to honor the beginning of the Suns return and the start of a new year. Finally, the person holding water begins to walk in a circle, saying: May the powers of Water bless this donation.Cleansing and purifying, washing away ill will,Carrying away with it need, want, and strife.Water is what helps to keep our community whole,With these powers of Water, we bless this donation.. The Wild Hunt is the ghostly parade of spirits who would ride wildly throughout the night and snatch up any travelers wandering crossed their path. - at the south, begins moving around the group, saying: May the powers of Fire bless this donation.Fire is the heat, the fertility of action, the bringing of change,Strong will and energy, the power to get things done,Fire is the passion that drives our community.With these powers of Fire, we bless this donation.. It has been celebrated for thousands of years by various cultures, with a wide variety of rituals and traditions. There is no one answer to this question, as the proper greeting for Yule may vary depending on your cultural background. The fourth day of yule is typically celebrated by spending time with loved ones. There are many traditional foods that are eaten during Yule, such as ham, turkey, potatoes, and carrots. Yule became a name for Christmas about the 9th century, and in many languages yule and its cognates are still used to describe that holidayjul in Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish; joulud in Estonian; joulu in Finnish; and jol in Icelandic. Since you shouldnt disturb living plants, try to only gather pine cones and evergreen twigs you find on the ground. Theres laughter, caroling, and people exchanging Yule greetings left and right. Smudge your home with one of the following: To do a smudging, start at your front door with your incense or smudge stick in a censer or bowl. Mix a cup of vinegar with a gallon of warm water and spray down your windows, inside and out. If you have multiple levels, continue up and down stairs as needed. About a month before Yule rolls in, start thinking about all the clutter you've accumulated over the past year. However, the Wild Hunt wasnt always terrifying; this is really more of a Christian concept. For Wiccans, Yule is the second sabbat of the Wheel of the Year, marked with rituals to welcome the return of the Sun. What Channel Does Celebrity Big Brother Come On. Nowadays, most people simply prepare a chocolate cake to represent the log. Instead, Im pretty sure the hunt is a fairy celebration. Christian traditions are so similar to pagan customs should you just partake in them? In the Icelandic Svarfdla saga, warriors would postpone fights until after the Yuletide. Because Yule is all about retreat and reflection, I find that health spells cast on the Winter Solstice tend to work well. The child and dependent care credit covers up to $6,000 of expenses related to day care or similar costs Perhaps your deity has blessed you in some special way, and to honor him or her, you want to share your good fortune with others. Eastern Orthodox churches use a different religious calendar, so their 12 days of Christmas start on Jan. 7 and run through the Epiphany on Jan. 19. The Crone says: The days will now get longer, now the Sun has returned.My season has ended, yet the season of the Maiden begins.Listen to the wisdom of those who have come before you,and yet be wise enough to make your own way. Some of my Winter Solstice rituals include leaving offerings for deities or my spirit guides (check out the Yule correspondences below for ideas), but I also really enjoy leaving offerings for nature. Here are some great Yule rituals that you can do to celebrate this winter Sabbat, either as part of a group or as a solitary. Of course, selecting March 25 for the conception was also rather arbitrary, it being calculated [?] The most important part about celebrating Christmas in our modern lives is cleaning up before it begins! This is one of my favorite Winter Solstice traditions because its simply so cozy! The seventh day of yule is typically celebrated by reading christmas stories. Yule is typically celebrated around the winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. It is thought that the tradition originated in ancient times, perhaps as a tribute to the god Thor, who was said to ride in a chariot pulled by goats. Some mark the holiday with reenactments of the battle between the Holly King (representing darkness) and the Oak King (representing light) of Celtic legend. We do so with no expectation of reward or celebration, but simply because it needs to be done. Some people also decorate with fruit to manifest fertility and abundance in the coming year. The date varies with location, but it always falls before or after December 21st each year. Gifts are often exchanged, and special foods are enjoyed. Remember, you can adjust the wording in this ritual as necessary, to accommodate the needs and requirements of your groups purpose. The Christmas tree is a symbol of the Yule log and is traditionally decorated with candles, ornaments, and garland. Are there really 12 days of Christmas? However, I dont necessarily believe that its evil. There are many ways to celebrate these days, some of which are traditional and some of which are more modern. Create a place that's a permanent home for them a basket in the bathroom, a drawer in the kitchen, wherever people read. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Want to learn more about familiars, spells, dreams, tarot, crystals, herbs, and much more?Become a student of Wicca Academy today! So that may be another potential origin of the Christian Santa Claus character. Its a day to pull out preferred divination sets and use them for the coming year. You can do a meditation, scry, or actually cast a spell that will show you the past year and how you can improve going forward. Its simple! Yule, or the winter solstice, is recognized as one of these Sabbats. A Spotify playlist of Yule songs would be a great introduction. And as the end-of-the-year festival, it celebrates rebirth and renewal on a more broad level too. Let us take a few moments to consider what we have given. the Goddess changes between her maiden, mother, and crone forms, Holly has protective properties and is therefore useful for warding off bad luck or unwanted spirits, Mistletoe represents fertility and healing according to pagan beliefs, it loses its power if it touches the ground, which is why we hang it up, Pine also brings healing and joy into the home, Ivy represents resurrection, rebirth, and immortality, Rubies, which summon protection, prosperity, as well as love and sexual passion, Bloodstones, which boost energy, motivation, and help you make good decisions, Garnets, which are manifesting stones that can reveal your purpose, Apatite stones, which can make you more motivated to pursue your dreams, Emeralds, which summon prosperity and healing. Wigington, Patti. The word Yule comes fromOld Englishgeol, which shares a history with the equivalent word from Old Norse, jl. From this point Christmas continued to overtake Yule, although some vestiges of the original celebration remain. Symbolically speaking and in accordance with Neopagan traditions, Yule represents the rebirth of God after his death in Samhain and it is the first seasonal ritual of the Wheel of the year. Since weve already talked about the symbolic meaning of Yuletide, you can probably guess what each of these colors represents. Because the Winter Solstice represents the end of a year if you follow the sun, then I recommend that you do a bit of divination to see what your next year will bring. Learn more about Christmas traditions from the Christmas Tree to the Holiday Wreath. But if those options arent available to you, you could attach a few candles to the log and burn it symbolically. Another important part of the celebration is the gift giving. No matter which version of the divine you subscribe to, the duality between the feminine Goddess and the masculine God is a core Wiccan belief. The Crone removes her veil and hands it to the Mother, who places it on the Maiden's head. While you do that, you can think of anything youd like to accomplish in the New Year. The winter season should be a time of hopeful contemplation for everyone, whether they celebrate Yule in the Wiccan fashion or opt for more mainstream festivities. If you want, you can also put offerings of fruits and nuts at your altar. There are so many different traditional Yule recipes from various cultures. Remember, if you want to use mistletoe, youll have to harvest it from the branch, not the ground. Each culture may associate a different color with Yule, depending on their own traditions and customs. Why not take a moment to offer upa prayer on Yule? Even Christmas trees were originally a part of the pagan Yule holiday! Whoever whatever whenever your tradition is for celebrating natures rhythms, blessings to you! If you're not organized yet, now's your chance to get there. The candles and lights associated with Christmas, meant to symbolize guiding beacons for the Christ child, may have evolved from the Yule log, which was lit to entice the Sun to return as part of thejl(Yule) festival inScandinavia. You could also use the purple and pink Advent candles. Many churches use white as the color of Christmas. This is my first visit to this site , I LOVE this place and intend to be a permanent guest here ! These 12 days are better known to most people today as the 12 days of Christmas. Each holds one of the three white candles. Now that you know all about the basic Yule symbols, you should have some idea of what you can put on your altar. The 12 days of yule are a festive time leading up to Christmas. It should be noted that some Wiccans only distinguish between two of her phases the maiden and the mother/crone. I like to bless my ornaments with good energy. Traditionally, the Lord/God or The Lady/Goddess as well as other deities were honored during these holidays. Make an edible Yule log! On the other hand, there are plenty of Yule traditions you can do on your own or with your family. then simply light a fire during the morning and let it burn all day. The Sabbats are pagan holidays that honor the turning of the seasons based on the sun. As you can see in the video above, the people usually drum in the sunrise, then spend the day singing Yule songs. Ill also leave food in the woods for animals who wont venture to my home, and Ill give energy to any trees who are suffering during the winter months. Generally, though, the Winter Solstice falls between the 20th and the 23rd of December. You could also have a potluck dinner and ask everyone to bring a dish to share. The Maiden then takes her candle and holds it while the HPs lights it for her. I especially like good luck spells for the winter ahead. You'd be amazed what a good window washing can do for your house, to say nothing of the way you feel. Since Yule is the festival of birth the birth of light and the Horned God thats what the red symbolizes. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The Winter Solstice is Dec 21st, and the second day of Yule starts the celebration that honors the Triple Goddess and the rebirth of the God in the form of the Sun. April 12, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. EDT. After all, who can focus when they're constantly having to step over piles of unused junk? Yuleis the time of year when Pagans around the world celebrate the Winter Solstice. Here are some of my favorite ways to celebrate Yule that are authenticand easy. If you can't stand the smell of vinegar, toss some lemon verbena or lemon balm in the mixture. But really, theres no manual stating when you have to start your celebration. Like red and green, the color gold also summons wealth and prosperity. Even if youre new to the world of Yule traditions, youre sure to recognize some of them! It marks the return of the sun, when the days finally begin to get a little longer. This ritual can be performed by a group of four or moreclearly, it's designed for at least four women, but if you don't have that many, don't sweat itimprovise, or allow one woman to speak all the roles. Haakon became Christian after a visit to England, and after his return to Norway he put into law that Yule should be celebrated at the same time as Christmas. Wood ashes do indeed have beneficial uses in the garden! People would gather around these structures (which were built to align with the sunrise, an amazing feat of architecture) and try to capture the last rays of sun during the darkest day of the year. A few more gift ideas are: Dont miss out!We have a special offer for you after you create your free account. Record Store Day, which happens Saturday in Maine and all around the world, is the equivalent of Christmas and your birthday to those who love, collect and listen to vinyl There is no shame to be found in accepting help, and there is no superiority in providing it. This could be done as a family activity or you could read a different christmas story each day. As the sun returns to the earth, life begins once more. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. If you normally cast a circle, do so now. Yuletide is associated with many festive foods, particularly of the sweet and spicy variety. This can be a great way to honor your deities and your Pagan community, as well as help others recognize what an important occasion it is. I recommend casting a defensive protection spell during the Winter Solstice rather than an offensive spell. You can wish for just about anything and use you energy (and your spells ingredients) to set your wish in motion. The yule log was a huge log that was part of European Christmas celebrations for centuries. The ashes of Yule logs were said to be very good for plants. Perform this ritual to celebrate the return of the sun. Many of the traditions that are celebrated during the 12 days of Christmas have been around for centuries. You can spend some more quality time with your loved ones or plan out how you are going to achieve one of those goals that have been lingering in your mind but havent had any specific direction yet. Copyright 2023 Wicca Academy. You can also make a delicious tea with rosehip, peppermint, vanilla, cinnamon, or cloves for warmth. [47] Sextus Julius Africanus (c.160 c.240) gave 25 March as the day of creation and of the conception of Jesus. The winter solstice is the time of year when the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky, also known as Yule. Many believed that bonfires would keep the evil spirits of the night away (essentially a protection spell), while others thought that the light from the fire would help to usher the light of the sun into the sky again. Or if you want to keep it low-key, just prepare a festive dinner for your loved ones! Interestingly, the Yule log was originally an entire tree! You're not obligated to keep things you don't like, don't need, or don't use, and the less physical clutter you have laying around, the easier it is to function on an emotional and spiritual level. The Yule log would feed the fire through the 12 Days of Christmas (from Christmas Day through the evening of the 5th of Januaryknown as TwelfthNight). Many of the traditions that are celebrated during the 12 days of Christmas have been around for centuries. First, set up a Yule tree near the north side of your altar. 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