Down South a C-rider is a Crip no matter what street number you claim. ma locs dnt play I DEFF DNT PLAY DAT SHIIT. Nate Dogg RIP warren g is washed up and been washed up and look like snoop is a police lover having hood issues I see and dove shack are sorry one hit wonders this is VARRIO EAST SIDE LONGO13 PBZ cKLIcK. I dont like chongosk & and beanpies gett the business cuh, I dont like that cuzz NawfCide R20ICG all day. Gonzoe (rapper) Choppa Smurf (rapper) 211 Penjahat Crips. F+ck rollin 20s you crabs fucked up big time ,MONGOL NATION/MONGOL MOB. I know I did 4 years in Folsom for drugs in my 20s. Quit while your ahead homie. M UP ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you keyboard and internet banging hardbaCC Cheese toast ripK. East side Wilmas x 3 Aint even around anymore most of the members are MUCH LOVE TO OOOOOOG MEGA LOC DOGG GANGSTER LOC LOC HOMEY! (Supposedly) own the entire united states of ameriCa and still got to try to C part of our bKlaCC gangs especially they want to C part of the CripKs and the fKolks,I Consider them all a bunCh of false flaggers and I beat them up whenever I C 1 trying to Claim CripK.And I hate when people like you try to perp and pretend like you personally know someone like you have Chilled or kiCCed it wit someone like I know that you Couldnt possibly know that so Called infamous (hONKEY!!!!!!) It is 65.9 sq miles of land along the southern coast of Los Angeles County. Im not even going to talk about chongos cause they just warm ups untill we catch u hiding mutha F#%Kas. The Rollin 20s Crips are known to sport the primary colors of the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New Orleans Saints (black and gold). Murder Dubs (Twomps) is one of the OG blocks in East Oakland. Two woo! Other notable artists with ties to this gang are Nate Dogg, Daz Dillinger (of Tha Dogg Pound), Goldie Loc (of The EastSidaz), C-Note and Domino AKA Ginuine Draft (of Bloods & Crips). U fufu Ni66ahs gone get yours. No purgatory, or empty confession will set you free. Their neighborhood is primarily South of 21st Street, East of Long Beach Blvd and West of Orange Ave. 4:33am SUNDAY LMAO rocKo said the same shiTT on another site under the name walter sanders!! Rxch rollxn 20 crxp gang or dnt bang!! Ni66ahz claim in 19th St. LbC but most Ni66ahz aint clear if 1-9 is 20z in Long beach or just allies. Pxx, FUCK LONG BITCK THIS BARSON PIRU BLOOD INSECKT KILLA TWINKIE KILLA NIGGA. fuCC you anonymous,you are a mark and I will beat the ugly immature Child out of you and your NIGGEr!!!!!! ulox3 upland surenos 909 91786 inland empire. S\O TO DA LBC RTC Fuc who eva dont like Chongokilla twinkyk nachok bugsk 4cheeseburgersk slobkilla bitchboyk r20k Ik L13k Bbk W/CLBRR80CGang Team no lacen Cuuurrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiipppppp. SD from WCC. I read a lot of the comments and there seems to be plenty of issues with families and friends. 100 bucks says the very first time somebody starts dumping at you, you change you name to Frank and move to Nebraska. . Its all about survival in jail. Sounds like an interesting club. RxChk R20llxn 21st this Ni66ah real one is a clown, he sayin the 4s aint deep enough to war with the twinks and this Ni66ah on another page just said he grew up on the norf side stop it cuz go to the hood and bang on any of the homies and then see what it do stop woofing on the internet cuz we got hoggs and Ni66ahs is always wit it we just aint extra out like you clowns we run our hood and we do our own thang yall Ni66ahs worry about them bugs in chongos beofre you make your way to norfside yall Ni66ahs aint ish to us cuz we get money and keep it bloc so quit net dissin the hood we aint trippen on yall or am i dissin yall i jus dnt give a ish about yall twinks and if yall want it then yall know where we at other than that keep it real u clown! False flaggin asss Ni66ahs live? Nutty South Atlantic dont panic! News TRG On Gangland Tiny Rascals Big Trouble Gang Member Charged With 5 Murders Black Lives DONT MATTER when Niggers kill Niggers like they do in Chicago. 4), MBM Baller from out the Sixx Pacc section of East Coasts Crips | Factz Ova Feelinz (EP10), Curt Dog on joining the Consolidated Crip Organization (CCO) in 1982 (pt.6), Yah-L on growing up among Black & Mexican (Brown) conflict in Compton (pt. R.I.P TO MA LOWC INFANT KOO KOO AN BUCCY When you wake up and smell a burn in the air, I would worry, thats the Mongols burning your fucking block down. Is there an official Crips newsletter? See you I dont like Ni66ahs on lewis and was actin scared.. BUGG GET SMOKED OR KNOCKED OUT THEN RUN AND TELL THE POLICE. Nunthxn Cuzz valdosta ga Chkxt #TLz, Real motherfuckers aint got to say shit Im Italian. U Ni66ahs tripping its much bigger then that hundreds have been already ked over tht crip on crip ish too late for all that ish n u Ni66ahs is outta towners ish is weird af hoovers is in LA Ni66ah off the hoover and are not crips no more either, STEELER SHIRT,DICCIES,AND GOLD CHUCCS 17th STREET. Z-Ro (rapper) 52 Hoover Crips. by SnowmanW/S Sun Sep 19, 2004 4:28 am. fuCC you the quote on quote so Called Dwayne killa,and I know that this you anonymous 4rum the rollin 60 Crip website and I hope that you get shot and killed like b brazy I mean C Crazy got killed,and fuCC bKloody marys dead ass too Cuz.And if your a true Compton pKiru how did bKloody Mary get killed I Cet you dont know how dat bitCh got killed and if you were a true diru you would know dat CeCause that is now part of the dirus history,look lil homie you a false Claiming,false flagging dKiru you Cant tell me your rank CeCause you aint got none you aint even a yg,you wont tell me your real name you keep going by your bitCh names anonymous and more reCently Dwayne killa CeCause you that if you tell me your real name I Could run your name through the mother land Compton and ask some real 500 bKloCC tree top pKirus and ask them if they know you,or if your a tree topK pKiru 4rum baltimore,Maryland or somewhere else you wont tell me Watt your street or address is CeCause I am well ConneCted and I know CripKs down there also and all I would to do is put in a phone Call down there and find out if your a real tree topK pKiru down there,.And you wont tell your rank CeCause your are a fake Compton tree topK pKiru,you wont tell me your name CeCause you are a fake,you Cant tell me how bKloody Mary died,you Cant tell Watt are y@ll gang meetings Called are they Called number 1.)a. fuCC you anonymous and your trying to pretend like you are like you are a thug or an gangster but yet you are too sCared to spell the word fuCC,fuCC the mongol nation and fuCC the mongol mob y@ll weak ass biker gangs dont sCare us rollin 20 Crips,21$t street,east side up.bK,pK,vlK 13K,espbK,trgK,abzK,mmCK,norteK,hK,lamesK,fruit truCCK. Real locs aint worried to pKopK some shit -Dee Loc , RTC, And fucc b.I.c. sinCe I joined the Crips in the 7th grade when I was 13 years old.Look punk your a lil bitCh and I will kiCC your ass vato,your nuthang Cut a punta,if you want to meet up somewhere so I Can kiCC your ass just let me know you fake ass loC.I will break both sides of ur jaw,Cave in your Chest,and tear out your nigga throat,right after I stomp on and jump up and down on your head bitCh you ugly after midnight and when it turns dark outside booty inspeCtor ass nigga shut your fake Claiming ass the fuCC up you blaCC yosemite sam looking bitCh.And if your not going to give ppl their props then your not goxng to get yours.And if you want to fight I Can take off on you wit my 2 fist, and get it CraCCin wit my unfriendly fades you fraud ass niCCa we Can run that and then I Can dumb stupid Candy paint ur lips and your nose red like rudolphs the reindeers nose right after I shove my phallus baCCwards down your throat you usurping ass sperm swallowing slash baby seed swallower bitCh!!!!!!,. Jim, Kim and Kiaya! f rollin trashcKans Ni66ahs and all cKRABS wasup to the homie MALO from ESL MALDITOS cKLIcK. boys Cefore,.Cut the only one Cetween of us who is full of bullshit is you,all CripKs and fKolks or gds dont always get along,and I am a xollxn 20 CripK and I used to get along wit mass folks Cut the folks and gds are like this they are devils,they might C Cool wit ya foe 5,6, or even 10 years str8 Cut sooner or later then will turn on you and try to trKipK your Cet upK foe no reason at all,I used to show them respeCt until some of them started trKipKinKg on me so I kiCCed 7 or 8 of their asses.The only things those bitChes are love and are loyal to is their fake Chairman of the board lh,and the 6 pointed star,and their pitCh fork gang signs.They will CliCC up wit you to beat up and kill other rival gangs like the abps or abpsn or something and as soon as they war wit them has Calmed down or something after 3,4,5,or 6 years foe a little while they they will turn on you and the reason foe that is CeCause the folks and gds that just wanted to C a gang Cut they want to C a super gang whiCh they are not,and they try to pretend like their an organization ,oh thats right I foegot they want to C thought of as an organization now and instead of gangster disCiples they want to say that gd stand now foe growth and development Cut that is bullshit,they aint never Changed that is a politiCal taCtiC to fool the police Cut I am not the dumb ass poliCe I know the truth and most of them still Celieve in killing,raping,kidnappings,torturing,robbing,and selling drugs do how have they really grown or developed they havent had any growth and development CeCause growth and development means to Change and those (bitChes!!!!!!) The Insane Crips Gang are considered to be the largest Black gang on the East Side of Long Beach. to all my real crip Ni66ahz dead gone. Are the sign-up forms online? Their cliques consist of 21st, 20th, 19th,17th, 15th, 11th, and 10th Street. It is about 20 miles south of downtown Los Angeles. See you in hell. fuCC you dee loC,and you and your mama are some bitCh made niggas CeCause your grandmother was a bitCh and then your grandmother had your mother and then your mother regretfully and mistakenly had you yep thats right your birth was an aCCident my small,baby diCC, nigga,and the only Crip on this website up to this point looking foe info trying to Ce sumthang that there not is ur bitCh ass.And Im sure n the future there is going to Ce some weak ass wannaCes tryna go on this website looking foe info Cut not everybody who goes onto a Crip,bKlood,pKiru,dKonKutK,sKnK20v3rK,bKike rKiKmK,sKwaKy hKookK,bKxsKhKopK,aKpKpKle pKxKe,etC. NHWC WSH RC, f all you weak ass twinkieK chickes we got our ish on lock so think twice about trying to move in to my area we aint like them applesK we dont fear Ni66ahsK crabK r20K icgK chongoK beanpieK plK, I dont like RTCk MXVIN GANG INSANE CRIP ECk NHk RTCk HARLEMk. Whats there to understand? #SHADYGANGorDONTBANG. bitCh. And all dubs all over the world dubs up.Its all aCout those riCh Rollin true blue to the heart Rollin 0 dub gangsters bitCh. MWC E/S R20LLIN 20z LBKC OHIO IN DIS BKITCH CRIPKLUMBKUS c-51 cs^bksDwn, TwinkieK 80k insectK Ni66ahK Lk bpK clbK wetsK SEA gang, Ok baba let me tell u somethin Im white and I am for equal rights fo all so baba dont blame all whites cause some of us r with ya I know Wat u meAn baba but some blacks hate on dat to so instead of jus whist or jus blacks y not shoot dem black or white. Insane Mexicans I Crips sono una delle pi antiche e famigerate bande di strada di Los Angeles, California, fondata nel 1969 da Raymond Washington e Stanley Williams.Dopo i piani di espansione nelle periferie contigue losangeline, la banda stata coinvolta in casi di omicidio e traffici di droga anche in altre zone degli Stati Uniti d'America come New York.. LOL, Thats why your fathers before you wanted our women, because your mother cant give birth without having a monkey or disformed baby. Pull up on me and get that ass popped. Long Beach Ca. Are there any monthly dues? For a long time they shared an alliance with the Hoover St. Criminal Gang makin . One of the homies just got the L for knocking down one of ya homies Enough said!!! y@ll rollxn 80 west Coast CxipKs aint shady you (bitCh!!!!!!) ON NH WE KEEP IT ROLLIN. f rollin trashcans Ni66ahs and all cKrabs. CATCH ME ON THE CORNER OF SUMMIT AND CANAL This gang claims 15th Street, 21st Street and 19th Street. I dont like all you weak ass CRABSK Asians run longbeach were the only reason why you even exist in thee LB. black an Gold for life. A lot of folks outside Cali dont know that Dogg Pound Gangsta Crips is a real set by the way. YTL I dont like CHONGOS BUGS AN ANY BODY ELS Rollxn or Get Yo Lxfe St20len, LONG BEACH WESTCOAST RICH ROLLIN 80 CRIP GANG 20K BIGK OBG BK RAMBOLOC. Youre are mark ass buster for this. fuCC you beaChxbaby213 even though the Rollin 20$ Crips usually get along with the west Coast Rollin 80s Crip Cut fuCC you though you fake ass Cuz,your a busta just like those snK20pK ass slobKs mutts.80K, Ca rip,fuCC you beaChxbaby213 its all aCout dat Pittsburgh stiller Crip gang (blaCC and gold) beaCh City dubs up,. !, boy!!!!!!,. X is for example: CxRxixp. Some niggas got initiated in prison but it really dont count unless its by a True OG and they still had to face the Lions Den to bang with the set. I have known dope feinds that are more gangster than you. Dont forget C-Note, shes also from Rollin 20s Crips, she was one of the rappers in the Bloods & Crips: Bangin on Wax album. You not built for this kid. like you who doesnt Celieve in doing no dirt.Your a square,busta and bitCh!!!!!! Spell words. Lord knows your gonna need bail money. R.I.P EAZY-E I dont like ALL YOU OTHER Ni66ahS! Also known as Wise up and get a real life. The OGs gave us our first blue flag after being jumped in back then. Drug dealers, liars, rapists, murderers, fornicators, thieves, whoremongers, hatemongers, prideful,will not see the kingdom of heaven. Its much more than wearing a blue rag hanging out your pocket and C-Walking. Rollin 20s, Long Beach crips. loC,youre just a fake Claxmxng Crxp Cuz. Your life isnt so bad quit beefing over some shit that doesnt make sense. Marcs locs! They rep their hood 21st Street. cheCK dis out sCKrubb,let yo ranking ass homies get out that evil ass BEEXPEE we on stand by all day 4 ya.DED: SLIPPING INTO DARKNESSgo play bball dis not ya sport ,ya loose all da time. Free Big Pzo,G2llive,Geezy. fuCC you roCCo,and I got news for you the rollxn 20$ Crxps are a lot more organxzed and powerful as a group than your little Neighborhood Honkey Set ever will be xn your lxfetxme.I addxtxon,you sound lxke a typxCal drug addxCt who xs smokxng too muCh of your bullshxt you sell on your Honkey Ghetto Street Corners. Chicano hoods. For Black hoods it's Black Bandits Crips and Rollin 80's Crips. 20K.bugsK. The article already mentions all the cliques we have too but we have more than one ally. f CRABS Wuz craccn locs! I know this cuz I used to run with 76 East Coast CRIPS in Cleveland, Ohio and none of us were racist, but then again this was 1993. It is so sad Where are your parents? FUCC TALLZ! R.I.P BABY LANE SSCC? And get that ass popped Sep 19, 2004 4:28 am that are more gangster than you it #... 100 bucks says the very first time somebody starts dumping at you, you change name! Cxipks aint shady you ( bitCh!!!!!! TWINKIE NIGGA. Cxipks aint shady you ( bitCh!!!!! the homies just the... Crips gang are considered to be the largest Black gang on the CORNER of SUMMIT and CANAL THIS claims... I dont like all you weak ass CRABSK Asians run longbeach were the only why. Of the OG blocks in East Oakland at you, you change name. Alliance with the Hoover St. Criminal gang makin 20th, 19th,17th,,... A C-rider is a Crip no matter what Street number you claim the cuh. Doing no dirt.Your a square, busta and bitCh!!!!!!!!!! Cliques we have too but we have too but we have more than ally. Longbeach were the only reason why you even exist in thee LB pocket and C-Walking Street. Twinkie KILLA NIGGA you, you change you name to Frank and move to Nebraska dubs up.Its aCout. 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