Aishah bint Abi Bakr al-Siddiq 4. Blogs Life Muhammad Sunnah 7 Haniya Hijrah refers to the mass migration of Muhammad and his followers to Medina due to persecution faced by Muslims in Mecca. The historian Al-Tabari calculated that Muhammad married a total of fifteen women, though only ever eleven at one time; and two of these marriages were never [99], Upon entering Muhammad's household, Safiyya became friends with Aisha and Hafsa. Required fields are marked *. 13, p. 38, Cited in Muhammad Fathi Mus'ad, The Wives of the Prophet Muhammad: Their Strives and Their Lives, p.172), Muhammad Husayn Haykal, The Life of Muhammad (North American Trust Publications, p. 374, Safiyah Bint Huyeiy Ibn Akhtab,, Ibn Kathir, Al-Bidayah wa an-Nihayah, vol. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the last messenger from almighty Allah for guiding the Umaat towards the right path. 4, p. 230, Abu Ya'la al-Mawsili, Musnad, vol. Web630632. She was the daughter of Khuwayleed. [58], In the Pre Islamic Era, Arabs used to consider children who had been sponsored exactly the same as their biological children as far as rights such as inheritance and sanctities were concerned. Muhammad's life is traditionally delineated by two epochs: pre-hijrah Mecca, a city in western Arabia, from the year 570 to 622 CE, and post-hijrah in Medina, from 622 until his death in 632. [7] Web11 wives of Prophet Muhammad Khadija bint Khuwaylid Sawda bint Zaman Aisha Bint Abu Bakr Hafsa bint Umar Zainab bint Khuzayma Hind bint Abi Ummaya Zainab bint Jahsh Juwarriya bint Al-Harith Ramla bint Abu Sufyan Safiyya She initially fell among the booty of Muhammad's companion Thabit ibn Qays ibn Al-Shammas. The words when he was in ihram are a mistake. Muhammad's wives, was the Prophet Muhammad's life that all women were married to Muslims, they Ummahat-Ul Mu'mineen of the Mother of Believers called. Zaynab bint Khuzaymah Umm Salamah bint Abi Umayyah (RA) Juwayriyah bint al-Haarith (RA) Zaynab bint Jahsh (RA) Umm Habeebah bint Abi Sufyaan (RA) Maymoonah bint al-Haarith (RA) Safiyyah bint Huyayy ibn Akhtab (RA) How Many Wives of Hazrat Muhammad SAWW? WebThere is a disagreement over the number of the Prophets wives: according to Ibn Hisham in his al-Sira al-nabawiyya, the Prophet had thirteen wives:[6]Khadija (a), Sawda, Aisha, Zaynab bt. Lady Aisha & Sawdah After the demise of Lady Khadijah, Muhammad- PBUH was very sad and Khadijah left him with four 3. This marriage offset some of Muhammad's political humiliation in the Treaty of Hudaybiya by demonstrating that he could command the loyalty of his adversary's own daughter. Zaynab bint Jahsh Hazrat Muhammad had 11 wives. Her first husband was Hafsa's uncle, and their elder son fought at Badr. Muslims follow him because he is the prophet of their religion and those who do not follow Islam also hold a high position regarding the character of Prophet Muhammad This marriage lasted for 25 years. Muhammad's wives, was the Prophet Muhammad's life that all women were married to Muslims, they Ummahat-Ul Mu'mineen of the Mother of Believers called. Contents * indicates that the marriage order is disputed, Mother Abiona or Amtelai the daughter of Karnebo. [66] Nomani considers this story to be a rumor. (Tabaqat Ibn Sad , narrating from al-Waqidi, 8/130). When These Two Companions declined The Offer, Then Father Omar Proposed Marriage To Prophet Muhammad (SAW) And He Married Hafsa(R). One of the well-known languages with widespread global acceptance is Arabic language. Yazid Kilabiyya, and Asma bt. Maymunah bint From these wives, two bore him children: Khadijah and Maria al-Qibtiyya. He did not say that she was a perfect woman or that she lived next to Khadijah. He postulates that Zaynab, being an ambitious woman, was already hoping to marry Muhammad; or that she might have wanted to marry someone of whom Muhammad disapproved for political reasons. [74] When Zaynab's waiting period was complete, Muhammad married her. Mariyah bore Muhammad a son, Ibrahim who later died at 18 months. He considered divorcing her when, as the oldest and plainest of his wives (described as "fat and very slow"), she no longer attracted him, but she persuaded him to keep her in the house in exchange for never sleeping with her again (she gave up her turn to Aisha). Increasing credibility and sources for conveying his private family life. 8, p. 102, Cited in Muhammad Fathi Mus'ad, The Wives of the Prophet Muhammad: Their Strives and Their Lives, p.178, Ibn Sa'd, Tabaqat, vol.8, p.100, Cited in Muhammad Fathi Mus'ad, The Wives of the Prophet Muhammad: Their Strives and Their Lives, p.172, Ahmad, vol.6, p. 337, Cited in Muhammad Fathi Mus'ad, The Wives of the Prophet Muhammad: Their Strives and Their Lives, p.176. Sawda Bint Jamwa. [75] An influential faction in Medina, called "Hypocrites", a term that refers to those who convert to Islam while secretly working against it [76] in the Islamic tradition,[77] did indeed criticize the marriage as incestuous. Yazid Kilabiyya, and Asma bt. She appears to have been another "unofficial" concubine without a regular turn on the roster. The wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are: 1. So the Prophet (sallAllahu'alayhi wasallam) called 'a'isha "Homayraa'" (little reddish, and Arab called a white woman to be red not to be confused with the whiteness of leprosy) and he called her like that petting her. 10. She was married, but since she was very young and couldnt consummate the marriage, she was bought later to the Prophets (PBUH) house when she was older. Moreover, he undertook the financial responsibilities of his large family, without having large resources. Prior to that, Sawdah was married to a paternal cousin of hers named As-Sakran ibn Amr and had five or six children from her previous marriage. He followed the practice of previous Prophets, whom no one objected to their plural marriage. Her real name is Hind Al Makhzumia. They cannot be married against their will, and they are allowed to keep their own name when married. After the death of Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her), the Messenger (peace be upon him) married again, more than one time. Umm Habibah bint Abi Sufyan 10. She used to give out and spend whatever she had; she gave away a house that she had when she was still alive. [29] The story laid much stress on Zaynab's perceived beauty. In fact several ansar women are said to have proposed to Muhammad; while this example is anonymous, it clearly refers to a woman who is distinct from Layla bint Khutaym. Blankets were used as curtains to screen the doors. The Wives of the Prophet (SAW) have Been called the mothers of The Believers. Muhammad selected the six-year-old Aisha in preference to her teenaged sister, and she remained his favourite wife. Little is known about her apart from the posthumous accounts of Muhammads life ( srah) and teachings ( Hadith ). No woman brought a greater blessing to her people than she did. This unnamed woman proposed to Muhammad in Hafsa's presence. They were the cultural equivalent of a broken engagement. Belinda Boyd Suffered from Her Husband's Constant Cheating. His real name was Barakah. But He left Islam. She First Married As-Saqran Ibn Amr who was killed in The Battle ofJalula. She lived with him for three years before he died but would be the last of his wives to die, passing away at age 80 or 81. Umm Salamah bint Abi Umayyah 7. Web3 Hazrat Aisha Bint Abu Bakr RA. [86] According to Al-Bayhaqi, Safiyyah was initially angry at Muhammad as both her father and husband had been killed. He changed his mind when he found out that her father had been his foster-brother and died soon afterwards. She died in April 620. Juwayriyah bint al-Harith This was to reduce the enmity of biological children towards sponsored children and to prevent the mingling of male sponsors with adult sponsored females.[4]. Ibn Ishaq, cited in Guillaume, A. Mahomet himself, after all that can be said about him, was not a sensual man. House of Muhammad. He therefore had family bonds with all the first four Caliphs). As for Zaynab, however, she became ill and died about three months after her marriage. The wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are: 1. [29] Thus Muhammad, confident that he was strong enough to face public opinion, proceeded to reject these taboos. [43] Zaynab bint Khuzayma was also widowed at the battle of Badr. Sawdah bint Zamah ibn Qays 3. Ayesha Siddique was The Third Wife of The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and The Daughter of The Famous Shahabi (Companion)Hazrat Abu Bokar(SAW). Muhammad said that Asiya's palace in Heaven was on the other side of Khadijah's. [109] As the Meccans did not allow him to stay any longer, Muhammad left the city, taking Maymuna with him. [14] According to an account by Anas bin Malik, "The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." An attractive widow with four young children, Hind had been rejected by her aristocratic family in Mecca because they were so hostile to Islam. He married each of his wives thereafter for a social or political purpose; such that he wanted to honor the pious women, or wanted the loyalty of certain tribes so that Islam would spread amongst them. WebShe was Muhammad's only wife as long as she lived. For this reason, there was dissolved. Then by a proposal Prophet Muhammad (SAW) married Hazrat Zainab bintKhuzaymah with 400 Dirhams Mohrana . It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married Maymunah when he was in ihram. Zaynab bint Jahsh 9. (Surat Al-Azhab: 6), The Wives of The Prophet (SAW) were Not ordinary Women. WebAt the age of 25, Muhammad married his first wife, the widow Khadija bint Khuwaylid. His earlier victims had included her father, brother, first husband, three uncles and several cousins. So, Allah the Almighty Said to Them-, , 0 Wives of The Prophet! The Wives of the Prophet (SAW) have Been called the mothers of The Believers. Another wife, Ramlah, noticed that Muhammad admired Durrah and asked if he intended to marry her. Narrated by Ibn Ishaq with a hasan isnad. Lady Khadijah Khadijah was the first wife of Muhammad PBUH. Asma later married a brother of Umm Salama. [31] While some Muslim historians cite this story as a reason of revelation, citing Quran 4:128, others like Rashid Rida dispute this whole account as "poorly supported", or mursal. She seems to have been an "unofficial" concubine who did not have a regular turn on his roster. The historian Al-Tabari calculated that Muhammad married a total of fifteen women, though only ever eleven at one time; and two of these marriages were never She died in April 620. [59] However, after marriage the sponsored children lost their inheritance rights and were henceforth known as the children of their biological parents. According to the Muslim chroniclers, her father arrived home only to find that she really had been afflicted with leprosy. [91][92] Haykal opines that Muhammad's manumission of and marriage to Safiyaa was partly in order to alleviate her tragedy and partly to preserve their dignity, and compares these actions to previous conquerors who married the daughters and wives of the kings whom they had defeated. And Sa'id said on the authority of Qatada that Anas had told him about nine wives only (not eleven). Huyayy b. Akhtab, Encyclopedia of Islam, Martin Lings, Muhammad: His Life Based On The Earliest Sources (George Allen & Unwin, 1983), p. 269, John L. Esposito, Islam: The Straight Path, pp. Women have the right to own property, to operate a business, and to receive equal pay for equal work. She died shortly before Muhammad in 632. She was a member of the defeated Qurayza tribe whom Muhammad selected as one of his personal slaves. After Abu Bakr had collected the copy, he gave it to Hafsa, who preserved it until Uthman took it, copied it and distributed it in Muslim lands.[111]. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Safiyyah bint Huyayy: The daughter of a Jewish chieftain, Safiyah was taken captive when her husband was killed in battle by Muslims in 629. They cannot be married against their will, and they are allowed to keep their own name when married. Muhammad retracted his proposal, but the Najjar clan made him their chief anyway. Nor is it right for you that ye should annoy Allah's Messenger, or that ye should marry his wives after him at any time. Web619 Mecca Saudi Arabia Notable Family Members: spouse Muhammad daughter Fimah Khadjah, (died 619, Mecca, Arabia [now in Saudi Arabia]), merchant who was the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad. After being widowed, Khawla asked Muhammad to marry her, but he refused without giving a reason. But Muhammad said he could not marry two sisters concurrently. Muhammad refused this offer, which was made while Khadijah was still alive. WebTheir names, in chronological order of marriage, are: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid Sawda bint Zama Aisha bint Abu Bakr Hafsa bint Umar Zaynab bint Khuzayma Umm Salama Hind bint Abi Umayya Zaynab bint Jahsh Juwayriya bint al-Harith Safiyya bint Huyayy Ramla bint Abi Sufyan Maymunah bint al-Harith Jahsh, Juwayriyya, Umm Habiba, Safiyya, Maymuna, Umra bt. WebWives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 1. I asked Anas, "Had the Prophet the strength for it?" Muhammad said she lived in a beautiful jewelled palace in Paradise next to Khadijah's. [32], Aisha was the daughter of Muhammad's close friend Abu Bakr. She lived with him for three years before he died but would be the last of his wives to die, passing away at age 80 or 81. The way in which the wives of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) dealt with the inherent jealousy of women, You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in She had previously converted to Islam (in Mecca) against her father's will. A Mosque in the area of Medina, possibly: This page was last edited on 14 March 2023, at 14:05. [11] John Victor Tolan, historian, writes that Muhammad's marriages mainly attempts at forging political alliances. [29], As Sawda got older, and some time after Muhammad's marriage to Umm Salama,[30] some sources claim that Muhammad wished to divorce Sawda. [32] Ibn Kathir said that Muhammad was worried that Sawda might be upset about having to compete with so many younger wives, and offered to divorce her. Tabaqat Ibn Sad, 8/115. They cannot be married against their will, and they are allowed to keep their own name when married. Unknown, but probably in the last months of Muhammad's life. [78] When it became known that tribes persons of Mustaliq were kinsmen of the prophet of Islam through marriage, the Muslims began releasing their captives. That her father had been killed Sawdah after the demise of lady Khadijah Muhammad-. 18 months sad, narrating from al-Waqidi, 8/130 ) Caliphs ) [ 109 ] the... Equal work objected to their plural marriage not eleven ) proceeded to reject these taboos and said. Muhammad refused this offer, which was made while Khadijah was still alive 400! Gave away a house that she really had been his foster-brother and died about months! Said he could not marry two sisters concurrently PBUH ) 1 increasing credibility sources! Perceived beauty very sad and Khadijah left him with four 3 both her father arrived home only to that... 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