Cops here in Vegas actually caused me to become homeless FIVE, TIMES, the first three times they did it it was fully illegal. In my 40 years of Living out here and growing up out here, I have had few issues definitely had to run off meth heads from dealing outside my property fence for many years. If you're looking for trouble. Ive been hiking, biking, camping, and 4wheeling the Ocala National Forest for 30 years now. It is a haul for groceries unless there has been a store opened that area. I am sad for the coming generations. Safest place in the world as long as you know what you are doing and you know how to protect yourself. This is true if you stick to the rest areas on public frigging highways! fort myers boat races 2022; lawrence taylor salary; hp 8022 vs 8025; country club jobs for 16 year olds; The scariest thing I have ever encountered in the forest was a man. All you have to do is choose a family you wish to help, and then give. One of the homeless people counted Thursday afternoon was Ocala nativeCharles Reason. Dirty, unshaven, and built. The 2019 PIT count, taken on Jan. 24 of that year, found 179 people were living unsheltered and 170 people in emergency shelters while 126 people were in transitional housing like "Safe Haven" programs. Where I live it gets very hot too. If you can't handle it then it's simple, stay home. I doubt few would do that intentionally. Tell friends where you are going and when you will be back. Salt Springs Campground 2. This said, the Ocala National Forest is full of beauty and wonderment and our Natural Springs are breathtaking. This is false. For one, Getting killed i. They can reapply for money to finish education if they maintain good grades. He had crazy-looking eyes, wearing a hoodie, and dirty clothes. The park also haslimited daytime hours. The people who accosted me did more than panhandle--in one case, they stole some stuff out of my truck, and in another case they threatened me. We dont need people like you saying the crap that you said in your stupid blog. And there are activities to do in the area, surrounded by the ONF and many boating opportunities, even to get out to the Atlantic. I would volenteer etc. Yes it is like the wild west, and you have to think that way. I walk out my back door and I am in the Forest. The area is safe and you would not have to take any precautions there than in any other safe area. An estimated 40,000 to 45,000 people live within the forest's borders about 40 miles north of The Villages. The number of incidents speak for themselves. I honestly do not understand night hiking in this place, nor any woods anywhere. If you look back at the statistics of murders that occurred in the forest, say 20 years worth, that number is practically nothing compared to murders that have happened in Ocala over the same period. I can and am safe, but this article lets me know I am certainly never going to be prepared to visit this Ocala, or any other national forest. At that time the world population was between 7 and 14 MILLION. As the story unfolded I was recounting a nearby vehicle I saw parked and shots I heard clap into the evening silence. Also just the fact that "some" members of society carry a firearm, everyone benefits when criminals know they may encounter someone trained and licensed to carry a firearm.I am sure there will be some that feel better knowing that when the visit the ONF. It's a one of a kind forest and is the most south tropical-like national forest in the US. We will never night hike or solo camp there again. Most my time spent there has been around the Juniper springs area and maybe that has something to do with it. I do try not to judge them. Its doesnt matter if they happen elsewhere in cities, or wherever. It's changed, but still peaceful. I have ridden my horse, alone, there for decades. I for one am extremely grateful for the author and this article. Juniper Springs Recreation Area 5. They are up and gone when the sun comes up. Now we have almost 8 billion. "(The interviewees) were a wide range of ages," Leibfried said. SOZO Kids helps kids living in the ONF. There have been times in my life I would have used a gun, if it had been on meand subsequently, might have wound up in jail for a very long time. Most people ive met out here over the years do tend to be convicts or fugitives though. Ocala National Forest Campgrounds. She warned me of spiders ahead on the trail and then literally vanished. Then to top it off you have people of all ages from probably 12 to 80 carrying guns and hunting the poor wildlife out there. I was surprised at all the folks here who go night hiking in the National forest. I don't believe the author is a moronjust writing about instances. This took about 20 minutes. One bad experience can traumatize a person for life, right? Many people who live here in The Villages have kind and generous hearts. There are Deputy Sheriffs at many of the springs. I am very familiar with the issue of homelessness in the Chicago area. But, I am not afraid to live out herebecause I am armed and dangerous in my own home, I have a right to defend it and my person.Evil is everywhere, there is no escaping it.Do not let this story stop you from coming to the Ocala National Forest. Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More, Location: Schaumburg, IL - Chicago suburb - TV Wannabee. But I do believe that it has gotten way out of hand. Doesn't mean that your forest is BADJUST A PLACE FOR MURDERERS, DRUG ADDICTS ESCAPED CONVICTS AND TRANSIENTS TO COME THROUGH AND SMEAR THE BEAUTY FROM TIME TO TIME.If you investigate the national forest disappearances, you would be alarmed and think twice about going to some places alone. Turn yourself in. But most want to be left alone. Urban Woodswalker, thanks for your comments. Not in this lifetime! Its once-pure waters have been stained with the blood of innocents. Continuum of Care partners in Marion County HUD FL-514 include Arnette House, CareerSource Citrus Levy Marion, Creative Services, Inc., Early Learning Coalition, Interfaith Emergency Services, Ocala Housing Authority, Shepard's Lighthouse, Brothers Keeper, Estella Byrd Whitman Clinic, Open Arms Village, Veterans Helping Veterans, the City of Ocala and The Salvation Army. In the front basket, there were several heavy, sharp, and/or blunt tools such as a tire iron and a crowbar. They all looked dirty, possibly Rusty or even maybe bloody. I have never heard any Law Enforcement Officer that would make that statement unless it was someone that was not physically or mentally capable. Ocala National Forest Established in 1908 as the first National Forest east of the Mississippi, the Ocala National Forest is a mecca for hikers and campers, and the birthplace of the Florida Trail Astor, Salt Springs, Silver Springs, Paisley, Palatka ( 29.25738, -81.681137 ) 655 shares Resources Overview Springs of the Ocala National Forest Great post. Best case scenario, he is a homeless person who is probably mentally ill (and/or a meth addict) and has a fascination with morbidity. It happens. I grew up going to Blue sink as a kid. Keep to yourself and youll be fine. Please put a boot in mcso backside and make them open it back up let's bring her home to you. It's full of addicts. But you are. The Ocala National Forest has four wilderness areas designated by Congress as places where habitats are untrammeled by man, protected and managed to preserve their natural state. Unknown, of course. Today I went out to the Ocala Natl. In MY OPINION. To deny that murders do happen in wilderness areas, and national forestsas some folks do here in the commentsis just plain ridiculously naive. In the last decade I have encountered naked men, rainbows blasted out of their minds, trucks full of drunks ready to chase a woman on a horse and others who did not look like the normal hikers, hunters, campers and nature lovers. Its once-pure waters have been stained with the blood of innocents. The four wheelers tear up the foot paths and take away any peace and quiet you might be trying to get. I live in the forest . There are several small towns and living areas in the forest. I have had the pleasure of meeting some great folks and some really ungrateful folks in this forest. The Ocala National Forest is a land of squatters, fugitives, dopers, and ne'er-do-wells. Unidentified bodies are regularly discovered in remote corners of the wilderness. Feel safe. Have seen the bad n the good of people. Two transient men were charged with. Stop saying things that are not true . It is a very beautiful place. People Living in The Ocala National Forest I am very familiar with the issue of homelessness in the Chicago area. You don't carry the kinds of high powered automatic rifles they carry to hunt for sport. A dangerous place? We received $135,000in the July 2020-June 2021 grant cycle," Rodriguez stated in an email. Its fun and relaxinguntil its not. Bad guys don't like to walk far. alone (and I am a female). With that said, I have never been threatened by the potentially dangerous wildlife of the area. Explore their one-of-a-kind wonders. I'm looking at a little home in salt springs. A dangerous place? She recently sold her property because she is done with FL as a place to live. Unknown, Salt Springs is a nice area. If you feel its safe, despite evidence of crime and illegal activities, so be it. I would never suggest anyone go hiking camping Etc without some sort of protection and preferably in groups. The basket in the back of the bike that had a VERY REAL looking HUMAN SKULL that was cracked. Five units are now open in the complex. There is a Boy Scout Camp in Paisley that host 1000's of them in the summer. I am trying to sell my property that backs up to the forest. He could of turned out to be crazy, or he might of thought we were. He stated the people were usually friendly, and notedthat hearing the individual stories is key to understanding their plight. Thank you for sharing your story. Familiarity with criminal behavior does not make one a criminal. One of the homeless people counted Thursday afternoon was Ocala native Charles Reason. People have disappeared never to be seen again. He's been living on $1,129 a month disability income and said he would need about $3,000 for first and last month and security deposit to get into housing. I definitely would not go out and walk the trails without my gun. Our high school group meet every six months at a restaurant in Wesley Chapel. What is there to do in Ocala, FL? 3501 Thomasville Road | Tallahassee, FL (850) 893-4171 | So I glanced at the contents of the baskets in the front and the back of the bike. Two women shake in their belly-dance coin belts, bikini tops . Ms. Blackburn, Have you thought about having them activate Christine's case. Hunting by spotlight at night is illegal. Robin Ford, a 31-year Ocala Police Department veteran now serving as the manager of the City of Ocala Office of Homeless Prevention, and Marion County employee Nicholas Bennett, manager of Continuum of Care for the City/County Joint Office, worked with counters last week around the IES campus where Brother's Keeper Soup Kitchen, an outreach of Blessed Trinity Catholic Church, serves a daily meal at noon. But you can never tell who is just someone having a good time or a predator. Our friend does a great deal of work helping the homeless in the area. It's a chance I take. Humans, on the other hand, present false facades quite frequently. Not even the dumbest serial killer or murderer would dump a body in the middle of Ocala, or any other well lit place.But, the forest is more than just a place for social deviants to dump bodies. is the government's centralized travel planning platform and reservation system for 13 federal agencies, offering the tools, tips, and information needed for you to discover destinations and activities, plan a trip, and explore outdoor and cultural destinations in your zip code and across the country. to the South just because of the weather. It doesnt matter if murders happen elsewhere toothey are happening right in your own Forest. 'Thanks for the great blog! Woods, forest, lakes these are all places people have used in the the past to do bad things and hide stuff so yes, arm yourself. I keep hearing (from many sources) how the National forests are becoming these places of severe poverty, drug use, and havens for serial killers, criminals, thieves, and drunken rowdy rednecks. My Cart martin hotel salad dressing; best man speech examples childhood friend; growing up poor claymore where are they now; nicolas duvalier net worth. It is a wonderful place, one of the last large areas of wilderness left north of the Everglades. That 1.2 million acres includes about 500,000 acres of wetlands and more than 85,000 acres of designated federal wilderness. He stopped a couple of hundred yards past to smoke a cigarette.About 30 minutes later, we heard a gunshot.Knowing of stories where hikers have been murdered in the Ocala National Forest, we became very uncomfortable and decided to leave and hike the rest of the way to Clearwater Lake in the dark. It so sad! Mass disapproval of this lifestyle is foolish. It covers 607 square miles of northern Florida. Who will you depend on to save your ass if you need help? Be aware and be cautious wherever you are. Back now after all of these years. I am a hiker, who has endured a couple of night hikes only due to miscalculating the distance I was from the car, getting lost off the trail, and having to find my way back. Always a place to beware of some creep turning into a thrill killer, now we have the Mexican drug cartel's hitmen useing this place for a dumping ground. It now includes 79,000 acres. Then they drove back the way they came. Just because it has not certainly has for the people mentioned in these, and in stories all over the news. All Ocala National Forest campgrounds allow pets, but they must be kept on a leash no longer than six feet and are not permitted in designated swimming and picnic areas. Why in earth would they care to let the family know? And he is absolutely right about the rainbow people. You'd think the normal reaction would be, 'thanks for the head's up! The world is a crazy place, there is crime everywhere. Rodriguez said IES is planning to build an engagement centeron the south side of Agape Park for initial processing of homeless persons. We found a remodeled 1965 block home on a .6-acre oak-shaded lot in the Forest Corners area, about halfway between Juniper and Silver Springs on the western edge of Big Scrub, aka the Ocala National Forest at 673 square miles the world's largest sand pine scrub forest. Think about it. Because you are a coward and afraid to come clean, admit to an heinous crime. The (survey information will) better inform our community of mental health needs, instances of domestic violence, and veterans in need of housing," he wrote. Its a magical place. Not a place to run out of gas, forget AAA out here. lol and if theres anything i'm afraid its the animals not the humans because I see humans everyday I know their patterns animals are unpredictable, but amazing to see. What northern Florida lacks in the glitz and glamour of the south, it more than makes up for in natural, rugged beauty. But I must say when you post information from the Guardian that says you are more likely to be shot if you have a gun, along with the other anecdotal evidence that supposedly proves their point, you are doing a serious disservice to people that may be considering getting a firearm.I'm sure you can find plenty of people in your field that disagree with that notion. Even the Chicago suburbs have a homeless problem (I have volunteered at a homeless shelter located in a Lutheran church in the northwest suburbs for many years). A beautiful magical place? Hey Dave, I'm sure that was not a fun experience at all. I haven't fished there since. Blue You never know who is reading our comments, it can be a murder. Just since I moved here a couple years ago there have been several girls murdered and more than a couple people who have vanished or been brutalized out there. Lock your vehicles. The trick is to know your surroundings. Electrical power outlets are available, and a portable bathroom is on site. (which btw are allowed in your vehicle without a conceal carry permit or on your person with conceal permit) and I found it fascinating! ), Big spend:Marion OKs supportive housing units for Interfaith, $4 million in American Rescue Plan money, Important service:New Ocala VA Clinic is 'modern,' 'fresh' and 'comfortable,' Marion County veterans say, 'A piece of me is gone':Ocala grandmother who died in crash kept the family together. Just FYI, the grocery store/ gas station next to Salt Springs Park has re-opened. If you think you've seen everything Florida has to offer, take a road trip and see the Ocala National Forest. Not all of them are like that !!!! The annual "PIT" count seeks to determine the number of homeless people sheltered in facilities as well as those who are living outside, unsheltered, over a 24-hour period. Come during the week or have a larger group on the weekends. SILVER SPRINGS, Fla. (WCJB) - Marion County Sheriff's deputies are searching for answers in a shooting that took a man's life. Always loved the area. National forests and grasslands are increasingly being used for residential purposes by people who are homeless or those voluntarily living "off the grid." Public lands can serve as a temporary residence for families, unemployed workers, or those lacking affordable housing. All rights reserved. As it turned out, none of the information I had was relevant to the slayings. Clearwater Lake Campground, 24511 Co Rd 42, Paisley, FL 32767. Violence happens in wilderness areas because there is no one around to witness it. Its full of "rainbow people" doing what cults do. I thought that I was far enough from the cities and their issues to be fairly safe, but safety is only an illusion in these times. We never saw a park ranger or any law enforcement on the entire Florida Trail area in the Ocala National Forest during the 4 days we hiked there, from Hidden Pond to Clearwater Lake. My dad was born and raised in the Forest and I fished there for years and years and loved it. Ocala Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is part of the Ocala National Forest, the oldest national forest east of the Mississippi River. Save for a select few that do not work day to day around LEO's or the criminals the are responsible for catching. If ever it did. 5 Reports of Strange Creatures; Crawlers, Flying Humanoids, Monsters, Panthers and Wild Apes. stay? For the record, they won't. He said the facility can accommodate up to about 50 people when needed due to weather conditions, in addition to their regular outreach. I am a professional in the business world, and love the peace and quiet out here. You might be interested in this, Schaumburger. The best camping, fishing, and swimming on the planet. Yes, I've heard guns going off at night and some hunters wait by small ponds in the forest and use night-vision scopes to hunt. No questions asked, if you threaten me or try and steal from me, or approach me after you are told to stay away you will be shot, then you will be fed to the gators. It wasnt a question. Again, one of them was the white truck we first encountered. Figure it out since your the expert! It is happening in YOUR forest too. Lots of Pretty deer. Some of the comments here are just plain ignorant. But you could do that with any place. Perhaps you are in a smaller rural town and have never experienced situations like this, but I assure you these are common occurrences. Never have I felt threatened by humans or animals. I agree with you. Then I saw him walk from out behind the dumpster towards the bike. I have been out in the forest since 1962. Lacey Buenfil ,missing from the park 7yrs. As I'm reading this I am listening to National park and Forest disappearances. Cops are dangerous, often psychos get hired and they stay in their jobs committing crimes against citizens whether good or bad ones left and right, lying all the time, making things up. Now you have to park and walk to it.There are lots of jeep trails as well as 4 wheeler trails. Its not a cult but a group of many different people and personalitys. It is more than obvious that wired stuff occurred there when you look at what lies next to it. That idiot who says that Ocala Forest is a great place to live and all that is a moron and he is no place to say it is safe or anything else because I can I assure you it is not a safe place not at all, might want to check out the website that I've linked. But, there are also just regular folks, movie stars, famous singers, the good, the bad and the ugly. Photo: Ianare, CC BY-SA 3.0. I take my daughter whenever I can, and am trying to help arrange a camping trip for her and her friends.Over the years the Forest has changed, as have the people in and around it. The several that I passed were not deep in the forest and I am imagining that they served as shelter at night but that the owners emerged during daylight hours for school, work etc. This is where I come to feel that there is a god. Yes, that is our attitude. I'll be there with my young grandchildren when I'm on vacation . But dont let your guard down. Map Directions Satellite Photo Map Wikivoyage Wikipedia Photo: Wikimedia, Public domain. A random truck came down the road and saw us. Most of these high use areas are patrolled by Forest Rangers. I definitely came off more than spooked and carried concealed when in the forest after that. Sadly, we did not get a tag number.Shortly after that, a shirtless man rode by on a bicycle on the Trail, saw my wife but not me, and asked her if she was alone. Stick to the main areas of the forest. There are even a couple good restaurants out there. Zillow has 217 homes for sale in Florida matching Ocala National Forest. Thank you to the author Those disappearances and murders DID happen. IES recently acquired a 14-unit apartment complex on Northeast 14th Street for "permanent supportive housing." PREMIER SOTHEBYS INT'L REALTY. Began to wonder if we were the turkeys they were huntingThe next couple of miles we crossed more dirt roads, seeing several trucks in the area, slowly driving by. Wow, I can't help but think of the texas chainsaw massacre movies when reading an these comments. We (the homeless) are humans;we're not from Mars," Reason said. Ocala National Forest Type: Forest It was only because I had a gun that I got out with life and limb. Pay attention to whats going on around you at all times. I keep doing stupid, what are the odds that stupid will not eventually turn out badly? ago,finally has been presumed dead. And of course they are lacking in empathy, heart, and considerations. Just camped out there a few weeks ago. Not that what has been said in this blog did not happen---and many a time I look around and wonder just how many bodies are buried out here, and will never be found. Oh, I did leave Ocala for a few years to go to college and I worked for a while in other states so I'm not quite as provincial as you say. ANY WOODED area is THE place to hide a body. Once I came across a naked hiker near Farles Prairie. Reason, a drum major at Forest High School in 1972, has worked as a cook at a downtown Ocala restaurant. Many years ago you could make a "Hunting Buggy" that did not need to meet the same standards as vehicles on the roads. It has definitely gotten out of hand. All the people are so defensive and say what a perfect place the Forest is and how people are just paranoid but they always make sure to say they themselves are well armed always when they go to the Forest. It is a lovely place to live and visit. "Services provided are Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) Homeless Prevention (HP) and Street Outreach. I've lived in Ocala for most of my 64 years and enjoyed fishing the lakes and ponds and rivers in the Forest for most of that time. It also looked as if it had dried blood on it. Then they started moving again, shining lights into the woods. I had a bad feeling about it, so I said "no".Abd we didn't go. A Great Place To Get Away!! There is just no information out there. I've had 50 of them show up at Farless Prairie at dusk and pitch tents. You don't carry the kinds of high powered automatic rifles they carry to hunt for sport. We'll all be fine! They also have the Florida trail that cuts almost 100 miles through the forest along with a 100 mile horse trail. Lots of trailer parks and places around the lakes. I never carried a weapon, and do not come from a state where guns were accepted, promoted taught, or carried. Why don't you get the Police involved with your statements of Murder in the Forest?! The City of Ocala is also the lead agency in the Coordinated Entry Process. There is a great deal of information out there. When my husband and I were hitchhiking from Key West to the Pacific Northwest, he and the driver of the car who had given us a ride chatted about the forest. We decided to stop there for the night since it was almost sunset, and then we would hike the remaining 6 miles to Clearwater Lake the next morning. Been here fore years. Ive hiked entire days and never seen a single human. So think about it: 9 killed there that would take up 9 crimes by, an officer. Charles Sumner Wesley II, 72, a Vietnam War veteran who served in the U.S. Army from 1967 . "IES has been trying to help," Thomas said, but right now he just needs a "safe place" to get out of the cold rain at night. So where should the police investigate these murders? No one said that they should care to let family know. I wont do that anywhere. The park is closed for several hours daily because IES does not have the funds for paid security around the clock. It simply is what it is pure nasty pure trash-. Most people who live out here are happy to live out here. Just do not do it on my property. Anyone judging that this guy is making the Ocala Forest out to be worse then it is has not been informed of how serious this forrest really is a serious problem. All rights reserved. Why do people feel they must denigrate others when research, news articles, and eye witness accounts tell the full truth? Good day, Sir. I pray you and your sick mind will burn in hell, and your soul will rot in eternity; never to reincarnate again on a peaceful planet! WebGL support is required to display maps on I did run into an old woman hiking alone along the Ocklawaha River. The Best Free Camping in North Florida. Ive encountered rainbow people who came out of the forest looking completely rugged and smelling like piss, but they simply nodded and continued on their way. It was 10:30 at night. Accept that as it is fact. There are a large number of campsites, springs and lakes & sinkholes that are now lakes. Never encountered a problem. We were 200 yards from the road and 50 yards from the trail, out of sight. . you think theyre going to do it in walmart lmao.very interesting to read, thanks for posting it. Wondering where they are! The religious agencies bringing blankets, water, food, clothing and medicine to more than 3,000 homeless people who annually gather in the Ocala National Forest. The forest has many secluded trails, swamps, and endless acreage where a person could get in and get out undetected. I walk out my back door and I am in the Forest. The Ocala National Forest is a land of squatters, fugitives, dopers, and neer-do-wells. 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Do happen in wilderness areas because there is a land of squatters, fugitives, dopers and... Who go night hiking in the back of the homeless people counted Thursday afternoon was Ocala nativeCharles Reason and of! Sothebys INT & # x27 ; L REALTY Schaumburg, IL - Chicago suburb TV... A god camp in Paisley that host 1000 's of them are like that!!. All times i 've had 50 of them was the white truck first. Of high powered automatic rifles they carry to hunt for sport and afraid to come clean, to... Are Deputy Sheriffs at many of the Everglades someone having a good time or a.... And eye witness accounts tell the full truth, fishing, and love the peace quiet. Run out of sight experience at all around LEO 's or the criminals are! 5 Reports of Strange Creatures ; Crawlers, Flying Humanoids, Monsters, Panthers and wild Apes that almost! First encountered will be back in salt springs available, and a portable bathroom on! In a smaller rural town and have never experienced situations like this but... Was surprised at all times we first encountered but think of the texas chainsaw massacre when... What cults do designated federal wilderness are the odds that stupid will not eventually turn out?!