Fixed some errors. To East Fragment C. Golem Emporium D. The Crypt Tower E. Shield Guardian F. To West Fragment (O4). This is the order in which you want to flip them: northwest switch (red circle), southeast switch (black-and-white checkerboard), southwest switch (blue chevron), and northeast switch (yellow blocks). So, if a dagger does 1d4 cold damage, Shadows of Undrentide simulates rolling one four-sided die. . So, basically, it's going to be a tough fight, and the powder and gnolls will be helpful. To the Oasis of the Green Palm B. You can receive some gold or a free reading as your reward. When the protective circle disappears, focus all your energy on the wind (and note that when the circle reappears, all undead within it will be killed). The one nearest the center will be empty, while the one closer to the switch will have a shank of meat. He shouldn't be too tough to beat. If you take the horns to Ferran, you can convince him to give you his longbow, which provides +2 for spot skill and +1 for your attack rating. Dorna is a good choice for almost anyone--she has healing skills and is a good rogue. Your conversation with Tymofarrar will be lengthy and involved. If you want to solve the puzzle on your own, go around to each pillar and drop a distinct weapon in front, so that when the birdbath reveals the next in the sequence you can recognize it. Help him defend himself, and then speak with him. And you'll feel better for not having to set the game to "easy.". AGAIN, I see this as a plot, scenario failing by the developers. Use the key to open the door to the tomb, then get ready for your toughest fight yet. Invisibility: At the sixth level, the assassin is able to cast invisibility once a day. In the northeast corner, you'll find a room with three pairs of thrones. He will inform you that they fled to the north. It's a good idea to initially ask him to free Deekin, though, if you have no plans to kill Tymofarrar. Using the cantrip of the opposite element on any of these pedestals will yield a magical token. A. Congratulations! Talk to Ashtara, who will inform you of your slavery and explain your task: You must kill the 10 shield guardians found throughout, beginning The Slaver's Task quest. The next fight may be the most difficult yet. Ask Torias, "Does this caravan sell anything?" You can't open the glowing chest, ever. You will get several choices of rewards--most important among these is that he frees Deekin (note that if you did not ask for Deekin's freedom initially, you will need to give him a store of items worth 2,000 gold for him to free the kobold). But you will want to at least kill Tymofarrar for her to get some experience. For that reason, you shouldn't feel ashamed to use the difficulty slider (located in the options menu) when things get too tough. By Ron Dulin Design by Katie Bush While not quite as big as Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Undrentide is. You want to make a deal with Gishnak and convince him that you intend to kill J'Nah--he will offer the services of his gnoll soldiers when the time comes, but in exchange you must kill no more gnolls and not steal anything from them. When you enter the portal room, you will face several slaads, including an 11th-level gray slaad that will pose a serious challenge. You can buy items from him, as well as sell him some exotic items. Best PS5 Headset In 2023 - Top Options For PlayStation, +1 AC bonus, Divine Favor (3x/day), heavy armor, evil or neutral only, Camouflage (1x/day), Displacement (1x/day), +3 to saving throws vs. mind-affecting spells, +3 to saving throws vs. sonic damage, Protects user from the poison trap in the Elven Crypt, The Spirit of Nimaldor will explain the purpose of these helms, Invisibility (3x/day), Ultravision (3x/day), Immunity to Fear, Nether Mountains. A happy ending for William's story will make catching the wise wind much easier. At level six, the effect increases to a 10-percent concealment bonus, +2 to AC, and 5/+2 damage reduction. August 2019 in Official Campaigns. If you can use ranged weapons or spells to destroy the Mmythallar, all the better. If you do kill him, wait until he has given you the inkwell, or take it from his corpse. SOU - the 10 shield golems (too old to reply) Devast8or 19 years ago Hi all, I'm in Undrentide where I need to kill the 10 shield golems for the Asabi slaver. Give him a cheap gem or snatch the baby when prompted. The sarcophagus in the center of the western wall contains the armor of command (+3 to AC, +5 to persuade, and +2 to charisma) and a stack of 13 arrows of the vampire (+2 vampiric regeneration). Statue of Jergal C. Archer Statues D. Secret Door E. Kel-Garas. Once the cavern is clear, head to the north cave, where Tymofarrar awaits. Quest: Not Playing With a Full Deck Katriana will tell you to speak with Torias about the kobolds. Inside, you will be attacked by more mephits and elementals. Shadows of Undrentide (SoU) is the first of the official expansion packs. [1] The Arcane Archer can cast spells and use a bow with great skill. Dagget Filth is a dire rat, a powerful wizard, and a poet. A powerful undead priest has set up shop in a tomb nearby, and his power has somehow drained the water. If you've ventured into the Temple of the Winds, you have seen the ark of the three winds and its three round, empty depressions. When the wise wind is defeated, grab it. Three of these lead back to the surface. If you plan on fighting the gnoll chief, which isn't necessary, you can enlist the aid of the kobolds through persuasion or intimidation. When you find the sphinx statue, use a stone to flesh spell and it will be restored. The biggest monster, though, is the tentacle beast that appears as you attempt to cross the center platform. At the seventh level, it is increased to 2d6, and at ninth level, it is increased to 3d6. As you enter Blumberg, a dying man will approach you and say that the town has been overrun by gnolls. To the High Forest. Deadly attack inflicts 2d6 extra damage at the third level, 3d6 at the fifth level, 4d6 the at seventh level, and 5d6 at the ninth level. Even better, used ranged weapons or spells to avoid the trapped floor. Note that flipping a switch out of order will close all the doors. Kill everything, and then head down the hole into the hive. Finally, speak with the minister. If Tymofarrar did not swear an oath, you will need to persuade him to not kill you after J'Nah is dead. You can also threaten to kill the mayor if she does not comply, and then actually kill the mayor if your intimidation doesn't work. Summon Fiend: At the fifth level, the blackguard can summon a succubus. You can talk to Gilford, the exhausted priest of Ilmater. If you get her to agree, return to Szaren and receive some experience and some gold. Elves and characters with decent search skills have a chance of finding a secret door that bypasses the whole area, instead giving you a handful of weak skeletons to fight. This begins the J'Nah's Request quest. If he doesn't attack you on sight, you can intimidate him to give you the rod, or you can persuade him to allow you to arbitrate a deal between him and Klumph. Given by (or taken from) Tymofarrar, This is one of the four missing artifacts, Give the Shadow Hart Horns to Fiona the smith, 1 cold damage, massive criticals (1 damage), Dropped (or presented) by leader of kobold gang, -1 attack and damage, 1d8 damage vs. undead, +2 saving throws vs. negative energy, +1 enhancement, poison: 1d2 constitution damage, +1 attack, 1 fire damage, good alignment only, Dispel Magic (1x/day), special propertie, light source, Only paladins will be able to access the chamber, Given by Fiona if Piper has asked for his sword, +2 enhancement, chance of Blindness on hit, evil only, Reward for killing Ali at Kel-Garas' request, 1d8 fire damage vs. undead, +1 enhancement, +2 enhancement vs. undead, Found in sarcaphogus after solving rune stone puzzle (1 of 4 possible), +1 attack, bonus level 1 spell, light source (Cleric only), Hilltop West, Community Hall, Gilford's shop, +1 attack, Endure Elements (2x/day), massive criticals (4x), +1 Animal Empathy skill, Found on body of stinger warrior near temple stairs, Cure Critical Wounds (2 charges), Divine Power (3 charges), Flame Strike (3 charges), good or neutral clerics only, 1d8 fire damage vs. undead, +1 enhancement, +2 enhancement vs. undead, Flame Arrow (3x/day), sorcerer and wizard only, Oasis of the Green Palm, Catacomb of Al-Rashid. Now the primary quest starts in earnest. If you drop a token into the pool and then press one of the buttons, you will receive an item that will summon an elemental of that type. Even if you kill Tymofarrar, she will attack you. The Spell Orb C. Secret Door D. Minogons/Formian Hive Entrance E. Strange Machine F. Sphinx Statue G. To Formian Hive H. Portal Room I. Looting the graves in the crypt will cause you to be attacked by the undead and will shift your alignment to evil. When you do visit the herbalist, he'll have two of the required herbs. First, you can persuade Rumgut that Becka will never get any bigger. They aren't tough opponents, but be aware of the stinger archers, who can burrow underground and lead your henchman and summoned creatures further and further away. In a small graveyard in the southeastern corner, you will meet a skeleton chieftain who will speak with you. Szaren Just to the east of the gate to Hilltop West, you'll see a red-clad man on the road, the 10th-level wizard Szaren. Kill everyone, then search the chests in the northeast corner. Once you have the cloak, return to the lower level. You can also get a promissory note from him. Farghan the herbalist can give you two of the necessary herbs for the A Cure for Drogan quest, and he will tell you that Mara at the Bubbling Cauldron bought the rest of his helmthorn berries. The easternmost of these contains the spirit of an elven warrior who will ask you to find his stolen sword. He will show you his black-market goods, which include some decent low-level magic items. The sarcophagi in this room are guarded by two eighth-level minogons armed with powerful netherese axes. This room is full of traps and undead. Note that the staff, in addition to the attack bonuses, also allows you to cast flame arrow three times a day. Inside the library, you will find a collection of primarily useless books. Note that in addition to buying wine from Musharak, you can intimidate the minister of Ao into giving you a bottle. With Karsus and William, defeating the wise wind is not very difficult. At the bottom of the rope, you will find yourself in a strange room--there are four pedestals, a magic pool, a level, and some goblin bones. Blocked Passage Received From: Chief Azrig, Master Jumper, or Automatic Location: Nether Mountains, Kobold Caves Status: Required Experience: 200, A Cure for Drogan Received From: Ayala Location: Hilltop West, Drogan's Farm Status: Optional Experience: 500, The Dragon's Tooth Received From: Ayala Location: Hilltop West, Drogan's Farm Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: N/A, The Elven Test Received From: Automatic Location: Hilltop Foothills, Elven Crypt Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: 50, An Excess of Prophet Received From: Haniah Location: Hilltop West, Community Hall Status: Optional Experience: 100, Fled Into the Crypt Received From: Automatic Location: Hilltop Foothills Status: Required Experience: 200, The Gnoll Slaves Received From: Automatic Location: High Forest, Gnoll Caves Status: Optional Experience: 200, Horns of the Shadow Hart Received From: Ferran Valiantheart Location: Hilltop Foothills Status: Optional Experience: 0, J'Nah's Request Received From: J'Nah Location: High Forest, Ancient Hall Status: Optional Experience: 0, The Kobold Prisoners Received From: Automatic Location: High Forest, Gnoll Caves Status: Optional Experience: 200, Kobolds in the Kitchen Received From: Automatic Location: Hilltop West, Bubbling Cauldron Status: Optional Experience: 100, The Lost Sword Received From: Elven Warrior Spirit Location: Hilltop Foothills, Elven Crypt Status: Optional Experience: 50, The Mask Received From: Ayala Location: Hilltop West, Drogan's Farm Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: N/A, The Missing Artifacts Received From: Ayala Location: Hilltop West, Drogan's Farm Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: 1,000, The Mummified Hand Received From: Ayala Location: Hilltop West, Drogan's Farm Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: N/A, Not Playing With a Full Deck Received From: Katriana Location: Hilltop East Status: Optional Experience: 100, Rescue Glendir Received From: Slaves or Automatic Location: High Forest, Gnoll Cave Status: Optional Experience: 100, Rescue My Family Received From: Nora Blake Location: Hilltop East Status: Optional Experience: 100, Rumgut Needs a Wife Received From: Nathan Hurst Location: Hilltop Foothills Status: Optional Experience: 250, Spider Infestation Received From: Spirit of Nimaldor Location: Hilltop Foothills, Elven Crypt Status: Optional Experience: 100, Thayvian Enclave Received From: Szaren Location: Hilltop East Status: Optional Experience: 100, The Tower Statue Received From: Ayala Location: Hilltop West, Drogan's Farm Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: N/A, Tymofarrar's Revenge Received From: Tymofarrar Location: Nether Mountains, Dragon Cave Status: Optional Experience: 0, Ao's Wine for Sale Received From: Musharak Location: Ao Encampment Status: Optional Experience: 0, Identifying the Crystal Received From: Drogan Location: Automatic Status: Required (Main Plot Quest) Experience: N/A, Jasmeena's Offer Received From: Jasmeena Location: Ao Encampment Status: Optional Experience: 0, The Missing Guide Received From: Katriana Location: Night Camp, Caravan Status: Required Experience: 1,000, Oasis of the Green Palm Received From: Katriana Location: Oasis of the Green Palm, Caravan Status: Required Experience: 1,000, The Rod of Blight Received From: Ali Location: Oasis of the Green Palm, Bedine Camp Status: Required Experience: 1,000, The Valley of Winds Received From: Garrick Location: Ao Encampment, Temple Status: Required Experience: 1,000, Torias's Request Received From: Torias Location: Ao Encampment, Caravan Experience: 0. Note that several of the blackguard's abilities are based on charisma--for that reason, characters with high charisma make superior blackguards, while half-orcs might find less benefit from the class. I have a belt of cloud giant strength, a +6 str/-4 dex sword with fire damage added. If you tell it to leave, your alignment will shift to good. Received From: Ashtara Location: Asabi Camp Experience: 5,000* Status: Required *More experience is awarded for disabling the golems than destroying them. Evil characters take note. To Asabi Camp B. If you allow them to actually leave with Mara, they will kill her once they leave the tavern. Mages can also just cast direct damage spells--a well-placed fireball will demolish a chest or a weak door, lock, trap, and all. . Prerequisites: Skills: Move Silently (8 ranks), Hide (10 ranks), Tumble (5 ranks) Feats: Dodge, Mobility. You also choose where they go: Silverymoon or Hilltop. The module is developed for a full single-player experience of the Western Heartlands, including character development, non-linearity, good/evil plot courses, lycanthropy for players (werewolf and wererat), large quests and areas to explore, multiple endings, exciting conflicts, new spells, original song and an . If you want to finish the test before proceeding, return upstairs and use the key given to you by Nimaldor on the door in the eastern passage. You can then let them go, convince them to leave, and ambush them, or just attack them yourself in the kitchen. Head down the stairs. If you decide to free the slaves, you must clear a path to the exit for them. At the seventh level, he or she can summon a doom knight. The library is located in the east fragment. What about the mage? In the antechamber to the portal room, you will see some strange creatures fighting slaads. Inside his sarcophagus you will find a longbow +1, a gold ring, and the key to the elven test room (he will also give you the key if you complete the Spider Infestation quest). You'll notice a large locked door at the northern end of the cavern. If you've activated the trap, put on the protective helmet and stand on the pressure plate near the door. He must not have looked very hard--there are two entrances to the tomb, both in the dead center of the forest. If you've let Hurc or Urko survive, Chief Arzig will speak with you. This ability can be used three times per day, and it lasts for five rounds. You'll have to answer three riddles (or two, if you answered the "five children" riddle earlier). Proceed to "On the Nature of Hell," and choose "Rewrite the central argument. Cat's Grace: At the third level, the harper scout can cast cat's grace once per day. He also has numerous shadovar minions around him. The walls vanish and reappear, and you just need to find your way around in spite of the ever-shifting passageways. Proceed past the door to the southern end of the eastern hallway, where you will find a secret door. BioWare have been kind enough to put all that in the background. His ability to execute lethal attacks from the cover of shadows makes the assassin a very deadly opponent. Statistics Race: construct Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 24 Hit points: 82 Attack bonus: +16/+11/+6 Damage: 1 d8 +6 bludgeoning damage ( creature weapon) One of the major additions to Shadows of Undrentide is the fact that you now have much more control over your henchman. One of the other significant differences between Neverwinter Nights and Shadows of Undrentide is the difficulty. This summoned shadow is difficult to turn, and it becomes more powerful as the shadowdancer gains levels. The arcane is a powerful hybrid of ranged warrior and spellcaster. In addition, the shadowdancer gets the hide in plain sight ability, allowing him or her to move into shadows even when being looked at. To the Asabi Camp B. At level eight, it increases to a 15-percent concealment bonus, +3 to AC, and 10/+2 damage reduction. He shoots waves of fire that will do significant damage. Detailed walk-throughs for every dungeon, cave, and tomb in the game. GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. At level 10, the concealment bonus is increased to 20-percent, the AC bonus to +4, and the damage reduction to 10/+3. To obtain shadow gems, kill the shadovar as they appear. Return to Piper and give him the sword, and he will leave to join the guards. Master Drogan will be revived, and you can proceed to the interlude. Otherwise, you can just let them go or kill them. If you enter the room, the gates will shut and a manticore will come bounding at you. This maze may seem confusing at first, but it actually isn't a maze in the traditional sense. There is a shield guardian in south-west room and spell orb in north-east . Ali will inform you (though you have probably noticed for yourself) that the oasis is dry. Prerequisites: Alignment: Evil Skills: Hide (5 ranks) Feats: Cleave. It means that you cannot access this classes at the beginning of the game. You can just kill him outright. Place the dark wind, the dead wind, and the wise wind inside to gain access to the temple stairs. Piper is standing near the hall, speaking to a large group of followers. An endless army of disturbed come from the sarcophagi, so make your way to each one and destroy it. Note that when you select a prestige class, the levels and bonuses apply only to your level in that class, not your combined character level. To enter the plane of shadow, you will need shadow gems. You begin Chapter Two in the asabi camp, after being petrified and enslaved. Path to the interlude not swear an oath, you can intimidate the minister Ao... 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