But to adjust the physical circuit, in addition to food, sleep is very important. I planned to go to Niagara Falls when I was twelve years old. Light manifests brain function and death. You never know what you're gonna get.\" --- Forrest GumpPlease email me video topics you are interested to see service@handeway.comI will search and upload them for youCheer:-) Im a broken man. So I enjoy it every day and night. Tesla u intervju iz 1938: ena je nedostian ideal koga ja nisam dostojan - Drutvo - Dnevni list Danas Poetna Vesti Drutvo Tesla u intervju iz 1938: ena je nedostian ideal koga ja nisam dostojan Drutvo Prelistavamo predratne listove Vreme i Pravda - 25. avgust 1938. godine My sight and hearing are perfect, and I dare say that they are stronger than in others. In the laboratory of Nikola Tesla for the first time, an atom has been broken. The more we can UNIFY the more we can SEE the LIGHT. Each of its particles has a light, thermal, nuclear force, radiation, chemical, mechanical, and energy not yet identified. Nikola Tesla Interview ** Hidden For 116 Years Yabba Dabba Doo 1.4K subscribers Subscribe 23K views 4 years ago Who Was Nikola Tesla? All that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combated, suppressed only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle. Tesla: Knowing how mental and vital energy transforms into what we want and mastering all emotions. JOURNALIST: Ill document all your words, Dear Mr. Tesla. This old Nikola Tesla interview reveals that he created this 100 years before the U.S navy did. The illusion for me has not been a disease, but the ability of the mind to penetrate beyond the three dimensions of the Earth. Journalist: You stated that I, like all other beings, am the light. It is therefore of Cardinal Importance to UNCONDITIONALLY SERVE the TOTALITY in order to become FREE, to USE the Dual Realm as the THRESHOLD to Enter the Realm BEYOND Dimension = Having BECOME ONE WITH INFINITY. TESLA: First, the maintenance of the whole. Nikola Tesla is his name. Id never seen so much brightness in the eyes of any creature as I did in that pigeons. I started as a youngster as we walked down the river with Uncle. TESLA: I wanted to fly from the roof and I fell: the calculations of the children can be mistaken. In it, Tesla relayed his amazing predictions for the future a world of flying machines . Twain not to remain under those vibrations. in diameter. Light Particles are recorded. For that gift, I shall be elevated to the status of High Lama in Tibet. Caustic criticism greeted his speculations concerning communication with other planets, his assertions that he could split the Earth like an apple, and his claim of having invented a death ray capable of destroying 10,000 airplanes at a distance of 400 km (250 miles). When I was a student, I was sick with anger that ravaged the Lika region. What about the Universes birth? The problem is one of these stars and one of these suns, even the smallest, survives. An interview with Nikola Tesla by John B. Kennedy. The tiniest star has finished its composition and is now a member of the heavenly symphony. . Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), who once worked for Edison, was often a rival of the more-famous inventor. Does a fan use more electricity at high speed? Learn about Nikola Tesla's great inventionsand his obsession with pigeons, A History of Everyday Technology in 68 Quiz Questions, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Nikola-Tesla, Energy.gov - Top 11 Things You Didn't Know About Nikola Tesla, Public Broadcasting Service - Nikola Tesla, History Computer - Nikola Tesla Complete Biography, History, and Inventions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Biography of Nikola Tesla, Nikola Tesla - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Nikola Tesla - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Why are you scared, young man? We may also think of other energies, such as good mental energy. A guy needs to experience pain from time to time. If we emotionally bind ourselves to them, they will come to us. Nikola Tesla Anti Gravity | Legitimate or A Myth? The incomprehensible sadness that overwhelms us sometimes means that somewhere, on the other side of the planet, a child or a generous man died. The light we see is the reflection of the uncreated light is the creator of all.He is above creation and yet in his light lies the existence of the entire universe .light permeates everything. There is the life force in every corner of the Universe; one of them is immortality, whose genesis is outside of man, waiting for him. A weapon has been created that produces seismic vibrations. Mr. Tesla has a number of startling new discoveries and inventions in the electrical field, which he does not care to announce at present, and he considers these latter of greater moment than any electrical work he has so far done. The greatest robber of such energy, and consequently of spiritual force, is the woman. I have not achieved the greatest of my goals. This expansion of vision and hearing I have had since I was a child. Can you please try again? In one of its rays is the fate of nations. It was really appreciative and provided me with the information I currently possess. This is because our bodies are made from similar material, and our soul is related to unbreakable filaments. In 1891 he invented the Tesla coil, an induction coil widely used in radio technology. Nikola Tesla predicted the mobile phone in 1926. JOURNALIST: Mark Twain wrote The Mysterious Stranger, a wonderful book about Satan, inspired by you. The second law is that darkness, which is the real nature of light, spreads from the unexplained and is changed into light. Can the author please confirm? JOURNALIST: Mr. Tesla, you have gained the glory of the man who got involved in the cosmic processes. TESLA: Yes, these are some of my most important discoveries. White is the color of the sky. Everything has energy as a charge, but where is it? Moreover, I also corrected most of my innovations by visualization and finished them that way; I mentally solved complicated mathematical equations using visualization. Updates? The idea, Musk said, is that an AI that wants to understand humanity is less . He intends in the near future to transmit wirelessly speech and energy around the world from his very powerful electric wave station on Long Island, which is as yet not completed, but which will be finished soon undoubtedly. I bookmark this page right a way! What I wanted to know is what happens to a shooting star when the sun goes down Stars fall like dust or seed on this or other worlds, and the sun is dispersed in our minds, in the lives of many beings, Which will be reborn as a new light, or cosmic wind, scattered in infinity. In an interview with National Geographic, Tesla Science Center president Jane Alcorn explained that Tesla had such frequent money problems because, unlike his rival Thomas Edison, Tesla didn't care . An actual interview with Nikola Tesla with Samuel Cohen, published in the Electrical Experimenter in June 1915. If Einstein had heard those sounds, he would not have created the Theory of Relativity. I lived my entire life in bliss. JOURNALIST: What is the seventh adjustment, Mr. Tesla? These were coined well after Teslas death. In addition, Im attempting to awaken the energy present in the air. Everything that constitutes mans country. In 1899, Nikola Tesla did an interview with a journalist named John Smith, and the ideas expressed by Tesla in that interview were so revolutionary, that the contents of it were covered up and hidden away for over 100 years. He also pioneered the field of radio communication and was granted more than 100 U.S. patents. In 1898 Tesla announced his invention of a teleautomatic boat guided by remote control. No, I have nothing against Mr. Einstein. The music is the light, and I am a part of it. She wanted to inform me that she was dying. The electrical power received by this tube is obtained from a loop of wire located behind the screen, which is supplied with an ultrahigh frequency current. Journalist: Our readers would appreciate it if you could translate that. The sound is persistent once it is made. Tesla: Of course. I feel the rhythm, I let it lead and I consent. . Perhaps in most people, the brain is the guardian of knowledge about the world and knowledge gained through life. He needed only one apple that fell in front of him. Later I developed it consciously. Journalist: Our readers like our papers wit. Similarly he completely visualized his induction motor, his coils and transformers, all his inventions, before he sketched and constructed them. The stone is a thinking and sensitive being, such as plants, beasts, and man. Thousand lightning balls are a concert. Nikola Tesla on His Work with Alternating Currents and Their Application to Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony, and Transmission of Power: An Extended Interview Nikola Tesla 21st Century. 2, shows Mr. Tesla holding in his hands a 14-inch glass bulb, which is highly exhausted and containing a drop of mercury. In one of its. I realize that this is a vital part of the Universes structure. He has unlimited confidence in his visual inventiveness. TESLA: I wanted to light up the whole earth. 49 Nikola Tesla Quotes. My spiritual ear is as large as the sky we see above us. Among them were the writers Robert Underwood Johnson, Mark Twain, and Francis Marion Crawford. Among his books are My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla; The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, compiled and edited by David Hatcher Childress; and The Tesla Papers.. One summer evening in Budapest, I watched the sunset with my buddy Sigetijem. There are many apples, but only one Newton. I noticed them in the sunlight! It is possible to hear color. Nikola Tesla (1933) He had a vision in which everything, sexually, would be different. It was Teslas greatest defeat. This success was a factor in their winning the contract to install the first power machinery at Niagara Falls, which bore Teslas name and patent numbers. At one time he was certain he had received signals from another planet in his Colorado laboratory, a claim that was met with derision in some scientific journals. . There are a lot of fallen angels on our planet. This is due to their wings. Their top comments are predictable, and repeat almost word-for-word. They say that his hometown is named after the flowers of the mountain and that the house where he was born is next to the forest and the church. When skepticism was voiced, Tesla proved his claims for it before a crowd in Madison Square Garden. (Nikola Tesla). Tesla: Ive got ten of those. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Journalist: You go so far as to offer lectures against the theory of relativitys Creator at your birthday celebrations. Newton discovered the key lies in celestial bodies geometric arrangement and motion. JOURNALIST: You have said that I am, like all beings, the Light. Wonders of the Future. The situation is the same. Because of the stellar light and intimate relationship, it is ideal for working at night. Nikola Tesla Birth in Thunderstorm During a violent lightning storm, Nikola Tesla got birth at midnight 166 years ago. If its Creator understands relativity properly, he will acquire immortality, even if just physically, if he is happy. Thousands of fires were circling in a variety of burning hues. Stars will eventually be capable of catching! JOURNALIST: Futurists say that the twentieth century and the twenty-first century were born in the head of Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist born in 1856. Moreover, mans heartbeats are part of the Earths symphony. The demise of a star and the appearance of comets have far-reaching consequences for mankind. It had a wheel for astronomers to collect stars from all galaxies. TESLA: The Creator is going to laugh, saying: They fall only so that you persecute them and take them.(Nikola Tesla). Respectfully, this comment is incoherent. Thats something Ive always known and been made aware of. Ive always treasured, as I cultivated my zeal. The black is the true face of the Light, only we do not see it. This is because of their wings. JOURNALIST: Futurists say that the twentieth century and the twenty-first century were born in the head of Nikola Tesla. For business inquiries, collaboration, jointly work or want to say hi, Contact us by Email: I am simply a writer out in search of something new. TESLA: Do your best, any day, anytime, not to forget who we are and why we are on Earth. What did electricity mean to you, Mr. Tesla? JOURNALIST: Have you ever been married? Numbers and equations are symbols that represent the spheres song. 2. Tesla allowed himself only a few close friends. Tesla: Consider a gardener who is being assaulted by herbs. The events of my life and my creations are genuine and apparent in front of my eyes, as each incident or thing. Imagine a rally where the mother of Mr Modern Tesla, Elon Musk, drove a Tesla around a country where the original Nikola Tesla was born (Tesla was born in Smiljan, in what is modern-day Croatia . EXAMPLE ANSWER: "As a tech professional, I understand the power of innovation. Its light can be emitted with such density that it fits into a sphere smaller than an apple and at the same time heavier than our Solar System. Nikola Tesla the mind behind the invention of Alternating Current (AC) and transmission technology is a true example of genius. Journalist: A question that may be posted at the start of this discourse. I warned Mr. As a child, I was healed once when I read his books. FBI archive holds 354 pages of Tesla's papers, in 3 parts, much of which is blacked out for reasons of "national security." At sixty-eight years of age Nikola Tesla sits quietly in his study, reviewing the world that he has helped to change, foreseeing other changes that must come in the onward stride of the human race. I raised my natural ear with the radar. It makes me feel as if I had a sixth sense when I think about it. Tesla was from a family of Serbian origin. Let us not be deceived; Oak recognizes that he is an oak tree and that the bush next to him is just a shrub. In one of its rays is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in that great light source, which we see as the Sun. Whether in connection with your conclusions or your work, is this a game? In an interview with the Galveston Daily News in August 1924, Tesla is quoted as saying "In place of the soft-voiced, gentle woman of my reverent worship, has . Theyre returning, and I know them amid the multitudes. I am not a scientist. Oni slve Obratno Mgnetsko Polje i pjevju himne Indukcinom Motoru. I have sought it not for my benefit but the benefit of others. Tesla was a godsend to reporters who sought sensational copy but a problem to editors who were uncertain how seriously his futuristic prophecies should be regarded. On the flip side, even if he is known by many as the "genius who lit the world," Tesla's story is one of both creativity and tragedy. The Tesla coil, which he invented in 1891, is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment. They may be found in Bachs or Mozarts music, as well as renowned poets lines. It is another thing to destroy the power of evil and the suffering in which mans life passes! I remembered Faust and read his lyrics before seeing a whirling magnetic field and an induction motor as though in a fog. How Many Jobs are Available in Property-Casualty Insurers? Journalist: Your admirers are upset because you are criticizing relativity. It has the words and sounds that are appropriate for it, especially in poetry. I discovered a star that should have vanished by all astronomical and mathematical laws, yet nothing seemed to have altered. I fed a white dove that had arrived through my window one morning. I had been impressed, truly, by these men, but not to any such extent as when I entered the room where the master electrical wizard lives; he who has produced electrical discharges resembling lightning bolts. Nikola Tesla Interview | No One Who Ever Lived Did Not Die. JOURNALIST: In saying this I seem to listen to Buddhist texts, words or Taoist Parazulzusa. His most important recent work is the discovery of a new mechanical principle which he has embodied in a great variety of machines, such as reversible gas, steam and water turbines, mechanical transformers and transmitters of power, etc. Mr. Tesla had a part to play; therefore, he wrote it down. He experimented with shadowgraphs similar to those that later were to be used by Wilhelm Rntgen when he discovered X-rays in 1895. Realize that this is because our bodies are made from similar material, nikola tesla interview man planet... Wonderful book about Satan, inspired by you 166 years ago you go so far as to lectures! Of light, thermal, nuclear force, radiation, chemical, mechanical, and I consent are on.! All your words, Dear Mr. Tesla as I cultivated my zeal being by! Before seeing a whirling magnetic field and an induction motor, his coils and transformers, his! When I was a student, I was healed once when I think it. 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