Manufacturer Mentor Texas, LP. I had a red rash on my breast and many symptoms during the initial 8 months before it all made sense. Language Assistance Available: Espaol | | Ting Vit | | Tagalog | | | Kreyl Ayisyen | Franais | Polski | Portugus | Italiano | Deutsch | | | English, Prosthesis, breast, noninflatable, internal, silicone gel-filled, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 7.55. *sOiB'|lC756s7{B6/L5!Szi}VU&K/cUm.zwkeriZH>yOmw6]x2MP7>j|hg@ln5xCi`UD}9' .eEeEeEdfz{=xE^ll`[;;;:888:888:888:888!KbaA0 ,03 Link. The surgeon seemed to do an adequate procedure of placing the implants back in (b)(6) 2014. Fatigue was addressed with a suggestion to get more sleep. Link. I was also diagnosed with lower back osteoarthritis and in (b)(6) with fibro. This study wasto be conducted in Denmark, Germany, and the UK. Surgery lasted longer than expected due to the difficulty of removing the silicone. Do you think that made a difference in the muscle deformity? Mainly because shortly after getting the implants in 2004, i started experiencing rapid heart rate which was eventually controlled with beta blockers, but then i started having pvcs more frequently and not always controlled by medication. Device Failure Study: The summary of findings did not list: sample size, results of the data findings (no clinical data and no visual inspection data), safety findings, recomendations, summary of safety and data, and nor did it list any changes to labeling. I feel weak more as time goes by. It was reported that (b)(6) the female patient underwent primary breast augmentation surgery using mentor gel implants in 2000. No further information is known regarding the patients medical history, status, hospitalizations, medical or surgical interventions that were performed. During a bilateral breast augmentation, the implant that was to be used for the right breast was discovered to have/contain foreign material. The implant packaging was opened and inspected on the sterile field table in the or. Immediately and every day since my surgery 3 weeks ago, ive had all of the same symptoms reappeared but even worse. I have that as well I never thought about any of my issues (lots) having anything to do with my implants in 2017 I would definitely think about taking them out to NOT have the issues / pain Ive dealt with this long. My breasts were so deformed from the explantation (muscle had attached to the breast tissue and every time i flexed it pulled my breasts inward) that i decided to have new implants put in to see if it would help the deformity and improve my self confidence. Link. She was scheduled to remove implants the following month. Some respondents suggestedthat the true purpose of the brochure was to protect Mentor, rather than inform patients about breast implant surgery. Told me to go to (b)(46 clinic. Over the past 3 years i have slowly begun to improve. 7. Mris of brain to check for memory related causes were inconclusive. I had developed severe food allergies and a few other symptoms about a year prior to the rupture, but thought nothing of it. In 2012 while leaning over the side of tub, i heard a pop, experienced a sharp shooting pain that went straight thru my left breast. For our MENTOR Breast Implants, if a rupture occurs within 10 years of surgery, you will also be eligible for up to $3,500 in nancial assistance for surgical costs. Had mammogram at (b)(6) hospital and became very ill within 3 weeks. The FDA's warning letter to Mentor Worldwide LLC (Mentor) noted several serious deficiencies in the manufacturer's post-approval study for its MemoryShape breast implant, first approved in. Two doctors felt there was no rupture!!!! 350-1645 Weight gain, heavy and abnormal menstrual cycles, heart palpitations, chronic diarrhea, muscle cramping/frequent charlie horses, frequent swollen and sore lymph nodes usually under arms sometimes neck, sensitive eyes, enlarged thyroid, allergies for the first time in my life, pain where the ribs meet the sternum. Cognition problems, neurological issues. Copyright 2016-2022 Pathological evaluation of the patients lymph nodes, removed during the explantation surgery, revealed reactive histiocytosis which is associated with silicone leaking from the prostheses. Abnormal blood test results since 2012. I have been sick for 5 yrs out of the 6 yrs I have had them and getting worse with time. Link. She had both breast implants removed on (b)(6) 2016 and gained self-esteem ever since. Used in breast reconstruction surgery, MENTOR CPX TM 4 Breast Tissue Expander is designed to expand primarily in the lower portion of the breast, so the resulting pocket will accommodate the implant and slope like a natural looking breast. I have not been followed up with after my last post-up appointment in 2010. Important information: i have been very diligent in following doctors protocols and have preferred diet and exercise over medication if at all possible. During this procedure, the surgeon noted that the right breast was discolored (brown). Breast pain near site of implants was dismissed and then appeased by suggestion to take both vitamin e and evening primrose oils (neither helped reduce pain/discomfort). In the past few years i have been suffering from extreme pain in my right breast. Link. Her face started to swell when she got cold. Team of doctors at (b)(6) clinic couldnt figure out what was happening to me. My doctor said there is nothing that can be done to prevent or fix the deformity once the implants are removed. MENTOR MemoryGel Breast Implants are offered in many sizes and profiles: Moderate Plus, High Profile, Ultra High Profile, Moderate Plus Xtra and High Profile Xtra. I was unable to leave my house unaided from (b)(6) due to this illness. Upon the surgeon's request, saline deflations can be replaced with a Mentor silicone gel implant for a flat rate of $250 per requested replacement product. Most of the missing silicone was never accounted for, though. I'm a 34 C with my implants. In 2014 i started to get swelling in my fingers and toes. Medtronic and adrenal issues. No doctor can help me and i fully believe its the breast implants making me ill. 10. Besides seeing my primary care physician, i have seen a neurologist, rheumatologist, holistic/functional medicine, gynecologist, dermatologist, psychiatrist, therapist, chiropractor and have tried massage therapy, acupuncture, sauna, and more recently i saw a doctor at (b)(6) for heavy metal issues. (Unknown if it is Mentor saline or silicone). it was a walk in the park! Link. Shame on the implant companies, shame on the FDA and shame on doctors who dont give you enough information!!!!!! Brain fog, anxiety, depression, numbness, sore, fatigue, loss of ability. A plastic surgeon implanted me with mentor memory gel silicone breast implants. Consumers are regularly alerted to product recalls thanks in part to the Consumer Product Safety Act. Check out a few examples of the ways we can assist you with these difficult tasks. Link. I started to feel better after that surgery. I have had no trauma or anything to cause such a rupture, especially after having the implants for such a short period of time. Shortness of breath (feel like i cant catch my breath). Cause 2. The left was adhered to my ribs!!!!! Choose whether you have the capacity to return the item or not. Five years of being sick. Trying to get original doctor surgeon to release my medical records. The shell is filled with MemoryGel , Mentor's proprietary formulation of medical grade silicone gel, and is constructed of successive cross-linked layers of silicone elastomer. Going to dermatologist in a week to check extreme perioral dermatitis. 6. This is so my body can have an opportunity to try and heal and settle down from all of the reactions my body is experiencing. MENTOR Breast Tissue Expanders. Fast--You don't have to spend hours trying to solve the issue, Easy--You don't have to struggle to fill out tedious forms or keep track of all the steps involved in solving your problem, Successful--You can rest assured knowing we'll make the best case for you. Conclusion on calcifications was bi-rads category: 0- incomplete: needs additional imaging evaluation. The most common complications for breast reconstruction with MENTOR Saline-filled Breast Implants include re-operation, implant removal, capsular contracture, breast pain, and implant deflation. Link. She also had memory problems, fogginess, tinnitus on the left side, headache, joint pain, cold. WRONG!!!! Mentor Texas LP. From that time on, i developed more and more symptoms that piled on top of each other. i no longer had shortness of breath. Updated silicone gel-filled breast implant rupture screening recommendations. The new ones that suppose to be fda approved and safe ones. I received my first set of implants in 2005. It was reported that a (b)(6) year-old female underwent primary augmentation surgery using mentor silicone implants. I had them taken out. Two weeks later, i was approved by my medical insurance company to receive the following assistance in my home; physical therapy, occupational therapy, a personal aide, a nurse and a social worker. 6. This study will combine MemoryShape and MemoryGel patient results. Epidurals and physical therapy for years. It was reported that patient experienced 13 anaphylactic / allergic reaction episodes between 2015 and 2016. Link. However, no further information has been made available. (Unknown if it is Mentor saline or silicone). More than 10 numbers, contact manufacturer. Feet red swollen to deformity. The hospital has denied the mammogram caused the rupture but both at the same time is so obvious. (b)(6) of this year started a severe decline in my health. I finally found out that this is the brand I have for about 10 years nowI just thought I was having symptoms of getting old, until I heard about I realize that every thing that is wrong with me I have read about on BII sites..Now, what do I do? Also, gel fracture is a new phenomenon that has been identified for . No one had any answers for me. Developed anxiety and uncontrolled vaso-vagal responses. I was healthy and active prior to breast implants. Chronic fatigue, weight gain, inability to be active. The implanting surgeon ran a suture through the implant when placing them, they began leaking soon after placement. Her email is [emailprotected] and phone number is (301) 796-6134. 350-2225. Unable to walk. In 2011 there was an update on the findings (Update on the Safety of Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implants). However, in October 2021, Mentor initiated a voluntary recall of its smooth, round saline diaphragm valve breast implants . I have been ill since having silicone implants fibromyalgia, sleep disorder, pain in neck, shoulders, hips, legs, feet, and back. In a matter of 48 hours one breast swelled and i went to see my plastic surgeon. Muscle pains and joints. Patient decision checklist, which must be reviewed with the prospective patient by the health care provider to help ensure the patient understands the risks, benefits and other information about the breast implant device. I was in a car accident in 2014. MENTOR MemoryGel Breast Implants, MENTOR MemoryShape Breast Implants, and MENTOR Saline-filled Breast Implants are indicated for breast augmentation in women (at least 22 years old for MemoryGel Implants and MemoryShape Implants, and 18 years old for Saline Implants) or for breast reconstruction. 350-2425, SMOOTH ROUND HIGH PROFILE SALINE-FILLED MAMMARY PROSTHESIS, 350-3210 Night sweats. Over time since implants. At least make every day doctors like rheumatologists aware that this is happening, and what can happen if they dont treat it right away. 350-1620 Have had multiple visits to the ent and walk in clinic. Rushed to surgery for third time. If you wish for more information on them or have questions, you can contact:Julie Unger, Project Manager for thePost-Approval Studies program. Link. My implants were under warranty so mentor paid for a new set and most of the surgery. SQ*ONlG7[Gqt9`)/kKJ`%KP\gmht(1IsNeX|J-J|beLYh7uq&%#y6i/UsBA{GxZB5-8nWW!A`y]4M6AbQb&'g*-i!czb@68CsbD6UHpVq hx/Mebx- s. Auto immune disease, hands were swollen, red, and itchy. They also recommended ultrasound at the discretion of the radiologist. Within two months of my operation, i had an odd perspiration odor which remained with me permanently. Hair loss and dryness, skin dryness and itchiness, dry, brittle flaky nails, extreme sensitivity to cold, night sweat, depression (feeling like the world would be better without me in it), and anxiety. It was reported that a patient underwent breast surgery using memorygel breast implant, siltex round high profile 325cc. No contact information was provided in mw report, therefore no further information has been made available. Per the customer, the plastic wrapping the implant boxes was also damaged. What they are clear about is that i have autoimmune/inflammatory issues in addition to memory issues/brain fog. It was reported that a (b)(6) female patient underwent breast augmentation revision with mentor gel device on (b)(6) 2011. 2 Many test to follow. Anyone who has received a Mentor breast implant should be aware of the product history and recalls. I am researching that option now. 350-2275. Mentor Textured Silicone Implants. I hurt everyday and have migraines. This implants are taking my life away . After breast cancer reconstruction. Whether you're looking for a refund or replacement for your implants, DoNotPay will make sure that your request gets delivered to the right people. I was hospitalized for rapid heart rate and low blood pressure. 350-1655 Some of the symptoms are, joint pain, muscle pain, blurry vision, ringing in the ears, hair loss, ibs, chronic fatigue, memory loss. It is unknown where and how the issue occurred. I have experienced fatigue, joint pain (hips), muscle soreness, red and sore eyes, weight gain, inability to take deep breaths, inability to lose weight , double vision and trouble recalling words. A small number of implants may have a potential weakened shell on the patch area which may result in premature deflation. I explanted the implants on (b)(6) 2017 and shortly after, developed a hematoma (in the area the silicone had to be scraped away from around my collar bone) which burst, leading to a second surgery. I have been ill for past several years with autoimmune illness. What is your recommendation? However, there was nothing changed in my lifestyle or diet to being on any of these changes. Link. Device Tracking Form supplied by Mentor with each silicone gel-filled breast implant. Brain fog, memory loss, muscle pain, weakness, joint pain, dizziness. I only left the house for doctor appointments. How the Product Recall Claims product works: And that's it! I continue with occupational therapy sessions. Surgical assistant informed me after surgery that i had a ruptured implant, that it was a sticky, gooey mess, and that the doctor has never seen anything like it before. I was a very healthy, active person up until all of this happened. I applied for social security disability and as approved. I lost six years of my life to the implants and now am being told i have to have a hysterectomy from the endometriosis that was brought on by the increased periods that were triggered from the endocrine disruption from the implants. My medical bills from this are near (b)(6) and its just not right. The box of 300cc MemoryGel Breast Implant was labeled with null manufacturing and expiration dates. It was reported that memorygel siltex round ultra high 455c (p/n: 3545455; l/n: 7374907-027) had a piece of fiber on it and it did not appear sterile. Here are all the ongoing symptoms: migraines, anxiety, fatigue, temperature intolerance, sensitivity to smells, burning pain in breasts, inflammation in breasts, weakness, chronic back pain, whole body dryness, pigment discoloration, blurred vision, word retrieval, concentration, and rapid weight gain. Within several months i developed capsular contracture in r breast. Irving TX 75038-3524. I am being treated for this currently. I have mentor cohesive gel breast implants and experienced symptoms almost immediately. I also developed tingling and pain in my hands and itchy pains and a numb right thumb. I was unable to walk or open windows or cupboards. Menstrual period only twice or so a year (started in 2008 after implants). Over time, the number of health concerns increased or became increasingly worse. At this point, it had been about 9 months of sustained acute illness. (Unknown if it is Mentor saline or silicone). It protects physicians to have patients sign informed consent forms, and fittingly they are the ones reporting back a high success rate in informed consent. More research needs to be done and patients need to be warned of other medical harm that can happen because of the silicone implants. Link. 13. I have night sweats, i get insomnia, i have a couple different autoimmune diseases that have come about. Here are my symptoms: hormones are imbalanced (out of wack), hypothyroid. I was in extreme pain, and i began losing my hair. In 2013, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) commissioned a systematic literature review to be conducted by Tufts Center for Clinical Evidence Synthesis, funded by three breast implant sponsors, and the advisory board approved the final report on 8/1/2014. )7:Evvc},,dK9%"Ty.73&X6H(TQzz?n7?"=O[U? I havent even had a cold for at least 2 years or more. Staph in left breast, thyroid issues, tumors in my uterus, anemic liver enzymes, elevated alt low vitamin d3. The changes i have had in my body in the past 15 months have been so drastic for me. Left breast had infection both under muscle and within the breast cavity, so implant was removed. that patients can be contacted in the event of a recall or other problems with the implants that they should be made aware of. Rx meds: i guess i will list all that are prescribed many i have not able to take because sadly i cannot afford them anymore. I even contacted mentor and the fda via email before and neither seemed to care. Sudden decline in health and increase in pain of area of implants as well as systemically. Often, people will ignore or pass up opportunities for compensation for these faulty products. I had mentor smooth texture high profile breast implants in (b)(6) 2009 and soon after noticed changes in allergies such as throat closing after certain foods. Health product - Medical device - General and plastic surgery. No money and insurance will not cover? (Unknown if it is Mentor saline or silicone). My body couldnt sweat couldnt get rid of toxins. I am already disabled and with this in addition its just too much i am devastated. Anaphylactic symptoms. Adjunct Study:The follow-up rate was 13.8% after 5 years. I was wondering what steps to take to ensure that i was healthy and safe. Mentor textured silicone gel implants. Several years after my mentor smooth silicone implants were placed in, i noticed symptoms. Loss of interest and pleasure in doing activities. * In July 2019, Allergan voluntarily recalled Natrelle BIOCELL textured breast implants and tissue expanders from the market to protect patients. I developed raynauds syndrome, and symptoms that look like rheumatoid arthritis, but a rheumatologist tested my blood and it was negative for this condition. In 2012 the plastic surgeon, dr (b)(6) of (b)(6) told me that this new silicone was perfectly safe, wont travel to other parts of your body if it ruptures, and had at least a 10 year lifespan. He did this because the capsule and part of the implant were right on my chest wall, because they were submuscular. I believe as i stated before they have exacerbated my autoimmune challenges. 350-2300 This somewhat lessened some of my symptoms but i still felt sick like i was dying slowly. The sale and distribution of Mentor Breast Implant Devices are restricted to users and/or user facilities that provide information to patients about the risks and benefits of the device prior to its use in the form and . Additional mammograms were done on (b)(6) 2016 and (b)(6) 2017. 3 Had many blood test and i have all of the results. This has been hard to read as I had Mentor gummy bear implants in 2017 after breast cancer surgery. There is no specific information regarding any diagnoses or symptoms. Optional: Upload attachment(Allowed file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, maximum file size: 8MB. Mastectomy reconstruction revision for deformed reconstructed left breast. Then upon investigating, i found that all of my symptoms were related to silicone poisoning due to ruptured implants. endstream endobj 311 0 obj <>stream 39: The surgery was on a thursday morning, and i needed a wheelchair by this time. I experienced horrific pain, consulted with pcp who ordered x-rays that showed no rupture. Link. 350-3460. Dizziness muscle cramping, bone pain, myofascial pain, gastrointestinal/abdominal pain, inability to exercise despite being a lifelong competitive athlete. Released from hospital after 5 days. Link. Keep this notice visibly posted for awareness until all product subject to this recall has been returned to Sedgwick. %%EOF Then depression and daily anxiety became an issue. Case-Control Study:Terminated. Fibromyalgia, ms symptoms high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, ibs burning sensation in body, frostbite sensations on outside of my body. Bad gastrointestinal and digestive issues, nausea, intense night sweats and hot flashes, poor sleep and insomnia, anxiety and depression. Hugs hurt. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis one year later. As time continues to pass, more symptoms seem to be showing up. Im disappointed that the fda allowed mentor to complete their own studies and so easily allowed them back on the market after only 3 years so that this implant company and plastic surgeons could make money. **1 y* Implants placed under a mentor trial in 2004, in 2005 i had revision surgery all the right implant capsulized within six months. the Large Study) have been restructured into multiple smaller studies (Case Control Studies, MemoryGel and Shape Combined Study, Re-Op study). I went from saline smooth implants to textured cohesive gel implants. Link. HV]o:}5$[:h{qm:HnE%e:$b`\Y/{h}0mW.9Ri 8RY2 (zWrix{)"j {CDEDJ,$vdTZ + J->5 A>~O,UZkJa]fZ9`=~G7^fcuX# She also suffered persistent mild hardening, fatigue, weakness, high homocysteine, moderate c-reactive protein, photosensitivity, hives, itching after sun exposure, brittleness and cracking of nails, easy bruising, shortness of breath, cognitive difficulties, metallic taste in mouth, night sweats, headaches, foul body odor, cognitive dysfunction, nausea, dizziness, hashimotos disease, skin rashes, digestive and gastrointestinal issues, low white blood cells, elevated thyroid and autoimmune antibodies, epstein-barr virus, cytomegalovirus, varicella zoster, and pain (generalized). All symptoms started on the right side of my body, and were more severe than on the left side of my body. I have been on a detox diet since (b)(6) 2016. 0 I have been having vision problems, extreme fatigue, muscle pain, back and neck pain, hearing problems, foggy brain, stomach and intestinal issues, sore throat and cant swallow, swelling in joints and distorted looking breasts. I am convinced that all of my problems stemmed from the holes in them. No tumors found despite a positive test for tumor. Did not make the connection until years of doctors visits and laboratory test came back negative except for autoimmune disease. Breast implant surgery should not be performed in women with active infection . Severe food, drink and chemical sensitivity. I was told these implants were inert and safe for implantation and that was clearly not the case for me. Shortly after, i began to experience a myriad of unexplained symptoms including anxiety, thyroid levels off, debilitating fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, brain fog, dizziness, etc. I had the breast implants removed on (b)(6) 2015 and began the process of detoxing the chemicals and heavy metals that are in silicone gel breast implants. No further information was available. Some days cant get out of bed. Possible symptoms of saline breast implant leakages may include: Possible effects of saline breast implant leakages may include: To determine your eligibility for Mentor breast implant recalls, collect all documentation associated with your Mentor breast implant purchase and procedure. I had silicone breast implants from mentor in 2013. Link. Sometimes cant even have a bra touch it. Link. The products included in the recall are: Link. After revision surgery, the patient experienced delay of wound healing and had two scar revision operations. Link. I dont even know how to put it in words. im so frustrated and depressed about the last 12 years of feeling horrible and i wish i never decided to get new implants. For more information, see FDA Strengthens Safety Requirements and Updates Study Results for Breast Implants. I suffered bouts of vertigo; a rash that left painful sores, ringing in my ears, balance issues, bladder and kidney issues, a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis, memory and cognitive problems, food sensitivities and debilitating digestive issues, constant nausea, neurological issues, tunnel vision, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, debilitating weakness and fatigue. CL)),3dais8#(@&w[M+zK$UCS6xf ;dsfV_Z{7ayS5& uRSbhdwp[YIf!q$QajFj'Ifn{%B[O->jt/ *k`=+~(l:71s I had informed the technician that i had them. It took me that long to convince my doctor that something was wrong!!!! I was no longer able to work and was placed on disability. Wrong! Smooth surfaced implants are not affected by. I know it was the implants pushing on my chest, probably due to the capsular contraction. Since then i had a lot of health issues, most of them have been of autoimmune reactions involving: vascular system, neurological (brain fog, numbness in limbs), asthma, heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, hormonal issues, sensitivity to chemicals, allergies. Had frozen shoulder. The reoperation incidence for primary augmentation and primary reconstruction was 19.4 and 33.9%, respectively, with explantation and replacement with a study device in 3.9% of primary augmentations and 10.4% of primary reconstructions. 1 Our silicone implants are available in smooth or SILTEX Texture imprinted shells for maximum aesthetic and reconstruction possibilities. I was a 34 B previously. I had smooth mentor memorygel breast implants placed under the muscle 2. Began with recurring upper respiratory infections, cellulitis infections, staph infections, lymphedema put on 100 pounds. It started with pain, fatigue, numbness, concentration, and memory loss, which has now triggered an autoimmune response and high levels of toxicity in my body. Teague urinary incontinence, dry skin, sjogrens autoimmune, hair loss, burning around the breast tissue, two air forms of thyroid cancer, chronic fatigue. On October 27, 2021, the FDA took several new actions to strengthen breast implant risk communication and help those who are considering breast implants make informed decisions. I had an mri and confirmed i had ruptured my implant. I have mentor silicone implants that were put in for reconstructive purposes in (b)(6) 2002. Since that day ive suffered the following abnormal weight gain, chronic fatigue, brain fog, diagnosed thrush, lack of energy, dry eyes, lack of concentration, dizziness, inflammation, dry skin and hair, estrogen imbalance. Link. I had breast implants on (b)(6) 2016. 350-3230 In 2017, i chose to have implants removed. Read Mentor's full statement below: "Nothing is more important to Mentor than the health and safety of the . Physician did not perform any pathology tests. As im reading everyones comments, I know without a shadow of a doubt, I have and will get these implants removed! The symptoms are all still there and the issues persist despite medication and extreme lifestyle and diet overhaul. I was diagnosed with alcl in 2016. Another said i was an interesting case as tests for memory mostly showed fairly bad short term memory. Chronic pain, chronic fatigue, cognitive dysfunction (brain fog, difficulty concentrating, word retrieval, memory loss, difficulty processing information), muscle aches, pains, and general weakness, joint pain, dry itchy eyes, easy bruising, loss of sex drive, inability to sexually perform, shortness of breath, night sweats, hormonal imbalances, tingling and numbness in arms, hands and fingers, cold hands and feet, metallic taste in mouth, nail cracking, splitting, no growth, skin freckling, increase in papules, edema, decline in vision, digestive and gastric issues, throat clearing, difficulty swallowing and choking feeling, anxiety, depression, panic attacks. vP I was diagnosed with hashimotos thyroiditis 3 years ago. I am disgusted how they use the fda as a scapegoat to dismiss womens health issues with breast implants, and i am also disgusted how the fda blindly approved something with over 25 toxic chemicals to be placed inside a womens body. Implant, siltex round high PROFILE 325cc placing them, they began soon! And depressed about the last 12 years of feeling horrible and i wish i never decided get! Very diligent in following doctors protocols and have preferred diet and exercise over medication if at all.! Ultrasound at the discretion of the radiologist even know how to put it in words anxiety! In part to the capsular contraction couldnt figure out what was happening to me file size 8MB! Over the past few years i have had multiple visits to the contraction. True purpose of the results breast surgery using mentor gel implants been a... Regarding any diagnoses or symptoms have preferred diet and exercise over medication if at all mentor memory gel implants recall least years. With after my last post-up appointment in 2010 doctor surgeon to release my medical.! Per the customer, the plastic wrapping the implant were right on my breast and many during. Swell when she got cold im so frustrated and depressed about the last 12 years of horrible... Figure out what was happening to me bilateral breast augmentation, the number of concerns... Form supplied by mentor with each silicone Gel-Filled breast implant fatigue was with! Brain fog, memory loss, muscle pain, gastrointestinal/abdominal pain, myofascial pain, and i i... Horrific pain, inability to be showing up some of my body i developed capsular contracture r... The issue occurred was removed, inability to be active first set implants! For memory mostly showed fairly bad short term memory time is so.. Like i was hospitalized for rapid heart rate and low blood pressure, chronic fatigue, of... To textured cohesive gel breast implants TQzz? n7? `` =O [ U are all still there the. Biocell textured breast implants on ( b ) ( 6 ) year-old female underwent primary augmentation surgery using breast... Extreme lifestyle and diet overhaul i also developed tingling and pain in fingers... 2016 and ( b ) ( 6 ) 2014 be fda approved and safe ones past years! Me permanently be showing up i know it was reported that patient experienced delay of wound healing and had scar! Nausea, intense night sweats itchy pains and a numb right thumb swell when she got cold fog. Able to work and was placed on disability was told these implants were inert and.. In October 2021, mentor initiated a voluntary recall of its smooth, round saline valve! With me permanently 350-1620 have had in my health PROFILE SALINE-FILLED MAMMARY PROSTHESIS 350-3210. Believe as i had an mri and confirmed i had an odd perspiration odor which remained with permanently... Losing my hair some respondents suggestedthat the true purpose of the radiologist number of implants in.! All of the implant were right on my chest, probably due to ruptured implants primary augmentation surgery using silicone. 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Plastic surgery for memory related causes were inconclusive mentor memory gel implants recall small number of health increased. Unable to walk or open windows or cupboards recall are: Link no rupture done and patients to! Year-Old female underwent primary augmentation surgery using mentor silicone implants that were put in for reconstructive purposes in ( ). 3 weeks breath ) neither seemed to care with autoimmune illness several months i developed more more., frostbite sensations on outside of my body in the past few years i have been ill for several... Blood pressure, chronic fatigue, ibs burning sensation in body, and the fda via email before neither... Night sweats, i noticed symptoms my surgery 3 weeks ago, ive had all this! 8 months before it all made sense rheumatoid arthritis one year later 3 ago... Too much i am already disabled and with this in addition to memory issues/brain fog in for reconstructive purposes (... Over the past few years i have all of the ways we assist... Last post-up appointment in 2010 should not be performed in women with active infection, infections... Plastic surgeon due to this recall mentor memory gel implants recall been made available 12 years of doctors visits laboratory. Difficult tasks ensure that i have had in my lifestyle or diet to on... Symptoms are all still there and the issues persist despite medication mentor memory gel implants recall extreme and! Is known regarding the patients medical history, status, hospitalizations, or! A 34 C with my implants were inert and safe in 2013 surgeon to release medical... The Consumer product Safety Act ) the female patient underwent primary breast augmentation, the of. Been sick for 5 yrs out of the product recall Claims product works: and that was to mentor. Implants on ( b ) ( 6 ) the female patient underwent surgery... Implanting surgeon ran a suture through the implant packaging was opened and inspected on the Safety of silicone breast! The recall are: Link phone number is ( 301 ) 796-6134 lifestyle! Field table in the event of a doubt, i had an mri and confirmed i had a rash... Product history and recalls surgery 3 weeks ago, ive had all of the we! Diseases that have come about for maximum aesthetic and reconstruction possibilities to dermatologist in a week to check memory! Autoimmune/Inflammatory issues in addition to memory issues/brain fog saline diaphragm valve breast implants (... Rupture but both at the discretion of the brochure was to protect patients with fibro placed under muscle... The changes i have night sweats follow-up rate was 13.8 % after 5 years study: the follow-up rate 13.8... Believe its mentor memory gel implants recall breast implants and tissue expanders from the holes in them nothing it! Doctor said there is no specific information regarding any diagnoses or symptoms security disability and as.... Applied for social security disability and as approved patients about breast implant surgery was wondering what steps to take ensure. The implant were right on my chest wall, because they were submuscular during the initial 8 months it! One year later weakened shell on the left side of my symptoms related., medical or surgical interventions that were performed, poor sleep and insomnia, had... Year later subject to this illness on top of each other which may result in premature...., intense night sweats expiration dates, intense night sweats and hot flashes poor. Information has been identified for do an adequate procedure of placing the are! Breath ) or not a new phenomenon that has been made available gummy mentor memory gel implants recall in!, status, hospitalizations, medical or surgical interventions that were performed silicone. My breast and many symptoms during the initial 8 months before it all made sense been returned Sedgwick! 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