9553670 The day after my surgery, I noticed my breasts were really hard and I asked the doctor if that was from the swelling. 9559517 9590028 9534354 The manufacturer had poor follow-up rates with patients. Note: another surgeon in 1996 performed the implantation. But my right breast has for the last few years been inflamed and has drainage. Lot Numbers: Chest pain, sinus problems, nausea, dizziness, chronic fatigue, muscle aches, pains, and spasms, frequent urination, dry hair, chest deformities with breast pain, hard breasts, one breast that was not ruptured, but looked deflated, skin issues, wobbly feeling when walking, loss of appetite, mental confusion, brain fog, and most likely some other symptoms that i forgot to mention. 9538080 Implanted with mentor textured implants in 1996. This database is not intended to provide medical advice and patients should check with their doctors to determine if it contains relevant information and if such information has medical implications for them. Lot Numbers: She claimed that the implants were removed in 2016. 9611964 18yrs with Saline Mentor. Left implant had evidence of blackish fluid within the implant. 9530519 How many women must get sick? 9550164 I will explant next week to get my life back. 9569247 So now doing research to have my implants removed to hopefully help my body heal and stop fighting itself. Recall Monitor is not endorsed by, or is an official product of the Government of Canada. Bladder issues with frequency and urgency where i underwent bladder testing and no reason was found for this urgency even following my hysterectomy and pelvic vault suspension, doctor said there is no reason she can see for my bladder issues. So i am reporting my situation. Customer Service. 9530727 Get personalized SMS or Email notifications about recall alerts that matter by subscribing to Recall Monitor. Woke up systemically ill and in widespread body pain. 9546472 At this point, though, i really just want to feel healthy again and get these toxic bags out!. 9617818 Link. Was given two weeks to live if no treatment. But since the surgery i feel like my lymph nodes are constantly swollen and keep struggling to fight off infections and colds. 9589073 9563096 9598143 Irvine, CA 92618. 9582183 Ive been in many MVC & shrugged it off as that is what led to my disabilities. This report is for the one of the two implant. 9616933 9559882 Therefore, explanted in (b)(6) 2018. Hashimotos thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, lupus, sjogrens syndrome, nonspecific connective tissue disease, multiple sclerosis, symptoms of or diagnosis or bia-alcl lymphoma. Was given 20 percent chance of survival if treated but i had no choice but to go through a stem cell transplant, given a 20 percent chance of surviving transplant, or i would only live a few months after remission. 9540920 I love my breasts but I have SO MANY of the symptoms listed here. It was reported that a female patient was implanted with mentor smooth saline breast implants in 2002. Examine inventory immediately to determine if they have product subject to this recall on hand and quarantine such product(s). Other symptoms i have incurred with implants have been a multitude of dental problems, severe eczema, ringing in my ears, brain fog/memory loss, increased anxiety and heightened fears. I decided to try silicone this time because they are supposed to be softer and i figured they would not press on my chest and make it hard to breathe. I began to feel like i had the flu, body aches and heaviness in all extremities. It was reported that physician noticed the domes were missing in mentor saline smooth round spectrum implants 575cc implants (lot # 7377332-010) during surgery. 9580875 I have had Mentor Saline since 2009. 9603191 9554348 The .gov means its official.Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. None of which i had before implants. i was crying in pain, and reporting right breast issues, as well as left. 9617100 3503230/81317001591 9573063 The 5,990 incidents were submitted in bulk by breast implant makers Allergan and Johnson & Johnson affiliate Mentor on three dates in 2019: Jan. 14, June 26 and Nov. 7, according to CBC's. 1. Link. I think 90 percent of the symptoms I have. 9542799 Also, the valves in the implants were faulty and had mold in them when they were removed in (b)(6) 2016. Over the last year that i had my implants, i became so sick, i felt like i was dying. for Recall. I have almost ALL BII symptoms. From the moment they were put in my body, my immune system reacted to everything. Anyone, who enters my world must be fragrance free or i get an automatic headache. 9614987 Never was i contacted for any f/u. This was an anatomical change in contrast to the 2017 study. 9552229 Toward the end of the 12 years, i was not able to be on my feet for long and not able to walk or run, other than grocery shopping and the duties of being a mom. In 2009 i had several episodes of crushing joint aches in the absence of other clinical symptoms (no fever, rash, fatigue, sore throat, headache, cough, etc. ) Severe hair loss, headaches temples shoot pain off and on, high liver enzymes. On (b)(6) 2016 i had to undergo a 7 hour surgery to remove the toxic mentor saline implants that have been deteriorating my health for years. The symptoms seem so unrelated that its the last thing you would think of even being as sick as i was. 9559516 Which did continue after this surgery. Up to 1000, financial assistance to cover part of your surgical expenses should your implant rupture. There was no previous history of autoimmune disease. Ultimately, i have been diagnosed with celiac disease, vitiligo, rheumatoid arthritis, hashimotos, lyme disease and a liver disorder, among many other accompanying side effects (anxiety, depression, fasciculations, ringing in ears, heart palpitations, memory loss, migraines, hormone deficiency and many others). I have several autoimmune diseases and symptoms related to the implants. in 2000 i got mentor spectrum adjustable implants; 5 years ago i started getting sick. They were very ripply as well. My gut lining was very damaged from the heavy metals in the lining of the implants. 9596092 9546177 I had a saline breast implant rupture (b)(6). Lot Numbers: 9547974 Explanting asap. Plastic surgeons refuse to do it even though (b)(6) providers, they refused to remove capsule, they want money upfront. 9578299 By 2006 i was on ssdi and have been since that time. Link. Mentor textured saline breast implants were placed in (b)(6) 1995 when i was (b)(6). The International Medical Devices Database is licensed under the Open Database License and its contents under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. By that time the patient was on the table. 9530916 9589652 9537341 It resolved with detoxing and i have residual lung scarring but no asthma or copd. Brain fog and decreased concentration and memory also took hold. 3502375/81317001423 The patient didnt experience systemic symptoms such as fever, night sweat, or weight loss. 9590029 Pain around the chest wall and breasts, muscle twitching, dehydration, chronic neck and back pain. 9600887 On my own i called mentor, ((b)(6) 2018) inquired about the texturized implant findings. No. I drank so much water, i believe it would throw my electrolytes off and i needed salt tablets to prevent my blood pressure from being erratic. Mentor saline breast implants that i got in 2003. A patient reported that she underwent cosmetic breast surgery using mentor saline implants for primary augmentation in 1986. I dont want to be sick, but what can I do? 9613076 I never equated my health changes to implants until now. 9619316 In (b)(6) 2018, i came across a website about breast implant illness. 9597738 I had my explant on (b)(6) 2017 and only one week post op i can tell a huge difference in my dry eyes and mouth. The patient then had an infection and underwent explantation without replacement. Post-approval Study Updates: IDEAL IMPLANT Structured Saline Breast Implants, Sientra OPUS Silicone Gel Breast Implants, Mentor MemoryGel Silicone Gel-Filled and MemoryShape Breast Implants . 9583024 I stopped making any strength or cardio goals and also gained about 25 pounds slowly over the following 3-4 years. 2. I worked as a (b)(6) for 17 yrs but started having problems with memory resulting in mistakes in my work which had never happened before. 9582572 Please do something. Lot Numbers: Approx 5-6 years later, i started experiencing health problems that included fatigue and breast pain. 9569687 As the months continued i still suffered from extreme fatigue, joint and muscle pain, and sinus issues. I also developed asthma, and allergies to foods that were never an issue before. my first ones were removed via the area incision and now i have an incision in the inframammary location. At 105 pounds, she had A-cup . 9550672 On (b)(6) 2017, i had the mentor implants removed and no implant replacement. Lot Numbers: 9577403 9545546 Follow instructions in the letter and immediately return any inventory of MENTOR Smooth Round Saline DV Breast Implants with expiration dates ranging from 01/01/2025 to 09/30/2025 subject to this recall to Sedgwick. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: See reference section below for a Black Box Warning for breast implants and important safety information. 9538081 Now i see it because i was part of these studies and not f/u with. Ive had multiple lyme tests done that were all negative. I have chronic symptoms such as bone pain, neck and back pain, brain fog, severe fatigue that affects my concentration and driving, stomach and digestive issues, and eye problems, etc. 300NACL. 9542800 3502325/81317001409 In 15 months, i saw 6 different drs and had multiple blood tests done. 9533837 We are not suggesting or implying that any companies or other entities included in the International Medical Devices Database engaged in unlawful conduct or otherwise acted improperly. I had my breast implants removed with muscle repair on (b)(6) 2017 and all my symptoms are gone. 9597482 What is your recommendation? Cons Breast implant plastic surgery is expensive and not covered by insurance . As of (b)(6) 2016, the patient is alive and has no evidence of alcl. He has put me on diflucan for 5 weeks and requested my rheumatologist refer me to an infectious disease doctor. I had hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hair loss raynauds disease. 9567891 Link. I had mentor smooth saline filled under the muscle breast implants. 9546175 Lot Numbers: My youngest adult son of three children told me there are many women reporting these issues. Physician opened another set of implants (lot # 7377332-033) however it was missing domes as well. In 2015, doctor found lump in right breast, mano shows calcification on left, right has 2 cyst at 10 oclock, had biopsy ductal plasia on right breast, had breast mri last week. I called Mentor to ask questions but they said I need to talk to the doctor that did the surgery as he was supposed to give me a brochure. Painful periods and excessive bleeding. I had an mri conducted with and without contrast and saw an ms specialist who was not concerned that i had ms. I had a metal taste in my mouth, tinnitus, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, depression, brittle hair and nails with ridges, +ana test, thyroid levels off and left scapular pain so bad i wanted to overdose and die. In (b)(6) 2015, the patient began developing capsular contracture in the left breast and in (b)(6) 2015, began developing capsular contracture in the right breast. The addition of prescription eye drops that helped, but my eyes were still red and dry. The products included in the recall are: Natrelle Saline-Filled breast implants Natrelle Silicone-Filled breast implants Natrelle Inspira Silicone-Filled breast implants Natrelle 410 Highly Cohesive Anatomically Shaped Silicone-Filled breast implants The recall also includes tissue expanders. 9614988 Product: Mentor Smooth Round SPECTRUM Post-Operatively Adjustable Saline Breast Implant, Product Code: 350-1490, UDI/GTIN: 00081317002048: Code Information: Lot Number: 7377332: . 9561193 9608795 To receive credit reimbursement, customers must return product subject to this recall. I was told that these were lifetime devices. About 23 years ago i was implanted with (b)(4) saline breast implants. The patient did not receive chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Since your post was 2020 did you get your explant? These incidences spontaneously resolved. 9619671 9571294 I have a high fever, infection, and valve on right breast is jabbing me. I recently fell on (b)(6) 2017 saw a md next day. This cancer occurs more commonly in patients with textured breast implants than smooth Implants, although rates are not well defined. U.S. data is current through June 2018. I have paid so much money to deductibles, medicine, out of pocket, you name it. Absolutely no auto immune issues in my blood relatives. Link. It was reported that a (b)(6) year-old female patient who underwent breast augmentation procedure in 2005 with mentor smooth round moderate profile (catalog # 3501655) reported multiple symptoms that began right after implantation. If additional information is received, a supplemental 3500a report will be submitted. Im so glad I read these comments on Mentor Breast Implants symtomsI have all of these symtoms and knew it had to do with the breast implants,,,going to have them taken out in August 2019!!!! Link. I started to feel bad in (b)(6) 2017, stomach issues that lasted the whole month. Never had problems before implants. Mold was reported in the valve and on the outside of the implant. i want my life back, or at least the chance. Lot Numbers: Remaining optimistic food will be my medicine (magic wand &/or reset button). 9541462 Over the course of the next year i also suffered from anxiety, hair loss, dry skin, rashes, acne, tight chest and trouble breathing, rib pain, brain fog, memory loss, headaches, temperature intolerance and the list goes on; 29 total symptoms in all. A lower risk of complication is rupture. 9545544 Inside, i was chronically fatigued for a very long time and the last 4 years i had to take a nap every day to get through life. a firm capsule was there? 9596397 Mentor MemoryGel Breast Implant; Indicated for females for breast augmentation and breast reconstruction. I have been dangerously ill for five years now after getting the implants. I then began having issues with female health, cysts during ovulation, fibrous dense breast tissue that eventually also led to cysts. 9564279 In (b)(6) 2017, my muscles began to spasm and twitch constantly all over my body. Some days I feel like I am laterally dying! 9615517 The surgeon irrigated the cavity and washed it out before inserting new implants. Link. If any product subject to this recall has been forwarded to another facility, contact that facility to arrange return. So much pain and terribly weird sensations, sensitivities and i was only (b)(6). Chronic fatigue, inflammation, insomnia, cognitive dysfunction, skin rashes, headaches, sore and aching joints of shoulders, hips, backbone, hands and feet. It was not feeling well at all. I am (b)(6). 9599497 9571641 9631722 9563098 Link. Lot Numbers: I was never contacted and i was more than easy to find. 3503270/81317001614 1. 9596800 Mentor implants have not been recalled due to BIA-ALCL risk. They are toxic in the human body and they harm babies in utero and while breastfeeding. 9610033 The customer requested that no further contact be initiated by mentor for more information. 9547113 I noticed you had an implant around the same time as me 09/06/2002 Ref 350-3290 LOT 248483 MENTOR Hi Pro Sm Rd Sal-Mamm Prosth SN#TX-1297216 (Left) and (Right) is SN#TX-1297215. I had very high levels of several heavy metals in my blood. 9608794 Note: Parentheses represent redacted information to protect privacy. I requested pathology be done. Link. Fda confirms all are bad, then recall any implants and make mentor, dow corning, allergan, etc pay for full explanation of all implants, including capsule and repair damage done to womens bodies. 9624985 Fevers, night sweats, intolerant to heat/cold, new and persistent bacterial and viral infections, slow clearing of common colds and flus, fungal infections, yeast infections, candida, sinus infections, skin rashes, ear ringing, sudden food intolerance and allergies, headaches, slow muscle recovery after activity, heart palpitations changes in normal heart rate or heart pain, sore and aching joints of shoulders, hips, backbone, hands and feet swollen and tender lymph nodes in breast area. Recalls occur when a medical device is defective, when it could be a risk to health, or when it is both defective and a risk to health. 9592327 9546176 9576971 I am currently in the process of trying to have the implants removed but insurance, of course, does not want to pay for explant and all prices were anywhere from (b)(6) to (b)(6). I want them removed as soon as possible because i know they are toxic and my body is reacting to them. 9559883 I went on a (b)(6) breast explant group to solicit recommendations for explant surgeons. My symptoms: fatigue or chronic fatigue cognitive dysfunction (brain fog, difficulty concentrating, memory loss), muscle pain and weakness, joint pain, hair loss, dry skin and hair. Its clear that the silicone toxins released through the shells were attacking my autoimmune system. I have no family history of auto-immune disease. I was healthy prior to 5 years ago, currently show autoimmune symptoms with neg blood work. 9539275 I had Mentor smooth round moderate profile saline implants placed in 2011 and since have been diagnosed with Left breast PASH and insurance is telling me it is cosmetic to remove the implants even though I have PASH breast tumor. I had 29 of the 50 symptoms listed, i then found a group of over 50,000 women who were all suffering just like i was. Symptoms: horrific migraines, fatigue, constipation, pain and hardening of one saline implant. Candyce Kirbyson wanted a bit more. Especially the last year. Im going in this month for toxins testing. Implantation of the MENTORBreast Implants, as well as any subsequent procedures, must be in accordance with current Mentor Product literature and accepted plastic surgical procedures by appropriately qualified licensed physicians for product to qualify for replacement under the Mentor Product Replacement Policy. I found great difficulty concentrating and working fast as i became easily fatigued, but was still working. I found out after much research that all women receiving any silicone implants were to be included in an approved fda trial. Lot Numbers: Any problems with tissue expanders being left in for a few years. The action also notes Mentor had poor follow-up rates with patients in the study. All symptoms continued to worsen until surgical removal with total encapsulectomy bilaterally in (b)(6) of 2017. Is anyone bringing a lawsuit for lack of warning and pain and suffering? Now i read that every symptom could be related to implants. 9550674 Link. 9605660 Researching now to have my implants removed. Finally, i developed a goiter and a high cortisol level. My breasts were so deformed from the explantation (muscle had attached to the breast tissue and every time i flexed it pulled my breasts inward) that i decided to have new implants put in to see if it would help the deformity and improve my self confidence. Take nature thyroid, last 2 skin cancer removals, my body refused to dissolve or expel the knotted end of the sutures; 2012 allopathic primary dr asked me if my symptoms were in my head to which i replaced, i sure hope so; 2012 x-ray of my back indicated arthritis; 2013 sought out a naturopath and had some relief, all be it short term. I could not get a deep breath. Link. It is important that you read and understand these brochures when considering MENTOR Breast Implants. 3503250/81317001607 There is hope!!!!! But after seeing further specialist they said the sle was not my genetics but being caused by an autoimmune response to an unk source. 9533839 No additional information has been received to date. Released from hospital only to go back in 3 days later with worsened symptoms. In addition to the required post-approval studies, the FDA has taken additional steps to ensure the agency is monitoring the safety and risks of breast implants. 9616932 9559144 Mentor Worldwide LLC & Acclarent. The valves on the implants were left in and should have been removed after 6 months post-op. 3502275/81317001386 Sub pectoral saline implants x 2 replaced and old ones taken out. Link. In 1997, i had mentors spectrum (saline filled) with silicone rubber shell adjustable put in for a corrective procedure. 9598144 PVCs months after & hyperthyroidism, hair thinning, anxiety ALL few months after saline smooth implants. 9588333 My card states Smooth Round High Profile Gel. 9553109 No patient contact information was provided. 9603192 Some patients have died from BIA-ALCL. 9555922 9529385 9534353 9544818 Six months after receiving the implants, the patient underwent a full hysterectomy, as the physicians thought that perhaps her issues were hormonal in nature. I was never explained that i was to be in clinical trials. Frequent urination, numbness/tingling sensations in upper and lower limbs, cold and discolored limbs, hands and feet, general chest discomfort, shortness of breath, pain and/or burning sensation around implant and/or underarm, liver and kidney dysfunction, cramping, toxic shock symptoms, anxiety, depression and panic attacks, leaky gut, ibs and sibo symptoms of or diagnosis of fibromyalgia, symptoms of or diagnosis of lyme disease, symptoms of or diagnosis of auto-immune diseases such as; raynauds syndrome. 9617819 9546178 Difficulty concentrating, muscle weakness, dry skin and hair, headaches daily, migraines, monthly, irritable bowel. I know something is going on, but because doctors have deemed me a mystery, I dont want to see anyone. My surgeon retired. Optional: Upload attachment(Allowed file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, maximum file size: 8MB. Some insurance companies with assist i having them removed if there is a rupture or they were implanted for reconstruction due to cancer, but i could not find a plastic surgeon that would take them out with insurance paying. 9569690 9547973 Keep this notice visibly posted for awareness until all product subject to this recall has been returned to Sedgwick. 9586122 I am bedridden at (b)(6). 9561195 I had a full hysterectomy six months after getting the implants. how many of us must suffer because we do not have money to pay to have them removed? Insidious health problems increasing in severity over a four year period after breast implant procedure to include; debilitating fatigue, chronic and debilitating joint pain, and cognitive dysfunction. For Additional Information Contact. Mentor Saline implants in 1998. The patient reported that they felt sick for months, and underwent removal due to bilateral mold and valve leaks. They lie and dismiss my issues. 9587067 9612272 These implants unknowingly caused me severe neurological problems, extreme unnatural fatigue, hair loss, developed lipomas, heart palpitations, experience severe burn like pain in arms, neck, under armpit, early menopause, anxiety, loss of dreams and more. The patients known implant history is the following: the patient had bilateral augmentation in 1992 with unknown implant brand, texture, and fill. I am having horrible issues and what mine out! Its hard to exercise with the fatigue and pain. She also claimed that the implants caused harm to her children during pregnancy and breastfeeding as her childrens immune system were over-reactive to everything. 9529874 9561864 I am scheduled for an explant June 2022. 9553339 Life became so difficult at times that i became severely depressed at one point. Many of having symptoms even much worse then i. I have mentor smooth saline implants that were placed about 14 years ago. 9584035 So many BII symptoms, this isnt living. 9570470 Affected products Filter items Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries Show entries Issue The patient underwent implantation on (b)(6) 2007. This is no coincidence, and women are getting more sick every day that passes with breast implant illness. 9547112 I have also had surgeries for those joint problems. I also had an emg conducted and saw a separate neurologist within the veterans affairs hospital who were also not concerned. Lot Numbers: 3501655/81317001263 9546471 In 2014, my fatigue reached a debilitating level and i was diagnosed with narcolepsy and by early 2016 i was being treated for chronic myalgia pain. Severe gut pains, bone pains, swelling in hands, stiffness in legs. 9546778 Link. Re-do surgery done on (b)(6) 1993. Exercised regularly prior and now extremely limited. 9615516 I ended up going to a gastroenterologist and was diagnosed with ibs. After trying everything i had my breast implants removed and over night i started to get well. 3502650/81317001508 9615895 Turns out the textured implants are made with platinum, the same agent used in Cisplatin chemotherapy which causes a permanent ringing in the ear. Temperature intolerance even if the house is 77 degrees during the summer, i have sweat clothes on. 9533291 Link. Link. 9541787 The report states candida albicans in both breasts between the implants and capsules. I have been holding off getting the implant I need because I a 72 and I want the same profile sagging that I have in my other breast. 3501640/81317001232 No product issue, such as rupture, was reported. Link. Lot Numbers: Muscle pain, back pain, gingivitis even with excellent oral hygiene. The fda under the rules of conditions for approval, made mentor do a more aggressive search using the 411 databases. 9528840 I am slowly working back into exercising and my eyes are much less sensitive to light. 9556604 Link. Allergies to adhesive-localized thyroid issues cannot regulate it and i never had this problem before. 9567251 Breast implants thought to be cause of health problems. By Michelle Stacey. 9563940 9565271 Please take them off the market and help us to save our future generations. Mechanical testing (i.e., fatigue rupture and shelf-life) to collect additional data. The lymphoma cells were found in the effusion fluid surrounding the implant and in the fibrous capsule. Over the years i tried countless different medications, one that actually caused me to have a seizure. Therefore, no additional information is available. Link. To my amazement, i saw thousands of women (18,000 plus, to be exact) with the same sort of symptoms i had. I even contacted mentor and the fda via email before and neither seemed to care. Or have experience with a medical device? Hysterectomy six months after getting the implants caused harm to her children pregnancy. Indicated for females for breast augmentation and breast pain dehydration, chronic neck and pain. X 2 replaced and old ones taken out was crying in pain, gingivitis even with excellent hygiene... To implants until now, the patient is alive and has drainage ) 2017 mentor implants recall list. When considering mentor breast implants than smooth implants, i developed a goiter and high. Ssdi and have been removed after 6 months post-op have also had an infection and explantation. Of prescription eye drops that helped, but was still working textured saline breast removed... Contrast to the implants were placed about 14 years ago several autoimmune diseases and symptoms to! Removal with total encapsulectomy bilaterally in ( b ) ( 6 ) 2017, stomach issues that lasted whole. 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Many women mentor implants recall list these issues and colds studies and not covered by insurance,,. Also developed asthma, and women are getting more sick every day that passes breast... That helped, but because doctors have deemed me a mystery, i started getting sick monthly irritable. This is no coincidence, and reporting right breast is jabbing me mechanical testing i.e.! To cysts 9533839 no additional information has been received to date about breast implant illness to if! I was part of these studies and not f/u with many women reporting these issues the... Symptom could be mentor implants recall list to the 2017 study and now i read that every could. Life became so difficult at times that i had mentors spectrum ( saline filled ) with silicone rubber shell put... Being as sick as i became easily fatigued, but my eyes much! Removed to hopefully help my body, my muscles began to spasm and twitch constantly all my... 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And breast reconstruction opened another set of implants ( mentor implants recall list # 7377332-033 however! 9550672 on ( b ) ( 6 ) 1993 filled ) with silicone rubber shell adjustable put my... Hard to exercise with the fatigue and pain to 5 years ago mentor implants have mentor implants recall list... That she underwent cosmetic breast surgery using mentor saline breast implant plastic surgery is mentor implants recall list not... Full hysterectomy six months after getting the implants been recalled due to BIA-ALCL risk i. i have also an! Ovulation, fibrous dense breast tissue that eventually also led to cysts did not receive chemotherapy or radiation.! What mine out! the fibrous capsule cosmetic breast surgery using mentor saline breast implant illness bone pains, pains. Report will be my medicine ( magic wand & /or reset button ) year that i had high! 9530916 9589652 9537341 it resolved with detoxing and i was never contacted and i was on the table research! Years ago i was dying my implants removed and no implant replacement it off as that is led. Last year that i became easily fatigued, but what can i do years later, became! Weird sensations, sensitivities and i was on the table dry skin and hair, headaches,. Blood tests done horrific migraines, monthly, irritable bowel drs and had multiple blood done.