! Darkness said, checking oursurroundings anxiously. And poisonous, too.Scary I got the impression she was misunderstanding somethingPlus, in manga, they always have special attacks, like the Thunder GodTechnique or Flame Shield, or they can control lightning or breathe fire orwhatever. Wow, they even have magic and breath techniques What othercharacteristics do they have? Yep, she was definitely getting the wrong idea. With our combined Luck, nothing can touch us. And yet, somehow you struggled to get up the walls, struggled to getthrough the door, struggled to defeat those orcs Quiet, Darkness. Then perhaps you would beinterested in trying your hand at a little game we nobles play. That sounded threatening. I guess the only things I brought with me were myincredible Luck and amazing intelligence, along with a pinch of courage and awhole lot of adventuring spirit I brushed my bangs away in an awesome manner, basking in Darknesss gazeof admiration So what youre saying is, youre a completely ordinary guy with no specialpowers. Oops, that wasnt admiration; it was pity. My little brother still owes mefive hundred yen! We dont have time toplay with you. Everything other than my masktruly is dust. Aqua clapped her hands. Or so I thought until one particular moment anyway Good thing I found this perfect cave for us. She spends all day eating and sleeping and drinking anddoing stupid stuff. Noonell see it. Right, good idea. Hey, dont try to weasel out of this! If the anime completely changes everything from Vol 11-13 or just removes them entirely I wouldn't complain. ! Darkness exclaimed when the costumed figure suddenly appeared infront of her.Now, show me your power, Lady Dustiness! Money makes the world go around,even here. Ido not wield this sword for the purpose of hurting your monsters, CountZeeleschilt. Darkness stood at the gate of the castle and shouted, Good people! Hey, Darkness,let me try driving. We were an hour outside of Axel, and I was tired of doingnothing but watching the scenery go by. You cant justgo around moping about it. Darknesss eyes welled up with tears at our encouragement. Instead, they hadcollectively dragged her to the ground. Chris,totally observing this, murmured to me, Saaay, Lowly Assistant, Darkness isacting a little funny. I may not look like much, but Ive got serious assets. She pressed on. How about you start acting likeit? It was about the size of a portable toilet like you might seeat a construction site.Now I get it. Well, Ill just go ask the girls at everyones favoriteshop, then. Hey, Darkness, dont you outrank this guy? Um I cant use magic, so it wont be a problem I appreciate your concern,though Darkness seemed to shrink with embarrassment. I couldnt get over how closely heresembled a penguin. Were nothing alike! I desperately want to come help you, but if Iinterfere, everything youve endured will be for nothing! Careful with the potential spoilers. And Ill bet you cant leave a good thing alone, can you? You dont mean Not a magically augmentedSlime? Id beenwatching her as we went, and I was getting itchy with curiosity. But he slowly shook his head. These kids just collapsedall of a sudden, and no one knows why, least of all me. So what are you going to do about tonight? I asked, but Chrisonly smiled. She could be stubborn, hardheaded, andsingle-minded, but it was all in the service of protecting people. So if a certain someone tries tojump you, use the sound to scare her off. What did she think this was, an air horn?! Youre not making anysense! I ignored the flustered Chris. Actually, Ive been herea few times, and I seem to remember Count Zeeleschilt likes to live down withhis monsters in the arena. Apparently, some seemingly human nobles were actually demonsin disguise. Wake the horse up! To put it lightly, I'm not much of a fan of her at this point. I won't lie. "Come to think of it . I was simply concerned that yourEris heart might stop you from using magic entirely if you deigned to overlookme The silence returned. Share Konosuba Volume 12 everywhere for free. What in the world is this? And wouldnt all this belly-cutting threatento extinguish entire bloodlines? Well, yeah There werent any samurai around today, were there? Some people call him the CruelCount. I was getting that sinking feeling already. . Those children are suffering even as we speak Mymind is made up. F-five hundred yen? Lowly Assistant! Hey, what the heck do you think youre doing here? Like I said, youre new to this. I didnt Its this items fault! Considering her sudden burst ofmotivation, we decided to have Darkness go first after all. This lady isnt going anywhere. I thought these orcs weresupposed to be afraid of women! Among some members of the nobility, keeping a powerfulmonster is a sign of status.Count Costume had a few beasties of his own, apparently. I never thought something like that would come flyingout of something that looked so cute So the demon had gone after Darkness himself. So wevegotta stay together, too! Pay for my room, huh? You think maybe we need a password or amagic spell to open this thing? We held a quiet conference about the unexpected obstacle. What was she doing, pressing me for details on my love life?Id seen Darknesss ears twitching, even though she didnt move anything else. Are you even listeningto me? She looked at me suspiciously. ! Darkness demanded,and Vanir held up several fingers. Did you bring something? Iturned to Darkness. Kazumas asleepisnt he? I felt her glance back to be sure.What did she think she was doing? Im sorry for being such a worthless Crusader!5 So yeah, we didnt get a whole lot of sleep that night. Hrrrgh! ! At Darknesss urging, he finally told usChapter 5 A Banquet for This Demon Count!1 As Darkness and I hastily boarded the carriage shed arranged to meet us atthe Axel town gates, Aqua and Megumin watched us go, worried. Besides, if you have to kill yourselfwhen you surrender, whats the point in surrendering? I guess Japanese culture didnt make much sense to someone from anotherworld. There wasonly faint starlight to aid our vision. Okay, sure, but remember I wont be there this time, all right? CountCostume never got the negative emotions he was craving and ended upstorming off. Youre so embarrassing, I grumbled. And which volume should I start reading from. Wait! Not really. Yes, of course! Hand them over! Oh yeah. I felt proud of Kazuma. for about five minutes. And for some reason, she keeps calling Darkness "Mama." Surely there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for that.right? The black bread could wait. I still havent done anything with Megumin Okay, so wed shared a bath, held hands, and cuddled up under the covers,but still. To find theyvebeen infected with choleran Vanir, are you saying you know what happened to these kids? And I hear they liked to usepoison. So theyre nocturnal and specialize in sneak attacks. Megumin and Darkness. The ones youve met so far have just been a littleunusual. However, Darkness interjected. I admit it was pretty careless of me. How nice of her to apologize. CeekretSwissLord. But that waswhen our newest member stepped up. Anyway, we have todeal with this! I cant believe this! But when the door opened, we found all those kids who had been so full oflife just a few minutes before collapsed on the ground.5 Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Did you do something to those orcs?! I bought everything we could conceivably buy fromlocal pharmacies and magic-item shops. You want me to offer myself up as a sacrifice to savethe lives of those children! We awkwardly brought out the food, I magically filled a coupleof cups with water, and we each bit into some bread, still with only the stars forlight Ugh, its hard. We both groaned. But Lady Dustiness remained unfazed evenin the face of two lusty male orcs. I would expect no less from the long-standing and honorable Dustinesses!Excellent, most excellent! Is this what nobility does around here? Youve led Darkness down the wrong path!Give her back! We dont have any time! The guards found themselves overpowered by the suddenly very forcefulDarkness. Darkness, still on her knees, looked up at him with a grin, of all things. Weve told no one in Axel about your identity, nor shall we, we promise.So please The nasty costume made an amused sound at that. Two, a mandrakeroot. Myname is Lalatina Ford Dustiness! It doesnt count if it was monsters who did it. I couldnt helpnoticing Darkness glance longingly at the orcs as she spoke. Ishe a pervy freak like you? I dont know what your fixation is with assuming nobles are all terriblepeople. And then she left the cave without doing anything in particular to me. You just follow us, all right? The chief and I have the Ambush skill, but you dont, obviously. A body! But you! There was no further obvious reaction from Darkness up on the driversbench, but I could see the tips of her ears flushing a faint red. I decided to try to help Darkness out. Thread by: kurokron, Apr 6, 2018, 13 replies, in forum: Novel Discussion. Thats my favorite flavor of negativeemotion! I want answers to all the questions Ive always had. Gee, she wassuddenly enthusiastic now that we had some distance from civilization. All right, listen up. The future? Sniiiff Darkness, Im not sure I can ever get married now Its okay, Chris. Hey, youve seen how much an ordinary guy can do! She is a crusader with masochistic tendencies who joins Kazuma's party. Thats all we need, and then wego home happy, those kids go home happy, and you go home happy becausenobody finds out what you really are. Like many others, I'm not much of a fan of the harem aspects of the novel, and I hoped that volume would be the end of it so we can just move on already. This man has shown me that I have to be willing and able toassociate with all types, and I would like to think Ive acquired somestatesmanship. Check more flip ebooks related to Konosuba Volume 12 of loremasterdan. Come onlet me try! After it uses the host as a carrier for a certain amount oftime, it releases a fast-acting poison, as you see now. And wheres the clutchon this thing? I dont know what youre talking about. It was more like recently Specifically, ever since she and Ihad expressed our feelings for each other Im not sure what a cross-world joke even is Weve got nothing but timeuntil we come to the next town, so Im going to spend the day interrogatingyou. Be careful when you get there. Owned? Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, Vol. Chris pointed at me and said, Thats because Lowly Assistant! Chief, I dont think this is the time to be digging up the past. Then wecarefully made our way onto the castle grounds.Okay, Darkness. ThenDarkness took her turn, interrogating Chris as to where she usually was andwhat she spent her time doing. Darkness sat on the wet edge of the bathtub, and submerged her Good point. Hey, is that your kid? The question came from a female adventurer who looked very excited aboutit. The tight black outfit underneath wassurprisingly sexy, not to mention a lot more burglar-ish than what Chris and Iwere wearing. Yeah, I was threatening him, all right.Heh-heh-heh! My levels pretty good, and its not that bad a trip. You want to knowabout the magical item the count is wearing? Bonus Story. Yeah, its going great right now. Its a brilliant invention from a foreign landAnyway, in our country, if youre good enough at what you do, you can beforgiven the occasional eccentricity or fetish. Anyone would expect something tohappen. Who would do something like that at a time like this?! That monstrous enemy of womeneverywhere Wait! Reviewed in the United States on April 12, 2020. . It was the first time Id ever experiencedanything like that, okay? EvenI wouldnt try to get up to any funny business right now! Despite my objection,I tossed it in with the luggage, just to be on the safe side. We have a certain Arch-priest of the Axis Church who goescompletely insane when she sees a demon. Thats all well and good, then, I suppose. I gather it is a simpleportable toilet for when you are on a trip. Youre new to this; no one blames you. Use your all-seeing-eye and find some! Hmm, well, I do know one who lives close to this town, he said, brushinghis mask with his hand anxiously. And now, my confident Crusader, show me what you can do! Withthat eager shout, an iron grate on the far side of the arena began to open.Count Costume and I watched Darkness below, standing tall in the center of thefield I thought wed start small, Lady Dustiness. Who are we dealing with here? Typically, it meant answering the call of nature, well, out in nature. La chica que brome en el volumen 11 llamando a Darkness "mami", Sylphina, resulta ser una nia Dustiness con la que Darkness hacia de niera. As one of the servantsshowed us the way, Darkness explained to me what was going on. B-but that would mean Darkness swallowed and glanced at meexpectantly Could it be you have some incredible power or spectacularequipment, too? Nope, nothing, not for me. Well, bunshin is a famous one. Ifsomethings bugging you, speak up. No normal weapon could bethat powerful I wonder where he got it Same with the others. Of course I dont have any money. Light Novel Vol 15 and after spoilers, fair warning. Im a Crusader. Id rather not remember it,so do me a favor and dont bring it up, okay? Why not? I cant believe you would forget yourself so completely and indulge in playlike that Gods, you make it sound so sordid! And here wed been socareful to whisper. I don't get the point of confessions and rejections if the author is going to continue with the harem dynamic. Seems like she wanted to have Darkness confess to Kazuma to release the tension so they could move on. Meanwhile, Darkness has taxes to collect! Wasnt I here to be anadventurer? Ahhh, embarrassment like this is aflavor Master Vanir is particularly fond of. How do we make it? Thisdoor doesnt have a keyhole! Youve gotta be kidding, Chief! After all, this entire time, I havent gotten even a whiffof terror or panic from the good lady! Oh, those monsters would work. Suddenly I wasnt so sure about this. I know where this is going! You havent turned to crimeagain, have you? 11 (light novel) I feel bad for Zeeleschilt orwhatever his name is, but we need to get the ingredients for that medicine! Why had she come here? Are you sure this guy is one of thiscountrys nobles? I know you said you cant sleepon a strange pillow, so youve got yours, right? Aqua fretted. What are you, my mom? Or a tentacle monster? Megumin, Id appreciate if you didnt make me out to be some kind ofpervert! Listen, Darkness, were pros. But he just looked so damn cute.7 There was a fighting ring deep beneath the castle. Demons have no sexual desires, nor anyinterest in human bodies, so Ill thank you to disabuse yourself of yourdelusion! For the first time, he seemed genuinely shaken. Maybe she was excitedor nervousto finallybe in a party again, because from the moment we got inside, she could hardlystay still, looking at everything in sight and fidgeting around. . And then theywould collect enemy heads in battle as souvenirs. What were they, headhunters?! I just went a littlecrazy Maybe we can agree to forget it ever happened Everyone listening in seemed to think all this was completely serious, and Ireceived looks of admiration and jealousy. "Allow me to do a proper introduction. And youwere extra upset because then the illness spread to all the other kids. It was your shouting that brought everyone running andmade it way worse than it had to be. This being an emergency situation, they had let us into the castle, and now wewere going to get our audience with the master of the house. Id been lying there for a while, but I hadnt managed to sleep a wink.Could it be I was just feeling paranoid because we were out in the wilderness? All I did was figure outwhat crops are likely to be affected by a cold snap Plus, I had professionalhelp.I never know what youre going to do next, but I always know Im not goingto like it And where did you meet a professional in this line of work exactly?Darkness was starting to gaze upon me with respect. We dont have time for your silly games, said Chriswhen I had forced Darkness to practice her Boss one too many times. Weve got a kid dependent on somemedicine, so once the jobs done, well be leaving town in a hurry. ConsideringChris was here, I knew what I had to do. Take it with you just in case. Not a bad idea. Watch beforeyou attempt. Is there anything in Konosuba volume 12's cover that says the series is ending? Its no costume. Vanir was a demon, for sure. And for some reason, she keeps calling Darkness 'Mama.' Surely there's a. . I am about torelease another monster! Whats more, I know you to bea faithful servant of your nation. Or maybe because the ruler of the castle was a devil who couldtake care of himself Its my time to shine, Chris said confidently. Balter Barnes Alexei () is the noble whom Darkness' father tries to set her up in an arranged marriage with, though he later calls it off after seeing how close she is to Kazuma. Ugh, salty! We both groaned again. Hey, Darkness, were bestbuddies, right? Then Kazuma chose to cheat on Megumin because he's so weak willed. Were not asking you for the whole freaking kingdom oranything. Meanwhile, Darkness has taxes to collect! There arent that many people coming by. Average for the last 12 months. Damn it all! I shouted. ! Darkness exclaimed, looking just a little excited. One small step for us No, I need more than a small step! They have hair just likeyours, and they all seem to have some incredible power or other. Everyone makes mistakes. Quit blushing!3 And so our excursion went on. I still haventforgiven those two! Or what?Are you embarrassed? Al or la noticia, Aqua se escabullo para difundirla por la ciudad. . Theonly people I would ever curse are my natural enemies: Axis disciples and thelikes of you! He came over to where I was using Freeze to cool the foreheads of kids withraging fevers and whispered, This is most troubling, though. And alsoKazuma, I must thank you. However He turned to Sylphina, who was slumped in Darknesss arms.Simple antidote magic will not be effective for the carrier herself. In fact, thats the whole reason things are so weird.Okay, short version: Darkness fessed up to me about her feelings, but Im in agood place with Megumin right now, so I sorta turned her down Whaaaat?! Then theywould collect enemy heads in battle as souvenirs somemedicine, so once the jobs,... Konosuba Volume 12 & # x27 ; s Blessing on this Wonderful world,... So sordid mention a lot more burglar-ish than what Chris and Iwere.. Chris as to where she usually was andwhat she spent her time doing it lightly, suppose! 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