On this basis, this article sets out a reworked definition of irregular warfare, one that retains its crucial focus of on legitimacy, coercion, and political power but that is also applicable to interstate competition. [8] The CIA's Special Activities Center (SAC) is the premiere American paramilitary clandestine unit for creating and for combating irregular warfare units. Executive Order 12656, Assignment of Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities, delegates DoD to advise and assist DOS in preparing and implementing plans for _______. For the purpose of this essay, the term irregular warfare will be defined as "combat between the armed forces of states and other belligerent entities, foreign or domestic who may have no fixed abode." At present, there is no civilian operational systeminto which to emplace irregular warfare as defined: with exceedingly few exceptions, there is no civilian replica for the militarys doctrine, organization, institutionalized intellectual efforts, and operational templates to prosecute this mission. A_____is a joint force that is constituted and so designated by the SecDef, a Combatant Commander, a Subordinate Unified Commander or and existing JTF Commander to accomplish missions with specific, limited objectives and which do not require overall centralized control of logistics. The J1 participates in all applicable planning and assessment processes; coordinates with higher, supporting and subordinate manpower and personnel directorates. This proposed definition of irregular warfare respects the etiology of the term and, thus, the reasons for its coinage; but it also applies it to a new strategic environment. Contact Government Relations202-939-9355, Contact Public Affairs202-939-9365HENA@acenet.edu, Contact Membership202-939-9340membership@acenet.edu, Contact Advancement202-939-9498advancement@acenet.edu. The issue is certainly not that irregular warfare is irrelevant to the strategic competition at handquite the contrarybut rather that the US military system is proving too traumatized by its counterinsurgency past, and too mired in its own orthodoxies, to grasp the contribution of the term. On the one hand, the critique is driven by the conceptual stretching that irregular warfare has undergone, but on the other hand it is steeped also in the aversion to any apparent hearts-and-minds philosophy following the collapse of a counterinsurgency doctrine predicated on similar ideals. Terms and People Write a The PAP is charged with responding to domestic unrest, maintaining social stability, fighting terrorism, and protecting national sovereignty. Fromthisworkcomesthefactsthatprosecutorsneedfortheircases. a December 2011 Naval War College Maritime Stability Operations Game focused specifically on stability operations in the maritime domain conducted by the Naval Service. A violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over relevant populations. Who is responsible for organizing, training, equipping and providing administrative and logistic support for services? Drug gangs want to control territory and networks, as do resistance / rebellion movements. _____is an integrative and holistic framework to better understand, assess, and maintain the fitness of the joint force. Service Chiefs for preparation of contingency plans. B. Offensively, this type of approach might entail sponsoring terrorism and insurgency abroad, engaging in election interference to subvert democratic integrity or to stoke social conflict, or undermining the legitimacy of a state so that a rival actor can rise up. On the whole, this view of state-based engagement takes us back to two key missions of irregular warfareforeign internal defense and unconventional warfare, respectively about fostering resilience and empowering resistance. Today, the police compare a suspect's fingerprints with thousands of prints stored in computer data banks. bPS$Q,`k@k$hR[c #xe" p,`18U!P0CPb`XA?#bPLgg xr)*lC/i`uWT17Dxj[Q9+$b(=d I%q41a=03$8p University of Maryland, University College, 6 Irregular Warfare focuses on control of enemy forces Control of maneuver. The Greek root -top- means "place" or "surface." Secretaries on the Military Departments and then to the Service Chiefs. !Hi*^`@/Uq,%@L(J^6"Xl7J(dxW/)B+nVUawOjF{yB`}Eb+JxduyQH # ZH! "@1(~AbwE'yG:r:GZ`-_!/#0W&Sh`R/UQ\.W]G-~uiq{a^+k"-13oR%jwMHx'3;y@:^ sK0r|:j\!.zW>61#"h0u_f#i>*~[birudu1R){r:V~tTL/ny@mm mmAm25dj!SCL 27dn!sC 27di!KC, Y4di!kC Y6dm!kC 97sC 97 |>xyw7/?fo?~WX_^. Going further, others take issue with the language of warfare and have mooted irregular competition as a way to prevent the militarization of threats that are not uniformly violent in nature. SEJPME National Militarry Command Structure.docx - 1 Irregular Warfare focuses on . command authority and may NOT be delegated or transferred. The term irregular warfare seems best to cap ture the wide variety of these flittle wars.f Such wars plague much of the non-Western world, and they The concept of "jointness" must be advancd through continual joint force development efforts. These responses and changes will be all negative. Counter Terrorism (CT) Activities and operations taken to neutralize terrorists and their organizations and networks in order to render them incapable of using violence to instill fear and coerce governments or . ______ prevent an adversarial action by presenting a credible threat to counteraction. Director of National Intelligence and the CJCS. IW is "war among the people" as opposed to "industrial war" (i.e., regular war). However, the following conflicts may be considered to have exemplified by irregular warfare:[1][4]. Irregular warfare (IW) is defined in United States joint doctrine as "a violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations." Concepts associated with irregular warfare are older than the term itself. Third, the chief definitional criterion of irregular warfare is its strategic intent: to erode or build legitimacy and influence. IW is defined as a violent struggle among. (Samuel P. Huntington, in his famous "Political Order in Changing Societies" [see Page 41] seems to say the exact same thing: The apparent relationship between poverty and backwardness, on the one hand, and instability and violence, on the other, is a spurious one. Marksis a distinguished professor and serves as the Major General Edward G. Lansdale chair of irregular warfighting strategy at the College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University. Scope This publication delineates requirements and considerations for the health service support (HSS) system as well as the HSS aspects of joint planning, special operations, Prior to deployment, the Staff Judge Advocate must determine what legal authorities are in place and what authorities are needed or desired to support the JTF mission. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. All Collumns in a table should be labeled. That is why Special Operation Forces train with the mind to conduct IW instead of just their arms and muscles to fire guns and bullets. )\B"!)!Pr *R specific missions. A computer can find a match in only a few minutes. When it quietly and nonviolently mobilizes societal support, it is to assist the eventual seizure of power. The statutory members of the National Security Council are_____. Why does collection planning require the ability to call on a variety of collection sourcs? Phillips, Joan T., Fairchild, Muir S.,"Irregular Warfare", Gustafson, Michael, "Modern Irregular Warfare & Counterinsurgency", Swedish National Defence College, 2009. 3) The _____ is the primary vehicle through which the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, of Staff (CJCS) exercises responsibility to provide for the preparation of joint, operation plans. This purpose of joint operations is to defend national interests, not only in conflict, but through preventative measures to deter potential adversaries who could threaten the vital interests of the US or its partners. As such, states engaged in, or confronted with, irregular warfare must bring all elements of power to bear under their national political leadership.. They, may be established on a geographic area basis such as U.S. 1) Irregular Warfare focuses on ______________. Legitimacy is the target of all disinformation, manipulation, active measures, and terrorism that we associate with irregular warfare, because these efforts seek to erode the cohesion and resolve of set adversaries. A Unified or Specific Command with a broad continuing mission under a single commander established and so designated by the President, through the Secretary of Defense with the advice and assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is called a____. An overarching term encompassing various military missions, tasks, and activities conducted outside the United States in coordination with other instruments of national power to maintain or reestablish a safe and secure environment, provide essential governmental services, emergency infrastructure reconstruction, and humanitarian relief. What is the added value of irregular warfare in explaining traditional (if illicit) forms of statecraft, particularly when response falls to agencies and instruments of state that typically have little to do with warfare? The danger lies not just in forgetting whatever was learned from twenty years of engagement with substate actors through counterinsurgency and counterterrorism. When you have no idea what you are competing for, or against whom, then the reference to competition is beyond meaningless. 2) The President of the U.S. provides guidance for developing, applying, and, coordinating the instruments of national power to achieve objectives that. Both are correct. it is dissolved when the purpose ofr which it was created has been achieved or when it is no longer required. 4) The statutory advisers to the National Security Council are, 5) The direction or exercise of authority over subordinate or other, organizations with respect to administration and support, including. If an object falls for 3 seconds, it will fall 144.9 feet. The purposeful reliance by one Service on another Service's capabilities to maximize complementary and reinforcing effects of both (i.e. Remediation Accessed :N Control of enemy forces control of SEJPME National Militarry Command Structure.docx - 1 . These requirements are summarized in the _______. B. Dr. Thomas A. are part of the JFC's OPLAN; are used to restore stability in a nation where internal conflict threatens regional stability; and must achieve specific or operational objective. The overriding context for such activity, however, is the competition for legitimacy in which these actors are embroiled, with foreign actors stoking the fire in their own ways. This recognition minimizes the inter/intrastate argument and recognizes that these types of warfare have utility across the spectrum of conflict. (Select all that apply.) Mark each letter that should be lowercase by drawing a slash through it (/). ACE is a membership organization that mobilizes the higher education community to shape effective public policy An environment in which operations may or may not be opposed at any point during deployment by forces or individuals not under the host government's control is an ________ environment. The ability of the US to achieve its national strategic objectives is dependant on the effectiveness of the US Government in employing the instruments of national power which are_______, Diplomatic, Informational, Military and Economic (DIME), The President of the United States provides guidance for developing, applying and coordinating the instruments of national power to achieve objectives that contribute to national security in the_____. Which stage of the projection process is characterized as the most vulnerable period because forces may not be fully capable of defending themselves? The point of these activities can then be viewed through the prism of a competition for legitimacy, but at a global level, with US credibility and appeal targeted to clear the way for the Chinese takeover. Legitimacy is why thousands of Ukrainians, even those based in the EU, are flooding back into that country to fight, all while Russians are leaving their country to avoid the same. In securing territory along with trade and communications routes, China is also positioning itself for an eventual attack on Taiwan, either threatened or carried out when necessary. Staff Judge Advocates (SJAs) are responsible for______. As Stathis Kalyvas explains with reference to geographical loyalty, raw power can readily override political and social preferences. SEJPME Mod 3- Interagency Coordination Pre Te, Interorganizational Coordination and Multinat, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. 9) Support is a _____________ and may be exercised by Commanders at any echelon at or below the combatant, 10) General, mutual, direct and close are the four defined categories of ________________ that a Combatant. Even if violence is kept at bay, coercion can prove a formidable weapon. On that basis, this reservation about the nature of the actors involved appears minor, but it does raise a bigger issue. This article draws in part on the second edition of Crafting Strategy for Irregular Warfare: A Framework for Analysis and Action(Washington, DC: NDU Press, 2022), which was published earlier this month. Who is responsible for the organization and employment of legal personnel assigned or attached to a joint task force (JTF) headquarters? But one can overplay the importance of population: is it a "center of gravity" or critical resource; or a nuisance to be marginalized? Term. Warfare in which one or more combatants are irregular military rather than regular forces, According to the definition of "regular forces," which came much after the. What is, The distance that an object falls varies directly as the square of the time the object is in motion. The command authority established by a superior commander between subordinate commanders when one organization should aid, protect, complement or sustain another force is called______. Legitimacy is also at the root of societal and political resilience and to resistance efforts against stronger foes. . A _______, such as foreign humanitarian assistance, can be a major operation if the combination of size, scope and duration requires the commander to phase the operation as a set of tasks, activities and missions over time. Which three of the following when combined are some of the functions that compromise core capabilities of joint logistics? Please turn on JavaScript and try again. University of Maryland, University College, Post Test SEJPME II (Module 2 - National Military Command Structure).pdf, SEJPME-US001-03 National Military Command Structure.docx, SEJPME II - MOD 2 - National Military Command Structure - PRE-TEST.pdf, University of Maryland, University College SEJPME II, American Military University SEJPME 202, American Military University SEJPME US001, National Military Command Structure - Pre Test (Cooper).docx, Pre Test National Military Structure SJPME 001003.docx, SEJPME-US001-03_National Military Command Structure (pre test).doc, Post Test - National Military Command Structure.pdf, United States Military Academy SEJMPE MODULE 10, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University CS 21, 2021-22-Loran-Award-Sample-Application-English.pdf, 61 In this example injury to liver is repaired a by regeneration of cells if, Do you feel local police departments should gave a role in counterterrorism.docx, What is an alternate processing site that is equipped with telecommunications, Question 4 Complete the following sentence is one of the four remedies or, a Joint decision making different activities Case H1 b Separate decision making, 2._BSBMGT517_Student_Assesment_Workbook_V1.0.20_converted.docx.pdf (1).docx, Which of the following is a measure of non metric correlation a Pearson product, Day+#9+-+Using+Grids+to+Find+Location.docx, e Question 5 Your answer is CORRECT An object projected vertically upward from, Poaching of elephants for ivory and meat remain a serious problem to many Asian, _____ is written guidance from the Secretary of Defense to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the preparation and review of contingency plans for specific missions. espionage, toxic leaders, sexual harassment and assault, etc. While we do not know how high the ax head was when it fell into the water, we will work, During a performance in an airshow, a 593 kg stunt plane makes a circular horizontal turn of radius 81 meters. Describe the tactical command post and the main command post along with the capabilities and limitations of each. Might these be replaced with traditional, irregular, and covert? Until this reality is addressed, irregular warfareintellectually as well as in practicewill fall to the same community within the Department of Defense, with scant impact on the broader system responsible both for assessment and response. As one indication of the ensuing confusion, the Joint Staffs Office of Irregular Warfare was recently renamed to include also, in its title, and Competition. The conflation makes sense, given the spectrum of ways in which irregular strategies operatefrom the kinetic to the nonkineticbut it does not follow that irregular warfare is inherently limited to the latter. In a similar vein, it should always have been realized that winning hearts and minds necessarily includes more than being liked, namely shaping the subjects behavior and preferences through the application of all relevant sources of power. (The exact same thing applies to our competitors/our opponents/our enemies who like we/ourselves are also pursing "development"/"achieve revolutionary change" goals/political objectives both at home and abroad? The single most easily identified failure of American statecraft and war (regular or otherwise) is in the vain attempts to prop up governments that had no legitimacy. ), Irregular Warfare (IW) is so broad a term that it defies definition and encompasses many forms, fit, and functions. Which of the following are some of the key elements of the shape phase of joint operations? Three problems become immediately clear. ________ contributions provide operational leverage by gathering critical information, undermining a potential adversary's will or capacity to wage war, and enhancing the capabilities of conventional US or multinational forces. Yet because coerced forms of control are difficult to maintain over time, our adversaries are at their most dangerous when they combine coercion with strategies of co-option. The course objective is to build upon the Enlisted Joint Professional Military. In these efforts, mobilization, legitimacy, and credibility produce societal power, allowing adversaries weaker at the offset to paralyze stronger foes and, at times, prevail against seemingly impossible odds. Specifically, irregular warfare has always been concerned with struggles relating to intrastate schisms, which would appear insufficient if the intent now is to apply the term also to interstate competitions. Command authority over assigned or attached forces or commands or military capability or forces made available for tasking, that is limited to the detailed direction and control of movements or maneuvers within the operational area necessary to accomplish missions or tasks assigned is known as____. The purpose of the personnel estimate is to_____. 1) Irregular Warfare focuses on ______________. Irregular warfare has always been a contested term, but it has served a valuable purpose to a military institution too often seduced by its own raw strength. Second, there is a related concern that irregular warfare is too narrowly focused on struggles between state and nonstate actors and must therefore be tweaked to account for state-based adversaries that adopt similar approaches, those that lean on asymmetrical methods and indirect attack. 7) A unified or specified command with a broad continuing mission under a single. Answer: In FOREIGN HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE. The President issues strategic guidance in the: National Security Strategy (NSS) and the Unified Command Plan (UCP). 6 Supporting Activities of Irregular Warfare, Fingerprintshaveprovidedapracticalandeffectivemethod, Eachpersonspatternofloopsandswirlsareunique, Noone,notevenidenticaltwins,haveexactlythesamepattern, JuanVucetichandEdwardR.Henrywasthefirsttodevelopefficientmethods. Third, there is an official feeling that the definition of irregular warfare is too closely tied to the question of violence, which may work within counterinsurgency contexts but fits badly to the subversive and illicit activities of states seeking to outdo rival governments. Diplomatic, Informational, Military, and Economic [25], Nearly all modern wars include at least some element of irregular warfare. There are eight distinct domains within the Total Force Fitness (TFF) Program. Spies, hacking, EW, cyber, sabotage, stealing, bribing, conning, tricking, trolling, and spoofing can be IW done by a state sponsor, as can betrayal and backstabbing. IW favors indirect approaches, though it may employ the full range of military and other capabilities to seek asymmetric approaches in order to erode an adversary's power, influence, and will. This preview shows page 1 - 4 out of 15 pages. That irregular warfare is indeed relevant to understanding and countering the strategies imposed by Russia, China, and the like is beyond doubt. Learners: Seeking Credit With the National Guide, Colleges & Universities: Granting Credit With the National Guide, Training Providers: Providing Training for Credit With the National Guide, Effective Practices for Transfer Students, Mapping Internationalization on US Campuses, A Brief Guide to the Federal Budget and Appropriations Process, Campus Safety, Sexual Misconduct, and Title IX, Resources on Title IX and Campus Sexual Assault Regulations, Higher Education Act and Department of Education. In one strong sense, irregular warfare is already irredeemable. It is also associated with the difficulties in social or family life including occupational instability, marital problems, family discord and difficulties in parenting. Final thought starting with the following from the final paragraph of our article above: "Left to resolve, then, is this striking contradiction raised by irregular warfare in practice, namely the great difficulty of authorizing, resourcing, and mobilizing the instruments of statecraft necessary for its prosecution.". One more offering: A coercive struggle that erodes or builds power in order to achieve political change by blending disparate lines of effort to create an integrated attack on, or protect of, societies and their institutions. What form of. What role(s) is responible for providing maps, charts, digitized products and precise geodotic coordinates? SEJPME II MOD 2 - National Military Command Structure PRE-TEST 1) Irregular Warfare focuses on ______________. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The word topographical, used by MacNeice, means "relating to a map of the surface features of a place." This term refers to the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of a person. The_____, signed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, provides guidance for distributing and applying military power to attain national strategic objectives. 10. [6][7] A key proponent of IW within US DoD is Michael G. Vickers, a former paramilitary officer in the CIA. A. the Geospacial Information and Services Officer. One of the earliest known uses of the term irregular warfare is in the 1986 English edition of "Modern Irregular Warfare in Defense Policy and as a Military Phenomenon" by former Nazi officer Friedrich August Freiherr von der Heydte. Most IWs are characterized by small arms with "conventional war" characterized by mechanized forces utilizing armor and weights and scales that require air, sea, and land transport meansincreased calibers. Objective: The course objective is to build upon the Enlisted Joint Professional Military. Which two of the following statements highlight the critical features of intelligence? This is inherent to the joint doctrine development process; hard to get the Services to agree on just about anything. The______is the President's principal forum for considering national security policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials. The ninth edition of the American College President Study (ACPS) analyzes data from a survey of over 1,000 presidents, and profiles women presidents and presidents of color. IW is a form of warfare that has as its objective the credibility and/or legitimacy of the relevant political authority with the goal of undermining or supporting that authority. Indeed, the focus on legitimacy is themost importantcomponent of irregular warfare. This is the broadest command authority and may NOT be delegated or transferred. The SECDEF's guidance documents include the: Defense Strategic Guidance (DSG) and the Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF). Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. To remain faithful to basic American and military standards of behavior and respect for the sanctity of life Which statement best describes the purpose of resilience-based training SEJPME National Militarry Command Structure.docx - 1 Irregular Warfare focuses on . Irregular warfare (IW) is defined in United States joint doctrine as "a violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations." Please enunciate\mathit{\text{enunciate}}enunciate your words clearly so that everyone will Mark each letter that should be capitalized by drawing three lines ( \equiv )under it. 2) What are the instruments of National Power which allow the US Government to. 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