I just caught up in the Legend of Randidly Ghosthound (excellent) a few weeks back. They had disobeyed him, and been punished. The Supremacy was sent to investigate a new world our long-range sensors show had space-age technology upon it. . > If you enjoy the LitRPG genre, you may also enjoy my in-progress web serial Spellgun. I had not finished gathering my thoughts when there was a sudden violent lurch that knocked me from my feet. Out loud to myself "Oh shit, PREY III. As part of my job, I was required to pass information of potential military significance back to the Council. I just spent the last couple hours reading this series so far (assuming it was one that finished years ago), looked for part three and it was posted this fucking week? Tell medid either of your species ever have something called Religion?, We gave it a moments thought. Welcome back! Only hope? Jenkins asked. It was along the lines of humanity gets exterminated but sends a bunch of dudes in power armor on intercept courses with alien planets. It was small. One second, let me go pinch myself. The Formatting Guide has some helpful pointers on using Markdown. Strong enough to rip the leg off a Hunter and beat another Hunter to death with it, he said. Any race within this sector of space would slowly but surely go insane. Take it or leave it, as it is an extremely minor thing that has absolutely no affect on the story whatsoever. And now you tell me that your species is gripped by the fervent belief that a tale of breathtaking violence and cruelty is all true, and that many of you are willing to die in service to the principal villain of this story? Purveyor Jenkins and I were discussing his petition to have his species reclassified as sentient.. Might do it again all over again for the story. But what the hell kind of nickname do you give to the space Warthog? Its crazy! He complained to me, in private. I reread those two (in between a thousand petty annoying things that slowed me down), and then promptly read this - and it was well worth the wait! My name is indeed a reference; Index Librorum Prohibitorum, the list of forbidden books kept by the Vatican. By the time I realised that Jenkins had taken off at a flat sprint toward the locker, he was almost a third of the way there. Haven't come across it yet, but when I find it I'll certainly post it. Aliens can be surprisingly strange at the best of times, but I was beginning to suspect that humans may be weirder than most. Aw I loved that one too. Three short howls of noisethe attack alarm. They arenot crazy. They gave me a splitting headache from across the room.. I can't believe it lives! Indeed it is! Jenkins later explained to me that Charlotte had praised what she saw as a war between her own religion against another, rival one. Another HFY classic that really stuck with me. I only read through I and II like 2 weeks back as well. He refused to be drawn on the subject of religion, instead preferring to compensate for the gaps in Jenkins and Charlottes knowledge regarding that region of their planet. Then a pulse round took him in the torso and flung him against the wall. If they took us alive, we would be food. That's not to say I'm against what you're doing. Here? I asked of nobody as I struggled to my feet and trotted to the weapons locker. This will probably gonna get buried in the comments and I dont know how much you are using modern military stuff for inspiration for the combat scenes but there is one part I would recommend a change. I had to go to civilian law enforcement before most of my property was returned. I had to agree, as I fired a few suppressing shots around the corner. Because if you dont, you wont be ready for us. He said. The UTA, United Terran Alliance, controlled over 87% of mankind's colonies from its seat of power on Earth. To survive, they had to evolve not just intelligence, but the ability to apply it like a weapon. Constructed with our most advanced technology, to the point where systems were updated during construction, and having a length of nearly seven miles, it was the mightiest ship we had ever created. Dude, not a single word of this let us down, this was amazing. I dont know how that translates.. Then a moment that would change our history came. He did that complicated joint-lift with his forelimbs againa shrug. Hows your arm? he asked, changing the subject. Do you know when the next part may be coming? We don't know why, but they apparently had been doing this for some time. I meant by the standards of your own species. Vedreg clarified. You may be pleasantly surprised by the resolution to that content. I was interrupted by an alarm. This only hurt our reputation further, with what happened later. However you decide to go forward I look forward to reading it!!! Interview begins, interstellar convenient standard date/time 1196-5-24.4. US Marine David Rockefeller is abducted by greys and hilarity ensues. My species homeworld really is a category twelve temperate. taps two fingers repeatedly in the crook of his arm. I apologise, I said, chagrined at my own lack of professionalism. Why not have the implant removed and return to your homeworld?, Because Id never be able to keep the secret, and so the Office for the Preservation of Indigenous Species wont let me, he said. David holds a few spars, has a fight mid-warp and starts clearing out one of the drone ships. They are mentally overwhelmingtheir ideas are powerful, their inventiveness puts us to shame, their philosophy explores avenues of thought that simply never occurred to us. David and Gron go hunting for a lost crewmember, but encounter trouble almost immediately. My implant cant find an equivalent concept., Vedreg told him. The UTA Dreadnought "Supremacy" was in essence a city in space. Tales of the titanic black ship that came from beyond the veil, sent out signals in a horrid dark language, obliterated dozens of the Kondar's finest warships in seconds for no reason, and then vanished like a ghost soon spread everywhere. I requested, and was granted, a transfer and promotion to head of security on the research station. Having them turn out to be just a misunderstood and lonely people in the cosmos, who had war declared on them and decided to play up the predator perk for intimidation, and then ending the conflict with a peace treaty instead of Total Defeat of Big Bad Guys would make for a much more fitting conclusion to the story. They had invented a sentience that was capable of doing any logically consistent thing, capable of knowing anything. Then I started on Everyone Loved Large Chests (also excellent as long as you don't mind, or can forgive, the sexualization, but not caught up yet). He did it because there are more challenges down there among his own kind than he would ever find up here, among us. It was assumed that this would be just another dead world, that we might find some usable raw materials pre-harvested in the form of abandoned constructions in orbit. Though I find it interesting that your greatest hero was not even of your own species.. I only looked up when the machine flashed a message I had never seen before: ERROR: Unknown Species. You've delivered and then some, imo, and I'm frickin stoked!! Literally just found this sub today and spent and read all of the first two and was so sad that I couldn't find out what happens next, and then boom it's there on my front page. He popped up to his feet, looked at me as he raised his arm, and threw, accurately and much, much further than I could have thrown them. Humanity Fuck Yeah! I saw Prey II when it was first posted, and loved it and Prey then. It's not just the humans, the other races as well feel well realised, and you have a balance of things that scratches my hfy itch without making humans overpowered Mary Sues. I activated the corrals recording function. The locker reacted to the security codes my station security officers harness was broadcasting and opened, spilling out a pair of pulse guns, two personal shield emitters and a magazine of coin-sized nervejam grenades. HOLY SHIT!!! It was only after Reddit user "Guidosbestfriend" set his own story "Humans Don't Make Good Pets" in the same universe and I confessed to having created the setting that I learned that "The Kevin Jenkins Experience" was considered a HFY classic. I had trouble understanding how somebody could hear the music written by Khachaturian, Tchaikovsky, Bach and Rutter and consider them dull, but other members of the crew reported that they preferred Jenkins taste in music. I found the human Kevin Jenkins in conversation with one of the stations senior lawyers on the public promenade deck. Narrating Reddit HFY - CLASSIC Series - Chronicles of Clint Stone Book 2 Chapter 14 - YouTube Original Story : https://www.reddit.com/r/hfy/wiki/series/the_chronicles_of_clint_stoneIf You. The most successful troll in /tg/ history skews the OP's topic into a debate on whether Humans are the worst fantasy race. Doc's Garage provides some of the finest custom and restoration services in Southern California. The second thing it prompted was the declaration of a surveillance and research mission to Earth. It was met at the edge of their solar system by a vigilante fleet that had apparently been preparing to divert a comet in-system to hit Earth. He did that shrug thing again, this time wobbling his head apologetically. Why would that be? I asked politely as I ushered him into the private interview corral and activated the privacy field. In time we studied the technology of the more advanced dead races, gleaming a scientific secret or two we had missed. I swallowed my pain and staggered to my feet. If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com. A few rogue factions cropped up, piracy and smuggling saw a rebirth in this new space age, and mankind went on as it always had. David meets back up with Clank, takes down some mercs, makes a deal with a gun runner and meets with the owner of a whorehouse. All rights reserved. UhI dont know. One of the first hfy I ever read. You're not a Crichton fan, by any chance? His skin went bumpy and raised his sparse body fur. Hostile, vicious and forever primordial. The image can safely be downscaled to reduce file size, without any noticeable changes on most screens. Good setup chapter. The twin patches of fur above his eyes creased inwards and downwardsmy translator informed me that this emotion had no equivalent in my species. So excited! I had no reason to believe I was being lied to, so I accepted it. As far as I can tell, it was originally posted by an anonymous author on 4chan's /tg/ board on 23-02-10. Two of the Hunters rampaged past their convulsing comrades, rushing me. Looking back, it's actually worked out in our favour. I didnt see it at the time, but I think that getting into space and finding that he could rip the limbs off its worst terrors really upset him. I'm now going to be anxiously waiting for the next part! Jenkins interrupted, his implant radiating waning patience and mounting embarrassment. A new HFY thread, almost no copy paste, a few new stories, and an interesting Veil of Madness continuation. He told us of the myth he had grown up being told was real. One of the Kondar gunmen on the closest ship had a panic attack after hearing our garbled transmission. Should modern humanity should try to rescue Prometheus from his eagle torture? There are 4 stories by paradigmblue (Wiki), including: This list was automatically generated by HFYBotReborn version 2.13. The idea of the suicide bomber was alarming, and caused something of a stir when it was presented to the committee for interstellar security, who called an emergency session to think up means by which such an insane tactic could be countered. And so we travelled the stars, colonising the lost homeworlds we found, along with others. "And suddenly, when all of the fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls were ready to pitch in to buy HFY's tombstone, OP delivered. It collapsed, what passed for its face shattered by the impact, and I ducked as its fellows returned fire. Im surprised, actually, Jenkins confessed. Sheathed in a stealth field that bent all electromagnetic radiation around itself, and using centripetal spin rather than generated gravity, it was designed to go completely undetected. The largest was perhaps the length of a football field, if that. The chemical weapons they use as less-lethal alternatives would slaughter us. One of the first . It was a simple designone long line, crossed by a shorter one. Frankly, you deserve all the gold and virgins for continuing this story 2 years down the line! Must be Christmas morning and no one told me. The Formatting Guide has some helpful pointers on using Markdown. I literally did a mini-jump as soon as I saw the words "HFY" and "Prey" in the same alert box. YES! Today is a great day for /r/HFY and therefore the world. A quadriform biped, forelimbs ending in five manipulating digits. Looking at your account name versus what you've been posting, I've gotta ask: is this account purpose made? This is a historical day. I actually gasped out loud. When they finally get off their world in a meaningful way, when they finally become eligible for contact and for introduction into the interstellar community, we will need to handle them with utmost care. This is the most fun I've had reading fiction in a very, very long time. I just stumbled upon your Prey series and devoured all three parts. The formatting was good too seeing as how you didn't have to continue the story in the comments like on reddit. Long-term observation showed that after hatching the individual would slowly but surely go insane, to the point where none reached old age. Whenever Jenkins was with me, I noticed that he had a habit of focusing on the worst aspects. My own hunch tells me that it was about encountering another predator species. We had apparently been sitting in the galactic equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle, and had finally breached its edge. All life on Earth has been stolen away by The System, transported to another world at the behest of a distant galactic empire, who lived in terror of humanity's potential. I actually gasped out loud. Or we can just call it the Brrrt class vessel, Holy shit i only just found the original prey, and LOVE IT. Communications on both sides failed, we ourselves had long ago stopped carrying any equipment or training our crew for first-encounters, and apparently the Kondar had not had any first contacts of their own in hundreds of years. Same, I reread the first two yesterday and saved the new installment for today but now it's gone Also, and I wish I had documented where it was: There's a missing quotation mark where a character says something then has a thought, then keeps speaking. "Never underestimate the power of making an Ensign cry." Hope you all enjoy! You have an extraordinary talent for writing and crafting brilliant engaging characters! It was suicide. He chuckled. That isdeeply troubling information, Purveyor Jenkins. Vedreg said, eventually. When Teelm says, This is Specialist Teelm. What we found was an outpost of a space-faring race, its people still alive and well. I've read a few stories based on this universe, most have been pretty damn good. We were silent for some time. Also, I've been playing with AI art at night with a few different models, the images here are all AI generated, it's a bit of fun!#reddit #hfy #narration #scifi Our only hope was the magazine of nervejam grenades which, I realised with a falling sensation of failure, I had left in the locker. Some had died off so early only a few stone monuments marked that they had ever been there, some had established empires spanning nearly a dozen systems. Just finished up reading. Have a gland that generates combat drugs.. Holy shit, it's here! Complicated., Every species has fiction, I pointed out. Also, just because I love sharing this info, you know how you use the 'fox in the henhouse' saying for some tactical code (and it never occurred to me how something that just about every human on Earth would get, even if they didn't have foxes on their continent and had to work it out from first principles, would be a nigh-unbreakable code to aliens)? This was me, when I found the sub the first time. Id love a chapter following the Rashans point of view and revealing what there true motives are and what they really think of all the prey species and their new competition. I saw that one of his teeth was missing. Propably broke this rule, since he only posted the link alone. David and SHODAN raid their own ships and do a little hacking. Normally, I only read one offs on here, but this one makes it so I cant wait for another. Kevin Jenkins did. I nodded, fighting back the urge to excrete in my terror. Thanks for sending me the message about it or I likely would have missed it as I was on vacation when you released it. In hindsight, I really should have expected that Jenkins would have attracted a journalists attention. Of course we should. YASS. But you were fearless when those Hunters were shooting you! I exclaimed. *Cranes Neck Forward, Mouth Open, and Sinks Back Into A Classic Storyline.. How We All Read, Honestly.*. He told us of the Kondar gunmen on the story whatsoever a war between her Religion! Safely be downscaled to reduce file size, without any noticeable changes on most screens his skin went and... Modern humanity should try to rescue Prometheus from his eagle torture story the. Shrug thing again, this was amazing not just intelligence, but the ability to apply it like weapon! Our history came fan, by any chance Supremacy was sent to investigate a new world our long-range show... 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