As Squad Levi talk among themselves, Jean spots a Titan and Hange orders the Corps to halt and illuminate the area, using fragments from the cave below the Reiss Chapel. According to the latest episode, Levi hails from a truly gifted clan in the Attack on Titan. He believes that Eren needs to be pushed into desperation. [157], As Levi is being transported, they cross paths with the Cart Titan and a Marleyan general. Their leader turns out to be Dimo Reeves, the merchant boss who was blocking the gate with his cargo the day Trost was invaded. The MP is surprised that Levi would give up on his comrades, but Levi doubts the crown would spare them and savagely twists and breaks the MP's arm for not answering his question. Shocked, Levi questioned him on why he abandoned him and is told that the reason he left Levi was because he believed he was not fit to be a parent. Zeke weakly protests that he was saving their children from living in a cruel world, prompting Levi to angrily prepare to cut off his legs again. Mikasa deduces that Eren is inside his Titan's mouth and Levi uses a Thunder Spear to make a way for her to get inside and kill him.[168]. It was also confirmed that due to living in the Underground in an unsanitary state in his younger years, he longed for a clean home. [89], Undeterred, Levi asks again where Eren and "Krista" are located. Finally, the Survey Corps once again ventures outside of Wall Maria on an expedition for the first time in six years. Adjusting his life to the Survey Corps is tough, especially with a few scouts not trusting a former thug being in their midst. He then realizes that the human inside the Female Titan may have escaped, and he orders Levi to replenish his gas canisters and blades.[51]. [136], He later participates in the infiltration into Marley and the ensuing Raid on Liberio. As he watches Erwin, Levi recalls his order to Erwin to give up on his dreams and die with the rest of the Survey Corps' recruits, and the look of relief on Erwin's face at the order. Preparations are interrupted by Floch, who arrives in the flying boat's hangar damaging its fuel tank, necessitating repairs. He has shown the capability of incapacitating the Female Titan by moving too fast for her to defend, something which whole squads and even Eren in his Titan form could not accomplish. On top of Wall Rose, Levi says he is not here to lecture him, but find out about the deal Reeves made with the Interior Military Police. More specifically, he does not get drunk. [139] He takes Eren to a back room where Zeke and his attendant Yelena are. [72] This allows Sannes to overhear a staged conversation between Levi and Ralph, where Levi claims that Ralph told them everything and Ralph in turn pretends to have no care for Sannes, calling him a pain, and asking if there will be a bed in his cell. In what turned to be a deeply ironic situation, Levi did not foresee Zeke launching an attack on him. Levi stops Hange only long enough to tell them to dedicate their heart.[163]. In a private follow-up between the heads of the military, Erwin decides to entrust Levi with the Titan injection since he has the highest chance of surviving. The entire group is saved by the timely arrival of Falco, who has learned to fly with his Jaw Titan form. Levi is unwilling to turn back so soon, is forced to concede when Erwin informs him that Wall Rose has possibly been breached. [43][44] This enables the Survey Corps to capture the Female Titan. So, that is Captain Levi Ackerman to you. When embarking on expeditions outside the Walls, he also wears the Survey Corps' green hooded cloak. [38] Levi tells Eren not to take their actions personally, and that they have good intentions. 55 Followers. Levi was modeled by manga author Hajime Isayama after the Watchmen character Rorschach[1] and is named after a child Isayama noticed in the documentary Jesus Camp. [63], However, Hange also wants to lay low because Minister Nick has been murdered. Answer (1 of 9): I don't know Levi Ackerman, but while his name may sound Jewish, that of course doesn't mean that he is Jewish. My questions is, who was Levi's host? Erwin however explains to Levi that the chain of command must be preserved, and that he has an intense desire to see what is in Grisha's basement, which prompts Levi to threaten to break both of his legs. Unfortunately they do not have the time for Historia to think this over, so he snaps and demands her answer immediately. Kenny follows him inside. The group decides to retreat to a safe distance so Armin can transform and try to uncover Zeke with the blast, but the plan is interrupted when an army of Titans begins generating on Eren's back and absconds with Armin. So that Reeves will fight too, Levi offers to hand over Eren and Historia on three conditions: the Reeves Company will work against the Interior Military Police together with the Survey Corps, the Reeves Company will trust the Survey Corps completely, and the Survey Corps will receive priority access to any luxury goods. [147] Noticing these Titans are faster and more unpredictable, he reflects on if his subordinates are still inside and conscious of their actions. Dismayed to hear that his friends and comrades have essentially died for nothing to protect Eren, Levi tells them they are altering the plan. Levi. If Levi had shown something I would take into count, I know every Ackerman is super strong, but in the end Mikasa is the one showcasing more physical strength by feats. Noticing the sudden arrival of Zeke Yeager's Beast Titan, Levi orders the surviving soldiers to regroup and stares down the Beast Titan. Valorous [A Levi Ackerman Fanfiction] Fanfiction. [148], Levi slaughters his former subordinates and collects several Thunder Spears before chasing down Zeke. He mock threatens to kill Zeke, send his corpse back to Marley, and then reveal everything about his plot, which would spell the end for his grandparents. The group does not make it far before Bertolt's Colossus Titan appears. [121], After Erwin and most of the Survey Corps fall when charging the Beast Titan, Levi takes out the surrounding Titans and engages Zeke. ", "Attack on Titan Wins Top Prizes in Newtype Anime Awards", "Fate/Apocrypha, Sword Art Online Movie Win Top Newtype Anime Awards", " "Here Are All The Nominees For The 2019 Crunchyroll Anime Awards", "Levi is Subjected to Another Figure Flop", "I Binge-Watched "Attack On Titan," an Anime About Giants Eating People", "Attack on Titan BD+DVD - Part 2 Limited Edition + Artbox", "Atttack on Titan Season 4 Part What to Expect", "Attack on Titan: Levi Ackerman's 10 Best Fights, Ranked", "Attack On Titan: No Regrets Vol. From the fort they are relieved to see that Reiner has survived, but are dismayed to see that both Eren and the source of all living matter have survived as well. [102], Levi watches the Garrison's cannon attacks against Rod Reiss, noting how ineffective they are. She punches him, as Dimo Reeves had told her to do, and she dares him to retaliate. However Levi knows that if Kenny was inclined to use it, he would have done so by now. Without hesitation, Levi decapitates Zeke before returning to Falco. She glares at Levi after the trial, seemingly unnerving him. Levi reassures his team that Armin is unhurt, as he would have transformed otherwise, and begins devising a plan to act as bait for the Titans while the rest of the group tries to save him. He makes a break for it, frustrated that Kenny can read all of his moves and shocked that Kenny of all people has become an MP. Levi is a soldier working for the Survey Corps Special Operations Squad (, Chsa Heidan Tokubetsu Sakusen-han), also known as Squad Levi (, Rivai-han), a squad of four elite soldiers with impressive combat records hand-picked by him. Instead of getting angry however, he smiles and thanks his friends. Levi is skeptical, but Jean steps in and asks if he can handle this. [170] He even defeated Zeke Yeager in his Beast Titan form, who is one of Marley army's strongest Warriors and an extremely skillful Titan. If so, do we have proofs that it was him? They manage to escape before intruders reach their cabin and hurry to their rendezvous point. After defeating Zeke Yeager a second time, he sadistically made it clear that he was going to torture Zeke for his crimes against Paradis and the Survey Corps, impaling him with a Thunder Spear. ), is the squad captain(Heishich?, lit. As the flying boat reaches Eren it comes under fire from the Beast Titan. However, when Eren is revealed to be a Titan who easily beats up other enemy Titans, he found that Levi's spotlight was overshadowed by Eren's screentime. After the Female Titan returns and kills Levi's entire squad and captures Eren, he and Mikasa join forces to rescue him. [85], Levi corrects her about Annie's true state, in that she was the Titan hiding in Stohess and she is currently being held, though that is not likely a fact they want new recruits to know. This means that Reiner and Ymir only know Levi as simply Levi. Cutting Zeke's mangled and burned body from his Titan form, Levi insults him before dragging him out of the forest. [117], When Reiner is discovered by one of the Survey Corps members and attempts to attack Armin, Levi attacks Reiner, shoving his blade through the nape of his neck and stabbing him, before kicking him to the ground. Beforehand, Levi, Erwin, Eren, and the other survivors reunite in the old Survey Corps HQ. On the day of the expedition, the Survey Corps encounter a group of Titans, which Levi's group manage to help eliminate only to be scolded by Erwin for wasting gas. Levi tells Mikasa to distract the Titan but avoid trying to kill her, since she is able to harden her skin. Levi asks about Eren and Squad Hange's well-being, and Erwin informs the soldiers of their increasingly desperate situation. Levi asks him about the First King and why he does not want humanity to survive, but Kenny only knows that it was for that reason that the Ackermans opposed him. One day, Kenny Ackerman, Kuchel's older brother, came to the city to see her only to find that she was dead. They open the first book and within it they find an uncannily realistic portrait of Grisha standing beside a fair-haired woman and a child. If Eren goes out of control in Titan form, Levi intends to cut him out of the nape in a manner that would sever his human limbs, which would grow back in any case. [20], During a review of the first season, saw Levi as "hope" within the Attack on Titan anime as he easily kills Titans on his own after seeing an episode where the protagonist Eren is eaten by them in horror. He rarely shows emotion, giving a cold impression to others. [39], During the 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls, Levi and his team are ordered to ride in the safest area of Erwin's formation. Though Levi's squad escapes intact, Armin is deeply bothered by the fact he was willing to kill someone and Levi explains to him that he was able to pull the trigger because he knew that if he did not, then Jean would have died. For example, when the Female Titan was captured, Levi relayed his enjoyment at watching her suffer and described in chilling detail how he intended to mutilate her human body. ", His name was inspired by a person from the American documentary. Eren entertains the possibility of getting eaten by Rod, since that would turn him back into a human who would then have the powers of the Progenitor Titan, but Levi disabuses him of the notion. [90], Both Levi and Mikasa are surprised to hear the last name, but they are interrupted by people approaching on foot before they can question the MP further. He makes it clear that if she refuses, she had better run, because they will do everything in their power to force her. Levi himself has stated that he hates unnecessary casualties, and he tells his subordinates to use their judgment so that they can avoid blunders that may cost them their lives. Mikasa's father was an Ackerman while Levi inherited the name from his mother's side of the family. Few will argue with his claims that only he can handle certain difficult tasks, because he has proven his ability to accomplish them. Levi is unbelievably adept at using the vertical maneuvering equipment, to a point that everyone says he is the best at it; even after losing several of his fingers, Levi was still able to utilize the equipment almost as easily as before. As the Titans swarm around him in midair, Levi closes his eyes. Levi narrowly dodges being shot, but Nifa is killed instantly. Complex called Levi to Daryl Dixon. As they enter Karanes after retreating, the Survey Corps receives a hostile response from the public for their failed mission. Yelena claims that Eren is going to Fort Salta, but Levi is concerned by her sudden cooperation. [27] Anime News Network found the OVA adaptation worth watching if the viewers are fans of Levi. [citation needed] This reverse-grip technique may have been inspired by Kenny Ackerman's lessons on knife-wielding, in which Levi learned at a young age how to hold a blade in a reverse grip. [156], Since he was near Zeke when the Thunder Spear was activated, Levi's face is severely scarred by the resulting debris; in addition, Levi also lost two of the fingers on his right hand. Was it Erwin? He reunites with Erwin and prepares to extract the human in control of the Female Titan from the nape of her neck. Levi concludes that there must be something special about her bloodline. A military audience gathers in a large room where Historia presents each of the nine soldiers with a medal of honor in the form of a dark bolo tie with the wings of freedom on it. at least now he knows why he's so op, cause he's an ackerman [78], As he realizes this, Kenny Ackerman appears behind him, wearing vertical maneuvering equipment that is modified to work with guns for killing humans. [18][19] Multiple types of merchandising have been developed with the fandom enjoying the facial expressions given to his figurines. When the group find that Eren's key cannot open the locked door, Levi proceeds to kick the door open. Armin tells them his theory about the Female Titan's true identity. Levi has short, straight black hair styled in an undercut curtain, as well as narrow, intimidating dull gray eyes with dark circles under them and a deceptively youthful face. He was in a near-death state until Hange Zoe found him and escaped with his body later to make an alliance with Commander Theo Magath and Pieck Finger in order to take down Eren Jaeger. He found something he wanted to do and hobbies make life worth living. However, after Kenny reveals to him that he is his uncle in his final moments, Levi learns that he is an Ackerman. [132] Jean, Connie, and Sasha begin splashing and playing while Hange gleefully picks up never-before-seen ocean materials such as coral much to Levi's dismay, as he attempts to caution them against touching the water. Levi and his comrades jump from the boat and use their maneuvering gear to evade the Beast's projectiles before engaging it directly. The thought that he had unknowingly been killing humans all this time disturbs him greatly. Hange also wants to lay low because Minister Nick has been murdered insults him before dragging out! 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