who should kill duck walking dead

I can understand killing him yourself to spare Kenny the pain, but I still think it's better that Kenny does it. Lilly is the first one out of the RV, scouring the environment and finding a walker trapped beneath the vehicle and caught up in its frame. Virgil, Sebastian, Magna, and Luke have all . Ever since Elijah was introduced on the season 10 finale, he's felt expendable. But if the series wants to make Magna's role impactful and truly memorable, the best thing to do for her character now is to give her a big send-off. However, saving Duck over. Kenny was so devastated by what happened to his family, so pushing him to put that poor kid, even though he was already dead . There may have been an early choice to have brought Clementine along to watch Duck die; unused audio clips indicate that she was crying at the same time Kenny was over Katjaa's corpse. Ben, Lee and Carley/Doug step out of the vehicle and join Lilly on the side of the road as Kenny goes to work on dealing with the trapped walker. Do not worry, both of them will be saved. Doug will reveal how he feels useless since there are very few parts for him to make use of his technician skills. Kenny comes in, appearing a bit more stable, and talks with Lee on what to do when they reach Savannah, when Clementine's walkie-talkie, which she had always said was broken, comes on. Duck briefly appears during the dream sequence after Clementine has been shot by Arvo. He reassures her that everything was fine, but the two of them notice another walker on Clementine's side of the gate. Lee is forced to use his spanner to prop the door open so they could see with sunlight, (Determinant) though Lee wishes he could keep it in case of danger. This process is so difficult that most trains are kept running at all times until the train is needed for repairs, or until it is decommissioned entirely. The third episode will be over. If he acts aggressively, Lee will raises the demurer that Kenny was in denial and that he was hurting everyone with his selfish actions. Letting him do it? As the RV drives away, Lee watches sombrely as Lilly notices a walker behind her and begins running. He gets back into the boxcar to get back to Kenny, taking another look at the setup inside to gauge how long it had been abandoned. When I played the game, I made Kenny kill both since it would help give him the strength and security should he had to do it again in the future to help someone, what do you think? This episode had the highest average ratings out of any episode in a the first season, mainly due to its dynamic settings and drastic plot changes. If Lee remains silent in some circumstances after striking Kenny in conversation, Kenny will throw him out of the cabin. He was just a kid for crying out loud. Lee has a variety of options to attempt to get Kenny to see reason. Lilly decides to line everyone up and demand to know who had placed it there, but before she could get the chance, she suddenly notices that a small group of armed bandits were within their walls, holding all of the motel survivors hostage in revenge for not receiving their drug shipment. "Long Road Ahead" is the third episode of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead: Season One. Killing Duck yourself is the right thing to do, no questions. Select one of the options below. That's one really nice thing I liked about this game. Back at the motor inn, Kenny brings the supplies inside, distastefully noting that their current lookout was Ben again. Chuck angers Kenny when he tries to get the group to just drive right through it, but before the two could begin arguing, they are cut off by a voice from the top of the bridge. Cast Guide Lee's feet go through the floor and his mouth motions indicate he is talking to her from the boxcar door. He was the reason you're there in the first place. The Telltale Series is the only thing Max has voiced in and the only project he has been in so far. I shot Duck. Free Mobile . In the case of the former, Zachary will get two bullets one of which will be to his head. These deaths are considered non-canon, as they result in a game over. Kenny seethes and says that he hates Lee before realizing what he was doing had nothing to do with Lee, and somberly goes to activate the brakes. Lee had to save each individual of the group from the bandit attack, as the group was scattered all over the Motor Inn, rather than saving Doug/Carley and Ben, then save Clementine, Katjaa and Duck. Park, who played Cyndie on "TWD" starting on season seven, recently hinted on The Wayne Ayers podcast that she may be back on the series for its final hurrah. Lee initially denies her claim, but she tells him that she had been keeping her own count on the medicine stockpile and that more than a few of the opiates had gone missing. If Lee sided with Kenny in regards to leaving the motel then looked at the sign outside the wall, Lee will mumble to himself how they have stayed there too long. Lee finds a notepad that used to contain the instructions on how to start the train, but the page with the control directions had been torn off, nowhere to be found. Have Lee kill Duck: Lee takes the gun from Kenny, wanting to spare him from the pain of having to put down his son. The title "Long Road Ahead" was originally going to used for the. He also considers leaving Lee behind (if Lee tried to save Larry or did nothing) or helps save his life when Lee is crushed by a door in the drugstore (if Lee agreed to kill Larry). If the player had previously taught her how to shoot and developed a plan prior to this glitch, then Clementine will respond as if talked to again. After jumping off the bridge, when Christa says "Run" to Omid, he appears to be smiling. (Determinant) Alternatively, if Lee had chosen to leave her behind, then he simply exits the RV with the pencil. However, when Duck is bitten in the events of episode 3 everything changes for the group. Duck beckons him over to the garbage dumpsters they used as gates, revealing that he had found the chalk inside and a scuff of pink dust beneath the dumpster. Lee enters the boxcar to find Clementine alone, sitting along the edge of the doorway and watching the surrounding forest zip by. She asks Lee to explain what had happened to Clementine for them. Lee can offer his input on who should be the one to shoot Duck, but the grieving mother only accepts Lee's words if he decides to shoot Duck himself, to which Kenny agrees firmly. A woman asks if they would be trouble, but Lee promises that they were friendly. Chuck asks Lee how they had survived as three adults taking care of three kids (including Ben). She is hesitant to part with her hair, but Lee makes the final decision to cut it. Chuck tells Lee that he had met everyone else in the group already, guiding Lee back over there to authenticate his statement. - Mystery in the barn Chapter 4: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Chapter 5: Too Much Salt Will Kill You Chapter 6: Taking Charlotte Chapter 7: You Fight Like A Dairy Farmer Failure to shoot the walker attacking Katjaa and Duck during the motel escape will result in Kenny shooting it with his handgun. Long Road Ahead "Long Road Ahead" has the most human deaths out of all the episodes of. He is seemingly unaffected by everything that is happening. He sends Ben out to watch over his family and Clementine while he tries to teach himself the controls, then asks Lee to see to getting the train moving. Lee is horrified as Duck walks slowly towards him and pounces him off the train. Lee goes to Clementine, asking if she had any pink chalk, but she says that she had lost it. Clementine only wants to look for her parents, Lee eventually agreeing to look for them if he did not at first. Both have the fight start by one shoving the other down. He is the son of Katjaa and Kenny who lived in Fort Lauderdale when the apocalypse started. Lee dispatches the walker with a quick shot to the head. If Lee asks her not to, she disdainfully rejects his request and tells him that he is not her dad. This weakens Lee's relationship with Omid. Why do you care so much about my signature? You know.". http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1193. I'm continuously waiting for Gabe's cocky streak to get the best of him, resulting in a fatal mistake in these final eight episodes. (Determinant) The pair approach the drugstore, remarking on how the town was running out of supplies to scavenge. A few hours later, each of the survivors (minus Kenny) are in the boxcar, waiting for the train to arrive in Savannah. Get to the end of the car (namely as close to the screen as possible), and you will be able to look at the Chuck's "house" (Look At: Chuck's Camp) and also take a Bottle of Whiskey on the right and the scissors from the Backpack on the left. (Determinant) Lee can offer his opinion, but Lilly ignores him no matter what he says, even if in support of her. It would be really interesting if Duck has a weird immunity (being that he's a bit Special) and I/we end up running into him again (as a survivor).. Idk, I just think giving me the choice to leave him will effect the game in some way later on, plus he seems to be good at sneaking around Really? What would he have done, if Lee was not there? Ben shares his concern, hoping that the owner was gone, but Lee notes that the boxcar looked recently used. This can be found out by standing near. She questions him on his actions before the outbreak and whether or not killing was bad at this point as he cuts her hair. Why would you leave him and let him suffer that fate? They will drop once, but you can pick them up and . Hershel blames Kenny for his death at which point Lee can either defend Kenny or help place the blame. window.allScripts = window.allScripts || []; window.allScripts.push({ type: "load", script: "%3Cscript%20src%3D%22%2F%2Fload.sumome.com%2F%22%20data-sumo-site-id%3D%22ad2d02bb34b81e60382fbf1fd2c2e4d9230918d0b8ccae68c9d7bac17d286fa5%22%20async%3D%22async%22%3E%3C%2Fscript%3E" }); Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. In the next shot, "Engine Startup" is also in pencil rubbing and the entire original page is missing. This is the first episode with a first-person shooting gameplay. Kenny barely manages to keep standing at Duck's death. If Lee shoots Duck, he's still breathing, making it a mercy kill while he stops breathing before Kenny pulls the trigger. Sometimes, the action of closing the fourth and last compartment door of the train will occur with a premature sound effect, meaning the sound of the door being closed will play two to three seconds before Lee actually does so. Instead, we've seen Gabe become incredibly more confident as time has passed, maybe too confident. But the show should take some big swings in its final episodes. After the conversation, when Lee talks to Kenny in the driver's cabin, Lee says that he can't get the train unstuck, even though he had already done it previously. It was written by Sean Vanaman and directed by Eric Parsons. (Determinant) The two return to the engine cabin and test out the thruster, but the train abruptly stops after a quick jerk forward. Once Lee announces he has gotten everything he can, (Determinant) Kenny takes the backpack they had placed their gatherings in and jumps over the counter into the general drugstore. Similarly, when talking with Clementine on the train after Katjaa and Duck die, she is sometimes looking down. duck , but then you sometimes regret it :p. Shawn. While waiting for Duck to stop breathing, his head initially falls forward as he has died. Omid points out Clementine, who had followed Lee up the ladder without his knowledge, and gets excited that they had "a kid" with them. He shows Lee the salt licks, and Clementine warns them not to actually lick them. The only thing I was afraid of was him shooting himself when I gave him the gun. Kenny, perhaps beginning to realize his guilt himself, initially denies Lee's assertion that Kenny did not kill Shawn. Kenny will come back, and you should go back through the Cab Doors on the right again. It will skip the scene where Lee and Kenny walk back to the motor inn and the scene where Kenny and Lilly argue. (2): Clem Come on. I also did what you did, I killed Duck and let Kenny kill Fivel. Katjaa agrees, asking what else they could do otherwise. It might have been better for Kenny to shoot the boy in the attic so that he won't become prone to killing zombie children, but I did it because I felt bad for him. All rights reserved. He can be seen on the swing while his father pushes him. In Kenny's defense, the kid DID look an awful lot like Duck. Lilly snaps at him, yelling that it would not be easier out on the road. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - Arthur C. Clarke. He offers to do anything to stay with the group, but Lilly just sees this as a sign that he is guilty. Sometimes, Lee will cut Clementine's hair and teach her how to shoot at the same time, with the camera shifting to the teaching her how to shoot angle while Lee is cutting her hair, and vice versa. Ben spots a massive zombie herd heading toward the group, and they must leave, as Omid finally cuts the coupling. We'll look for them but then we move on. Maybe he's been holed up in a medical ward at the Commonwealth after having his injuries looked after, but there's been little reason to keep his character around when there are so many other stories to wrap up. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Lee reaches out to grab her shoulder from two feet behind and Clementine's body does not react to the train motions, and keeps her hand out to give Lee the hairpins in the wrong direction. Tensions have run high since the devastating encounter with the cannibalistic dairy farmers. Approach the officer and take the keys on his waist. Hilker previously told Insider she kind of wanted to get killed off the show to experience being a walker. Both Duck, Kenny, and Katjaa make a cameo appearance at Gil's Pitstop in the intro sequence. Couldn't get Kenny feeling more depressed than he already was. I'm just waiting for her to have a run-in with Carol. When Clementine hits two bottles after using your instructions, she will hit the third on her own. Lee calls for Lilly to get to the RV, but Kenny says that he does not care if she gets to the RV before he gets it working. Regardless of Kenny's reactions, he accepts Lee's decision and allows Lilly back on the RV so long as Lee tied her up. Kenny ignores him, but Lee presses the man until he listens. I shot duck but made kenny kill the boy in the attic just in case a part came where he was trapped with another kid and lee couldnt help him. Also, while teaching her how to shoot, her aims are off focus, so you might need to rely on luck to accurately line up the shot. Let Lilly back in the RV: Lee slowly lets Lilly go, telling her to get on the RV while he collects her weapon. Lee will then have to go back to the back of the train once again, only to see that it has already been detached. Clementine asks Lee what was happening, to which he can either be blunt about Duck's death, slowly reassure her about her friend's death and that they were saving him from a worse fate, or lie and tell her that nothing was happening. Leaving the two parents alone, Lee sits down on a couch with Clementine, slowly embracing her. Episode 3. That said, I don't know why Gabe has outlived his comic death for this long on the show. August 28, 2012PS3 (North America)August 29, 2012PC/Mac (Worldwide)X360 (Worldwide)September 7, 2012PS3 (Europe)October 18, 2012iOS (Worldwide)August 20, 2013PSVita (Worldwide)December 19, 2013Fire HDX (Worldwide)April 8, 2014Android (Worldwide)October 14, 2014PS4 (North America)XONE (North America)October 31, 2014PS4 (Europe)XONE (Europe)August 28, 2018NS (Worldwide) There's only one good reason Virgil is still alive, and that's to tell others that Michonne went searching for Rick, who she learned may be alive. Lee can get involved and offer his opinion on what to do and who was at fault, but Lilly will ultimately reject anything other than a straight confession from the accused. Each topic leads to a different conversation with Clementine. If that's the case, we don't need two leaders of Oceanside. You simply don't get away with embarrassing some of the show's most beloved characters without getting put in your place. He teaches her the basic knowledge of how to aim and shoot, also offering her some token words on how specifically she could improve her shooting. Kenny should kill Duck: Duck is later found being held hostage by Andrew St. John, with a rifle to his head. Quickly run to the other side of the bridge. He takes a rag from her and- at her request- goes to the engine car to get Kenny to stop the train. (Determinant) Lee gives a bottle of whiskey he had found in Chuck's supply and then lures Kenny out of the engine car with the promise of a drink long enough for Lee to grab the map and return to Clementine. At the end give the blowtorch to Omid so that he can finish the job. Arm quivering, Kenny sees Duck raise his head one final time to look at him, then slump to the side and remain motionless. A week after the events of "Starved For Help", the survivors continue to use the Travelier Motel for shelter since they had obtained more supplies from the back of an abandoned car. Right before dinner time he is seen with his mother and Clementine petting and suturing the cow. Also StarringTrevor Hoffmann as Ben PaulOwen Thomas as OmidMara Junot as ChristaRoger Jackson as CharlesRoger Jackson as Stranger**Jolie Menzel as BeatriceTerence McGovern as GaryCissy Jones as LindaMaxwell Zorbel as Jake*Unknown as Drew**not credited**voice only If Lee only applies enough force to keep Kenny pinned without hurting him, then Lee finally convinces Kenny to stop struggling by forcing him to admit that he could not help Duck by ignoring him. He survives in Season 2, and is a likable, but nevertheless flawed man. Have Kenny kill Duck: Either through his avoidant silence or quiet encouragement, Lee does not take Katjaa's gun from Kenny and has him raise the weapon on his own son. "Starved For Help" The same thing happens if Lee goes back into her room and tells her that he is following up on stolen supplies. Lee welcomes him to the group, Chuck offering them whatever he had. Original "Around Every Corner" preview teaser (at 0:48). Only because you get Kenny's trust from the beginning instead of having to work harder to . This list shows the narrative consequences effected by choices from previous episodes of Season One. Jane do not know shit about his past life, I think it's heroic, he's learned to live without Katjaa, Duck and Sarita. She brings up her belief that someone had been stealing from the group's medicine supply, and mentions that her trust in the others is wearing thin, following which she orders everyone out of her room. A rare glitch can occur after the segment where Lee chose Ducks ultimate fate. Regardless of Kenny's actions, Lee successfully lifts the door off of himself and tips over an empty refrigerator to barricade the doorway from further walkers. This is the Walkthrough for Episode 2 of the Walking Dead, " Starved for Help". Lee can also passively state facts or try and sympathize with Kenny's plight to get him to stop the train. Angered, Lee leaves the boxcar and goes to the outside railing of the engine car. 80% shot Duck? Lee quietly assures Kenny that everything would be okay, (Determinant) but Kenny just fires the gun, ignorant of any comfort Lee could offer. Leave Him to Reanimate (Undead): Neither Lee nor Kenny can bring themselves to shoot the child, and they regretfully leave him to reanimate in the woods. It is the third episode of the series overall. I'm still hoping for a Luke and Princess meeting (since the two share a love for music), but with eight episodes left to go, it doesn't seem like there's time for something like that. Personally I think shooting Duck yourself and letting him kill the boy is the best solution, but I wanna hear your opinions on this and reasons in case I'm missing anything. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The walker Lee killed by tipping over the fridge is not there in the shot of Kenny shooting walkers. Two ways to go. The voice then instructs Clementine to find him whether Lee approves or not. Upon arrival at the station can talk to Christa about what had happened. He then discovers a pink, chalk-marked "X" on the wall facing away from the parking lot, to which Duck postulates that the pink marking could have been a sign. Yeah, I said that Kenny should do it and he agrees, only for Katjaa to say no. The Walking Dead. It is the third episode of the series overall. You can then ask him about other things - exhaust all the topics and then open the Cab Door on the right and get inside the cabin. Lee offers a response to which Kenny curtly spits on. Kenny will later consent to this plan. The walkers break the fence before Lee can help Shawn. The dialogue will be jumbled together and Lee's mouth doesn't move. A man's voice is heard, telling Clementine that he's happy she's coming to Savannah, and that he has her parents, Ed and Diana. Whatever the decision, Duck seems to be in agreement with his dad about looting the car. (Determinant) When Kenny fails to offer his opinion once again, Lilly either orders Ben to place the blame on Carley or confess to his crimes. It does matter whether you told her the truth earlier or not. Choose anything and then open the Cab Doors. Tomi helped save Ezekiel's life and helped him to get an underground hospital set up at the Commonwealth, but other than that, I don't see him serving the story much moving forward. In so far will throw him out of the bridge gone, but Lee presses the until! That everything was fine, but Lilly just sees this as a sign that he is not her dad I... Away with embarrassing some of the gate few parts for him to make use of his technician skills tells that! That is happening bad at this point as he has died survived as three taking! Thing to do, no questions initially falls forward as he has died the job indicate. 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