superman kcop version

Lois cries out, Jimmy! In the ABC version. Ms. Teschmacher pulls away from Hagman's mouth and she says to him: "I'm OK, I'm OK. What'd you have for lunch? An off-screen voice says, "God damn it, what is it now?" ", (30) Lex's ambulance pulls up to the accident. (15) This isn't exactly a deleted scene but Ma Kent is at the hospital with the crowds and she's with her boyfriend Ben Hubbard (James Karen). One says: "The old man hates bumping. Go buy yourself a trip to Bermuda.. (16) As Non chases after Superman through the flight around Metropolis, there's a deleted cut-away to Zod where he maniacally says "Kill him", then screams "Kill him" again. The Blu-Ray is region free. In post-1984 home video releases, the 1973-1984 Saul Bass Warner Bros. logo that was originally used in the film's opening is replaced by the newer Warner Bros shield logo variant. (41) Missile Control calls the Pentagon. Clark excused himself from the dance floor, his mind still on the helpless young couple outside. After Superman flies off, one of the power plant workers says, Jesus, its Superman. Id like to talk instead about the near-miraculous release I currently hold in my hands from Warner Archive. Lacy drew Clark to the head of the very long line waiting outside the club. (8) Clark Kent is off and running to change into Superman when he realizes the shuttle launch is in jeopardy. A stranger (played by an uncredited. Superman flies after the missile. We Star Wars and give it all the moneys. She replies: "Have you ever tried running in high heels?" Then, the scene cuts back to the theatrical version with Lex telling Otis to "get it right this time. It's on the spleen now. The version of Superman presented in Superman: Red Son, written by Mark Millar with pencils by Dave Johnson and Kilian Plunkett, was an alternate reality creation of the hero showing what would happen to Kal-L were he to land in Soviet Russia and not in Kansas. (9) While not exactly a deleted scene, the actor who portrays young Clark, Jeff East, had his voice dubbed over by Chris Reeve. A scene of a young woman watching a football game, only to see it be interrupted by a newsflash involving the three Kryptonian villains' attack on the small town, causing her to call the TV station and attempt to get them to put the football game back on; A scene of a young Japanese girl viewing the villains' destruction of the small town on TV, followed by her father telling her that she shouldn't watch it due to excessive violence, causing her to reply, "Shut up! Lana tells the other cheerleaders that they've got to "get it together before Saturday. (46) There's a deleted sequence of what appears to be San Francisco row-houses falling apart during the quake with frightened people jumping out of windows and running away from the buildings. . and he has to have his insulin." (15) In the "Donner Cut", after Lex takes the coffee from Jimmy and says that he's the Chief, there's a cut line from Jimmy: "I should've spiked it.". The three Kryptonian villains are arrested in the TV version. The three-hour-long version of the movie featured footage never seen before, giving fans longer looks at Krypton before its destruction, more time in Smallville, even more of John Williams'. (41) Missile Control calls the Pentagon. . Then Otis says to Lex, "No she said there's another XK-101 being launched at exactly the same time." (6) At Niagara Falls, after Clark gets Lois her hot dogs, there's a cut moment where he can be seen leaving cash for the hot dogs. In the elevator, a woman looks at the cart with Brad laid out on top of it and says "No wonder they sent it back.". . Superman interrupts her: Now hold on a minute. (20) In the scene where Superman pretends to trust Lex and tells him about the molecule chamber, there's several additional lines of dialogue that were not included in the theatrical version or the "Donner Cut". Superman is flying in a large crystalline ship toward the galaxy where Krypton was. Theres a brief scene in the car where they call into dispatch that they have a suspect under surveillance. Then there is a longer shot of them trailing Otis in their car, and then on foot into Grand Central Station. Do you know a Superman, Before saving the day, give your Superman Protein Shaker Bottle a shake. A Blu-ray like this reminds me in all the best ways that, while I may have grown to be a film critic, Ill always be a movie fan first. How to Play. Does anyone have the covers of the Blaksvn releases? (15) The other police officer, named Armis, beeps the horn calling his partner over from buying the hot dog. part 4 only had the russian missles scene and the hurricane scene added. Clark replies: "Thanks. . At the end of the film Clark Kent bumps into a large bald guy, which reminds him to go to the diner to face the obnoxious trucker who beat him up earlier. "Good evening, Miss Warfield," one said warmly, allowing them into the club. This Blu-ray release sees me finally throwing two of those old videocassettes away. I really love that movie! (38) Lois is in the desert driving with the Indian chief where shes investigating the land sale. A few A/B comparisons between this new encode and the prior Anthology release shows a sizable uptick in grain structure, and a greatly superior (and arguably less revisionist) color palette. He takes the call and runs over to a sand trap and calls down: Mr. As your father once condemned us, so now do we condemn his misbegotten brat.". (14) Theres an introductory shot of the police officer who eventually follows Otis into the subway. It's NTSC, all on one dual layer disc. Lex then says the line from the theatrical version: "Hi, somebody hurt?". There's more of Lana Lang cheerleading, more of young Clark walking on the field, and more of the football players scrimmaging. New and Upcoming Science Fiction and Fantasy, Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut (1980). 2 Earth -11 Superwoman. He repeats matter-of-factly "She found it.". The bouncers turned a deaf ear to their request, spotting Lacy and Clark. Premium Format Figures from Sideshow Collectibles, 3-hour Extended Cut in the 2017 Blu-ray release from Warner Archive Collection, order Superman: The Movie Extended Cut and Special Edition, 13 QUICK THOUGHTS on SUPERMAN: THE EXTENDED CUT | 13th Dimension, Comics, Creators, Culture, Park London Launches Superman 85th Anniversary Apparel Collection. In the dim and flashing light, she thought him as handsome as he thought Lacy beautiful. Nice and lean, flows spectacularly. If the release of Supermans Extended Cut was a minor miracle already, it being released with a transfer this terrific is truly the icing on the cake. ", there's a cut line by Ms. Teschmacher: "Sunshine? In the late 1980s, the Salkinds turned their super-attention to "The Adventures of Superboy" and licensed the right to produce "Superman IV" to the now-defunct Cannon Film Group. Then, the scene cuts back to the theatrical version with Lex telling Otis to get it right this time., (36) After the line about Otis being a diabetic, Lex continues: and he has to have his insulin. The Navy lieutenant replies: Whats he eating chocolate for? Lex says: Well that gives him a lot of sugar.. Thread: Announcement: Sticky: Locked: . On the other hand, my feelings toward this much longer version of the film have drastically changed now that Ive seen it as a complete, high-quality work. The Canadian version has scenes not in the ABC version: Superman is chased over the Metropolis river and city by Non in a far more exciting and action packed scene (which is abbreviated in theatrical version). He must be the one who saved us. In a 1980's ABC-TV version of the film, when Superman is trying to get to Lex's underground hideout, he is subjected to machine gun fire, a giant blow torch, and is frozen in ice. This leads into a longer version of the scene where Clark enters the Fortress and, as he gets his bearings, notices what appears to be a control panel. It's been a long time since I've come to you . I can only tell you what I myself believe. hello there, just joined because i was interested in this discussion. Luthor, are you mad? Otis and Ms. Teschmacher continue to fight with Otis saying He [Lex] always hits me., (35) In the truck carrying the wide-load house, Otis begs Lex for a second chance to set the controls on the second missile. It was my go to movie when I was a kid! Superman (also known as Superman: The Movie) is a 1978 superhero film directed by Richard Donner and written by Mario Puzo, David Newman, Leslie Newman, and Robert Benton from a story by Puzo based on the DC Comics character of the same name. Many of these scenes are also included in the comic book adaptation of the film as well as in writer Marv Wolfman's novelization. ", (3) As the NASA scientists discuss the lost signal from the Moon mission, one scientist refers to a curl being what the old Cape Canaveral boys called a comet with an east - west trajectory, and the other scientist responds that he was back in high school in those days. Superwoman is simply just the female version of Superman with the same powers, origins, and similar values, they even share a similar hairdo. Something falls from their perch - it's the bag of money. Now, eagle-eyed viewers might notice that this release is a hair (and I do mean a hair) more tightly framed in some shots than in earlier HD incarnations, but as someone who is normally highly sensitive to framing issues, I can tell you that its a detail that hardly anyone will notice. Superman: Countdown to Apokolips is a platform video game developed by Canadian studio Mistic Software and published by Infogrames, released under the Atari brand name for Game Boy Advance.It was based largely on Superman: The Animated Series, including its character portrayals, and artistic style.There are bosses such as Livewire, Metallo and Bruno Mannheim, as well as goons and other items. Superman (also titled as Superman The Movie, though the opening credits omit "The Movie") premiered theatrically during Christmas of 1978, and later made its television debut in 1982 on the ABC. The officer is purchasing a hot dog from a street vendor. That's when Superman realizes the crystals are missing. The Kryptonopolis dome is shown collapsing in on itself. Due to the extreme deterioration of the original sound effects track, the film's sound effects were re-recorded for the 2001 DVD release. Eve repeats what Lex said. Otis replies dimly: "I don't think so Mr. (5) Next is an expanded discussion among the bad guys about Gus's super-computer in Ross Webster's office. (23) In Lexs underground lair, after theyve watched the news report about Superman, Otis asks: Mr. The scene then cuts to Jimmy Olsen standing outside of Perrys office talking to the young go-fer in the reddish/orange shirt (with the glasses) telling him that a good reporter doesnt get great stories, a good reporter makes them great. Perry yells out of his office to Jimmy to get him a coffee black, no sugar. He takes the call and runs over to a sand trap and calls down: "Mr. President? Only worth a purchase if extra footage is same standard (visually) as original footage. In Metropolis when the news of Superman comes out, Clark is a spectator. (37) Theres an establishing shot of Jimmy Olsen at the dam taking pictures. (43) Superman tries to catch the Army Bird missile but, because of its deflection system, it circles around him. . ". Better tell him to get rid of his drink. The other replies: You mean the old man drinks? The first one then says: After a mouthful of peanuts, wouldnt you? This is of course a reference to President Jimmy Carter who was a peanut farmer in Georgia. part one was over 3hrs long and i though reasonable copy. (7) Paralleling the scene in "Superman" where Reeve's Clark Kent arrives by taxi at the Daily Planet building for the first time is a similar scene where Routh's Clark Kent arrives by taxi at the Daily Planet. (49) Theres a cut establishing shot of Superman flying toward the train. Im going to part ways with many of my fellow online critics here and say that I not only prefer this new video presentation of the Extended Cut to the previous Blu-ray releases, but I actually vastly prefer it. Lex yells: "I told you not to tell me that." Injustice 's Superman makes a dramatic and . The woman screams, Clark hears the scream, excuses himself, and changes to Superman. (In the 188-minute version): Several shots appear at around the 1:29:30 mark, after Superman saves Lois Lane: more footage of news cameraman and female anchor; a close up of Superman flying; another shot of Superman flying around the World Trade Center. As always, good luck and Have Fun! ", (21) After Superman rescues the cat, the little girl says to Superman: "She's such a naughty cat. DISCLAIMER: SUPERMAN and all related elements are the property of DC Comics. not since the government dammed it all up to service those towns on the other side of the mountain. I just wanted to know if you still got the following copies of Superman films. I was supposed to obtain a copy from Alex. Her first clue: his mangled chest emits electric sparks. The next thing the honeymooners knew, they were standing together on the dance floor, too astonished to move. What isn't included is the subplot where it's revealed that Ma Kent is selling the farm and moving to Montana with Ben Hubbard. He pauses, and says, "Ooh gosh, I didn't have any film. In Grand Central Station, Otis pulls his hat over his head as he walks through a crowd of uniformed police officers. (11) It's unclear if Singer shot this scene or not but it does show up in the shooting script and in the comic book adaptation as well. We will build a new Superman Cinema here through goodwill and respect built upon the foundation of our . Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex, Knob of Butter. And while that may sound like a criticism, it isnt. Much of this footage was used in Superman II, in the scene where Superman's powers are stripped away by the molecule chamber in the Fortress of Solitude. Before saving the day, give your Superman Protein Shaker Bottle a shake. Im just here because Im driving tonight. This appears to be what Superman is smiling for before he realizes hes forgotten about Lois. Routh's Man of Steel can be heard saying: "Father . He continued his march forward until he stood on the edge of the dance floor, watching the gyrations. Copyright 1999-2023 Blu-ray Authority. It was impossible to tell which. Is there any chance that we could do a trade. In the movie as released, it appears Clark doesn't pay for the hot dogs. Otis says: "I've got experience now." Zod hears the boy riding off and says "I said no one leaves". She fixes her hair and then says "Now." Slowly the light in the rocket fades to black. (3) While Pa Kent - played by Glenn Ford -- is changing the tire on the Kent truck, his speech about the strange way they found the baby is slightly longer. (In the 188-minute version): Bill Haley's "Rock Around The Clock" (the first number 1 record of the rock era) is completely omitted from this version of the film, presumably for rights reasons. The Indian chief tells Lois: No oil, no uranium, no coal, no precious minerals. A night on the town instead of under it?" If youre a long time fan of Superman: The Movie, then youre probably aware of the fact that fans have been discussing various edits and cuts of the film for years. Warners may just throw this out on bluray & make some money but bluray doesnt always mean brilliant transfer. Lex then snaps his fingers for everyone to get into place. A stranger comments "he can't believe a man can fly"; Clark grins. The doctor says "All right, we're going into the brain now." Jimmy snaps shots as Lois poses. Then go with your life into the fight. - Bill Mollison. Three longer versions have been released since the originalone is a 188-minute "Salkind International Extended Cut", originally prepared for worldwide television distribution by. Non throws the siren with such force that it strikes the boy and his horse like a missile. (37) There's an establishing shot of Jimmy Olsen at the dam taking pictures. President? Superman says: Go ahead. He puts the panel back on the missile and gets his finger stuck. And then he saw Lacy and Clark. They danced the old-fashioned way. Lex says: "I don't know what to think anymore. That's when Zod says they should combine their energies. Lex angrily says: "Don't tell me that." Clark took her right hand in his left, and put her left hand on his shoulder. Some added dialogue when Jor-El is talking with the council. When this woman's life is at stake? When does a mans obligation to those around him exceed his obligation to himself? Hagman's character says: "Boy that was fast." Please read our Terms of Service. Superwoman is a great alternate version of the hero as . (Superman Returns: The Shooting Script, page 112A). A guy always knew where he stood with you. (Superman Returns: The Shooting Script, page 44). The drop includes graphic tees, accessories and premium wall art ensuring there is something for every Superman fan. Some added dialogue when Jor-el is talking with the council. Otis then crosses the street and stops in the middle of the street to pick up a coin. (11) After the super-computer blows up, and Superman saves Gus, there's a cut scene where the oil wells begin to pump again. Otis says proudly: "I'm a myth.". Jimmy says to Non, "Gosh darn it, that's my brand new camera.". Then Otis tips his hat as he passes by a woman. part 2 included a scene that i remember not being on the rerelease extended version, donnor cut or amongst the deleted scenes. Superman destroys his Fortress of Solitude. Lex says: "Well that gives him a lot of sugar.". In 2017 Warner Archive Collection finally released a Blu-ray collection which included an "Extended Cut" of "Superman: The Movie" which features the 3 hour and 8 minute version which aired on television. Warner made a valiant effort to revitalize the mono track by sweetening it into something more closely resembling true stereo through a series of auditory tricks. Jimmy's snapping pictures of the villains and the flashbulb bothers Non. Thanks to Superman Homepage reader Anthony Bennett for bringing this scene to my attention. (7) The sequence of Brad driving with Lana and the other cheerleaders is longer than in the theatrical version. Otis says: Ms. well to be fair its off camera, the scene is shot from the robert vaughs sister characters bedroom (from memory) so all you hear is severe thumping, bunoing and groaning. In addition, some of the films were released on video with slightly longer cuts than the theatrical cuts in certain international markets. . (8) After evil Superman swoops Lorelei up on the Statue of Liberty (after he asks "what do you have in mind?" (Superman Returns: The Shooting Script, page 133). The Elite Animated Movie, 2013 Superman: Unbound Animated Movie, 2014 Justice League: War Animated Movie, 2015 Justice League: Throne of Atlantis Animated Movie, 2015 Justice League: Gods and Monsters Animated Movie, 2016 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie, 2016 Justice League vs. Due to the extreme deterioration of the original sound effects track, the film's sound effects were re-recorded for the 2001 DVD release. (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1), 62,001 members have started 23,159 topics with 1,147,768 posts since March 10, 2003. In Smallville, as Richard Pryor's Gus Gorman prattles on before presenting Superman with the ersatz Kryptonite, he has a very politically incorrect line of dialogue: "Do you want some Arab in white robe telling you that their plastics can whoop our plastics?" After Otis disappears behind the hydraulic door, the officer says: "I've watched him and I think I know how he does it. During this chase General Zod can be heard shouting "Kill him, kill him!". Lois says: "My associate, Mr. Olsen, is taking pictures of that dam now, Chief, but what I don't understand is why you would sell out . Large chunks of the planet remain but the planet is destroyed, no life remains, and the remaining debris is now all irradiated Kryptonite. Like this:Like Loading Park London has introduced a limited edition collection celebrating Supermans 85th anniversary. (40) Lois drops the Indian chief off back at his reservation. Neither the theatrical cut, nor the 2000 Special Edition include these two shots. "Don't tell me. The new 151 minutes special edition DVD contains unseen footage, 2 deleted scenes and alternate audio scoring for 8 sequences. (2) The most glaring omission to the deleted scenes included on the "Superman IV" DVD is Clark's and Lacy's date at the Metro Club. To him then, nothing mattered but Lacy. Clark joined her on the dance floor, and at once began bumping into everyone around him - or they were bumping into him. Now youre all set to go ahead and order Superman: The Movie Extended Cut and Special Edition from for its release on October 3. ", (42) On a golf course, a secret service agent hears the red phone ring on the Presidential golf cart. While not included on the Special Edition DVD release, the "Return to Krypton" sequence was included on the "Superman Returns" disc of "The Superman Motion Picture Anthology" Blu-ray collection. Superman cooks souffle using his heat vision, during dinner with Lois. I had tried to mail Ritker but I don't see his email anywhere and his pm don't work.. If so, could they please upload them to image shack or something like that? Teen Titans Animated Movie, 2016 Justice League Action Animated Series, 2018 The Death of Superman Animated Movie, 2019 Reign of the Supermen Animated Movie, 2019 Justice League vs. According to the novelization: Clark spotted Lacy on the dance floor and angled through the crowd to reach her. There's a deleted line afterward by Gene Hackman's Lex Luthor. Theres just enough there in the 2000 version to whet the appetite of those of us who know how much more there is to see. Otis and Ms. Teschmacher continue to fight with Otis saying "He [Lex] always hits me. (In the 188-minute version): After Superman rescues Jimmy Olsen, he stops in mid-air and encourages the shutterbug to "go ahead, shoot" (at 2:45:38). 9.2K views, 175 likes, 6 loves, 8 comments, 19 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Caped Wonder Superman Podcast: Here's the May 1994 KCOP-TV broadcast of. (38) Lois is in the desert driving with the Indian chief where she's investigating the land sale. While those lucky (and old) enough to have seen the film in theatres in 1978 will no doubt remember the film fondly, for many fans of that era, the televised version holds fond memories and created an interest for many that would continue for years. I respected you for that." Please read our Terms of Service. All the soldiers then run to get the stretcher. As Lex walks out of the pool, hes trailed by Otis who tries to squeeze the water out of the robe. Most of the extra material, as die-hard fans will already know, isnt particularly consequential. Hagman screams, Get a stretcher, go on. All the soldiers then run to get the stretcher. After they find out that the weather situation doesn't look good, there's a dated exchange between two of the cockpit crew. Perry replies: "No but there is a cup of coffee in there." (12) Superman and Perry talk briefly after Superman catches the Daily Planet globe. Script, page 44 ) into dispatch that they 've got experience now. that was fast. no.. His shoulder briefly after Superman flies off, one of the dance floor, his mind still on the floor! Dim and flashing light, she thought him as handsome as he walks through a crowd of uniformed police.. With 1,147,768 posts since march 10, 2003 some of the cockpit crew through a crowd of police... Krypton was the weather situation does n't look Good, there 's an establishing shot of Jimmy Olsen at dam. The street to pick up a coin have the covers of the street pick! Isnt particularly consequential found it. ``, Superman II: the Shooting Script, 44! 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