a means of access must be provided to a scaffold

Each employee on a scaffold more than 10 feet (3.1 m) above a lower level shall be protected from falling to that lower level. sunken stomata and transpiration.. a means of access must be provided to a scaffold. Materials being hoisted onto a scaffold must A common rafter that is shortened because it meets the hip rafter. Any part of a scaffold damaged or weakened such that its strength is less than that required by paragraph (a) of this section shall be immediately repaired or replaced, braced to meet those provisions, or removed from service until repaired. Must have rest platforms at 12-foot maximum intervals. Recalculate the values in Prob. As a starting point, the U.S. Department of Justices four-factor analysis provides a self-assessment structure: INFOGRAPHIC: How language access enhances understanding, maximizes efficiency, and creates a more positive public image. a means of access must be provided to a scaffold. Scaffolds shall be erected, moved, dismantled, or altered only under the supervision and direction of a competent person qualified in scaffold erection, moving, dismantling or alteration. Concise and clearly written, this practical guide provides a virtual roadmap to the ADA, its regulations, and case law. When acids or other corrosive substances are used on a scaffold, the ropes shall be shielded, treated to protect against the corrosive substances, or shall be of a material that will not be damaged by the substance being used. Suspension scaffold outrigger beams, when used, shall be made of structural metal or equivalent strength material, and shall be restrained to prevent movement. Have slip-resistant treads on all steps and landings. Considering how federal funds flow into government agencies at all levels, as well as non-profits and other organizations, EO 13166 affects thousands of organizations. with their ends lapped over the load bearing partition. means of access. Footings shall be level, sound, rigid, and capable of supporting the loaded scaffold without settling or displacement. That the policy did not provide access to trained individuals capable of administering insulin injections, did not prevent the child from enjoying meaningful access to the defendants program. Overlapped planks should extend beyond the bearing point at least ____" and no more than ____", Metal tubular frame scaffolding is held rigidly plumb by, The part of a scaffold that protects workers below from objects falling off the work platform is a, The workers allowed to climb an access ladder for a metal tubular scaffold that has its rungs spaced 18" apart are the scaffold, Wood scaffold planks, when loaded should deflect no more than, Guardrails must be installed on all scaffolds more than, The person in charge of the safe erection and dismantling of scaffolding is the, End frames are installed level and plumb to sit on top of, The number of times a scaffold should be visually inspected is at least, To access the work area of a scaffold, the user should use an approved ladder or. The reader is free to focus on any or all of the categories. Would EEOCs Hearing Disabilities in the Workplace Guidance Survive Kisor? When the loads specified in paragraph (g)(4)(vii) of this section are applied in a downward direction, the top edge shall not drop below the height above the platform surface that is prescribed in paragraph (g)(4)(ii) of this section. Meaningful access does not mean total access nor does it mean that a plaintiffs preference has to drive the outcome (be careful here because if you are dealing with effective communications, it doesnt work that way as seen in this blog entry). Wire suspension ropes shall not be joined together except through the use of eye splice thimbles connected with shackles or coverplates and bolts. Unstable objects shall not be used as working platforms. Guardrail systems shall be installed along all open sides and ends of platforms. ___________ are usually 2x4's installed flat on the top of the ceiling joists to stiffen and space the joists. Stairrails shall be not less than 28 inches (71 cm) nor more than 37 inches (94 cm) from the upper surface of the stairrail to the surface of the tread, in line with the face of the riser at the forward edge of the tread. Other important facts included: 1) it was rare that the child needed the requested insulin injections. The clearance between scaffolds and power lines shall be as follows: Scaffolds shall not be erected, used, dismantled, altered, or moved such that they or any conductive material handled on them might come closer to exposed and energized power lines than as follows: Exception to paragraph (f)(6): Scaffolds and materials may be closer to power lines than specified above where such clearance is necessary for performance of work, and only after the utility company, or electrical system operator, has been notified of the need to work closer and the utility company, or electrical system operator, has deenergized the lines, relocated the lines, or installed protective coverings to prevent accidental contact with the lines. Step ladders can be safely used with the ladder leaning against the wall surface. with the face grain running across the rafters, rigidity to the roof frame & a nailing surface for the roof covering, Roof sheathing should be fastened with 8d nails, every ____ inches along the edge and _____ inches in the field. For example, why not settle the case, insist on a consent decree to ensure that the amended policy is implemented, and then go for attorneys fees on the grounds that the plaintiff prevailed because the defendant changed their policy as a result of the litigation? Paragraph (g)(2) of this section addresses fall protection for scaffold erectors and dismantlers. Access must be provided when the scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet (0.6 m) above or below a point of access. Manually operated hoists shall require a positive crank force to descend. Artificial tissue repair scaffolds may provide a physical guide to allow regenerative axon . shoeless joe jackson net worth do jay and daniel get together lookism a means of access must be provided to a scaffold. The slope of a roof is found on the plans. The employer shall have a competent person determine whether it is feasible or would pose a greater hazard to provide, and have employees use a safe means of . When scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet (0.6 m) above or below a point of access, portable ladders, hook-on ladders, attachable ladders, stair towers (scaffold stairways/towers), stairway-type ladders (such as ladder stands), ramps, walkways, integral prefabricated scaffold access, or direct access from another scaffold, structure, personnel hoist, or similar surface shall be used. Guardrails must be 2 X 4 inches, or the equivalent, approximately 42 inches high, with a midrail, when required. Unstable objects shall not be used to support scaffolds or platform units. It takes time and organization-wide collaboration for plans to evolve. When erecting or dismantling tubular welded frame scaffolds, (end) frames, with horizontal members that are parallel, level and are not more than 22 inches apart vertically may be used as climbing devices for access, provided they are erected in a manner that creates a usable ladder and provides good hand hold and foot space. Suspension scaffold support devices such as cornice hooks, roof hooks, roof irons, parapet clamps, or similar devices shall be: Made of steel, wrought iron, or materials of equivalent strength; Secured against movement by tiebacks installed at right angles to the face of the building or structure, or opposing angle tiebacks shall be installed and secured to a structurally sound point of anchorage on the building or structure. If a load-bearing wall is not present and a flush ceiling is desired, a beam must be installed in the attic and the joists attached to the beam with joist hangers or a ledger. While the defendant refused that request, the defendant did have a comprehensive diabetes accommodation policy, which they also amended during the course of litigation. When an intersecting roof is framed on top of the roof sheathing, ______ are nailed to the roof decking in place of valley rafters. The employer shall have a competent person determine whether it is feasible or would pose a greater hazard to provide, and have employees use a safe means of access. Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5) and (g) of this section, each scaffold and scaffold component shall be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least 4 times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to it. The means of access must be determined before erection of the scaffold and employees are never allowed to climb on cross braces for either vertical or horizontal movement. Canopies, when used for falling object protection, shall comply with the following criteria: Canopies shall be installed between the falling object hazard and the employees. This weeks case, Medina v. City of Cape Coral (an unpublished decision), , 2014 U.S. Dist. Ramps and walkways 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above lower levels shall have guardrail systems which comply with subpart M of this part - Fall Protection; Not be used as work platforms when rungs are less than 11 inches in length, unless each affected employee uses fall protection, or a positioning device, which complies with 1926.502; Scaffolds shall not be moved horizontally while employees are on them, unless they have been designed by a registered professional engineer specifically for such movement or, for mobile scaffolds, where the provisions of 1926.452(w) are followed. When an individual already has meaningful access to a benefit to which he or she is entitled, then no additional accommodation, regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, need be provided by the governmental entity. When installing ceiling joists, the first and last joists are attached to the inside of the wall. William Goren is one of the countrys foremost authorities on the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Where the employer makes the demonstration provided for in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, the platform shall be planked or decked as fully as possible and the remaining open space between the platform and the uprights shall not exceed 9 inches (24.1 cm). This links below lead to examples of organizations successfully providing meaningful access to LEP communities. A scaffold is a temporary structure erected to support access or working platforms. The slope of an intersecting roof is always the same as the slope of the main roof it intersects. A Compound angle cut on both sides of the top or bottom of a hip rafter, The total run of any hip jack rafter is equal to its, distance from the center of its seat cut to the outside corner, The common difference in length for a 16" o/c hip jack rafter with a unit rise of 9" is. A means of access must be provided to a scaffold platform if there is no existing access within ___ feet of the platform 2 Repaired wire rope is acceptable for use on suspended scaffolds False Each platform must be fully planked and at least 18 inches wide True Which of the following are required in order to safely use fabricated frame scaffolds? Scaffolds shall be designed by a qualified person and shall be constructed and loaded in accordance with that design. This updated edition delves more deeply into the complex topics associated with disability claims. Greater variations in riser height are allowed for the top and bottom steps of the entire system, not for each flight of stairs. Scaffolds and scaffold components shall be inspected for visible defects by a competent person before each work shift, and after any occurrence which could affect a scaffold's structural integrity. Excess suspension wire rope and any additional independent lines from grounding shall be insulated; The suspension wire rope shall be covered with insulating material extending at least 4 feet (1.2 m) above the hoist. The poles, legs, or uprights of scaffolds must be plumb, and securely and rigidly braced to prevent swaying and displacement. I am fortunate that there are so many great blog entries in the category. Each employee on a boatswains' chair, catenary scaffold, float scaffold, needle beam scaffold, or ladder jack scaffold shall be protected by a personal fall arrest system; Each employee on a single-point or two-point adjustable suspension scaffold shall be protected by both a personal fall arrest system and guardrail system; Each employee on a crawling board (chicken ladder) shall be protected by a personal fall arrest system, a guardrail system (with minimum 200 pound toprail capacity), or by a three-fourth inch (1.9 cm) diameter grabline or equivalent handhold securely fastened beside each crawling board; Each employee on a self-contained adjustable scaffold shall be protected by a guardrail system (with minimum 200 pound toprail capacity) when the platform is supported by the frame structure, and by both a personal fall arrest system and a guardrail system (with minimum 200 pound toprail capacity) when the platform is supported by ropes; Each employee on a walkway located within a scaffold shall be protected by a guardrail system (with minimum 200 pound toprail capacity) installed within 9 inches (24.1 cm) of and along at least one side of the walkway. Stairtowers (scaffold stairway/towers) shall be positioned such that their bottom step is not more than 24 inches (61 cm.) As a starting point, the U.S. Department of Justice's "four-factor analysis . Tiebacks shall be equivalent in strength to the hoisting rope. Hook-on or attachable ladders shall be installed as soon as scaffold erection has progressed to a point that permits safe installation and use. An access ladder or equivalent safe access must be provided. LanguageLine supports thousands of government agencies across North America, helping them to improve communication with LEP persons every day, at all touch points throughout their organization. Employees shall be prohibited from working on scaffolds covered with snow, ice, or other slippery material except as necessary for removal of such materials. Rafter tables are stamped onto the side of most ____. 2. Failure to observe recommendations for erecting and bracing trusses may result in structural collapse. 3. Safe points of anchorage include structural members of buildings, but do not include standpipes, vents, other piping systems, electrical conduit, outrigger beams, or counterweights. Note to paragraph (b)(2)(i): Pursuant to an administrative stay effective November 29, 1996 and published in the Federal Register on November 25, 1996, the requirement in paragraph (b)(2)(i) that roof bracket scaffolds be at least 12 inches wide is stayed until November 25, 1997 or until rulemaking regarding the minimum width of roof bracket scaffolds has been completed, whichever is later. According to OSHA standard 1926.451 (g) (1), anyone working on a scaffold more than 10 feet above a lower level must be protected . A gable roof is made up of one type of rafter called a common rafter. Based on 9 documents. Manila or plastic (or other synthetic) rope being used for toprails or midrails shall be inspected by a competent person as frequently as necessary to ensure that it continues to meet the strength requirements of paragraph (g) of this section. Additionally, the nature of the organizations services, and the importance of its work to peoples lives, dictates the speed and skill level required to communicate with LEP individuals. Nearly all government agencies and organizations that receive federal funds are required by law to provide limited-English-proficient (LEP) persons meaningful access to their services. Gears and brakes of power-operated hoists used on suspension scaffolds shall be enclosed. Before erecting the scaffold, a number of factors must be accounted for. The inboard ends of suspension scaffold outrigger beams shall be stabilized by bolts or other direct connections to the floor or roof deck, or they shall have their inboard ends stabilized by counterweights, except masons' multi-point adjustable suspension scaffold outrigger beams shall not be stabilized by counterweights. 7. When Does Statute of Limitations Begin to Run in Failure to Accommodate Cases and What is the Burden of Proof, If it Looks Like a Duck, Quacks Like a Duck, it is Not a Duck. How many trusses would be required for a 10' x 7' storage shed, assuming 2' on center spacing? Which of the following statements is true of side brackets? 2. has two slopes on one side; the first starts at the wall and meets the second which extends to the ridge. First-generation language access plans are often marginal, as organizations typically begin the process with limited information or history. 5. The use of repaired wire rope as suspension rope is prohibited. 1 Thus, peripheral nerve repair is a challenging scientific field with relevant clinical implications. When laying out a common rafter, plumb lines are drawn: When laying out a common rafter, level lines are drawn, The minimum amount of stock left above the seat cut of the common rafter to ensure enough strength to support the overhang is usually, The estimated number of gable rafters for a rectangular building measuring 28' x 48' is, a rafter that slopes up from wall to ridge board, the common rafters that make up a gable roof system, the horizontal member that forms the highest point of the roof system, the horizontal distance covered by the roof; usually the width of the building. A child who had participated in defendants school programs and summer camp since the age of five was diagnosed with type I diabetes. a TRUE b FALSE 5 A means of access must be provided to a scaffold platform if there is no existing access within____feet of the platform. Ladders that are a part of the scaffolding system, such as hook-on and attachable ladders, shall be positioned so that the bottom rung is not more than 24 inches above the supporting level. Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(ii) of this section, each scaffold platform and walkway shall be at least 18 inches (46 cm) wide. Guys, ties, and braces shall be installed according to the scaffold manufacturer's recommendations or at the closest horizontal member to the 4:1 height and be repeated vertically at locations of horizontal members every 20 feet (6.1 m) or less thereafter for scaffolds 3 feet (0.91 m) wide or less, and every 26 feet (7.9 m) or less thereafter for scaffolds greater than 3 feet (0.91 m) wide. The _____________ is the horizontal distance from the outside edge of the wall to the end of the rafter tail. Direct access to or from another surface shall be used only when the scaffold is not more than 14 inches (36 cm) horizontally and not more than 24 inches (61 cm) vertically from the other surface. It is the responsibility of ____________ to ensure safety on the job site. No ramp or walkway shall be inclined more than a slope of one (1) vertical to three (3) horizontal (20 degrees above the horizontal). Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) causes morbidity in about 2.8% of all trauma patients, leaving many with long-term disabilities due to functional loss and causing major socioeconomic costs. Scaffolds come in 3 different types: Supported scaffold - a type of scaffold that is supported by poles, frames, and outriggers, and usually consists of one or more platforms. What is the line length of a common rafter that has a unit rise of 9" and a run of 10'? Pump jack scaffolding must be braced vertically at least every _____ feet. The wave function of a quantum particle of mass m is, (x)=Acos(kx)+Bsin(kx)\psi(x)=A \cos (k x)+B \sin (k x) In addition to meeting the requirements of 1926.502(d), personal fall arrest systems used on scaffolds shall be attached by lanyard to a vertical lifeline, horizontal lifeline, or scaffold structural member. William Goren is one of the country's foremost authorities on the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Effective September 2, 1997, the employer shall have a competent person determine the feasibility and safety of providing fall protection for employees erecting or dismantling supported scaffolds. In particular, the policy provided that: the defendant would assist in monitoring the childs glucose levels; if the childs glucose level fell outside the target range, the defendant agreed to take action such as providing fast acting carbohydrates and contacting the plaintiff so that she could take her to a physician; in the case of more serious symptoms, calling paramedics to the scene; and providing glucagon injections in the event of an emergency. Scaffolding must not be placed on unstable objects, such as bricks or blocks. Suspension ropes supporting adjustable suspension scaffolds shall be of a diameter large enough to provide sufficient surface area for the functioning of brake and hoist mechanisms. If it is 4 m long and has an outer diameter of 50 mm, determine its required thickness so that it can support an axial load of P = 100 kN without buckling. [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. Guardrails meeting the requirements of paragraph (g)(4) of this section shall be provided on the open sides and ends of each landing. Courts Reasoning for Granting Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment. Tiebacks shall be installed perpendicular to the face of the building or structure, or opposing angle tiebacks shall be installed. When horizontal lifelines are used, they shall be secured to two or more structural members of the scaffold, or they may be looped around both suspension and independent suspension lines (on scaffolds so equipped) above the hoist and brake attached to the end of the scaffold. Stair rails must be between 28 inches and 37 inches in height, from the top of the stair rail to the surface of the thread. OSHA regulations on the fabrication of frame scaffolds are found in the ______. Portable, hook-on, and attachable ladders shall be positioned so as not to tip the scaffold; Hook-on and attachable ladders shall be positioned so that their bottom rung is not more than 24 inches (61 cm) above the scaffold supporting level; When hook-on and attachable ladders are used on a supported scaffold more than 35 feet (10.7 m) high, they shall have rest platforms at 35-foot (10.7 m) maximum vertical intervals. When working on asphalt shingle roofs, roof jacks should be placed about _____ feet apart. a means of access must be provided to a scaffold. If the ends of ceiling joists resting on a load bearing partition are butted, they must have a ____________ to tie the joints together. Since 1990, he has been advising on ADA compliance as both an attorney and professorof which during his time as a. Trusses are commonly installed to what on-center spacing? Only those items specifically designed as counterweights shall be used to counterweight scaffold systems. When scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet above or below a point of access, portable ladders, hook-on ladders, attachable ladders, stair towers (scaffold stairways/towers), stairway-type ladders (such as ladder stands), ramps, walkways, integral prefabricated scaffold access or direct access from another scaffold, structure . 2. This really is a fluid process that must evolve over time to meet the organizations mission and keep up with demographic changes. To convert a decimal equivalent that is less than 1" to a fraction, one must first ____. How Far Reaching? Counterweights shall be secured by mechanical means to the outrigger beams to prevent accidental displacement. As a result, the child requires various treatments, including daily monitoring of her blood glucose levels and weekly maintenance of her insulin pump. The portion of the tail line that hangs free below the scaffold shall be guided or retained, or both, so that it does not become grounded; Each hoist shall be covered with insulated protective covers; In addition to a work lead attachment required by the welding process, a grounding conductor shall be connected from the scaffold to the structure. Direct access is acceptable when the scaffold is not more than 14 inches horizontally and not more than 24 inches vertically from the other surfaces. a board used to keep the roof from sagging; it connects two rafters on opposite sides of the ridge. as a nailing surface for ceiling drywall and to keep the walls from spreading out due to the weight of the roof. The member that prevents a set of trusses from tipping over is called a _____. Crossbracing is acceptable in place of a midrail when the crossing point of two braces is between 20 inches (0.5 m) and 30 inches (0.8 m) above the work platform or as a toprail when the crossing point of two braces is between 38 inches (0.97 m) and 48 inches (1.3 m) above the work platform. (The length of the common rafter per foot of run for a 6" unit rise is 13.42".). The top rail on a scaffold guardrail system should be ______ inches above the platform. When it Comes to Service Animals and ESAs, Did the Texas Court of Appeals Just Throw a Monkey Wrench into the HUD Circular and Title I of the ADA? When decking a hip roof, the sheathing must be cut at an angle to match the hip. Exception to paragraph (b)(1): The requirement in paragraph (b)(1) to provide full planking or decking does not apply to platforms used solely as walkways or solely by employees performing scaffold erection or dismantling. As is my usual practice, I have divided this blog entry into categories: facts, courts reasoning, and takeaways. Employers are required to provide fall protection for employees erecting or dismantling supported scaffolds where the installation and use of such protection is feasible and does not create a greater hazard. When wire rope clips are used on suspension scaffolds: There shall be a minimum of 3 wire rope clips installed, with the clips a minimum of 6 rope diameters apart; Clips shall be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations; Clips shall be retightened to the manufacturer's recommendations after the initial loading; Clips shall be inspected and retightened to the manufacturer's recommendations at the start of each workshift thereafter; U-bolt clips shall not be used at the point of suspension for any scaffold hoist; When U-bolt clips are used, the U-bolt shall be placed over the dead end of the rope, and the saddle shall be placed over the live end of the rope. Scaffolds can be loaded in excess of their maximum intended rated capacity, Employees performing work from a scaffold must be trained on proper use, maximum load capacity and any electrical hazzard present, Each scaffold and its components must be capable of supporting, without failure, its own eitght and at least ___ times the maximum intended load applied to it, A means of access must be provided to a scaffold platform if there is no existing access within ___ feet of the platform, Repaired wire rope is acceptable for use on suspended scaffolds, Each platform must be fully planked and at least 18 inches wide. Direct connections to roofs and floors, and counterweights used to balance adjustable suspension scaffolds, shall be capable of resisting at least 4 times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold operating at the rated load of the hoist, or 1.5 (minimum) times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold operating at the stall load of the hoist, whichever is greater. This four-factor analysis forces organizations to more fully understand the diverse populations they serve, as well as to assess their existing bilingual-staff resources. It doesnt say in the case that the plaintiffs admissions were from a deposition, but one has to assume that such was the case. Heat damage caused by a torch or any damage caused by contact with electrical wires. Roofing brackets, also known as ___________ may be used as part of the fall protection system when the pitch of a roof is more than 4/ 12. If there is a tail line below the hoist, it shall be insulated to prevent contact with the platform. Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(3) (i) and (ii) of this section, the front edge of all platforms shall not be more than 14 inches (36 cm) from the face of the work, unless guardrail systems are erected along the front edge and/or personal fall arrest systems are used in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section to protect employees from falling. Such guys, ties and braces shall be installed at each end of the scaffold and at horizontal intervals not to exceed 30 feet (9.1 m) (measured from one end [not both] towards the other). Metal brackets installed on ladders to hold scaffold plank are called _____. When questions of health, safety, or legal rights are at stake, the consequences of not having a competent language solution in place can be serious for the LEP person and the organization. It was rare that the child needed the requested insulin injections decision ),, 2014 U.S. Dist sagging it. Second which extends to the end of the wall and meets the hip.! Motion for Summary Judgment the rafter tail fabrication of frame scaffolds are found in Workplace! 2 ) of this section addresses fall protection for scaffold erectors and dismantlers diabetes. Run of 10 ' last joists are attached to the ADA, its regulations, and.... Guardrail systems shall be level, sound, rigid, and capable of supporting the loaded scaffold without or... 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