[7][3] They were extremelybulky creatures, often standing 4.5 to 5feet (1.4 to 1.5meters) or 8 to 9feet (2.4 to 2.7meters) tall. What am I missing? Chaotic evil monster? This is essentially a copy of the Umber Hulk in the book with the Damage Resistances / Immunities, Controlled Cave-in, Tunneler Ambush, and Debris Spray added in. They were believed by sages to have emerged from the raw matter of the universe before the primordials had finished their crafting. When the monster erupts from the wall, massive slabs of explosive stone devastate its victims. WebHere youll find a Truly Horrid Umber Hulk, that leaves behind an Umber Hulk Hide when youve finished killing it. It will certainly burrow out of the ground in a location that allows it to be seen by all of its prey. But, what to do after that? In Curse of the Werewolf (part of the AD&D Gamebook line) the protagonist must fight an umber hulk in an arena match. Khal Posts: 53. I was recently statting out a Half-Farspawn Truly Horrid Umber Hulk: HALF FARSPAWN TRULY HORRID UMBER HULK Huge Outsider (Native) Hit Dice: 20d8+240 (330 hp) Initiative: +1 D&D 5e/Next; D&D 4e; D&D 3e/3.5e/d20; Older D&D/AD&D and Other Systems; Homebrew Design. They were used as shock troops by the daelkyr. Your base walking speed is 30ft. A 30 ft aura that surrounds the monstrosity prevents its foes from recognizing allies. In both behavior and appearance,umber hulks were virtually indistinguishable to outsiders, male or female. And uh, dont get hit. Target the lightly armored first, and attempt to isolate and down someone in the surprise round. Adding in the abilities that allow the Umber Hulk to manipulate the environment around it and reshape the battlefield in real-time gives it more of a controller monster aspect. Mostly, an umber hulk was driven by a need for food and would target foes that it perceived as obviously weaker than itself. Tunneler. Because of this, umber hulks are something of a superstitious legend to most, as few who survive these encounters hold any solid memories. Minotaurs that you encounter in the game should generally be more susceptible to status causing spells than umber hulks. Names, trademarks, and images copyright theirrespective owner. When a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the umber hulk and is able to see the umber hulk's eyes, the umber hulk can magically force it to make a DC15 Charisma saving throw, unless the umber hulk is incapacitated. They are described as a similar shape to humans, and if it is dark can be mistaken for something less deadly. On a failed saving throw, the creature cant take reactions until the start of its next turn and rolls a d8 to determine what it does during that turn. Creatures can choose to avert their eyes and avoid eye contact. After the Truly Horrid comes the Dark Umber Hulk from Tome of Magic (2006) and the Psi-Hulk from Expedition to Undermountain (2007). Our main discussion is on utilizing tools at your table, the development of our Tools series on Dump Stat, and how to create your own. Make sure to use Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws as much as possible. The Truly Horrid Umber Hulk was released with 3.5 edition and has the same abilities as the Umber Hulk, but has 200 more hit points, higher stats and even more ways We've no idea what they think an 8' tall, 5' wide, bushel basket shaped head, a gaping maw with huge mandibles and claws that are as hard as iron could possibly be mistaken for but we are confident we don't want to know. But what happens if you somehow get the upper hand on an Umber Hulk? Umber Hulks in the Spelljammer universe have now become slaves to the Neogi race. Take advantage of clumping to use either traps or cave-ins to restrict movement and deal a little bit of AoE damage. Are you squishy under all that armor? It is theorized that if a creature had an infinite capability of understanding it would not only be able to avoid the confusion effect but would also be able to map out the entirety of this specific Umber Hulks tunnel complex. It always comes in pairs (i.e., one for each arm), both act as Magical Longswords (they do 1d8 slashing and use Strength, and they're a magic item), and they keep you from using certain objects and 1st Edition Statistics[5] Language(s) Umber Hulks dont hold a grudge as they regard most meat as just another food source. Its tunneler ability makes this a useful creature to have on your side if you can somehow manage it. There it is, the Umber Hulk. With the Umber Hulks AC of 18, making attacks at disadvantage is particularly punishing. Size Aboleth. Once an ambush location has been used 2-3 times a Hulk will typically rebuild it if all ambushes have been successful, or move to a new location if the caliber of the enemy is proving more difficult to deal with. Not only is a big melee charger, but anyone within 30 feet has the potential to lose their turn or stab their buddy. Once approached, they discover the Thri-Kreen have uncovered an Umber Hulk breeding pit, and they will not leave until it is eradicated. The Monster Manual lists these buggers as living in the underdark, which makes sense. This is because the creatures that are usually able to deal more effectively with an Umber Hulk are the ones that dont wear heavy armor and the ones that make the most noise are typically going to be more affected by the Confusing Gaze or Confusion Cloud abilities. Speaking of prey, it likes to feed on young purple worms, ankhegs, and similar monsters but its favorite meal? Vision Ladies and gentlemen lets get ready to UMBER, Like many classic behemoths, the Umber Hulks first appearance was in the 1975 Greyhawk supplement where he was described as of shape somewhat similar to [a] human [] 8 tall, 5 wide, with heads resembling bushel baskets, and gaping maws flanked by pairs of vicious mandibles. Even back then the Umber Hulk had all the hallmarks of his trademark style. Im using cave-ins a lot for this monster, I cannot find a good set of rules for dealing with cave-ins, so Im going to make some up now. No more vacant rooftops and lifeless lounges not here in Capitol Hill. We have sent you a confirmation email. While alive, an Umber Hulk is a creature of mass and madness. Erupting from the wall, ceiling, or floor, the ambush should attempt to take out a weaker member of the party immediately. And because everyone experimented with new looks, 4th Edition also saw another persona. While helping, they discover that the Umber Hulks are being bred by a wealthy councilman who is using them to trade with Neogi for exotic slaves for whatever purpose suits your game. Confusion Cloud Reaching into the dust that it creates from tunneling, a Truly Horrid Umber Hulk can even make its enemies stop distinguishing friend from foe. The Umber Hulks still have that annoying ability to cause Confusion if you stare directly into its eyes. On a 5 or 6, the creature takes no action but uses all its movement to move in a random direction. Debris Spray (Stats for the attack are in the Stat Block) Upon a hit, the Umber Hulk has advantage on melee attacks against the target until the beginning of its next turn. The Dark Umber Hulk is given the Dark template which makes it from the Plane of Shadows, while the Psi-Hulk is given great psionic power. Your email address will not be published. Hello and welcome to this edition of Evolving Monsters, where we look at monsters in the 5e Monster Manual and tweak them to make them more interesting. WebTruly horrid umber hulks could even be found under the employ of dragons. Appearing: 1-4Armor Class: 2Move: 6 (1-6)Hit Dice: 8+8% inLair:30%Treasure Type: GNo. It has wicked claws for slashing and uses its mandibles to bite and tear into its prey. If a creature takes damage, then they may immediately repeat the save. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. It is now described as looking like a cross between a great ape and a beetle, has a golden brown color, its mandibles are twice the size of the previous incarnations, and its claw are massive. The first picture of the Umber Hulk was released in this edition and it is truly horrifying. [1] Abilities It does go into detail about how the Umber Hulk will lie in wait and then burst through the dungeon wall and get the drop on the characters. Attacks: Claw +26 melee (3d6+13), or 2 claws +26 melee (3d6+13) and bite +24 melee (4d6+6) feats: GREAT FORTITUDE, IMPROVED NATURAL ATTACK (CLAW), IMPROVED NATURAL ARMOR X3, IRON WILL, MULTIATTACK, , Phenomenally powerful, the truly horrid umber hulk is a loner that is feared even by its own kind. A party might try to parlay during combat, but without magical assistance, it is unlikely to succeed. Umber hulks are huge, bigger than dragonborns, ranging from 6 feet to 8 feet tall. WebTruly horrid umber hulks could even be found under the employ of dragons. Bell of Lost Souls℗ is a registered trademark of This article reveals that Umber Hulks breathe through gills on the side of their near-non-existent necks, allowing them to breathe and eat at the same time. It is described as a human-shaped creature with gaping maws flanked by pairs of exceedingly sharp mandibles. This would be the most lightly armored or lightest, you need to remember it can only see via tremorsense so the less noise the more tempting of a target. Again, 5th edition goes in and drops the challenge of many of its most iconic monsters. Favored terrain Abominable Yeti. Umber Hulks have been kicking around the Dungeons and Dragons world since 1983. The Umber Hulks Confusing Gaze alone can quickly result in the death of everyone in the party. [7], A particularly long-lived umber hulk might become a "truly horrid umber hulk", a 16feet (4.9meters) monstrosity that weighed 8,000pounds (3,600kilograms). Reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 2d6 +8 damage> Grabbing Double Attack (standard, at will) - The umber hulk makes two claw attacks. Umber hulks hadtwo sets of evenly spaced eyes: compound eyes that lay on the sides of its head, and forehead eyes that were small and apelike. Secondly, since this is almost exclusively a solo monster, Ill need to be creative with how the high-tier encounter is developed. Umber hulks were four-eyed monstrosities who lived deep under the earth. Displayed with Luciole , a font by Laurent Bourcellier & Jonathan Perez. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.Hit: 9 (1d8+5) slashing damage.Mandibles. You dont know #Jack yet. The tunneling ability is unique and many mages have shown that there is a transfer of matter from the material plane to the Elemental Plane of Earth, although the transfer isnt complete, there is a portion of the excavated matter that is consumed by the Umber Hulk, presumably to maintain its carapace. The first picture of the Umber Hulk was released in this edition and it is truly horrifying. The Umber Hulk now can grab a target if both of its claw attacks hit the same target. Abyssal Drake. With this monster, at least lore-wise, adding them as minions should only really be done when youre dealing with a boss that can use Dominate Monster or have thralls. Should I use the Young Red Dragon stats as a starting point and take away Breath Weapon and add Confusing Gaze? It is occasionally found in the service of evil dragons or sorcerers, guarding their lairs. Speed. Rather than a nose, they had a series of gill-like openings in their almost non-existent necks, potentially due to aquatic origins. Umber Hulks have a lot of potential to be memorable encounters for your band of monster slayers. 5e There is no mention of being able to surprise someone, but it does say that the umber hulk will use its tunneling ability to create traps and pitfalls to incapacitate an unsuspecting adventurer. Usually chaotic evil 2nd Edition Statistics[4] This save is repeated at the beginning of every turn the creature is being crushed by the stone, and every time a large or larger-sized creature moves on top of the stone. Whether the party is out to actively hunt an Umber Hulk or they are just moving through some caves when they get ambushed, the Encounter plays out the same. Its back looks like a turtle shell and the antenna now stick out from the side of its head. Come inside to our Social Lounge where the Seattle Freeze is just a myth and youll actually want to hang. WebUmber hulks are underground-dwelling aberrations with aspects of both a beetle and a large ape. WebSo the umber hulk ac is 17+ Dec (max 2) or more likely 18. Thats right. Now heres an interesting look. Umber Hulk featured image is a combination of images credited to Wizards of the Coasts D&D 5e book Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage.Disclaimer:This article contains affiliate links that add gold to our coffers. However, they will likely avoid large concentrations of other creatures, so you will probably not find them near drow cities, kobold tunnels, or duergar settlements. Alignment: Usually chaotic evil The PCs run the risk of being killed by the Thri-Kreen in the early game, the Umber Hulks in the mid-game, and the councilmans crew in the end game. [2] Contents 1 Description 2 Personality 3 Abilities 4 Society 5 Lands 6 Appendix 6.1 External Links 6.2 References We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. Multiple umber hulk will position themselves in a way that it is virtually impossible for characters to avert their eyes at the start of a turn. Chaotic evil There is no picture given for most of the monsters back in OD&D, and the supplement isn't very helpful in their description of our fearsome beast insect? After that, we will talk to the DMs out there and give them some guidance on adding a little Black Citadel sauce to spice up their Umber Hulk adventures and campaigns. Umber Hulk / Large monstrosity, chaotic evil Armor Class 18 (natural armor) / Hit Points 93 (11d10+33)Speed 30 ft., burrow 20 ft. Str 20 (+5) | Dex 13 (+1) | Con 16 (+3) | Int 9 (-1) | Wis 10 (+0) | Cha 10 (+0)Senses darkvision 120 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Undercommon Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Confusing Gaze. We are introduced to the Shadow Hulk, a badder, stronger and phase-ier Umber Hulk that is apt at ambushing prey. 5E Umber Hulk is back in fighting form. Making a return to the classic monster that everyone knows and loves, this Hulk has all the usual claw/claw/bites that have made him famous over the years, but also features a slightly more powerful Confusing gaze that an leave foes unsure of what has happened after a match. They could cause cave-ins, lead enemies into dead ends, create circular paths, initiate floods, collapse tunnels they enter and exit, or create pitfall traps. An umber hulk is a bipedal, chitinous monstrosity that burrows beneath the ground, lying in wait for its prey. [8], Umber hulks were commonly viewed by other races asunthinking brutes. Instead, the strange plant matter was eaten by large insects the umber hulks allowed inside their homes in order to feast upon the largest ones. On a successful save, a creature is moved to the nearest space (if theres a tie on spaces then the creature chooses) and takes half damage. The Forgotten Realms was created by Ed Greenwood circa 1967. A section of the floor (10 ft by 10 ft) breaks apart and a 30-ft-deep pit is revealed. WebComplete Monster knows 1942 names with data on D&D 3.5: Aasimar. Maybe the claws of the umber hulk that Thomas Markov mentions have unique magical properties that justify it, but for anything you could just as easily replace with something you do have proficiency in, theres not much contest. [10], Umber hulks were trainable creatures as proven by their use in the Blade Kingdoms and the city of Sumbria. With a base challenge rating of 5, the Umber Hulk is a monster that I want to love, with a concept and lore that grabs the imagination. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. WebTruly Horrid Umber Hulk The Closed content displayed above has been reproduced without permission from the copyright holder. This kind of success drove him to increase his recognition, appearing in films like Mr. Nanny and Suburban Commando. Abomination Cult Leader. Umber Hulks arent willing to fight to the death but will either burrow away or cause a cave in. There are some chests in the room, one of which holds a Courtesans Blade. The save DC is Charisma-based. 5th Edition Statistics[1] We got a better idea of what the Umber Hulkd been fightingopponents like the Young Purple Worm and Ankheg. [3], Smaller umber hulks were known as umber ravagers, occupying the upper layers of the earth and were the type more likely to be encountered by those who weren't in the Underdark. They can, however, summon up to 20 electric eels once per day, so at least they have that going for them, furthermore, they hunt by rending the bottom of boats and sinking them and then feast on the, hopefully, humans swimming to shore. Burrowing[3] [7] As indicated by their name, their hides were mostly black, although their front was usually burnt brown or yellowish gray. An area 10 ft by 10 ft has a portion of the ceiling collapses onto it. Do you have to find four different Umber Hulks for the four eyes? Youll love it here, we promise. But we hope you decide to come check us out. *Full description found previously in the article, **Full description found in Monster Manual pp 292. [7][8], Umber hulks were primarily solitary creatures and it was unknown if they had anything akin to a society of their own. Umber hulks often use their tunneling ability to create deadfalls and pits for the unwary. The choke point may be several hundred feet of a tunnel that it crafts, building its traps in all along the way, winding and weaving paths work best to limit ranged attack effectiveness and line of sight. I would make the AC of it equivalent to splint or half-plate but still class it as Heavy Armour. You may do anything from wandering away to attacking your friends. There are many encounters that a storycrafter could develop to engage your players. Nothing like this ugly beetle-like creature jumping out, scaring the shit out of you, and then getting its claw and bite attacks on you before you can respond. Required fields are marked *, $MMT=window.$MMT||{};$MMT.cmd=$MMT.cmd||[];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){$MMT.display.slots.push(["ec0188be-c720-43a4-a540-d9f8d10c01ce"]);}), This site contains affiliate links that will earn Flutes Loot a little commission.2020, Flutes Loot is unofficial Fan Content permitted under theFan Content Policyand is not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Mandibles. || Tabletop Spotlight, Armored Spearhead Tier List || Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness, Some Soulblight Gravelords Always Trying To Ice Skate Uphill || Soulblight Gravelords Battletome, D&D: Let's Make A Dungeon Part 5 - You Gotta Start Somewhere. WebTraits. Not only has the Umber Hulk been a mainstay throughout the Monster Manuals, but it has thrived. Yo, Im running a campaign and right now the party's infiltrating a Neogi nest. In the texts of the Umber Hulk, ambushing and confusion attacks are the name of the game, but the stats have difficulty living up to those standards. No one is quite sure what they do with this wealth, but some hypothesis that there is a vast Umber Hulk city far below the surface. Whilst not particularly intelligent, umber hulks were perfectly capable of rational thought and forward planning. They gotta eat somethin. and our WebLanguages Umber Hulk. You will likely meet them as they roam solitary paths. The Umber Hulk controls the terrain underground with the ability to use the cave itself as a weapon. Once a cave-in is cleared, the ground that had the cave-in on it is considered difficult terrain. Challenge rating Instead, the Umber Hulk was renamed the Hulker and was part of the Hook Horror family. [8], Nearby beings that made eye contact with the umber hulk's smaller eyes would have their mind scrambled, causing them to wander in random directions, lash out at those nearby, or simply stand dazed and confused. [1] If the combination of ambush, power, and confusion failed to be enough, they would utilize a variety of tactics to escape, retreat, or recollect itself. There is an explosion and suddenly a huge If a creature is immune to being frightened or is resistant to fear then they have advantage on the save. WebThe umber hulk can burrow through solid rock at half its burrowing speed and leaves a 5 foot-wide, 8-foot-high tunnel in its wake. Were a fun building with fun amenities and smart in-home features, and were at the center of everything with something to do every night of the week if you want. Confusing Gaze (Su): Confusion as the spell, 30 feet, caster level 8th. [1] So without further adieu, lets get to the main event. They wont be able to take any offensive actions without disadvantage, but they also wont be affected by the confusing gaze. Underground[3] Ive had fun with this one. The severed head of an Umber Hulk retains its ability to cause confusion for months, which could be useful in a variety of applications. Your size is Medium. See? Or should I be making an umber hulk with legendary actions to claw additional times? A mysterious Shadow Hulk (although what a missed opportunity to use UMBRA HULK*) appeared which, in addition to the stunning gaze (that made allies turn on each other, what a twist in the match!) World-Building; Gaming (Other) Comics. Umber Hulks, who have a steady diet of young Purple Worms, will occasionally let themselves be eaten by Purple Worms so they can have the thrill of tunneling out and killing the worm. WebUmber Hulk in 3.0 d20 SRD Work in Progress Complete Monster is a project by Radaghast Kary . Forgotten Realms Helps is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.Some pages on this website contain affiliate links. To dig in the mines, to fight in an underground battle arena whatever works for you. *Correction - The Umber Hulk first appeared in the 1st edition Monster Manual II (1983). WebUmber Hulk, Truly Horrid (MM p249) Aberration 6Huge 20 14 Underground Advanced Annihilator (Und p78) Aberration 4Med. Below weve got some ideas on how to switch it up and give them an interesting yet logical place in your adventure. Alignment Confusion also remains as its special ability attack, and the umber hulk uses the ability as if it was an 8th level caster. 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