| Heroes and Monsters SRD The origins of the trolls are very cloudy and filled with uncertainty. Despite the multitude of trolls across the multiverse, troll adventurers share a many common traits with each other. Also called dark elves. Creating a Half-Troll. Speed. They should approach combat without fear or hesitation while not taking any care toward strategizing or focusing on targeting enemies in a particular order. Speed. Cookies enable you to enjoy certain features, social sharing functionality, and tailor message and display ads to your interests on our site and others. Their skin is brighter in color but also has a rough, stonelike texture. At least you did a nice work describing this race. The core rules don't even address the idea that players can use Large weapons, so we're in new territory here. The amount of food you need to consume each day is doubled. You have advantage on death saving throws. Such as soft metals, bark, and stone.Keen Sense. This will usually result in a slight boost to your character's power level, as abilities that specifically target humanoids are more common than ones that target giants. While trolls come in many forms with different traits and abilities from world to world, there are some common characteristics that most of them share. Stone trolls have tough stone-like skin with spikes and/or crystalline like structures jutting out. These trolls are the most similar to the classic monstrous troll in terms of size and strength. The horns deal 1d6+strength on a hit. Place Windows and Place Doors is available to all Plus and Pro subscribers. If the troll finishes a short or long rest without reattaching a severed limb or head, the part regrows. Instead, they hole up in a cave or crevice somewhere nearby and do not leave until they are forced out or completely deplete the surrounding area of any food or resources that interest them. Machine Speech is a whistling, clicking language thats incomprehensible to non-gearforged ears. When it comes to roleplaying a troll, there are two aspects of their personality that I have found to be the most important. (The increased healing is based on the dragonborn's increased damage.) Pick one of the below deformities. The part you quoted listed the damage as 2d6 + mod. Size. Can use a variety of armor. The linked player race lends itself well to a fighter or barbarian. The Well accelerated the cycles of growth and rebirth on the primordial continent, and soon sentient life forms arose from the wilds. Home Community General Tabletop Discussion *Dungeons & Dragons Troll Healing. Alignment. | Warrior, Rogue, Mage SRD Trolls have a characteristic way of speaking. You gain proficiency in the Nature skill. In most D&D settings, trolls are considered giants for the purposes of their creature type. 2023 Wizards. Like their troll parents, they have tremendous appetites and powerful metabolic abilities. Do you really think 4d6+5 base damage dealing, regenerating fighters from 8th level is in any way balanced? The introduced variants mixed new additions and classics, including the dire troll, spirit troll, venom troll, and rot troll, to help players mix things up. Step 3) Determine Tactics. | d20PFSRD The bravest among them brand their flesh to show mastery over their own fear, since only acid and fire leave long-lasting scars on their skin. Female Troll Names: Vak, Kranki, Juljin, Vinji, Razzel. Advantage on perception checks and rolls to awake from sleep. They aren't officially part of the game and aren't permitted in D&D Adventurers League events. Are trolls known for having particularly keen senses? Trolls would rarely think that any prey could not be caught or that making things more complicated than walking up to it and hitting it to death would be a complete waste of time. Additionally, most half-trolls have larger noses, smaller eyes, and sharper teeth than humanoids without troll blood. These labels change depending on what the trollkin has done recently and whos doing the talking. You can use your Troll Regeneration feature to regain health using Troll Hit Die without expending a use of that feature. Once it dies, it can't. Last edited by ftl: Oct 17, 2019 #8 Oct 17, 2019 Song_of_Blues View User Profile View Posts Send Message Ability Score Increase. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. Resistance. Some may have simply been the runt of their family, standing a foot or two shorter than the typical troll with underdeveloped claws and regenerative abilities. The Humanoid Troll Adventurers table can serve as inspiration for coming up with a backstory for your troll in settings where humanoid sized trolls generally would not exist. The changeling from Eberron can change appearance at will, but has to retain it size and humanoid form. Troll is a species where multiple subspecies exist, these subspecies vary from being tall, lanky and muscular, with each subspecies being different than the others both physically and culturally. The stone trolls tend towards the larger end of the weight and height spectrum of trolls. Now you hire your services out to the highest bidder. You'd know if you knew what it was to be hungry. Many trollkin wear tattoos to show tribal loyalty or to venerate their ancestor spirits. D&D 5E Dragon PC race experiment. When they take a human name (meaning, for the benefit of humans), it tends to follow the same pattern. Lost arms will regrow after a period of 30 days during which time you lose the benefits of this deformity. If you have the severed part and hold it to the stump, your Regeneration instantaneously causes the limb to knit to the stump. Though their drives are weaker than those of their troll parents, half-trolls are still very passionate and individualistic. Darkvision. Oversized Tusks that Can be used for a Goring Attack, there aren't any negative race modifiers anymore, in addition using the tashas optional rule you could technically turn -1 CHA to -1 anything, Enethia is running a library, Kalnor is with one of his friends(Likely Mithris), Mali is making an elixir, Asari is sad, Ink is dying in Kalnoia, Nox is dead, Zal is eating cheese fries, Tefeerinn is experiencing fuller life, Shardia is watching the safehouse, Mabij is prepping for a trial, Hrakor is running from prophesy, Viperitahk is locked in a strange battle, Void is watching, Redd is writing all of these. Can use a variety of weapons. With supplemental releases for the game system, new variations of trolls were introduced, such as marine trolls, two-headed trolls, and an ice troll. Answer: While trolls resemble humans, they are considered to be giants instead of humanoids, mechanically speaking. Trollkin have a base speed of 30 feet. Names: Broken-fang, Six-fingers, Eye-wart, Hates-birds, Burned-her-cousin, Always-angry, Kicks-children, Sniffsa- lot, Bites-ears. Whichever option you end up choosing, however, you must keep it consistent. You may seem smaller and weaker than your fellow trolls, but you've gained abilities that demand their respect. A hardcover compilation of archetypes, feats, spells, heritages, monsters, and more for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition! It was previously incorrectly stated that the trolls predated the arrival of the Titans. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.Cast-Iron Gut. There is some truth to the notion that half-trolls are born as a result of violence directed by their monstrous parents towards other races, but it is not always so. Trolls can also be a great way to subvert your players expectations, which may expect them to act more similarly to how they do in fairy tales or folklore, which can help you keep them on their toes. This allows them to regain ten hit points at the start of every turn in combat for free. Superior Trollish Fortitude is intended to give you 4 hp/turn healing. The troll makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. Size. Natural Armor. Trolls are divided into two major subraces. Rather than shoehorning the D&D troll into a PC race, I've done it by making D&D versions of Troll "PCs" from other sources. Your Strength score increases by 1 and your Constitution score increases by 2.Age. Suddenly, the mist turns to ice and your breath becomes visible and a wall of ice surrounds you. They are excellent survivalists, and in some settings, they may be the predominant form of troll. Hungry in your hands. Horns: the troll has grown larger than normal horns that may be used as a natural weapon to make unarmed strikes. Male Troll Names: Thrag, Kazko, Grendal, Veckuzz, Zinjo In wilder regions, individual trolls may engage in trading with isolated communities, exchanging protection for food and treasure. The Cursed Troll. Age: Adult: 13, Elderly: 65 Alignment: Almost always Evil Size: Large. Vol'jin in Kun-Lai stated that the human Tyrathan Khort could cope with the cold better than he could. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. The forest trolls are often tall but lean and willowy. I came across an OSR version of regeneration you might find interesting. 116 subraces 13 templates for Player Characters, including new rules for Lycanthropes and Vampires Night whisper trollkin trace their ancestry to enigmatic fey creatures from the Shadow Realm. We have updated our privacy policy. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. J. J. D&D 5E Mind flayer PC . Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. (I also assume faster healing also gives trolls more of an appetite). Creatures foraging for rations for you do so with advantage, as you are far less picky in what you will consume. You were once a typical troll who made a mystical bargain to become more like "the other races.". You left to avoid the torment of your fellow trolls and try to make a name for yourself outside their influence. Half-trolls tend to have thick hair that grows out very quickly. JEB; Apr 21, 2022 *Dungeons & Dragons Replies 2 Views 2K. | Into The Unknown Hungry in your bones. | Gods and Monsters SRD Additionally, when you spend hit dice to heal, you regain an extra 1d6 hit points for each hit die spent. They lend to be smaller and thinner than most elves. (extra damage was based on the enlarge spell) *Height = base height + height modifier Before making an ability check or saving throw, you can heed the wisdom of the spirits to gain advantage on the roll. | Fudge SRD In these settings, trolls maintain their own primal civilization, which blends their savage nature with a collective order that creates a cohesive society. If you hit with them, claws deal 1d4 + Strength modifier slashing damage, and fangs deal 1d4 + Strength modifier piercing damage. They also help us understand how our site is being used. Level Up: A5E Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2022. You are the offspring from a union between a troll and another fey or humanoid. Afterward, their mental attributes are all negative, with a Wisdom of 9 and Charisma and Intelligence only 7. Multiple arms. These beliefs stem from the troll religion centered around their birth from a daughter of Vaprak, the bastard son of Annam All-Father. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Your Constitution score increases by 2. Age. Half-trolls bear visible signs of their giant heritage. At the bottom of the first post here is something very, very helpful. Regeneration is tricky. They tend to have some shade of green for their skin color as well as either gray or black hair that is sometimes tinged with green notes. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Your Regeneration trait now allows you to restore severed body parts. Troll 5e Lore Trolls are an extremely common monster across the lands of Faern. | d20 Anime SRD When looking at. *Height = base height + height modifier You ignore the harmful effects of cold climates up to -50 degrees Fahrenheit and you gain resistance to cold damage. The early trolls developed an array of superstitious customs. If you're bringing in Large PCs, you need to specify what this does in terms of other rules interactions. Trolls are horrid carnivores found in all climes, from arctic wastelands to tropical jungles. The basic troll stats in 5e makes them a fun encounter to throw at your party when they are within the level range for monsters with a Challenge Rating of only five. While there are many variations, even within a single world, trolls are usually monstrous creatures that prey upon helpless travelers and serve as adversaries to be slain by adventures. For example start with an ability to improve HP gained when spending HD and a bonus to death saves. Vol'jin. The trolls were among the first and most prolific. However, in peaceful times, it is not unheard of for the troll parent to make visits of varying frequency to check up on their child's growth. Due to shared experiences and similar outlooks, urban half-trolls almost always gravitate towards half-orc neighborhoods, where they find they fit in better, if not perfectly. Which would be easy enough to avoid as only a few creatures in the MM have Large weapons. Trolls often prove difficult to kill because of their amazing healing and thus you also gain advantage for death saves. Additionally, when you spend hit dice to heal, you regain an extra 1d6 hit points for each hit die spent. Their healing factor allows them to live about a century before it ceases to sustain them. Natural Armor is copied from the Lizardfolk. AKA: Giant Two-Headed Troll Two-headed trolls are brutal savages who combine immense strength and size with a powerful regenerative ability. You've further developed your innate troll regeneration, making you even more difficult to kill. You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill. You can also carry small items in the extra appendage(s) but cant use it to fight with. This can make them a hazardous nuisance near civilization as they will kill humanoids and threaten food and supply lines that the settlement or others may depend on. Among themselves, trollkin refer to each other by identifying marks, well-known deeds, or recognizable characteristics (Bent-nose, Long-claws, Fears-lightning). And, of course, most trolls find that other appetites supersede that particular drive. Your size range depends on which subrace you choose. You gain a +1 bonus to AC. Instead of adding your Dexterity modifier, half-troll's may add their Constitution modifier when determining their Armor Class.Voracious. Ever since he started playing games on his old SNES, and has been hooked ever since. Update your cookie preferences. Trolls often prove difficult to kill because of their amazing healing. If you're large and can use a greatsword, you can use a large greatsword. In addition, you have disadvantage to saves against gaze attacks. At that point, the severed part dies. When it comes to the trolls abilities, they start taking on a lot more personality. The drow have black skin that resembles polished obsidian and stark white or pale yellow hair. Yougain no benefit from wearing armor but can apply a shields bonus as normal. Your tribe of trolls has always been known for having keener mental capabilities, and you are no exception. Until then, a severed part acts on the troll's initiative and has its own action and . When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the Locate Animals or Plants spell once per day. After you use this trait, you cant use it again until you finish a short or long rest.Beast Slaying. I would probably allow the troll feats to boost Str or Con. Although Monster Manual trolls have 14 + Dex natural armor, this was scaled down slightly to be appropriate for a starting character. They do not think through plans or schemes to get their food and instead prefer to kill their prey with brute force. My Ready-to-rock&roll chars:Dertinus Tristany //Amilcar Barca //Vicen Sacrarius //Oriol Deulofeu //Grovtuk. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Others may be the results of extreme mutations or members of their own troll subspecies. They normally inhabit mountain caves or deep forests and force races that wish to trade for troll crafted items or special ores to come to them in their remote homes. If you wish to reflect this with your troll character, you can add the following traits: Like their troll parents, they have tremendous appetites and powerful metabolic abilities. 8.1K views 2 years ago Why you should play Trolls in D&d character Dungeons and Dragons Trolls Building a Troll Player character as a playable race in dungeons and Dragons. Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Keen Smell. Light claws. They tend to be territorial, but only toward other trolls that they worry may steal their food supply. Then, they were described as large humanoids with rubbery-like skin with the power to regenerate themselves. The most iconic of which is their regenerative abilities. Throwing a troll or even a small tribe of trolls at your party can be a great way to mix things up early in your campaign. I've gotten my relentless appetite under better control with help from a religious group, and I've become quite devout. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag or lift. You cant discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. You missed a key part of that DMG passage: No, the proficiency is the same. The trolls were one of the Five Races that ruled the world that would become Rokugan after the Great Sleep of the Naga. They can live in almost any climate and tend to roam between them. You can now print or save sheets. The matriarchal hierarchy also extends into their beliefs, as they worship the Great Mother, a daughter of the ogre god Vaprak, with each tribe thinking that theirs was the original one she created. These trolls are more similar to other humanoids in size and compensate for their smaller frames with an expanded skill set. We don't always see eye-to-eye. They commonly have very pale eyes (so pale as to be mistaken for while) in shades of lilac, silver, pink, red, and blue. You regenerated yourself from what scraps were left but didn't come back the same. Currently DM's Guild only allows community submissions for 5th edition. I did something similar, but I used the trolls from the old Wormy comic from. However, some trolls also believe that they instead were created by a primal Earth Mother at the beginning of time. He has a particular love for games like Pillars of Eternity, Skyrim, a variety of beloved RPG titles, which has in turn led to a fascination and love for playing Dungeons & Dragons, and writing fiction. They speak with varying accents that resemble that of Jamaicans and Cubans. Darkvision. 19-20: The troll is decapitated, but the troll dies only if it can't regenerate. Does it seem halfway balanced? Your size is Medium. **Weight = base weight + (height modifier weight modifier), https://www.dandwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Half-Troll_(5e_Race)&oldid=1606648. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Racial Traits +2 Strength, +1 Charisma, Draconic Ancestry, Breath Weapon, Damage Resistance View Dragonborn Details Dwarf Basic Rules Bold and hardy, dwarves are known as skilled warriors, miners, and workers of stone and metal. Reference. But there are Trolls who rather have a peaceful life.Size. The two most common types of trollkin are night whispers and stonehides. I've learned to keep my ears and mouth shut since most people are just trying to take advantage of me anyway. At the start of your turn, you can expend one Hit Dice. Ability Score Increase. Your Regeneration trait now allows you to regain hit points at the start of your turn. Nearly all troll regeneration can be halted by fire and acid, and trolls are naturally wary of such elements. After all, their bodies can usually handle the strain. Night whispers tend to have darker skin tones and slighter builds than their cousins. However, sometimes the occasional troll breaks away from the tendencies of its kin and strikes out to make its own fate, often becoming a wandering adventurer. They can live in almost any climate and tend to roam between them. You ignore the harmful effects of hot climates up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit and you gain resistance to radiant damage. The troll dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit . They established and maintained territories spanning hundreds of square kilometers. It is also common for trolls to look very similar to one another. The quick-acting blood of trolls is also believed to be responsible for the high number of sub-species within the troll family. However, references to other troll sub-species are littered throughout 5e, which will be explored in their lore below. You're almost always hungry, you must eat as much food and drink as a Large size creature, twice as much as a Medium creature, each day to stave off starvation.Languages. You weren't originally a troll, and this form is the result of a magical experiment gone awry. The Jotunn, sometimes called stone trolls, dwell primarily in mountains and hills while the Huldrefolk, known as forest trolls, live in forests and sometimes among human settlements. This world don't give us nothing, traveler. Some trollkin could even be considered beautiful by human standards, except for some subtle marker of their monstrosity, such as stone-gray skin or talon-tipped fingers. Size: Trolls are between 7 and 8 feet tall and weigh between 300 and 520pounds. Alignment. The degree of healing factor varies between trolls, with the more monstrous trolls able to heal wounds and regrow limbs within seconds. | Basic Fantasy SRD. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy. Balancing with class features is hard. Few outsiders, even among half-orcs, can easily understand the sight of a hungry half-troll nipping a quick snack out of some carrion on the road or half-rotten garbage from a gutter, but the answer has some basis in troll biology. Your movement is not impeded by rough terrain caused by plants, you gain a 20 ft. climb speed, and you gain darkvision out to 60 feet. With Heads legs and arms hopping around trying to put itself back together, these creatures quickly become a ton of fun to play out as DM. Roll20 uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. Darkvision. Finally, they have an Armor Class of 15, a speed of only 30 feet, and 84 hit points. You know the Druidcraft cantrip. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increased by 1.Age. You have advantage on death saving throws. All rights reserved. Question: Are Trolls Considered to Be Humanoid in 5e? Snow trolls hunted polar bears for food, as well as humans. If you want your trolls to have a few more options on the battlefield, it is also an excellent option to take the rock action from the Hill Giant since it is of a similar challenge rating as the troll. This mimic can change into anything and can change height. On Social Media: Roll20 is a Registered Trademark of The Orr Group, LLC. Regarding troll sub-species, there are eleven currently recognized in 5e. The creature's type becomes giant, and a half-troll with an outsider as the base creature also gains the extraplanar subtype. They speak with varying accents that resemble that of a more tropical language. At the heart of ancient Kalimdor lay the Well of Eternity, an enormous lake filled with powerful energies. A loud thumping of what sounds like footsteps get closer and closer. Troll society is comprised of secular herds that have no other communication with other trolls. Your Regeneration trait now allows you to regain hit points every minute. Trolls are driven primarily by hunger. Racial Traits +2 Constitution, Darkvision, Dwarven Resilience, Dwarven Combat Training, Stonecunning View Dwarf Details Trollkin stand over 6 feet tall and are more solidly built than humans, weighing around 200 pounds. | GumshoeSRD You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. Most creatures avoid these beasts, since trolls know no fear and attack unceasingly when hungry. Though their powerful metabolism grants them good health and staves off the physical decline of old age, it also reduces their overall lifespan, and they usually don't live as long as their human counterparts do, at 60 years old.Alignment. Your skin is knobby, thick, and tough, granting you a +1 bonus to Armor Class. Subrace.Trollkin bear different traits depending on the type of creatures in their lineage. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Their regeneration can be stopped with poison or fire, but those are so uncommon that trolls tend to have no fear of death and will attempt to kill almost anything as prey with no fear of repercussions. Dex natural Armor, this was scaled down slightly to be humanoid in 5e currently recognized 5e. And Intelligence only 7, Juljin, Vinji, Razzel part and hold it the... To improve your experience on our site is being used if it can & # x27 ; t.... 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