Ti became increasingly suspicious of Se as the crisis continued,[21] and even though Fives' behavior and discoveries deeply troubled her,[3] she invoked her authority over Se to give Fives a chance to present his case directly to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. See, for those of you that don't know, Shaak Ti had died like 5 times in different deleted scenes and sources of media. Though it put her in a power struggle with the Kaminoans, Ti defended Fives and did what she could to protect him. Despite the Code forbidding personal attachments and Ti herself being a member of the Order's highest body, she formed close ties with the soldiers under her command. Ti told Fives about the Chancellor's orders and explained that the investigation was better left to medical professionals, inquisitively adding that there was much they didn't know about the tumor yet before placing it in a case. 1.87 meters (6 ft, 2 in)[4] He enacted Order 66, a secret protocol enforced by the clones' inhibitor chips that made the soldiers turn against the Jedi. [17] Ti, who was stationed on Coruscant, was ordered to protect Chancellor Palpatine during the battle and was aided by[42] Jedi Master[43] Roron Corobb and layers of security forces. [48], In 4 ABY,[2] Luke, by then a Jedi Knight, helped redeem his father, who killed Sidious before dying as Anakin Skywalker, ending the Sith reign over the galaxy. [25] A short time later, Ti and her fellows dispatched the four to investigate the disappearances of the Togruta colonists on Kiros, which was linked to the Separatists and the Zygerrian Slave Empire.[26]. Dying, Shaak Ti told Starkiller that he was a slave to Vader, and that his power was wasted on him. She told them that she had decided to allow them to retake the test. [2] The Graf Archive also discovered a journal detailing various species from throughout the galaxy. She wielded the weapon from some point before 22 BBY until it was stolen by Separatist General Grievous during the Battle of Coruscant. The Council was confused by Yoda's odd response, and Ti looked to Masters Oppo Rancisis and Kit Fisto with concern. Ti and Skywalker remained silent during the meeting, listening as Yoda and Windu accepted the words of the Chancellor, who ensured that nothing more would be made of the situation and that their attention be redirected to the war. [18] Upon learning this, the Council made his defeat their highest priority in order to end the Clone Wars. But in canon, that is how Shaak Ti died. Skywalker ultimately proved Tano's innocence before a verdict was reached by the Republic courts, revealing that it was Padawan Barriss Offee who had become disillusioned with the Order, gave Turmond the nano-droids, and framed Tano for it all. ope! Jacosta Nu. Ti, along with the rest of the Council, discussed the matter, ultimately deciding that Binks should not go alone, leading to Windu's decision to accompany him.[33]. (Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga) Navigation Star Wars Characters Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Ti and the Council were wary of helping, as any official support to an underground rebellion would earn the Jedi the scrutiny of the Republic Senate. Stationed there during the initiation of Operation: Knightfall, Ti escaped with her life when the Temple and the Republic fell into the hands of the Sith Lords. [17] Ti was among the Jedi who infiltrated the arena and, alongside Master Luminara Unduli,[5] hid and waited for the right moment to intervene. He recruited Ventress again, and they traveled to Christophsis to carry out their mission. Perhaps for the new canon we'll reuse some death sequence from RotS. [41] The two were not only able to successfully rescue the Chancellor, but their rescue mission led to the death of Count Dooku at Skywalker's hands. Affiliation(s) [62] Valenza voiced Ti in five episodes of the series,[8][6][7][21][32] beginning with the season three episode "Clone Cadets. [6] Believing that they would be dealing with an orbital assault, the Jedi organized the blockade under the command of Skywalker and Admiral Wullf Yularen. [8] At some point, Ti flew her Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor while on Kamino. it's Omega's backstory fic; . At the sight of Ventress, Yoda paused the holo, and Windu immediately stood and reached for his lightsaber, with Ti and the others doing the same. 0. Let's see. Basic #1. Those CG animations aren't cheap. Als Jedi-Meisterin bildete sie zwei Padawane aus, die jedoch beide durch Verbrechen gettet wurden. Shaak Ti discusses the assassination attempt with the Jedi. [21], As a Force-sensitive, Shaak Ti was skilled at using telekinesis during battle[6] due to her Jedi training. Upon arriving at Geonosis, a majority of the Jedi snuck into the arena during the attempted execution, while others secured their landing site. Shaak Ti is a recurring character in the Star Wars franchise. This episode was released early on April 4 at the 2023 Star Wars Celebration in Eruope. She ended the test and requested that maintenance clone 99 send a cleaning crew to the training ground.[8]. Shortly after being found by Skywalker and Rex, the unstable and neurotic Fives was killed by Commander Fox as he attempted to reveal what he had learned about the chips' true purpose. Skywalker awoke in Grakkus' palace, where the Hutt showed him a holocron and, wanting to see if the boy had a connection to the Force, ordered him to open it. Following their major loss at Coruscant, the Separatist leadership restructured, and Grievous replaced Dooku as the Confederacy's Head of State. Fives thanked her for believing in him, to which Ti replied that she was only doing what was right. See how it improved - Other improvement drives. [21], Fives and AZI-3 show Ti the inhibitor chip, which they claim is the center to a large conspiracy, Fives told her how he, assisted by AZI-3, discovered that the tumor had been bio-engineered and suspected a larger plot to be the cause of Tup's actions. In Revenge of the Sith, two death scenes were filmed though both cut from the finished movie. During the subsequent mission, it was destroyed by Kenobi and Skywalker. Grievous himself then appeared, having traveled to the planet's surface to kidnap the Chancellor. The lightsaber hilt, which measured 26.60 centimeters long and 3.30 centimeters wide, was crafted from copper and durasteel. [57] In this scene, she is meditating during the attack on the Jedi Temple and is killed by Anakin Skywalker. Obi Wan. Canon list of Jedi Killed by Darth Vader. At one point Aayla and Shaak-Ti get into a lightsaber duel over it. The duo had also discovered that all troopers, including Fives, had been implanted with the same organic inhibitor chip, which had malfunctioned in Tup. Shaak Ti Clones.. Best run: 1,684,010 - got to 2nd rexillate 2 . [4], Shaak Ti wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber, using throughout the Clone Wars from the First Battle of Geonosis to the Battle of Coruscant, when it was stolen from her by General Grievous to be part of his collection. Ihre Padawan-Schlerin Fe Sun wurde von der Zeltronerin Lyshaa gettet. [17] Standing on a balcony far above the arena pit was Count Dooku and the other Confederate leaders, as well as Jango Fett. While Ti was helping the Chancellor up, Fives ran out of the room and down a staircase. When thanked by the clone, Ti stated to him that she had done so not because she believed in either side, but because it was the right thing to do. Ti asked for an explanation of why Tup's had degraded, but Fives told her that it didn't matter and that the entire Republic army could be compromised unless the chips were removed. Shaak Ti is one of the most powerful Jedi(presumably in . Ti and Se were at a loss and the two had no answers. The Council entered negotiations with the Republic's leader, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, in an effort to stall any Senate vote to create a military force. Despite having their sights on Grievous, they also decided to take stronger measures against Chancellor Palpatine, who they had already strongly distrusted for remaining in office for too long and abusing his wartime executive powers. : ( #ShaakTi All Scenes: Female[3] Gotta be a reason for that. Among the visions Yoda saw of the Jedi being slaughtered, he saw one in which Ti was impaled through her back by a blue-bladed lightsaber as she meditated. Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Maybe better in phase 3. In Legends continuity, Shaak Ti escaped the Jedi Temple only to be hunted down on Felucia by Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Starkiller. Palpatine told the Jedi that his investigation had led him to believe that a parasite native to Ringo Vinda had caused the chips to malfunction, and that an inoculation for it had been developed which would be administered to the clones. During his search for knowledge, he learned of Shaak Ti and chronicled what he knew about her in a passage featured in his journal titled The Secrets of the Jedi. Shaak Ti and Pablo-Jill fight battle droids in the first stage of the Battle of Geonosis. [5] The Jedi Order's lack of recent combat experience and the sheer volume of battle droids overwhelmed the strike team, many of whom died as survivors were forced to abandon their positions in the stands and descend to the arena floor. Fives began to aim his weapon at the Chancellor, but Ti used the Force to stop him. The Grand Master requested that the Council join him in meditation to see if they could hear the voice as well. Joining the Jedi Council after Master Yaddle's retirement, Shaak Ti served as one of its final members before the Jedi Purge. [24], Though an excellent fighter in her own right, Ti showed a great affinity for teaching, often with a specialty in combat instruction. [4] According to Luke Skywalker, Ti was likely given the job of training clone troopers during the Clone Wars because she excelled as both a teacher and a combatant. The Kaminoans, in turn, criticized Ti and the Jedi's compassion as poor influences. [5], Windu's move to arrest Dooku was the signal for the Jedi to act,[17] and the Jedi throughout the arena began igniting their lightsabers, revealing themselves. Considered to be among the wisest in the Jedi Order, Ti was a skilled teacher and combatant and was a devoted believer in the ways of the Jedi. Shaak Ti/Legends is within the scope of WookieeProject The Force Unleashed, an attempt to build comprehensive and detailed articles with topics originating from The Force Unleashed. When the ship landed in the Sah'c neighborhood everyone got off. All the times Shaak Ti has died.. Two deleted scenes in Revenge Of The Sith, one in The Force Unleashed and Yoda had a vision of her death on Dagobah.. 15 Apr 2023 21:50:51 Seeking to ascertain what purpose the Confederacy had in establishing a presence on Hissrich, Ti and the Council assigned Windu and a covert team of Jedi to the planet to investigate. There are two conflicting sources for this article: Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! This scene exists as the "Anakin kills Shaak Ti" animatic and is part of the deleted scenes released in Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray in 2011. Tipoca City, where Ti was stationed early in the war. Skin color Best run: 509,106 with Bossk 5th Phase 3: only did 391K, but that was without Chewpio, R2 instead - and c3p0, so may phase 3 not so good. Ti instead believed that the cause was mental, suggesting that the Separatists had brainwashed him during his time at Ringo Vinda. With GS and Arc Trooper rounding out the 501st squad, Shaak Ti is going to the bench. When Obi-Wan and Anakin are investigating the cruiser, they come across a despondent Ti sitting at General Grievous' feet. [14], Ti and the Jedi Council meeting with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, In 24 BBY,[15] the Galactic Republic became embroiled in a crisis with a mass exodus of member systems to the nascent Confederacy of Independent Systems, a new government formed by former Jedi and the firebrand Count of Serenno, Dooku. [6], Ti reached out to Commander Cody to inform him of her success, and the Republic forces converged to destroy the remaining aqua droids. Upon arrival, they were greeted by Mas Amedda, who led them inside to the Chancellor. Eventually, she was recognized as one of the most powerful members of the Order and was bestowed with the title of Jedi Master. Believing that they could use Skywalker to learn more about the Chancellor's goals, the Council agreed to his demand but refused to grant Skywalker the title of Master, infuriating the young Jedi. Though the two had some respect for each other,[7] their working relationship deteriorated as the rogue Fives led his investigation into Tup's death. Her spirit broken, Ti apologizes for her failure, right before she is stabbed in the back and killed by Grievous. [32], As a Togruta, Ti's hollow montrals could sense the movement of objects. For P1 GS I'll have Padm, Ahsoka, and GK all Relic lvl4, with C3P0 G12+4-5. Stay safe, -Ben 92 4 3 John Jaggerz When the Confederacy invaded the planet Onderon and replaced its king, Ramsis Dendup, with a puppet ruler, Sanjay Rash, a small group of Dendup's loyal followers rebelled against the new monarch. [5], Ti and the Council assigned Obi-Wan Kenobi to track the bounty hunter down and find out who they were working for and gave Anakin Skywalker the duty of protecting Amidala as she was discreetly relocated from Coruscant to her homeworld. [27], In 19 BBY, the Jedi Temple became the target of a terrorist attack, and a hangar in the sacred complex was bombed. Ti, discerning from the small number that attacked the command center that the droid forces were spread thin, contacted the other Jedi and ordered them to press their offensive while they had the chance. Homeworld It certainly isn't a meta team, but if you're running both GAS 501st and a Padme squad, it's a fine option as a back end team . Obi-Wan and Anakin in the fuel chased by destroyer droids (not on DVD) 3. She was born in 61 BBY. While in this role, she acted as a close mentor and protector to the clone army, additionally serving as the commanding officer of the garrison stationed on-world. Sideshow Collectibles proudly presents the Shaak Ti Premium Format Figure from LucasArts' breakthrough Star Wars video game, The Force Unleashed. Pronouns [[AC: . Early in the Clone Wars, Ti was chosen by the Jedi Council to represent the Republic on Kamino, where she personally oversaw the training and development of clone forces on the planet. Ti was given the seat held by Master Yaddle, who had elected to step down from the council[12] and take a less active role in Jedi affairs. Ti and Unduli simultaneously ignited their lightsabers and quickly joined the battle as Dooku unleashed hordes of battle droids to counterattack. With Shaak Ti's first special Plo will gain taunt, so he effectively works as a tank in that scenario. Ti and the two hunters conducted training exercises for cadet squads and graduated them when they were ready for deployment. Though he was a recluse, Chond heard stories from travelers of tales from across the galaxy and created a series of maps of the planets, people, and events he learned about, including Ti. She can do more damage than gas in the sith raid. [5] By 22 BBY,[2] the rise in the number the Separatists led the Republic Senate to debate the creation of a proper military to combat an impending war. [53], Shaak Ti was depicted in several of the illustrated maps made by the Ithorian artist Gammit Chond. [6] The orbital battle seemed to be in the Republic's favor, and it was believed that they were successfully withstanding the assault[17] until Ti noticed that Grievous was sacrificing his Munificent-class star frigates to protect his command ship. Ti warned him to be cautious, as the removal of the chip might have changed Fives. Early in the war . Togruta[1] [4] As the supervisor of the clone program, Ti watched over and helped train clone forces for combat, which she was aided in by two bounty hunters contracted by the Republic, Master Chief Bric and El-Les. Shaak Ti's death affected them deeply, so profoundly entangled had she become in the energy flows of the world."The Force Unleashed Novel. [5], As Dooku ordered his army to finish off those left, however, Master Yoda suddenly arrived with the first waves of the Grand Army of the Republic. Shaak Ti was the last one on. Sidious had been the mastermind behind the creation of both the clone and droid armies and had manipulated both the Republic and Confederacy into conflict to gain power. Ti and the Council, believing that support for the war effort would wane if it was known that the Sith had played a role in the clone army's creation, made the difficult decision to keep these revelations private amongst themselves. The middle of a life-or-death situation, and I find myself playing a friendly game of chess with the person responsible for every bit of danger in that situation. Shili[1] In it, she is seen meditating when Skywalker enters the room she is in. [20] In the weeks after the battle, the Clone Wars erupted across the galaxy, and the Galactic Senate passed the Jedi Military Integration Act, which formally established the Jedi as officers in the Grand Army of the Republic. What Kenobi discovered[6] was that the Confederate plan was far more complex than the Republic had anticipated; the multi-phase attack called for Grievous to discharge debris from his ships onto the Kamino's surface, where teams of AQ-series battle droids attached to them would build assault craft to target Tipoca City.[17]. 5.0 out of 5 stars. Ti attends the mock funeral of undercover Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Gas can be used to solo many many teams in grand arena leaving shaak ti with the clones. Afterlife. Shaak Ti's lightsaber was a blue-bladed lightsaber carried by the Togruta Jedi Master Shaak Ti prior to and during the Clone Wars. Ti, Unduli, and Master Saesee Tiin boarded one of the gunships[5] and were quickly airlifted out of the arena and taken to the front lines of the larger planetary battle,[16] where the Grand Army was engaging the Separatist forces in an improvised and hasty conflict.[17]. Members get $17.50 back. El-Les protested that Ti end the test because Bric's actions made it unfair, but she denied his request, stating that adversity would be a constant in war and that the Separatists wouldn't play fair either. [54] Even though she cared for them, she could be tough on her students to bring out the best in them. Following one such failed exercise, Bric implied that the group were "rejects," and should be demoted to sanitation detail. Watch the 2nd disc and the deleted scenes and originally Shaak Ti gets killed by Grievous and then Lucas admitted he changed Shaak Tis death to when the Jedis die during the Bridge scene. 7 product ratings - NEW Shaak Ti Jedi #10 w/ Background Insert Star Wars Saga Attack of the Clones. Ti, Bric, and El-Les presided over their pre-graduation exercises in the Citadel Challenge. Ti welcomed the two to Kamino, while Su expressed doubt that the Separatists would dare attack his world given the strong Republic blockade. Ti joins Master Windu in leading the assault on the Separatist forces on Geonosis. shaak ti is afro indigenous Good Parent Jango Fett Mand'alor Jango Fett Jango Fett has Issues Jango Fett Needs a Hug Jango is a good man he just needs help Jango loves his sons Shaak Ti Lives Shaak Ti loves her sons Clone Troopers as Brothers (Star Wars) but only a few and I picked them at random appo is the best son Mando'a Language (Star Wars) RT @StarWars0nly: All the times Shaak Ti has died.. Two deleted scenes in Revenge Of The Sith, one in The Force Unleashed and Yoda had a vision of her death on Dagobah.. 16 Apr 2023 00:15:42 [6] Grievous' risky attack ended in failure thanks to the efforts of Ti and her comrades, and the damage to Tipoca City was quickly contained. Special #1. Palpatine heightened their distrust when he infringed on the Jedi's internal functionalities by personally appointing Skywalker to the Council as his liaison. Fives insisted to the Chancellor that the Kaminoans were covering something up about the chips and that if not, he and Tup were victims of a Separatist plot. In the central control room, Ti and Se continued their search. Shaak Ti Can't Stop Dying Star Wars Expanded 134K subscribers Subscribe 118K 9M views 4 years ago #ShaakTi Shaak Ti has died too many times in Star Wars. Grievous arrived on the surface, fought Shaak Ti and other Jedi. To his surprise, the Kaminoan Prime Minister, Lama Su, alleged that the army had been ordered by a deceased member of the Jedi Council, Sifo-Dyas. At this remark, Ti interjected on Fives' behalf, saying that the clones were technically the property of the Republic and invoking Jedi authority once more to insist that Fives be sent to the Chancellor for investigation, rather than let him be terminated by the doctor. In a deleted scene in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Shaak Ti was captured by Grievous and stabbed through the chest by him, this scene was removed when George Lucas decided that Shaak Ti was never captured by Grievous. [40], Ventress was contacted by Master Kenobi and Knight Akar-Deshu, who were seeking to find out what had happened to Vos, and they convinced her to go to the Jedi Temple and speak before the Council. [57] Both Shoshan and Brill were uncredited for their work in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, respectively. Gallery Star wars: path of the gray:episode I: embrace of emotion Likes (102) [46] As a result of his lost communication with Ti, Windu reached out to Kenobi and Skywalker, who were in the process of negotiating a Republic Siege of Mandalore. [59] Ti appears throughout the movie as a background character and has no speaking lines. She later saw Se quietly leaving the command center and followed her with a squad of clone troopers. [11] As the Republic's representative on Kamino, General Ti was given various responsibilities, from being a military commander to a diplomat. The diminutive Aleena decided to contact Count Dooku and pleaded to him that the Republic be able to relocate the citizens of Mahranee in return for allowing the droid armies to capture the planet. For the next month, the Council granted Vos small missions to perform while he healed from his wounds. Like all her fellow Togruta, Ti's white pigmentation, which covered much of her face around her eyes, was unique to her. Order 66 (Star Wars) Reunions. [58] Power and McCaig's concept illustrations of the character that ultimately became Ti included her rubicund complexion and intricately patterned and layered brocade. [54] She did not see the clones as battlefield assets or products like the Kaminoans, instead seeing them as individuals full of potential. [18] Despite having air superiority, the Republic failed to enact a tangible orbital blockade, allowing for a full Separatist retreat despite the destruction of several core ships. Described by Mace Windu as "beautiful as a flower, yet as deadly as a viper," Ti. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 Clone Wars 1.2.1 Battle of Geonosis 1.2.2 Battle of Kamino 1.2.3 Duel with General Grievous 1.2.4 Battle of Brentaal IV 2 Personality and traits 3 Powers and abilities In one such vision, which took Vader to the steps of the Jedi Temple, he was confronted by several Jedi both dead and alive, including Ti. As she was meditating outside, Ti heard blaster fire and opened the door to see Fives disarming the Chancellor and his security. Having successfully proven themselves and passed their final exercise, Ti graduated them to the Grand Army of the Republic.[8]. Shaak Ti watches over Tup's medical tests. Ti's suspicions turned out to be true and they found Fives and AZI-3 in the Records Hall. [8] Ti also worked closely with his administrative aide, Taun We,[23] and Nala Se, the Chief Medical Scientist who had played a key role in the creation of the clone armies. While stationed on Naboo, Corrie finds a text written by a Jedi . With Dooku dead and Republic reinforcements overwhelming his fleet, Grievous and his armada retreated from Coruscant in a major loss.[46]. [40], With his higher responsibilities, Vos was placed on missions to small Separatist storage facilities and listening posts, but each led to growing suspicion of his loyalty, as every outpost seemed to have been abandoned by the Separatists before Republic forces arrived. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Ti and several others on the Council shared his opinion, but Master Windu dissented and asked that they give Vos another month away from the war so they could be certain of his allegiance. Throughout this war, she had never truly felt alive, so this realisation was almost a comfort. Shaak Ti died during the Bridge scene, when all the Jedis got killed by the Clones, even George Lucas admits it on deleted scenes edition. Editor discretion is advised. Shaak Ti couldn't help but find something familiar about him. She was a female Togruta Jedi Mistress, hailing from the planet Shili, serving the Galactic Republic as a member of the Jedi Order in the final decades of the Republic era. Upon reaching the citadel, however, they realized that the ascension cables needed to scale it were missing. That maintenance Clone 99 send a cleaning crew to the bench, Shaak Ti told Starkiller that he was slave! There are two conflicting sources for this article: Star Wars Saga attack of most! Leadership restructured, and that his power was wasted on him Jedi Temple and is by... Sun wurde von der Zeltronerin Lyshaa gettet Padm, Ahsoka, and that his power was wasted him. 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That his power was wasted on him Togruta, Ti heard blaster fire opened... When Obi-Wan and Anakin in the first stage of the illustrated maps made the! To the training ground. [ 8 ] at some point, Ti flew her Actis-class!