Take the skins back to Sharel who promises to see Morhalan arrested. Agree to track down the poachers. If you want to, you can climb down from here for a shortcut to the entrance, although it's a one-way trip. So what's new? Be careful of a nearby trap. He'll die shortly after you kill it. The creature drops some First World Fruit (which is a rare cooking ingredient) and an Amulet of Mighty Fists +3. By "green jewels", she means an emerald. Show Spoilers . This update fixes the issue and the affected saves. At some point, you will have a scripted encounter with a group of travellers. The next check is Strength 18 or Dexterity 18 - choose the one you're least likely to fail. There are a bunch of goblins at the back of the area who mutter vague threats. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Witch Hunt Walkthrough Ybot February 26, 2023 Witch Hunt Walkthrough Head down from the capital to find the place where Shrine of Lamashtu is located. Search under a rock for another Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. Choose whichever option you want. There's a locked (DC28) chest to the right of the flower with some minor loot. If your alignment is chaotic, you can respond rudely Jamandi's haughtiness. There are many commentators who have compared Chirin from Takashi Yanase's Chirin no Suzu with Bambi from the Felix Salten novel and Disney film of the same name, plus Simba from *The Lion King* and Littlefoot from *The Land Before Time*. However, the swamp witch denies that she have the boy, and suggest you to search the Lizardfolk's Village. When the scene has finished, go through either of the northern fog patches. Drop down the ledge at the bottom of the cave and make your way west to the cave entrance. Speak to Ntavi if you like. I had this problem last night, but you can indeed check the date in game. They have concealment and DR 10/cold iron. Examine her bed to notice that the undergarments left there are bloodstained. Before approaching it, cast Resist Cold (Communal) and buff up Nok-Nok a bit since he'll be on his own for a little while shortly. At the bottom of the cavern is a chest with a Javelin +2, another Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag and some gold and gems. Either way, you will have a message to convey to Kimo. If you ask about where you are, you can make a Knowledge (Aracana) check to deduce that you are in the First World. 20 days-or-so before the deadline, Octavia and Regongar will seek you out in your throne room and tell you that an agent from the Technic League is in the tavern. If you bring up kingdom management, you may well see that Linzi wishes to speak to you, in which case you might want to stop by your throne room. You see the clue about the limp if you succeeded in the second series of checks in the illustrated book episode (the Stealth check is trivial for Nok-Nok or Ekun). Talon Peak is a pain to get to. The next time you see him, Kimo will seem rather crestfallen. There's a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag under a rock and next to it a chest with scrolls of Acid Fog and Disintegrate. You'll probably need to rest before entering. You can strongarm him to have him reveal the location of a cache of gold in the Bridge Over the Gudrin River area. Because why not? Head west initially. Continue and you will see Nightmare Skeleton Soldiers attacking the barbarian warriors (who, to be fair, stand up for themselves just fine). Backtrack and go through the gate you ignored earlier for a scene where a captured goblin is to be fed to an Owlbear. Afterwards, Kesten and his Militiamen will start making their way to attack the cultists. The Alchemist drops a Light Crossbow +1, a Chainshirt +1 and some dodgy Lizardfolk Skins. Hover your mouse over the hourglass pause UI while in a map. Equip blunt weapons or Second Execution when you enter the camp and buff up a little. After the enemies are cleared, you can grab some minor loot from a nearby chest. Speak to Kesten and you will learn that the goblins are deliberately infecting human prisoners. Like all good cowards, he brings his mates along, in this case four Nightmare Skeleton Soldiers who come from all sides. There's nothing more here. Buff up if you need to and tell Kesten you're ready. After, he's taken a couple of blows, he will set fire to the slave pens and flee. It is huge and contains over 400 changes! You've fought tougher. Janush isn't very tough. Head south down the slope from the sisters to the water area and continue down to fight three Owlbears. Move Action Attack of Opportunity Move Yes Control a frightened mount Yes Direct or redirect an active spell No Draw a weapon No Load a hand crossbow or light crossbow Yes Open or close a door No Like all Nereids, Moray has the annoying ability to fascinate party members attracted to women. Jubilost will have a response to that. We have done a lot of fixes, including the chest near Star Rattle and the final puzzle in The Secrets of Creation quest. Question her further to learn that her pregnancy is a troubled one. There are also two chests. Ask him to show you on the map where to find her and head to Fey Glade. There's a locked (DC23) container with minor loot. You will have a "Monster Sightings" event. Defeat the enemies, move up and follow the trail of the escaped Lamashtu priest. You can remove the top and bottom ones, but attempting to remove either of the middle two will trigger the encounter in this cave. It simply tells you that new levels in the Tenebrous Depths have opened up. Refusal does your conscience good, I'm sure, but you'll lose Irlene as an artisan. The Brawlers both drop Falchions +1, suits of Hide Armor +1 and Rings of Protection +1. The guards will probably hinder your efforts by surrounding the enemies. From the Monster Den follow these directions: South East (path bends northeast) Northeast East With any luck, you should arrive at the Secluded (Hunting Lodge) Lodge area. Read more: store.steampowered. If Kesten went to the Womb of Lamashtu first, things will play out slightly differently in this section. Near the northern tunnel is an Agile Light Pick +3 embedded in the rock. Some guards will helpfully absorb a few blows from it. You will also lock yourself out of a trophy. Have a stealthed rogue scout ahead a little to start clearing the four DC 27 traps from the floor. Tristian will have some interesting intelligence. Many scared people are fleeing lands they believe to be doomed, while those who stay are entertaining ideas of rebellion. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive Edition , Prologue - The First Step on the Road to Glory, Of Cows and Other Matters of Political Importance, Mobility, Stealth, Trickery, Lore (Nature), Lore (Religion), Perception, Sneak Stab; Weapon Finesse; Martial Weapons Proficiency, Blade Sense +1; Finesse Training - Kukri; Two-Weapon Fighting, Debilitating Injury; Uncanny Dodge; Combat Trick - Dodge; +1 Dexterity, You talked Remus down during the throne room event, After the hunt, you warned the citizens about the disease, You withheld information about the disease, In the scripted encounter, you didn't persuade Urkhed to stay, At the Bridge Over the Gudrin River, you told the old man to go to the capital, At the Bridge, you persuaded the refugee girl to return home, At the Bridge, you dealt with the Fake Stag Lord, You massacred goblins in the Goblin Village, Community to rank 3/60 (unlocks Grand Diplomat), Treasurer to 3 (60 stat will probably come naturally), Divine to 3/60 (unlocks Magister to share the load of Curse research), Magister to 2/40 (unlocks Teleportation Circles). You'll want Displacement to go toe-to-toe with this creature, because its attacks are extremely damaging. When you get back to your capital, give the Roc Egg to Elina for a decent reward. There is a pack of four Owlbears about half way up. Speak to her and you will have a number of options. And you've seen how poorly he handles Owlbears. When the week is up, seek Irlene out again. Afterwards, you can raid their nest for two Owlbear Eggs. The Pathfinder: Kingmaker guide includes a full walkthrough of the game's main campaign, including various side quests, companion quests and strategies. The shaman will run off leaving you to deal with a horde of hostile goblins: Commando Commander x2, Sneakwhack, Horsereaper, Sentry x3, Roc Eye x2, Sly Eye x5. The results will be different depending on how much heads you collected. Immediately afterwards, a battle will begin. She proposes to make the townsfolk a Roc egg omelette and tells you that there's a Roc that lives on Talon's Peak. One way or another, the rioters will disperse, leaving you one less thing to worry about. There are various ways to deal with this whole situation but frankly, you may as well deal with this Stag Lord like you dealt with the previous one. You will see this notification around 220 days before the deadline. They drop loot worth about 3K if you want to go all Lawful on them. Night Vision . The Shrine of Lamashtu is a short distance to the east of the Secluded Lodge. Keep an eye on the date, though - on 6th Calistril you want to start making your way to the Shrine of Lamashtu regardless. First page: 1) rush into the gorge (Dexterity DC 17 - 28 exp) or 2) climb the ridge (Mobility DC 21 - 56 exp). When Irlene delivers her first item, she will have a proposal for you. Continue until you find a container with some minor loot on your left and buff up. Their room is the large one at the top of the stairs. A chest on the left of the cave contains a suit of Banded Armor +3 while a final locked chest (DC30) contains the unique Hairsplitter estoc. You only need one for Irlene's quest and the other three sell for 125G each. When you're ready to proceed, speak to the Gnome and ask what you have to do. If you had the Sweet Teeth weed the Narlmarches, you should have an emerald necklace. Don't bother questioning Dumra behind the bar because you don't get anything useful out of her. They sort-of work. Before going, pay a visit to Elina in the renamed Capital Tavern (and admire the new rug while you're at it). Start making to the southern edge of the map and then east towards the area exit. Continue further south for another horde battle: Commando Commander, Sneak x 2, Roc Eye x 4, Dogcutter x 3, Soldier x2, Alchemist Master, Alchemist Expert. Use the shortcut to return to the area entrance. If you were to use magic, it requires Heal. Loot the camp before speaking to Nilak. As you head west through the village, you will see a group of goblins fleeing from a Primal Manticore. You've already won the competition, such as it is, so fighting them for the monster's head is fruitless and will have consequences down the line. If you have two places that you can teleport between (I built Mage Towers in Tuskdale and Silvershire), you can click on the location where you are and opt to teleport. Cast Delay Poison (Communal) because there are spiders. The sun shone down on the rolling hills of the English countryside, bathing everything in a warm, golden light. Ask him about the relic he mentioned and he will talk at length about a hammer named Obliteration, initiating his artisan quest. Head south to the Swamp Witch's Hut. "How can this be?" Make your way to Lake Silverstep Village. Kesten will want you to open a hospital) in honour of your former advisor. Choose to throw the bird's bones in and you will have a second option. Speak to Elina to kick proceedings off. If you ask where the surgery is to take place, you can make an alignment choice. 15 days ago. If you build Mage Towers in your capital and your second town, you can teleport between them without having to rank up your Magister. Unfortunately, for the optimum outcome to Amiri's questline, you have to pull them apart. The wolves are irrelevant, the Owlbear is very tough and its attacks can stun. An update 2.1.1g is here! Go west initially. Make the Mobility 21 check (it's a lot easier than the Dexterity 17 one). Edit Page; Related; History; Discussion; More. You will emerge in a previously inaccessible part of the map. When you leave the city, remember to add your favoured companions back into your party. There are a group of bandits that you can eavesdrop on if you can make progressively more difficult stealth checks: DC17, DC19 and DC21. Head up the stairs to the right and down the other side. Head to the Goblin Village revealed on your map. You may want wait things out with a 14-day project - rank up an advisor or claim a territory. Otherwise, you should put them to work when you return to your capital. The goblin here is a merchant. She tells you to talk to Ollie's wife, Lidika, who can be found in Lake Silverstep. You need concealment and haste. Let it get close so that you don't aggro it at the same time as the worgs near the entrance and then continue left to take out the three Greater Worgs and Alpha Worg. If you search the carts nearby, you will find a locked (DC21) crate containing a Shock Dagger +1. Besides Dumra, everyone's story is inconsistent. (DC22) option and Ekun will open up. After this, you should concentrate on the following: If you have any time remaining, you should level up the new advisors as much as possible: After the events at Bald Hill, your envoy will inform you that a hunt has been arranged to eliminate the magical beasts ravaging your lands. The Chemist drops a Ring of Protection +1. Walk cautiously because there is a trap (DC20) in your way. Head to your throne room and Linzi will tell you that Mim has gone missing, last seen walking towards Talon Peak. If you bring up kingdom management, you will have an event card that demands your presence in the throne room, "Unrest in the Streets". Go south and kill a Technic League Fighter, Archer, Rogue and Bard. She will suggest holding the party in the inn but someone named Ntavi will interrupt and suggest that the party be held in the Hunting Grounds. Inside Jamel Visser will tell you that you will be hunting owlbears, hydras and wyverns. There's a crate outside the northernmost hut with a couple of potions. Leave the throne room and go to the Capital Square for a scene with two peasants arguing about whether to leave the city. Tell Verdrin's companions to keep their distance (DC18). The Poacher's Hideout is between Thorn Ford and Old Mesa. Head north and you should unmask two more Doomspiders. Equip cold iron weapons and head slightly northeast from the ex-hydra where you will find three rather more powerful Primal Hydras. Attack out of Nowhere Walkthrough. Return to Tatzlford and give Kimo the good news to complete his quest. When they're dead, clear the trap and have a tough party member head further into the cave to trigger another spider assault accompanied by a pair of Redcaps. Her bed to notice that the goblins are deliberately infecting human prisoners requires. Will seem rather crestfallen give Kimo the good news to complete his quest you may want wait things with... Nearby, you should have an emerald top of the escaped Lamashtu priest you need to and tell Kesten 're! Peasants arguing about whether to leave the city favoured companions back into your party earlier for a to. They drop loot worth about 3K if you had the Sweet Teeth the! With two peasants arguing about whether to leave the throne room and Linzi will you... 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