2018;7(4):89. doi:10.3390/antibiotics7040089, Gao J, Gong Z, Montesano D, Glazer E, Liegner K. Repurposing disulfiram in the treatment of Lyme disease and Babesiosis: Retrospective review of first 3 years experience in one medical practice. This is a Horowitz-type persister protocol. Marty Ross, MD is a passionate Lyme disease educator and clinical expert. Based on Horowitz experiments and my use of the medication with my patients, I find improvements of 20 percent or so in those that can tolerate the treatment. I could down crypto and GSE like a champ, but this is almost unbearable for me. Before you start any treatment, consult a certified lyme expert! 2016;3(3-4):7582. The researchers also tested some other substances that anecdotal evidence had indicated might be effective against Lyme disease. By Sebastian Kettley 17:00, Fri, Feb . It is a member of group of plant compounds known by the name of polyphenols. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Infect Microb Dis. Japanese knotweed may be more effective than antibiotics at tackling Lyme disease, new study has found. He researched both a 100 mg dapsone protocol and a 200 mg dapsone protocol. This herb has a long history of use in Africa for malaria, and has been used in the Lyme community to help treat the co-infection . We are so pleased to have Lindsey Wells, ND, join our series of Q&As on Lyme Disease and Tick-Borne Infections. When Will I Start to Feel Better? Stopped taking Turmeric/Black Pepper when starting the Hawthorn. So, one thing I caution is that I dont recommend ingesting essential oils without talking to your physician. The tick-born infection that can cause meningitis and face paralysis currently sees. To aid with alkalization, you can consider Alka Seltzer gold. I am obviously not having a heart attackha, ha, ha.. They found the combination of doxycycline and Baicalein provided the additional benefit of being able to attack the latent, rounded form, not just the active dividing spirochete form of Borrelia. Japanese Knotweed Lyme can act as a natural and safe way to effectively cure the disease but it is very important to consult a health practitioner before the medication is to be started for its treatment. Beyond Balance has Lyme protocols, which are combination tinctures providing antimicrobial and detoxification support. This herbal medicine is traditionally used to treat Babesia and malaria. Buhner SH. Some studies have suggested that resveratrol may have anticancer properties, and may protect heart and brain health. Besides killing Lyme bacteria, it can also be employed to treat cardiovascular diseases, cancer, to prevent aging, for antimicrobial uses, weight loss, etc. Light treatment. When we were beginning the herbal bartonella protocol and I was messing around with dosages of the other herbs, I found that 1 double dose (ie 4 grams) of either the powdered japanese knotweed herb or the tincture was enough to bring her out of an emotional herx (ie rage ). We always thought the immune system was the one trying to fight off infection. The following prescription and herbal medicine options have been shown in lab experiments to kill persisters, which I am incorporating into my treatments of Lyme and/or Bartonella. Sometimes, however, antibiotics are not effective in eradicating all traces of B. burgdorferi from the system, which means that the disease can persist. Japanese knotweed is a traditional medicine in India and China that contains the polyphenol resveratrol. The dapsone is included here to treat persisters. In the examples below, I also show that disulfiram can be used in combination with other antibiotics to treat perister Lyme where the other antibiotics treat growing phase Lyme. The following are four general rules I use to develop a Lyme disease antibiotic regimen: Be aware the doses I provide below are for adults. Houttuynia is a broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiviral. 2015;4(3):397-410. doi:10.3390/antibiotics4030397, Feng J, Zhang S, Shi W, Zubcevik N, Miklossy J, Zhang Y. Dosing when taking for Lyme disease, on day one, you will start with only one drop in the morning. Resveratrol is also found in red grapes, berries, peanuts, etc. Not surprisingly they are both greatly feared and dreaded. Let me know which treatment you used and what the results were, comment below! For more information about this, review the sitewide Terms & Conditions. Sometimes kids really being given the option to choosing a few different scents. Juglans nigra (Black walnut), Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese knotweed . They also found that doxycycline, in combination with iodine demonstrated benefits against the spirochetes, as well as biofilms. He eats mostly Paleo, organic foods and herbs and supplements, but I believe it is the biofilm that hides from all treatments. Additionally, it is often used medicinally for coughs, colds, and respiratory disease. The active ingredient in Ghanaian quinine is an alkaloid called cryptolepine, which people have traditionally used against malaria, hepatitis, septicemia, and tuberculosis. There is no evidence to suggest that Lyme disease is contagious among humans. Theory and observation show us that combinations of antimicrobials work better than single agents alone. Lyme can be carried inside of parasites. There is so much good information out there, but confusing. All products are prepackaged into individual monthly sets, First described with PCN treatment of syphilis, Variable duration, onset often within hours. Japanese Knotweed Supreme - 120 Capsules. Its also one thats used very often for Bartonella infections, and it has a naturally occurring constituent known as resveratrol. https://www.ilads.org/patient-care/provider-search/, Hi I live in Australia and like so of the people with Lyme disease, my son has struggled for over 25, years, physically, financially, and mentally. OR you can buy knotweed root powder and take 1 tablespoon 3x daily in liquid. artermix - I began the protocol in January. You can eat the stalks in early spring. Andwhile many turn to medication for relief, there are more all-natural approaches to, Someone once said that our bodies need additional cleaning; then the herbalistsdeveloped a way to additionally clean our bodies from toxins and other dangerous chemicals. That was my max. It kills the spirochetes that are found in difficult-to-reach areas by enhancing the blood flow and also helps other drugs to be more effective. I looked up his protocol on his website: For lyme he recommends 1-4 tablets of JK 3-4 X daily. Cowden Protocol is another set of broad-spectrum herbals. It activates Sirtuin Genes, imitating the functioning of a calorie-restricted diet. Add every day 3 x 1 drop, till 3 x 15 drops per day is reached. The scientific name for this plant is Fallopia Japonica. I also start this one with a low dose, meaning one drop and increase as tolerated based on theyre weight. and http://aspire.care/featured/lyme-disease-tick-coinfections/. Because of its antibacterial properties, its actually pretty good for strep too. Japanese Knotweed Root is a very strong inhibitor of cytokine cascades initiated by bacteria. I do not use essential oils as the only treatment for Lyme but it might be a nice adjunct to therapy to herbals. Welcome to Every Home Remedy, where I share solutions for any health, household or beauty issue you might have. What is Japanese Knotweed? It's the only think I changed cr3ativegirl are you done with the abx protocol? Cryptolepis can treat persister and growing Lyme. She uses therapies, including homeopathy, botanical medicine, nutraceuticals, nutrition, counseling, and water therapy. Currently, doctors use antibiotics to treat it, but could plant-based remedies be more effective? Dr. Ross is licensed to practice medicine in Washington State (License: MD00033296) where he has treated thousands of Lyme disease patients inhis Seattle practice. Although not a deadly disease, Lyme can still cause a lot of problems if no or insufficient treatment is employed. Dr. Zhang and colleagues at Johns Hopkins University have shown methylene blue treats growing and persister states of Lyme. . I am so sorry. This allows the body to recover from the toxicity of some of the drugs while effectively killing the germ using high doses. Japanese Knotweed can be used in two forms, capsule and tincture. As an example, penicillins (like amoxicillin) and cephalosporins (like cefuroxime) only work outside of cells. Rule 2: Combine antibiotics to treat Lyme living outside and inside of cells. In this type of situation, it is possible that the antibiotics have pushed most of the remaining germs out of a growing state into a persister state. Grapefruit seed extract is better tolerated than both tinidazole and metronidazole and supports killing of Lyme cysts. The disulfiram is added here to treat persister Lyme. Parasites are most active around during the full so, if your child has an increase in symptoms that correlate with the moon cycles, you might want to consider Artemisia. Or are these items specifically for humans. Included in Dr. Rawls' Natural Herbal Protocol REFERENCES 1. Symptoms could present as an increase in neuropsychiatric symptoms or physical symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, pains, fever, chills headaches, anxiety, etc. but you can search by your area and look at the doctors that have Adult and Lyme both clicked on the choices. One regimen I offer is a Horowitz dapsone-persister regimen. I'd say my symptoms are 65% reduced. Similar to disulfiram, dapsone-based treatment is a harsh regimen with nearly 40 percent of people dropping out of treatment due to side effects. Antibiotics (Basel). What remains are body temperature dysregulation (get hot/sweaty and a mild fever), shortness of breath and leg cramps when I walk up stairs or a mild incline, headaches, nausea/GERD, pain on the bottom of my feet, weight loss, pain flares, and the consistent low mood. Insect vectors such as mosquito, are also believed to act as a host to the Lyme causing bacterium. Evaluation of in-vitro antibiotic susceptibility of different morphological forms of Borrelia burgdorferi. I'm on Flagyl, so I can't do any alcohol based tinctures. Here is a list of prescription medications shown in human experiments to help with persister Lyme. Used for centuries throughout Asia, Japanese Knotweed is beneficial for cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of cancer, improving cognitive function, lowering blood pressure, and healing metabolic syndrome3. This can be hard to give to cats. Have your child choose which one they want that day and apply it to their wrist. but they have all led to dead-ends. He is a member of the International Lyme and Associated Disease Society (ILADS), The Institute for Functional Medicine, and The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. In these vacuoles, Lyme germs create a hostile acidic environment that can limit the effectiveness of various antibiotics. Self care and love: Proper nutrition, exercise, meditation, quality sleep, prayer, fun ( even in a pandemic) with Lyme literate testing and support are key. All rights reserved. Expert Rev Anti-Infect Ther. There are four protocols for Lyme that I have had good success with. Knotweed is an herb. As a result, many Lyme-literate medical doctors (LLMDs), like myself, prescribe antibiotics based on theory and our collective observation. If a person also has Babesia, cryptolepis can treat this, too. Uses Of Japanese Knotweed. Refer to Finished? These were colloidal silver, monoglyceride monolaurin, and the antimicrobial peptide LL37 also found human immune cells. Please share how long any of the herbal protocols should ne used for? It is by no means comprehensive. What can I say, I'm jealousI'm actually having this one muscle tested on Thursday because I don't seem to tolerate it well. I cannot emphasize this point strongly enough. This is another example of how natural substances can be helpful for Lyme, even when in combination with antibiotics. I'm not sure what's going on with me. These are doxycycline, cefuroxime, and amoxicillin. Ill send the freshest remedies and contents straight to your inbox. This new study came out in February 2020. Effect of different drugs and drug combinations on killing stationary phase and biofilms recovered cells of Bartonella henselae in vitro. I recommend disulfiram-only regimens to people who have taken extensive numbers of antibiotics for a year or more of treatment and remain ill. Caution is advised if also taking anticoagulants because resveratrol has blood-thinning properties. 2020;9(12):868. doi:10.3390/antibiotics9120868(, Goc A, Rath M. The anti-Borreliae efficacy of phytochemicals and micronutrients: An update. Therefore, it is worth considering the addition of these natural substances with the use of doxycycline for a more comprehensive and effective antimicrobial action. If your mitochondria are not functioning well, then they are not able to help fight off infection well. I tend to start that way with a lot of our kids, especially with PANS/PANDAS or autism, as they tend to be very sensitive. I encourage everyone to look into the cell danger response that Bob Navieux has been working, which essentially shows that the mitochondria are important for the immune system. Woman 50 years old, just diagnosed with Borrelia Myiamotoi and Group af Relapsing Fever. It is considered to be the most effective herbal way to lower, or even eliminate Lyme disease and its symptoms. It can also be used to transform familiar recipes into exotic ones. Her focus will be on Herbals. Now, researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, MD, and from the California Center for Functional Medicine and Focus Health in Berkeley, have conducted a new study that has led them to believe that two specific plants may lead to more effective therapies against Lyme disease. Painsomnia: Getting A Good Night Sleep With Chronic Pain. doi:10.1177/2049936116655502(, Horowitz R, Freeman, PR. In two different studies in 2021, however, Dr. Zhang and colleagues have shown Cryptolepsis is effective at treating growing and persister forms of Bartonella and Lyme. But further preclinical studies and clinical trials will be required to establish evidence for effective treatment of Lyme disease patients., Co-author Jacob Leone, Ph.D., also acknowledges potential conflicts of interest, stating that he is the owner of two naturopathic medical practices, FOCUS Health Group and Door One Concierge, which [provide] treatment to patients with tick-borne diseases.. It is classified as an invasive species in several countries. The next is Burber Panella, part of the Cowden Protocol. Some other herbs or drugs can also be consumed along the knotweed to enhance the medication required for the proper removal of Lyme causing bacteria. Interaction of Flavones From the Roots of Scutellaria Baicalensis With the Benzodiazepine Site. They compared the results with those of two of the traditional drugs used against Lyme disease: doxycycline and cefuroxime. It is important not to mistake this for its cousin Skullcap lateriflora, which is popular for its sleep support. Use Japanese knotweed with caution with blood thinning medications and discontinue the use of the herb 10 days prior to surgery. Selective Essential Oils from Spice or Culinary Herbs Have High Activity against Stationary Phase and Biofilm Borrelia burgdorferi. A new study in animals finds that after antibiotic treatment, fragments of the bacteria that cause Lyme disease can remain and cause lingering. Both protocols are appropriate for chronic Lyme, have the same dosage, and can be used interchangeably. I use pretty often for my mycoplasma kiddos with pans or just active mycoplasma in general. It is so tenacious that it has been known to grow through solid masonry foundations, and its roots can penetrate up to 6 feet deep and spread as much as 65 feet. Resveratrol is the antioxidant in red wine that got a lot of good press. In the book, you recommend Japanese knotweed. Antibiotics (Basel). Continue treatment with antibiotics until you are well. Thanks Louisa. None of these substances has a significant effect on B. burgdorferi. They then reviewed which studies showed those herbs having benefits against Borrelia burgdorferi. So here was an article that looked at essential oils and herbs against the stationary forms, specifically the biofilms of Borrelia. Avoid in pregnancy. I'm using about 4 oz just to limit the amount I have to choke down. This is also a pulse-dose regimen (see below under Special Considerations). Dr. Wells has focused her practice on pediatric primary care and consultative care for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), PANS/PANDAS, other neurodevelopmental disorders, and various chronic illnesses. Dr. Zhang and colleagues have shown these oils are effective at treating growing and persister states of Lyme and Bartonella. Be careful when shopping because you want to make sure you are getting the correct one. This infectious disease is caused via the bite of an infected tick. In fact, just one 7-day treatment with 1% Ghanaian quinine extract was able to eradicate the bacterium in lab dishes. It is a nutrient found in iodized salt, seafood, or seaweed. Perhaps Japanese Knotweed works for Lyme because in some ways they have a similar temperament. All of these are important for Lyme because theres a lot of inflammation in the body when you have a chronic infection. With low G6PD there is a risk that your red blood cells will break apart. The stems can be sliced, steamed as a vegetable, used for soups, sauces, jam, etc. This then helps to carry the medicinal constituents of any treatments to those places. http://greendragonbotanicals.com/products/medicines/japanese-knotweed.html Now I've made a tincture that is a blend of cats claw and japanese knotwood. Aspire. Category : Blog, Featured on Homepage, Tick-Borne Illness. Spirochetes can morph into cysts and cysts into spirochetes. Any labs in Europe you can recommend? Effective treatments must use intracellular antibiotics to reach L-forms living inside cells. 2019;8(2):72. doi:10.3390/antibiotics8020072(, Ma X, Leone J, Schweig S, Zhang Y. Botanical medicines with activity against stationary phase Bartonella henselae. Follow:onTwitter, YouTube, andInstagram. This herbal medicine is traditionally used to treat Lyme, which Stephen Buhner recommends. Type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline: Is Tai chi more effective than walking? About 20% of patients will experience this. Important compound in Japanese Knotweed. Evidence assessments and guidelines recommendations in Lyme disease: The clinical management of known tick bites, erythema migrans rashes and persistent disease. One way to pulse is in a 4-day-on-and-3-day-off cycle. On average, it can take two years to recover for someone with chronic Lyme. He has all of the above bacteria, and inflammation through out his body , and also experiences chronic ringing in his ears about 8 or 9 out of ten. Japanese Knotweed is part of Buhner's bartonella protocol. Dr. Liegners research shows that when disulfiram is used as a solo antibiotic, 36 percent of people can enter a period of extended remission. 2011;4:97113. Therefore, in people who have failed years of antibiotics, without an active co-infection, I recommend a trial of disulfiram alone. Its active constituent is Artemisia. treats all growth phases of Lyme at the same time. we are planning to do doxycycline for 4 weeks with herbal on side (starting 1 drop and increasing) I so appreciate your response. See full profile:onLinkedIn It also has documented activity against the log phase spirochetes, as well as the stationary phase of borrelia burgdorferi. It also doesnt create a significant herx reaction/die-off reaction; it is well tolerated with good responses. Suggested dosage: 200-800 mg Japanese knotweed (standardized to 50% trans-resveratrol) two to three times daily. My German Shepherd has Lyme Disease. Lyme disease caused by such bacteria is a multi-system inflammatory disease that starts itself by affecting the skin first, and then spreads to central nervous system, joints, etc. There is some anecdotal evidence regarding Japanese knotweed and Lyme disease in dogs. For more information on this read Disulfiram. I started with 1 drop and slowly went up to 2 droppers full, 3 times a day. Also, look at the doctors list on the ILADS site. An effective treatment approach must address both forms. How much water? Borrelia burgdorferi Spirochetes can adapt and change their forms, including persister forms, L bacteria, round bodies, biofilm, and additional forms that protect themselves. (See. The most important health benefits of Japanese knotweed may include its ability to prevent and treat cognitive disorders, improve heart health, lower your risk of cancer, reduce gastrointestinal distress, lower blood pressure, maintain proper insulin levels, and many other unique benefits. The thought is that those who are more alkaline, so less acidic, tend to have less extreme herxheimer reactions or die-off reactions. I re-entered my symptoms into the Isabel symptom checker and lyme came out on top. The CDC estimates there are about 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease discovered each year in the United States. Some folks even take them together, for example; TONIC in morning and afternoon, CORE in the evening. It's believed to be useful in fighting off the spirochetes that cause Lyme, as well as providing anti-inflammatory properties by protecting the body . This article was comprehensive and thorough. One and 250 mg pill or five of the 62.5 mg pills equal 312.5 mg. You can even send a message about the hiccup, that would be awesome! Since it has anti-excitatory, it can be calming because it works specifically on the GABA receptor sites. Dapsone for Lyme Persisters. I did Japanese Knotweed in tincture form. Disulfiram does not have any benefit for Bartonella and is a very weak anti-Babesia agent. Maybe I got a bad batch, haha. Japanese Knotweed is very popular for treating Lyme. It's the only herb that can pass the blood brain barrier. It is primarily useful for cancer treatment because of its antioxidant nature but besides its conventional use it can also be used as an efficient measure against Lyme arthritis. Start at tsp 1 time a day and then increase after two weeks to tsp 3 times a day. Dosage and use. I initially used the one recommended by Buhner and would take 3 - 3x per day. Cryptolepis has the following properties: Artemisia annua (Sweet Wormwood) has been used medically for >2000 year. Do This to see what else to address if antibiotics are not working, or if you are at a plateau. I consider this dose nearly as effective as IV antibiotics. I got the Source Naturals brand. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):3798. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-59600-4(, Potula H-HSK, Shahryari J, Inayathullah M, Malkovskiy AV, Kim K-M, Rajadas J. Repurposing disulfiram (tetraethylthiuram disulfide) as a potential drug candidate against Borrelia burgdorferi in vitro and in vivo. I find either benzathine penicillin G (Bicillin LA) 1.2 million units given 3-4 times a week or high dose oral amoxicillin 500 mg 3-4 pills given 3 times a day is nearly as effective as IV antibiotic regimens. Many physicians have different ways of pulsing antibiotics. These include: Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed) is one of my favorite herbals for Lyme and Bartonella infections, A natural occurring constituent of Japanese Knotweed is, Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant that contributes to the anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and cardioprotective benefits of Japanese Knotweed, This herbal has documented activity against the log phase spirochetes and stationary phase of Borrelia burgdoferi, Shown to have anti-borrelial effects in vitro, Cryptolepis sanguinolenta has been used in traditional medicine for treatment of malaria, TB, hepatitis, and septicemia, It has been shown to have strong activity against the stationary form of Borrelia burgdorferi, This is one of my go-to herbals for Babesia (a common Co-Infection), I often include this herbal to treatment plans of children with PANS when their history includes strep, Lyme, and Babesia with great success. 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Freshest remedies and contents straight to your physician, including homeopathy, botanical,... Of JK 3-4 x daily, nutraceuticals, nutrition, counseling, water. Single agents alone any of the herb 10 days prior to surgery and Lyme both clicked on the receptor! Have had good success with sauces, jam, etc old, just one 7-day treatment with 1 drop increase.