multiplicative factors, each magnitude corresponds to a factor of the Suddenly one can decide what is the best way to measure the distance between two things and put it in terms of the most useful quantity. area of (4 x pi x d2). To calculate the 2-D distance between these two points, follow these steps: Working out the example by hand, you get: which is equal to approximately 11.6611.6611.66. Consists of a table of solar and lunar eclipses, showing the banding that represents the eclipse seasons that occur about twice a year. light energy. For this calculator, we focus only on the 2D distance (with the 1D included as a special case). These points are described by their coordinates in space. Then (x2x1)2(x_2 - x_1)^2(x2x1)2 in the distance equation corresponds to a2a^2a2 and (y2y1)2(y_2 - y_1)^2(y2y1)2 corresponds to b2b^2b2. Physical scale units can The Distance Modulus. Using the distance modulus calculator, the distance of the Hyades cluster is 41.7 parsecs. Simple animation shows the distribution of the speeds of gas particles. To calculate the distance between a point and a straight line we could go step by step (calculate the segment perpendicular to the line from the line to the point and the compute its length) or we could simply use this 'handy-dandy' equation: where the line is given by Ax+By+C=0Ax+By+C = 0Ax+By+C=0 and the point is defined by (x1,y1)(x_1, y_1)(x1,y1). is defined as the apparent magnitude of an object when seen at a distance of 10 parsecs. Suppose you are traveling between cities A and B, and the only stop is in city C, with a route A to B perpendicular to route B to C. We can determine the distance from A to B, and then, with the gas calculator, determine fuel cost, fuel used and cost per person while traveling. Demonstrates how the movement of a pulsar and planet around their common center of mass affects the timing of pulse arrivals. Supernovae Open up the Supernovae Light Curve Explorer . sun is intrinsically the dimmest! (R) - separation distance between the two objects. A parsec is defined as the distance at which an object has a 1-arcsecond stellar parallax. NAAP - Motions of the Sun - Sun Paths Page. This calculator accepts Omega(total), a value of the Hubble constant, Simulation showing daylight and nighttime regions on a flat map of Earth. The shortest distance from one point to another is not a straight line, because any line in this space is curved due to the intrinsic curvature of the space. smaller number. include GALEX FUV/NUV, SDSS ugriz, Johnson/Cousins UBVRI, UKIRT YJHK, and 2MASS while the second ones are called true distance moduli and denoted by For two identical light Demonstrates how the celestial sphere and horizon diagram are related. This calculator allows one to input a redshift (or a list of up to 20 redshifts), the Hubble constant, Omega(matter), Omega(Lambda) and a luminosity, returning the age of the Universe at redshift z, the look-back time to redshift z, the angular scale, the surface brightness factor, the observed flux, the effective distance modulus and the K . Ix = Iy = 200.96kgm2. Demonstrates the changing declination of the sun with a time-lapse movie, which shows how the shadow of a building changes over the course of a year. NAAP - Hydrogen Energy Levels - Level Abundances Page. Shows how the distance modulus formula combines apparent and absolute magnitudes to give the distance to a star. Suppose that two points, (x1,y1)(x_1, y_1)(x1,y1) and (x2,y2)(x_2, y_2)(x2,y2), are coordinates of the endpoints of the hypotenuse. Curator's email address: If a magnitude difference of 5 results in a factor of intensity of 100, then you'd take the 5th root of 100 to get the factor of intensity corresponding to a magnitude difference of 1. Its apparent . "The Hubble Space Telescope Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale. The following table gives values of d corresponding to different values of m - M. Copyright Las Cumbres Observatory. It is related to the distance All rights reserved. dA)2 for (IA / IB), we get, Now let's look at the special case when dA = 10 pc, so that No, wait, don't run away! (ideally, corrected from the effects of interstellar absorption) and the absolute magnitude You will see in the following sections how the concept of distance can be extended beyond length, in more than one sense that is the breakthrough behind Einstein's theory of relativity. In this video, I will explain how to do some stellar magnitude calculations including using the distance modulus. Figure 2. Since it is apparent magnitudes which are actually measured at a telescope, this way of looking at things serves to highlight the fact that many discussions about distances in astronomy are really discussions about the putative or derived absolute magnitudes of the distant objects being observed. The distance modulus is the difference between the apparent magnitude (ideally, corrected from the effects of interstellar absorption) and the absolute magnitude of an astronomical object. Formulae are organized in different tabs to the right as follows: Kepler's 3 rd Law formula T = (4 R)/ (G M) (M) - mass of the system . Alberto Cappi, Bologna. Demonstrates latitude and longitude with an interactive globe, providing an analogy to the celestial and horizon coordinate systems. Rewriting the equation as . Shows how the sun's most direct rays hit different parts of the earth as the seasons change. Thumbnails are available if you need to have your memory jogged. and lookback time, (2) the past and future horizon distances, (3) the Shows what Venus looks like through a telescope as the planets go around in their orbits. When the sun and moon are near the horizon, you Isolating The difference between the apparent magnitude (m) and the absolute magnitude (M) defines the distance to the object in parsecs. What is the approximate distance to a Type II Cepheid with an apparent magnitude of 12 and a pulsation period of 3 days? Daily and yearly motions of the sunlight pattern can be shown. 5 Another very strange feature of this space is that some parallel lines do actually meet at some point. It is easier than you think. Simulates the alignment of CCD frames and identifying the offsets so that objects are at overlying locations. If we stick with the geometrical definition of distance we still have to define what kind of space we are working in. and magnitudes are related. Illustrates how the movement of a star and its planet about their center of mass compares to a hammer thrower swinging a heavy metal ball. sources A and B at distances dA and The logarithm is base 10. , m - M, and 5 log ( d) - 5 are all what we call the distance modulus. for the terrestial and jovian planets, plus Pluto. However, you can extend the definition of distance to mean just the difference between two things, and then a world of possibilities opens up. Let's look at the apparent and absolute magnitudes of the Shows how sidereal time and the hour angle of a star are related. 2.5 = 2, so the intensities must differ by a factor of 2.512 squared, XX. Truth be told, this speed doesn't have to be constant as exemplified by accelerated motions such as that of a free fall under gravitational force, or the one that links stopping time and stopping distance via the breaking force and drag or, in very extreme cases, via the force of a car crash. Some examples to try. 420-424). Shows a rainfall and bucket analogy to CCD imaging. Taking the log of both sides we get, Recalling from the general rules for Solution: As we know that: Ix = Iy = 4 (radius)4. interstellar reddening. absolute magnitude is thus a measure of the intrinsic brightness of luminosity classes is beyond the scope of this lab. You can calculate the distance between a point and a straight line, the distance between two straight lines (they always have to be parallel), or the distance between points in space. To reiterate, each magnitude corresponds to a factor of 2.512 in Shows how obliquity (orbital tilt) is defined. star. M = Absolute magnitude of the star. I know, I know, 4 dimensions sounds scary, but you don't need to use that option. m {\displaystyle {(m-M)}_{v}} If we already know both Apparent and Absolute magnitudes, it is possible to calculate the distance to the star: Equation 63 - Distance Modulus solved for d. d = 10 0.2 (m - M + 5) Using Barnard's Star again, d = 10 0.2 (9.54-13.24+5) d = 10 0.26 d = 1.82 parsecs. Suppose you have two coordinates, (3,5)(3, 5)(3,5) and (9,15)(9, 15)(9,15), and you want to calculate the distance between them. spectral type and luminosity class of the star determine its absolute We often don't want to find just the distance between two points. You observe pc, we can rewrite the equation as, The quantity (m - M) is called the distance modulus. 32. Free Modulo calculator - find modulo of a division operation between two numbers step by step brighten the apparent magnitude to correct for the extinction. In this case the answer is: the line from the point that is perpendicular to the first line. Distance modulus. {\displaystyle \mu =m-M} This difference is called the distance modulus, m - M. Recall that apparent magnitude is a measure of how bright a star appears from Earth, at its "true distance," which we call D. Absolute magnitude is the magnitude the star would have if it were at a standard distance of 10 parsecs away. Please help me questions E and F An explanation of spectral types and Should B have a higher or a lower magnitude? Show a horizon diagram for a certain latitude and the bands (logcations) in the sky where the sun, moon, and planets can be found. We already have a value of m for every star that was plotted: in a color-magnitude diagram, it . The distance formula we have just seen is the standard Euclidean distance formula, but if you think about it, it can seem a bit limited.We often don't want to find just the distance between two points. You will have to rewrite the equation first. When it comes to calculating the distances between two point, you have the option of doing so in 1, 2, 3, or 4 dimensions. Demonstrates the correspondence between the moon's position in its orbit, its phase, and its position in an observer's sky at different times of day. The velocity and the moving time of an object you can calculate the distance: Harris-Benedict calculator uses one of the three most popular BMR formulas. Sun Motions Demonstrator, Motions of the Suns Simulator. celestial objects. the object. We will have to Denoting magnitudes by A draggable cursor allows determining the contained mass implied by the curve. However, we can try to give you some examples of other spaces that are commonly used and that might help you understand why Euclidean space is not the only space. This calculator allows one to input user-selected values of the Hubble Demonstrates the difference between a sidereal and synodic (solar) day, which arises from Earth's revolution around the sun. of light. In ideal circumstances, humans can see magnitude six (6) star. Helps demonstrate the difference between sidereal and solar time. The diagram to the right visually depicts the inverse square law and light. {\displaystyle M} Although the loss of one or two magnitudes Shows how the molecular mass, temperature, and escape speed determine whether a gas will remain gravitationally bound to a planet. When we talk about curved space we are talking about a very different space in terms of its intrinsic properties. If the distance modulus is negative, the object is closer than 10 parsecs, and its apparent magnitude is brighter than its absolute magnitude. ( Movement of the source or observer affects the frequency of the waves seen by the observer, demonstrating doppler shift. Link Stellar Velocity Calculator CA-Stellar Properties Shows how the distance to a star, its doppler shift, and its proper motion allow one to calculate the star's true space velocity. This way you can get acquainted with the distance formula and how to use it (as if this was the 1950's and the Internet was still not a thing). This formula is used in our calculator. That's the reason the formulas omit most of the subscripts since for parallel lines: A1=A2=AA_1=A_2=AA1=A2=A and B1=B2=BB_1=B_2=BB1=B2=B while in slope intercept form parallel lines are those for which m1=m2=mm_1=m_2=mm1=m2=m. This is an important factor contributing to the seasons. Calculator III directed to the original Web site creators. Sometimes we want to calculate the distance from a point to a line or to a circle. Shows how the luminosity of a star depends upon its surface temperature and radius. Description. Demonstrates how the inclination of the moon's orbit precludes eclipses most of the time, leading to distinct eclipse seasons. Star A is brighter, because its magnitude is a A plot of the rotational velocity of stars at varying distances from the center of the milky way. Shows the movement of the sun due to the gravitational pull of the planets. Use this improper fraction to mixed number calculator to convert quickly between these two fraction forms. Cet outil est capable de fournir le calcul Module d'lasticit d'un matriau de vaisseau cylindrique mince compte tenu du changement de diamtre avec la formule qui lui est associe. A few examples will help clarify the point. (This may be einiest aigng the voper nope of your Hyades graph, since the highest magnitude there is zere.) Demonstrates how the blackbody spectrum varies with temperature. For example the distance from the Earth to the Sun, or the distance from the Earth to the Moon. NAAP-Blackbody Curves and UBV Simulator - Spectral Types of Stars Page. This is so difficult that we need to use either scientific notation or light years, as a unit of distance for such long lengths. In this case, we need an assumption to allow such translation; namely the way of transport. Lets one calculate the sidereal period of the planet (P) from the synodic period (S), and vice versa. In the formula, subtract the values in the parentheses. Type Ia supernovae can be used to measure distances from about 1 Mpc to over 1000 Mpc. Square both quantities in the parentheses. It will be converted to a distance by computing the luminosity distance for this redshift given the cosmology specified by . magnitude will be derived in the next section. This simulator includes controls for investigating each of Kepler's laws. for various spectral models at X-ray energies. d Lesser stars had second order (2) and so on. The distance from A to B is the length of the straight line going from A to B. A subscript may be Which Suppose a light source has luminosity L(d) when observed from a distance of dimmer stars, the magnitude system was refined. Here, we have inadvertently risen a fascinating point, which is that we measure distances not in length but in time. Shows how a lightcurve is constructed from observations of an eclipsing binary system. However, the displacement is a vector with value and direction. Astronomers express the inverse square law effect with the distance modulus which is expressed in terms of magnitudes. ) This is still just one level of abstraction in which we simply remove the units of measurement. now substituting in: Find the square root of the result above. Thus, the distance modulus for this stars is (m - M) = 10.5 - 0.5 = 10, which corresponds to a distance of 1000 pc. To find the distance between two points we will use the distance formula: [(x - x) + (y - y)], If you think this is too much effort, you can simply use the Distance Calculator from Omni. log Shows how the distance to a star, its doppler shift, and its proper motion allow one to calculate the star's true space velocity. involved, we now have the explicit relationship between apparent A: First of all, think through the problem intuitively. You can also click on a . roughly 100 in light intensity. One method is to determine the distance to the star, There were no binoculars or telescopes in the time of Hipparchus. Estimate by how many magnitudes the stars should Since extinction Visual distance moduli are computed by calculating the difference between the observed apparent magnitude and some theoretical estimate of the absolute magnitude. {\displaystyle 5\log _{10}(d)-5=\mu } A movie showing the heating and eventual melting of a nail, and the theoretical blackbody curve produced in the process. Provides draggable earth and moon discs with shadows, which can be used to demonstrate how the umbral (complete) and penumbral (partial) shadows give rise to different types of eclipses. The Sun's apparent magnitude would be +7.8. the star? M is the absolute magnitude of the object. viewed through a V filter would have an extinction of AV = The NED Team has not fully validated any of these brightness, the light intensity is changing by multiplicative factors. By extending the concept of distance to mean something closer to difference, we can calculate the difference between two temperatures, or other related quantity like pressure. magnitudes are brighter, so we want to subtract AV from the The number of photons/rays going through each square is different depending on the distance of the square. For each point in 2D space, we need two coordinates that are unique to that point. Sidereal Time and Hour Angle Demonstrator. Demonstrates the celestial-equatorial (RA/dec) coordinate system, where declination and right ascension define an object's position on the celestial sphere. Astronomers often used the terms (5) the distance between two input redshifts. , we find that the distance (or, the luminosity distance) in parsecs is given by, The uncertainty in the distance in parsecs (d) can be computed from the uncertainty in the distance modulus () using, which is derived using standard error analysis.[1]. The V filter allows only light near Since this is a very special case, from now on we will talk only about distance in two dimensions. Without extinction, we have, Can you guess how this equation should be altered? How can we mathematically describe the relationship interact more strongly with dust particles. Let's also not confuse Euclidean space with multidimensional spaces. Distance of Shear Centre to Centroid (in both Z and Y Axis): The distance between the shear center and the centroid of a cross-section shape. . M Extrasolar Planet Radial Velocity Demonstrator. Demonstrates a method for determining moon phases using planes that bisect the earth and moon. The distance formula is. Demonstrates how different light sources and filters combine to determine an observed spectrum. There are many other objects that astronomers use with the distance modulus . Models the movements of the planets around the sun in a simplified Copernican model of the solar system. means that the difference in magnitudes must be 5. Part 3. co-moving distances from a user-specified redshift, deceleration z float. We can also convert to slope intercept for and obtain: for lines y=m1x+b1y=m_1x+b_1y=m1x+b1 and y=m2x+b2y=m_2x+b_2y=m2x+b2. When this ionized layer is close to the center of the star and hot it becomes very opaque to the flow of radiation and the radiation pressure pushes it outward. You can just use these upper and lower bounds to create an upper/lower bound for the distance modulus. The reason we've selected this is because it's very common in physics, in particular it is used in relativity theory, general relativity and even in relativistic quantum field theory. Once both apparent magnitude, m, and absolute magnitude, M are known we can simply substitute in to the distance-modulus formula (4.2) and rework it to give a value for d, the distance to the Cepheid. Which of these stars is intrinsically the brightest? If you are looking for the 3D distance between 2 points we encourage you to use our 3D distance calculator made specifically for that purpose. star is far enough away, we must take this dimming into account. This imposes restrictions on how to compute distances in some interesting geometrical instances. equations. When we measure the distance from a point to a line, the question becomes "Which of the many possible lines should I draw?". (Spectral The first example we present to you is a bit obscure, but we hope you can excuse us, as we're physicists, for starting with this very important type of space: Minkowski space. All material is Swinburne University of Technology except where indicated. intensity and magnitudes are related, we can determine how distances These distances are beyond imaginable for our ape-like brains. a logarithmic scale in base 1001/5 = 2.512. Savvy Calculator is a free online tool of calculations. In that case the whole section is divided in two parts, one in tension and one in compression, each under uniform stress field. In Figure 2, we can also use different values for absolute magnitude M and apparent magnitude m by dragging the horizontal bar. M magnitudes, and want to calculate the intensity ratio. starburst galaxies (non-AGNs) with z < 0.5., Cosmology as the distance squared. While you may perceive one star to be only a few times brighter than As a rule of thumb, the distance modulus is calculated by multiplying by five the logarithm of the ratio between the actual distance and a reference distance of 10 parsecs. kilometers or miles) via the pull-down menu. Thus, the distance modulus for this stars is (m - M) = 10.5 - 0.5 = 10, which corresponds to a distance of 1000 pc. magnitudes, and denoted by an upper case A. In most cases, you're probably talking about three dimensions or less, since that's all we can imagine without our brains exploding. is the difference between the apparent magnitude K-corrections applicable to quiescent ("red and dead"), star-forming, and Parsecs. Since a logarithmic scale is based on parameter and Hubble constant. Improve this question. Demonstrates how planet and moon phases depend on orbital geometry. will see in the last section, interstellar dust dims starlight. Demonstrates location and evolution of the stellar habitable zone, which is the region around a star where surface water may exist on a earth like planet. are dimmer than 5th magnitude. is based on the response of the human eye, it follows that the Extinction is stronger at shorter wavelengths, as shorter wavelengths The difference in magnitude between the observed and absolute magnitudes of an object can be used to determine its distance from the observer. Note that the average apparent magnitude is about 10.5. Now that we know how distance and intensity are related, and how CA-Telescopes and Astronomical Instruments. 100 (magnitude difference of 5), you'd get 100 as the factor of intensity, getting back to the original axiom. The SI unit of distance is the meter, abbreviated to "m". (T) - period of the orbit. Demonstrates the properties of a telescope, and how these vary with aperture and eyepiece selection. Curator's email address: Allows one to calculate the force of gravity acting on a variety of masses over a range of distances. difference of 5 magnitudes. It functions similarly to the Cluster . magnitude, absolute magnitude, and distance. types and luminosity classes are topics beyond the scope of this lab.) Presently the calculator uses only NAAP - The Rotating Sky - Bands in the Sky Page. Demonstrates latitude and longitude on an interactive flat map of the celestial sphere. Demonstrates how a star's luminosity depends on its temperature and radius. Allows determining the distance to a cluster by fitting the cluster's stars to the main sequence in an HR diagram. A Cepheid variable star has a period of 3.7 days, and from this we know its absolute magnitude is -3.1. It is the hypothetical apparent magnitude of an object at a standard luminosity distance of exactly 10.0 parsecs or about 32.6 light years from the observer, assuming no astronomical extinction of starlight. This is possible because of the inverse square law. magnitudes. Models the motions of two stars in orbit around each other, and the combined lightcurve they produce. Under the best observing conditions, the The luminosity distance D L is defined by the relationship between bolometric (ie, integrated over all frequencies) flux S and bolometric luminosity L: (19) It turns out that this is related to the transverse comoving distance and angular diameter distance by (20) (Weinberg 1972, pp. The revised equation is thus. Demonstrates the redshift of a galaxy due to the expansion of the universe, and the effect this shift has on the galaxy's brightness as observed through various filters. Surveys the electromagnetic spectrum, showing a typical astronomical image for different wavelengths of light and the kind of instrument that would take such an image. Secondly, if we know the spectral type and Take note of the magnitude effset betwees the tare graphs, since this is the distance modulus of the Hyades. The plastic section modulus is similar to the elastic one, but defined with the assumption of full plastic yielding of the cross section due to flexural bending. Provides a method of learning the correlation between the phase of the moon, the time of day, and the position of the moon in the sky. The supergiant main-sequence; extinction; Share. Cosmology An object with a distance modulus of 0 is exactly 10 parsecs away. 5. Identifying m1 as the apparent magnitude of the star and m2 as the absolute magnitude, the last equation becomes: The flux and luminosity of a star are related by: Substituting for F and F10, L cancels out (luminosity is an intrinsic property of the star and does not depend on the distance to the observer), and we have: Study Astronomy Online at Swinburne University At a brightness factor, the observed flux, the effective distance modulus and While the eye is perceiving linear steps in To find the distance to Rigel, first we calculate the distance modulus: m - M = 0.18 - (-6.7) = 6.88 This is a positive number, so the star is more than 10 parsecs away. at two different distances. The formula for the distance to a star based on it apparent and absolute magnitude is: Apparent Magnitude of a star (m) is an inverse indicator of the starts brightness, where a brighter the star will have a lower number for apparent magnitude. The following list contains the maximum apparent magnitude of major objects: The Absolute Magnitude of a star (M) is much more indicative on the size of the star and the amount of light being emitted. In this way, it gives a fair and balanced way to compare the light of stars. We do not want to bore you with mathematical definitions of what is a space and what makes the Euclidean space unique, since that would be too complicated to explain in a simple distance calculator. Shows how the sun, moon, and earth's rotation combine to create tides. = The most common meaning is the /1D space between two points. In this case, the triangle area is also redefined in terms of distance, since the area is a function of the height of the triangle. Star A and star B are both equally bright as seen from Earth, but A is 60 pc away while B is 15 pc away. The new values (m = 8.4; M = 5.3) still provide the same distance 41.7 parsecs. Introduces the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, a plot showing the relationship between luminosity and temperature for stars. Distance is not the only quantity relevant in determining the difference between absolute and apparent magnitude. are viewing them through more atmosphere than when they are overhead. distance of 10 pc. Shows planet formation temperature as a function of distance from the Sun. Demonstrates that the heliocentric and geocentric models are equivalent for predictive purposes when limited to circular orbits. general. The inverse-square law is then written like: which means that the apparent magnitude is the absolute magnitude plus the distance modulus. Red light passes through their apparent brightness. Shows how two factors important to life metallicity and extinction risk vary throughout the Milky Way Galaxy. Models the motion of a hypothetical planet that orbits the sun according to Kepler's laws of motion. Rewriting the equation as, and exponentiating both sides, we find that. This simulator also shows the perceived colors associated with the spectra shown. As the shell expands, there If we want to go even more ridiculous in comparison we can always think about a flight from New York to Sydney, which typically takes more than 20 h and it's merely over 16,000 km, and compare it with the size of the observable universe, which is about 46,600,000,000 light years! Therefore, we can find the distance to any star, if we know its apparent and absolute magnitudes. m The build-up of traffic behind a slow moving tractor provides an analogy to the density wave formation of spiral arms. Since we have no proper means of interplanetary traveling, let alone interstellar travels, let's focus for now on the actual Euclidean distance to some celestial objects. In the end, they calculate the distance, which is simple once we get the distance modulus. The extinction or reddening to an object is usually given in A Section Modulus Calculator to calculate the Section Modulus (Z) of a beam section; Calculate the Torsion Constant (J) of a beam section . Stellar Distance (d): The calculator returns the approximate distance to the star in parsecs ,light-years, and astronomical units However, this can be automatically converted to other distance units (e.g. m, intensities by I, and using subscripts A and The quantity (m - M) is called the distance modulus. The expression m - M is called the distance modulus and is a measure of distance to the object. Define what kind of space we are working in measure of distance we still to... Of abstraction in which we simply remove the units of measurement intensities distance modulus calculator differ by a of... Doppler shift and obtain: for lines y=m1x+b1y=m_1x+b_1y=m1x+b1 and y=m2x+b2y=m_2x+b_2y=m2x+b2 nope of your Hyades graph, the. 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Part 3. co-moving distances from a point to a distance modulus calculator we! To have your memory jogged of measurement pc, we can also use different values of d corresponding different... Atmosphere than when they are overhead imaginable for our ape-like brains are available if you need to that... And temperature for stars perceived colors associated with the spectra shown must differ a... Very different space in terms of magnitudes. by dragging the distance modulus calculator bar observe pc, find... Ape-Like brains sidereal distance modulus calculator solar time a fascinating point, which is simple once we get distance! Into account a simplified Copernican model of the inverse square law effect with the 1D included as function... About curved space we are working in distance modulus calculator the movements of the planet ( ). - Level Abundances Page a Telescope, and earth 's rotation combine to determine an observed spectrum star are.... 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