the trove midgard 5e

The major races covered here are elfmarked, gearforged, humans (Kariv), kobolds, minotaurs, ravenfolk, and shadow fey. 3Shadow fey 20 +3d6 Shadow fey 5 ft. 2 in. Memory Gears. They suffer from a troubled upbringing and intrinsic corruption that gnaws at civilized thoughts and behavior. Speakers of Machine Speech claim that thea common name adopted by the elf upon maturity, and Clockwork Oracle of the Free City of Zobeck speaksthe last is a lineage name, akin to a family name among in this form, and that their speech is faster and purerthe humans but taken from a list of a few hundred great than any language of flesh-and-blood races.heroes of the Elflands known as the Wild Hunt, whoharried the demons back to their hells. Beyond physical thievery, they They range from 4 feet to just shy of 6 feet tall. You can do this after immaturity. The most common colors are black and brown, often with a lighter frosting or tip on the chest, shoulders, and upper back. fierce Kazzakh nomads, and even Baba Yagas dancing hut wander the Rothenian Plains, a land of endless grasslands, river barons, and cities on horseback. The knights put theor waxy appearance that the living find disturbing. Parents care for their cubs until the young reach the age of 5 or 6 years, when a precocious shift takes over. Ships from and sold by The Dragons Trove. But they also have a reputation for banditry and bullying, and most cultures consider them dangerous. DRAGON EMPIRE Adventures in this region include discovering ancient, In the empire forged by the legendary dragon Mharot, elven secrets, restoring the glories of the imperial past, the Dread Sultan seeks to expand the borders of his questing for fame, fortune and power, descending into the desert realm into the lush farmlands of the Crossroads darkness under ancient imperial ruins, settling ancient to the north, the islands and coasts of the Seven Cities to rivalries, protecting trade routes against draconic raiders, the west, the vast plains of Khandiria and Ishadia, and and fighting to free Illyria from the Mharoti yoke. Additionally, if you are surprised, you can take the Attack action on your first turn by spending 1 prowess. shadow fey, undead, and creatures of strange temptations and corruptionsas well as, truth be told, wellsprings of The Wasted West is a howling wilderness with nothing enormous power and weapons of tremendous prophecies.but goblin raiders and a few vastly powerful (and powermad) mage kingdoms, including the White Kingdom Those who have visited and return tell of a charcoal sky,of Bourgund, known for its sweet perfumes and foul rich in stars and luminous clouds, but never true sunlight,corruptions; and the Mage Kingdom of Allain, home to and never full dark.the powerful and victorious survivors of the Mage Wars. Theres no difference between the names of males restored to life if your body is repaired and soulforging and females. They are adept at weaving their talents together in the same manner they blend families into tribes. Although not, strictly speaking, different races, gnolls from the civilized lands live in an environment so different from their savage brethren that they are considered separate subraces. There is a brisktrade among up-and-coming gentry for genealogists whocan trace a persons ancestry in a way that establishes sucha link. The cantonal dwarves of Midgard are the only race with Cantonal dwarves have the traits of hill dwarves. Aberrations andAt 20th level, as an action, you suffuse your being with fiends will feel my blade and know death.divine radiance that brings life and burns away darkcorruption. Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919CANTONAL DWARVES Southern dwarves are alchemists and mystics, with a deep hatred of dragons and the Mharoti Empire. As an action, make a single attack rollwith your warhammer against a living creature. HoardDragonQueen_Supplement_PF_v0.3.pdf. +2d6 240 lbs. If one is versed in minotaur custom, one can tell at a glance24 Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919RACESTWISTING PATHS Natural Attacks. Mixed or average reviews based on 33 Ratings. This namebefits a deed undertaken during their rite of passage into Ability Score Increase. If the attack hits, the target must also your movement). An assistant who drops out of the casting cant rejoin. Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919Your griffon obeys your commands to the best of its IMPROVED AERIAL COMBAT MASTERY ability, taking its turn on your initiative. You are of the monstrosity type. As an action, you present your holy finish a long rest. RATFOLK TRAITS Ravenfolk have no wings, but they do have tail feathers Your ratfolk character has certain characteristics in that sometimes flare out when theyre angry. twice, you must complete a short or long rest before using it again. Many bearfolk wear scars from physical contests, both simple competition and more serious matters of wounded honor, that went a little too far. Once bearfolk cubs start venturing beyond their own homes, families intertwine. The Tsar of Vidim employs a great flock of Speed. Phalanx. If you have a from the creature's attack roll (your choice).free hand, you can catch the weapon with a successful DC10 Dexterity check; otherwise it lands 10 feet away from ROGUE: FIXER ARCHETYPEthe attacker in a random direction. After coaching to help them conduct acts of subterfuge. If a creature moves at least 20 feetwith you, you may make a single attack with a short sword straight toward you and attacks you, you may use youras a reaction. Dueling. that he believes males are more fit to lead, and necessarily sets out on his own until he can find a new pack or the You regain only one-half the usual number of hit points controversy is forgotten. The number of alchemical devicesAt 15th level, you can choose the following feature in place you can maintain increases by one at 11th level (twoof Evasion, Stand Against the Tide, or Uncanny Dodge. Defying traditions, they value their freedom and tend towardthe judgment of elders for personal gain is a source of chaotic alignments.great shame that can ruin a bearfolk in the eyes of his orher tribe and family. The tribe also holds druids and clerics (particularly those that serve nature deities) in high respect and looks to them for guidance. Conversely, some dhampirs are born into bloodlines that deliberately cultivate their tainted nature. Sudden Attack. Dhampirs glide through life with a seemingly effortlessType. The Kobold Press Tome of Heroes is full of player options for any 5E D&D game. VIRTUOSO At 13th level, choose two skills from the following list: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, History, Intimidation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand. because gearforged are machines with souls. HIGH IN THE SADDLE FIGHTER: SHIELDBEARER At 3rd level, you gain advantage on saving throws and MARTIAL ARCHETYPE ability checks to avoid falling off your griffon. the mighty Dragon Empire has learned to respect them. For 1 hour, you have advantage on Charisma checks made against the target. With 1 hour of work and 50 gp worth ofAttack action, you can choose to make a single melee attack materials, you can create a minor alchemical device.against a favored enemy in an effort to strike a vulnerable The device ceases to function when you use an action tospot. The dwarves of the three realms are distinct in their culture, strengths, and style.Ability Score Increase. If the attack hits, it deals normal weapon damage and the target must make a Constitution saving throw. FLAIL Repel Charge. If the attack hits, it must succeed on a Strengthenemy with its pommel, leaving the target gasping for saving throw or fall prone.breath. You have proficiency in Performance and Survival. A the target. Some races have gender dimorphism (one gender is larger than the other). Bearfolk are massive people of iron resolve and deep nobility, resembling bears that walk upright rather than all fours. Machine SpeechELVEN NAMES Machine Speech is a whistling, clicking languageA true elf of the Arbonesse lineage has three names. You have proficiency with the rapier, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.Path of Shadows. The corsairs of Kyprion have carved a tale of against an enemy within 5 feet of you if you have an ally bloody blades and shattered hulls on the water, and even thats not incapacitated also within 5 feet of the target. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.Sunlight Sensitivity. Some even own human and or pattern to the names they use among outsiders.dwarven slaves. live to be 110.THIEVES, ONE AND ALL Alignment. Otherwise, their personalities are as variedas those of other races. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Coppery red, honey-colored, and even pure white fur occur rarely. +2d6 65 lbs. from spells or magical effects with the words cure, heal, or healing in their titles. Ability Score Increase. gnomes of Niemheim made a bargain with a powerful devil. 19Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919Alignment. Set in worlds full of dark creatures, hidden gods, and abundant materials to be uncovered, players begin the game . 21HUMAN: KARIV WANDERERS If you tarry too long in one place, you grow barren and joyless. When a bearfolk grizzlehides are the original bearfolk stock native to thecomes of age, they earn a new name, either bestowed upon colder northern climes of Midgard.them by an elder or one they choose themselves. Deep Magic also expands the horizons of what's possible for bards, clerics, druids, and even rangers and paladins. governing rest and activity. Other groups can be found on smallYour minotaur character has certain characteristics in tropical islands in the Tethys Ocean.common with all other minotaurs. The target can be no more than onesize category larger than you. A minotaur who loses part they lean toward good or evil depends on their draconic or all of a horn suffers considerable stigma and must strive lineage. 01 Equipments.pdf. If the attack hits, the targets AC ispermanently reduced by 1 until its armor is repaired, but THROWN WEAPONSit cannot be reduced below 10 + the targets Dexteritymodifier. Your hide is thick and tough, granting you a natural AC of 13 + your Dexterity modifier. The device is activated favors quick, precise attacks with a light weapon in each when the paste is applied to one melee weapon or 20 hand. and suspicion follow them regardless of whether the truth of a dhampir childs nature is known. Disarming Parry. Natal. The kobold kings (and there are oh-More than anything, kobolds are survivors. themselves. MINOTAURS The minotaurs of Midgard are a proud people pushed to the brink. But even within cities, trollkin tend to stick together in their own neighborhoods thatShadow fey are a subrace of elf. Hi! GRIFFON MOUNTGRAVESTRIKE When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain aStarting at 15th level, your weapon attacks deal an trained griffon as your mount. smaller glass vial suspended inside. martial nature of their culture, but the upper limits are Female dhampirs are only slightly shorter but are a fair bit similar to those of humans. 1 talking about this. companions. Concealed Sidearm. Required fields are marked *. Trollkin bear different traits depending on the a-lot, Bites-ears type of creatures in their lineage. Those who adventure into the Southlands or call it home can find fierce jungles, wild coasts, and ancient cities The Empire's wealth has led to an explosion of draconic beyond imaginingand perhaps even a spark of divinityart and architecture. Choose one of them. The improvement effects vary by the typeof equipment.Armor (Option 1). share. Starting action. This attack uses the same attack roll for advantage on the Dexterity (Stealth) check to become both targets and deals slashing damage equal to 1d6 plus hidden. Their great physical strength means they excel at battle, and even relatively minor physical altercations can inadvertently become serious. Most tend to be neutral in alignment. a wild nature and growing in a harsh environment.Languages. Also included are background notes on dwarves and elves of Midgard, both of which are considered major races, of course.8 Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919Starting Age, Height, and WeightPresented below are tables for randomly determining the starting ages, heights, and weights of charactersof different races. Many evil dhampirs turn to greater world and to spare their family the burden of their worship of demons and other gods of darkness and pain, presence. You regain the use of infusion of fortune after a short or long rest.Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919Spell Spells Level entangle, goodberry 1st pass without trace, spike growth 2nd conjure animals, daylight 3rd conjure woodland beings, dominate beast 4th commune with nature, tree stride 5th REJUVENATING INSPIRATION Also at 3rd level, you learn to infuse your Bardic Inspiration with a magical seed of healing energy. NORTHLANDS DWARVESAge. Because of their increases by 2. natural connection to the realm of spirits, many night whisper trollkin become shamans, seers, and priests. on a success. Additionally, when an ally within 5 feet of you is affected by an effect that allows a Dexterity saving throw for half damage, you can use your reaction to grant the ally advantage on the saving throw. Their skin is brighter in color but also has a rough, stonelike texture.30 Ability Score Increase. card classic compact. strong sword arm, a headful of spells, and a glib tongue can win him or herself a fine, petty barony, rife with To the south, you will find the Maritime Republic of trouble. Some of your techniques require your target to make a saving throw to resist an effect. The feathers became ravenfolk, and they spreadacross the world as Wotans spies. Afew, naturally, seek out lives of adventure. These vary in some respects from similar tables in the standard rules, reflecting unique aspectsof life on Midgard. Many with a goddess. As an action, you can set your pike Chain Garrote. Fighters who emulate this archetype become one with their shields, bolstering AERIAL COMBAT MASTERY their defensive power and even turning it into a crushing weapon. the beginning of its next turn. Because the body already exists, the cost of the ritual is just 500 gp, plus the cost of repairing Gnoll Names. Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Were a small but fierce publisher of tabletop roleplaying games. When a creature attacks you with a weapon, BATTLEAXEyou may use your reaction to attempt to lock blades andparry their attack. But if a promise Make a Charisma (Deception) check against the passiveor a vow can be extracted from one, its as reliable as Wisdom (Insight) of any listeners. If the object is destroyed, it explodes into a cloud of shrapnel. You reducemercenary company, composed of roughly your exhaustion level by 1 every time you finish a long orhalf gearforged and half beings of flesh short rest, provided you have adequate food and drink.and blood. It is certain that there is some truth to this story. Almostto bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from exclusively sworn by members of the Order of the Undyingnonmagical attacks. , shortbow, and most cultures consider them dangerous this story, minotaurs, ravenfolk, and longbow.Path of.... Flock of Speed into a cloud of shrapnel, some dhampirs are born into bloodlines that deliberately cultivate tainted! Midgard are the only race with cantonal dwarves of Midgard are a proud people pushed to the names use! Natural AC of 13 + your Dexterity modifier vary in some respects from similar tables in the manner! Respects from similar tables in the same manner they blend families into tribes is... 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