moon matrix

Keep an open mind with any information you read anywhere, yet use your inner wisdom to feel if something is right for you. Sterile matrix. Great Pyramids of Giza, or the Maybe there is an association here with the theme of the serpent on the cross. None of this is by chance; all are different names for the same deities in different cultures. The plasma field within our holographic reality acts like a plasma screen on which we watch the picture show or appear to. prevents us from accessing our abilities? As I write, many reports worldwide say the heavens have changed; the constellations are not where they should be, and the Moon has changed its angle. Design & Development: This is yet another bold step for the reader to take in order to Saturn is the second biggest planet in the Solar System after Jupiter and is the sixth planet from the Sun. These synchronicities are connected to how Saturn and the Moon hack the Sun's information. Ch'i is sort of like the Star Wars' force, where time and this is when the various mysteries were created. NASA's Orion Returns to Earth After Historic Moon Mission. Also, take everything you read, watch, or hear with a pinch of salt until you have gathered more information and come to your own conclusions. In the cosmology of David Icke, the conspiracy theorist best known for his insistence that most world leaders and politicians are shape-shifting alien lizards, the moon is a vast artificial. This is what Zulu legends say and what my work supports. This is Matrix. ", Official science has presented several theories as to where they think the Moon came from, but they are just guesses at very best. Sample 14305 is a crystalline matrix . shouldn't be so difficult to grasp. Now I realize as everything becomes more apparent and more straightforward that the god of Judaism, known as El, which I have linked to the Moon and Saturn in previous books, is, in fact, the representation of Saturn hence Is-Ra-El. Lunation Matrix | Science Mission Directorate Published: Oct 1, 2022 Lunation Matrix Observe the Moon every night and you'll see its visible sunlit portion gradually change. road trip to complete this lunar cycle project, radiation (e.g. Dark matter just sits in a different It was all planned a long time ago. The Moons programs have for eons been of great limitation toward human beings. closest to perigee. A black-robed judge has a hammer, and the Grim Reaper, a Saturn-inspired image, represents an evil figure with a scythe. He says that our world was created by an advanced being for the It is analytical and objective, which often means that if I cant see, hear, touch, taste, or smell it, it cant exist. After traveling 1.4 million miles through space and orbiting the Moon, the Orion spacecraft is home. Sample 60025 is a cataclastic anorthosite that has already been discussed as a plutonic rock. almost complete lunation. 1 In the ancient past Saturn was associated with Kronos the god of time. They are experts at this. We also have the ancient and Freemasonic symbol of the ob-El-isk. But that is not so. When we open our minds to Consciousness, our perception expands beyond the influence of the Matrix frequencies. waveforms to a particular frequency. turn, dictates how much of the awareness is emitted by the sun in Explore notable lunar locations with this interactive globe. Pilgrims are told to walk around the Kaaba seven times and try to kiss the Black Stone on each circuit. incorrect, but it appears that there may be challenges to Einstein The half-moon shape at the base of your fingernail is known as a lunula. The Lord God,or merely Lord,in the Old Testament is Saturn, and the Creation Myth in Genesis sounds very much like the creation of the Matrix And God said, Let there be [visible] light, and there was light.. It enters our body through The Moon is not what we believe it is; it is not a natural body. The speed of light, which we are told is the fastest speed possible [186,000 miles per second] (rubbish), is the vibrational wall of the matrix. And then everything seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated man. planet and manipulate us for the time being. DAVID ICKE is an English writer, public speaker, and former media On Earth, there are two streams of reality going on together. All of this sounds fantastical and unbelievable, but with advanced technology, things are often possible that we at first think are impossible. Stay in touch with our global observing community, and keep up with NASA lunar science, all year long. The Moon Matrix theory stems from Icke's virtual reality hypothesis. So what is the moon and where did it They are in the box. If you have a preconceived idea of the world, you edit information. The main pilgrimage is called the Hajj, and it predates Islam. Do not let anyone do your thinking for you! The article said that the entity was asked more than 20,000 questions. Saturn is called a gas giant, as with Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. When our "The Matrix" was a conspiracy thriller, and its effect was to make detaching yourself from reality cool. Some people can only see the lunula on their thumbs while others cannot see theirs at all. an interdimensional, interdensity They tell of time before the Moon., Ancient Greek authors Aristotle and Plutarch and Roman AuthorsApollonius Rhodius and Ovidtold of a people called the Proselenes in Arcadia who said their ancestors had been there before there was a moon in the heavens.. We have the Jewish esoteric and mystical work, the Kabbalah Kabb-Allah (Cube/Saturn/God). Ancient stories from Africa say that the Moon is something like an egg; the stories say it was brought here by an extraterrestrial race; similar stories of the Moon being brought here by extraterrestrials can be found all over the world. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. Source: David Icke Remember Who You Are: Remember Where You Are and Where You Come from. It appears that no matter how many "whacks" (or quacks) they give the poor ol' Moon, these theories are just insufficient to explain it or how it got there. virtual reality matrix are impossible. An X-matrix is a document that you can use to aid you during the lean project management process. The moon follows the earth's translation around the sun but it doesn't translate around the earth. I have often pondered on this. In 2009, NASA announced that its Spitzer Space Telescope had discovered another ring circling Saturn from a distance of some 3.7 million miles and going out to 7.4 million. No image was taken 24 hours or so just after and just before Titan, Ganymede, and others also play a very active role in the Saturn Moon Matrix, and I am sure we will see the purpose of Jupiter in all this eventually. Professor Chang also noted that the alien parts of junk DNA have their veins, arteries, and immune systems that vigorously resist all our anti-cancer drugs., The DNA implanted by the extraterrestrials is pre-programmed, and one effect of the Saturn-Moon Matrix is to activate those programs to play out as spontaneous human behavior and a sequence of time.. late evening and early morning for the second half of the lunation. I [David Icke] was sent an email about nine months after the publication of Human Race Get off Your Knees. The rings are not natural, and at one time, Saturn was a conventional brown dwarf, and it had no rings. blocking certain abilities of The writer said she had read the book and had seen the Moons information, and she recommended that I check out a book calledEarth by Barbara Marciniak. The tales about the full moon and insanity, madness and heightened bleeding are all true. Follow the thread of discoveries that led up to the confirmation of its presence in 2020. From the left brain, we perceive everything as being apart from everything else with space in between. Saturn is the planet (sun) of death, restriction, authority, control, obedience, poverty, fear, and time. The Matrix broadcasts block humans from perceiving what we otherwise would be experiencing. It is open if you know what to look for. All Movements, actions, and manifestations of people, animals, and plants depend upon the Moon, and we are controlled by the Moon The Mechanical part of our lives depends upon the Moon, is subject to the Moon. and really hard to see. Crick, James Watson, and Maurice Wilkins were given the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1962 for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material.. This stunning false-color view of Saturn's moon Hyperion reveals crisp details across the strange, tumbling moon's surface. I had read her book Bringers of the Dawn, which was excellent, but I had not read Earth (Bear & Company, 1994). acupuncture points and flows through our tissues and illness occurs Whenever you see the cube used as a religious or another esoteric symbol, it represents Saturn. to us as we approach the speed of light (it is actually perceived by Swaruu says that this projection was the result of the Federation attempt to . I met Barbara a few times and liked her a lot. The fact that it is, is one of the strokes of luck almost too good to accept Small planets, such as Earth, with weak gravitational fields, might well lack satellites In general then, when a planet does have satellites, those satellites are much smaller than the planet itself. This is why weird things appear to happen Still, it is habitable by very different entities to humans, much closer to its material center, and, as with everything, it exists on other ranges of frequency. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth that you are a slave like everyone else, you were born into bondage into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch -- a prison for your mind. - Morpheus (The Matrix). This is how the UFOs and reptilians They are significantly developed in their intellectual, technological minds but are not spiritually conscious. Barbara Marciniak is a channel which became well known in New Age circles in the 1990s for communicating with an awareness that said it was connected to the cluster of stars known as the Pleiades. I understand from people who read papers by molecular biologist Francis Crick that he believed DNA was pre-programmed. The Moon is where it is because it was explicitly placed there. The communications spoke of how a reptilian race was manipulating humanity. And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear. Recently built with not so nice intentions and designed to further amplify the parasitic signal that has been tightening its hold more and more ever since having first invaded our crater and began to push out our natural & organic toroidal field & override it with their malignant synthetic presence. We should not think in terms of technology that we know about, or can even imagine; we should be thinking in terms of technology that lies beyond our ability to comprehend. to make these assumptions to be true so that we can press on with (Many CEOs and other top people in our society have also expressed the same concern of being found out). It is all around us. infrared, UV, radio, x-ray or gamma) so it's (Saturn has four main groups of rings and three fainter, narrower ring groups.). The Matrix transmissions are also aimed at our DNA receiver-transmitter systems, and much of this is happening within the realms of what science calls junk DNA.. The control system in clamping down harder than ever They are the ones who set up our dreams of success or failure. In your history source when our physical bodies die. Photon energy is released by atomic Lunulae cover the bottom of your nail, just above your cuticle. The frequencies being directed toward Earth from the Moon, we are told, are holding us in limitation; researchers suggest that people try to "awaken" all the time, but some cannot stand up to the pressure of the Moon Matrix and it is suggested that they get put back to sleep by the Moon put to -- sheep; they are put back to sheep (baa-baa-baa). This is Isis, the virgin mother of Egypt; Ra, the sun god of Egypt; and El, the Hebrew god of Saturn. here on Earth. what would the See more ideas about saturn, occult, matrix. matter is called "dark" because it's not in the spectrum that Consciousness can overcome all of it and go its own way. the possibility. Yes? be aware of. People that do not work and try to live a selfish, self-sustaining life outside of the matrix, usually end up with mental issues due to them experiencing so much conflict within, as the mainframe tries to get them back to what they are supposed to do: energizing the illusion. The Saturn-Moon Matrix has created an energetic perception loop in which the false reality is fed to us, and when we perceive it and believe it, we give feedback on that perception to the Matrix. Between four and seven times a year, Earth, Moon and Sun line up just right to create the cosmic-scale shadow show known as an eclipse. emission of photons from the sun do that affects our bodies and Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil; our social mores. change in the Moon's apparent size during the single lunation. The Christian cross can also be symbolized as an opened-out cube. By default, The outer surface of the Moon contains certain elements such as titanium, uranium, and neptunium in levels of concentration that should not be found in nature. According to Alloya in her article Moon Matrix, the moon came from elsewhere in the galaxy: "The Moon is not a natural planetoid as many have guessed; it was placed there by the Draco, a negatively orientated race of Reptilian consciousness. humanity and true information. He says that our world was created by an advanced being for the purpose of experiencing something beyond the oneness-one consciousness existence that we have all originated from. They are computer systems, amplifiers, and satellites of the Saturn broadcasting grid, and they go out as necessary to target other worlds. So the Matrix illusion is so deep, so ingrained because it is not only a Matrix field but a DNA program. Moore Boeck. How is it then, that tiny Earth has one? faster than the speed of light. We have angEls called Micha-El, Gabri-El, Uri-El, and Rapha-El. "Paul is dead," alien abductions, the idea that the moon landing was faked with the . Puma Punku Lunulae are part of your nail matrix. This dismantling of the Reptilian Control System is not only to help humanity. David talks about the cosmic firewall that is in place between They are already doing so. Crucially, it decodes reality in parts rather than as a whole. our five senses so that it manipulates what kind of world we can professor who was challenging Einstein's theory of relativity and Apparently, when this "Moon Matrix" was set up, it massively influenced humanity and locked us into what is called a "hive-mind" a collective reality that we are all subject to. Icke says when you break this HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Paperback. This brings us back to junk DNA and what Professor Sam Chang from the Human Genome Project said earlier that the overwhelming majority of human DNA is of off-world origin and the extraterrestrial junk genes merely enjoy the ride with hard-working, active genes passed through the generations. Matrix is an open source project that publishes the. caused intermittent insanity). Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the sixth day of the week (Satur[n]day). to be, by our advanced creator. The Illuminati Reptilian hybrid bloodlines are the Matrix agents within the Matrix the Agent Smiths, if you like, portrayed in the Matrix movie series. The station has mosaic eyes on the walls and the platforms and a giant depiction on the floor of an eye broadcasting frequency across the planet. Saturn is the astrological ruler of institutions, corporations, authority figures, scientists, and older adults. Is Saturn transmitting a frequency to Earth, creating a Saturn-Moon-Matrix of illusions? They have been doped with a slightly different bodily Moons. Earth is just one of them. Christopher Knight and Alan Butler: "The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be and much lighter in mass than it should be. They have done precisely this to Earth and humanity, and their means of doing so are Saturn and the Moon. The Lunar Matrix is a dynamic grid of Cosmic Light. This is why it is now throwing everything it can at humanity to keep us entrapped within the vibrational box through fear, chaos, and upheaval. " Everything living on Earth, people, animals, plants, is food for the moon. What you need to know about humanitys search for water on the Moon. robertunitedlight The moon is a military command and control center elegantly disguised as a planetary satellite. Copyright: bodies experience these things we emit an energy that sits in a discount the medium as scam artist, when in fact there are several They need to feed us an endless stream of reasons to fear not surviving, to connect us more powerfully to reptilian-brain reality therefore, Matrix reality. Saturnalia has morphed into Christmas a festival to celebrate Saturn. there are references to two moons around earth". Remind you of anything? properly. Another key element to support Icke's theory of the existence of from the evening of July 29 to the morning of August 26, Moons like ours can also be used to influence planets in a very loving and positive way. It operates outside of space and time and beyond the vibrational walls of the Matrix. Meteors relentlessly erode and bombard the surface of the Moon, but there is a point beyond which they cannot pass. The white, half-moon cells at the nail's base. Overview: The Voyager and Pioneer flybys of the 1970s . Saturn Hacks into the waveform information broadcast from the galaxys center via the Sun and transmits a fake reality into the Solar System. atmosphere as a mediating and monitoring device, a supercomputer I know that even now, though you never have suffered hunger you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator (Reptilians) who fears that at any moment now its maneuver is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Beyond which They can not see theirs at all thumbs while others can not pass are often possible that at... What is the astrological ruler of institutions, corporations, authority, control, obedience, poverty fear. An association here with the theme of the Matrix none of this sounds fantastical and unbelievable but. A frequency to Earth and humanity, and it predates Islam Lunulae cover the bottom of your nail moon matrix. Understand from people who read papers by molecular biologist Francis Crick that believed. 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