invisible cat walking on my bed

It is a strange feeling. I woke up when i felt the cats and looked at time, fell asleep and then cats were back and this time felt like the mice on forehead and i looked at the clock. It was after I realized that I was doing something out of the ordinary that I could no longer do it. I know reading that Im not the only one, helped me find a silver lining in an odd situation. It felt way heavier than cat. Sometimes it even feels like the cat is padding me or the quilt and I can feel the full weight of the cat on me or the bed. The * * * ONLY * * * thing that works is to start praising God the moment they appear. I reacted as though I was being attacked and I felt something retreat. Thanks for sharing your story, Bekki. I help to know its not just me. Again I would like to think of all of these experiences as people and animals who watching over me, because they know how much I love and miss them. I was also getting super and cold that night. It is entirely something else. I have come to a conclusion that what I am seeing id hell walking on Earth. Im generally of the mind that 99.9% of strange things have a totally logical explanation. You will be amazed at what starts changing! Good luck to all. What is this animal? My door was closed so she couldnt have gotten in the room. I was very curious and interested although sometime I felt a little afraid LC_Beta ( 1883) Great Answer ( 1 ) Flag as Thanks, Opa. Ive even called for my cat after feeling it or looked to see which it was before only to find out no one is there. Ive only experienced this since my beloved cat passed away a couple of months ago. I know its a false sense of security, but whatever works. He would step on my hair an pull it. Id like to know if more than one person can feel these creatures at the same time. Maybe 2-3 times a week? This experience will be with me forever. 5. For almost a year,I have felt the crawling/ footsteps of a cat on my bed. I also found a picture I took with a young boy standing in the woods looking at my friend and I. My experience started only a few months ago and up to this point I had been fine with it. I was finally going to give it another shot when all of that ensued again. For the life of me I too dont have a clue what it is but I know as a fact that it is NOT evil because if it were we would had been afraid of its presence. I just saw a dream , my College campus is 100 years old , and infested with cats . That was usually the time I would leave the room (and go sleep at our lake house). After the cat walks started, I tried to ignore it. and sometimsei swear its a human being walking on my bed. The first light on the left comes on when the unit is powered. Thrn i was awake between 1am and 4 am just reading on my phone and heard a sound in my room. Except for the damn cats. I was always the last one to go to bed after finishing homework. The good thing is that you are aware of it, accept it and take your meds. It started around 2007 for me. I was in my reclining chair, and when I looked up from what I was doing I saw a dark cat running toward the chair. Oh, Jane Im so sorry about your husband and for all of your loss. In another case, Reddit user beemcnee described her bizarre experience with a random ghost cat that seemingly glitched into existence, only to disappear just as quickly. Flea eggs are tiny and opaque white or almost colorless. Youre welcome, Rob. These are also times when Im in bed that I also hear what sounds like voices speaking and I cant understand what theyre saying. Yes!!! It is good to have a feather to move the smoke away from the person or object that is being cleansed. Well the following morning there was a diarrhea stain on the under pad and it was fresh, not only that, beside it was a urine wet spot. See if that makes a difference. I thought maybe it seemed to feel that way, but nothing made sense. For a while, I honestly thought I was in the beginning stages of schizophrenia. Im so sorry. I had written another article on this subject on a different blog. I havent felt the walking lately, but I still feel the jolt of it jumping on the bed. Ha Ha The hair playing was going on too.felt like spider,,,,but I hadnt had the other things happening yet.I finally realized that the things biting or pecking at me are one and the same. Also the string was becoming taut which could only happen if the other end of the string was being held by something or it had hung up on something. But I want to know what it means. raw girls gone naked on the streets of key west florida. We certainly cant all be imagining things. I know that its scary and frustrating. I have concluded that the problem is physical,tho I cant explain how it works,I now believe this has been my problem all along. Hundreds of people have steadily responded to my article. Except it wasnt the cat and my Continue this until you get to the top of your head. P.S He is here now! He was too scared to do anything but continue to watch. Anyway, since his passing Ive experienced what feels EXACTLY like him jumping on the bed and even making his spot comfy (sorta walking in circles) than plopping down to spoon my butt. Renouncing them in Jesus name works at times but they or it seems to always wind up back in my bed. Ive tried so many things to get rid of them and the only thing I find that works is vibration. Stage of your sleep and at this point its when you start dreaming because your brain is active. I feel it down toward the foot of the bed. My cat is not even in my room when this happens either, I talked to doctors it the look at me like Im crazy. Learn how your comment data is processed. Thanks for sharing your experiences. With both of my babys. I hope it doesnt trouble you the way it has me. Thank you for letting me know Im not crazy. I do not think it is a cat. As soon as I felt IT touch the pillow, the second light on the K-2 illuminated, but immediately went off, as if the light coming on scared IT. Im not sure, but I havent had any more issues. On one occasion I was awoken by a demanding shout of Its happening in my ear to find out somebody was trying to break into our house via the back door which was directly underneath where my bed was positioned in the bedroom. At times it feels as if a 250 person sits on end of the bed. Then I feel something, it feels like a cat, jump onto my bed and walk up towards me. I would like to think that it was a guardian angel. My pet dog used to do that at night. A long time ago I had the feeling of someone sitting on my bed every night. But Ill have to live with it, same as Paul did. At that point I was still in bed, but suddenly felt that unmistakable sensation of something running across my legs.and that was it. My husband and I sleep in separate rooms he gets up for work before 3am and I have fibromyalgia so it just works out better for us. Their eyes stand out the most. It followed me everywhere I slept. My ex wife never really believed in any type of supernatural abilitys untill I had an experience that she was directly involved in. Like Ive told others, I dont think that you have anything to worry about. I visually lined up the bedpost with something on the wall to make sure that it was really shaking and not just my imagination. I had a new problem last night. He was dressed in early 20th century clothing. WebModern Cat Furniture Modular, wall-mounted cat furniture designed to encourage cats to live healthier lives. I feel the same thing. For a while it was nearly a nightly experience. It is very frustrating to not have proof! I need help so badly. It sounds funny, but I also sleep with a small light on. This was my second experience feeling an invisible cat near me or on me. I remember a while back that my bed would feel like it vibrated very slightly. A furry animal. However, there was no denying it was the outline of a black cat! That's the case with many cats that fear objects like plastic grocery or garbage bags. That was years ago at another house. Ive had it happen lately too. I was just about to fall asleep and felt something light jump on the bed. I woke up in the reclining chair in the basement and saw a dark colored cat moving quickly toward the chair. I feel it starting out by walking on my feet then it walks up my bed on my left side by my leg and tries to walk on me, but I shake the sheets before it gets on top of me. The only one that can help is God and claiming the blood of Christ that was shed on the cross! Sometimes it sounds like a mass of people all speaking at once like theyre in a crowd. There was no possible way I could have heard any of this conversation. Even though I havent had any bed visitations for the past three weeks or so, around 6am this morning I had a new experience: I heard what sounded like an animal panting. Being an unusual sound to hear so early in the morning and not hearing this before unnerved me causing my heart to beat a bit faster. I think my cats sense their presence, and I think they guard me. I also live next to an old folks home where many people come to die so I have always believed and had dreams of ghosts my whole life very vivid scary dreams a few supernatural things have happend over the years but nothing like this. This time it stopped at my chest, fearing the worse, i felt it weaken. I can relate to most of the stories here about the lightness of the walking, it almost feels as if it could be a cat, but I never feel it just jump up on the bed or on to the just appears. I prayed outloud to god to help it find its way it was gone for 3 days then returned..I believe in supernatural things in my mind I believe some people have a gift and can see things others cant being a pschizo you have many weird experiences its like daydreaming or dreaming these other realities I have felt like dejavue like I dream the future but most the time I dont realize it till Its happening like an after thought I have voices that talk to me when im in an episode sometimes they come thru as people I know or famous people talking to me but thats my pschizophrenia this is not an episode amd im kinda tired of waking up to these ghost entities I already have insomnia and now this sometimes they are really active and I get irritated to the point I am restless and cant sleep at all not good when you have to work that next day. Kim, no I dont have night terrors or sleep paralysis. Thats very scary, Monique. Or, my other theory was that I was in that perfect place between awake and asleep where I was more susceptible to the dream world than reality But, Ive had THAT dream where I think Im wide awake, laying on my back staring at my ceiling, but for the life of me cant get up or scream. I was very scared at first, and I understand. I was having an afternoon nap and felt a jolt in my middle back in the centre of my spine. . It was almost as solid as a real cat but something was different about it. My mother is psychic and used to do it professionally and the gift has also been passed onto me but a lot of times I try to shut it out. So i did and went back to sleep. Youre right beside me is the first time I heard it. Belinda every single thing you said is what I felt last night. IT finally gave up and got off the bed. Tell that to small breed dogs. They would love to hear that. Oh well, I've had a good run. It got bad and I went to the only place I could think of, church. When he got up in the morning he opened his door and all three of my cats were waiting in the hallway for him! We have a Shih Tzu who weighs about 16 pounds, and it feels like a similar weight so to me it feels like a dog. Anyway I cant believe the accuracy of those 2 Clairvoyants. Then when I realized I was actually still being logical, that idea was thrown out. something, unbelievably unusual. Like you I dont drink or do drugs. Ive researched much and discovered most things in nature and supernatural do not like Clove or Clove essential oils. Im not religious nor consider my self believing in the occult. If you get attacked just know that it can cause you NO physical harm and whoever you believe in ask them to protect you. It was like someone just flicked a was a powerful feeling that they were just gone. I dont want it to happen to me either. Heres my story. Once again, it has not been back. I am positive they feel it to. Few days later i told my lady how i bruised my ankle and my dream of, short version. I immediately sat up, listened and looked around the room (yes, I sleep with a light on now) to see if my dog was around, but she wasnt there.shes seldom in my room. I am going to smudge next week, I am tired of it. Then as they were getting off the bed i managed to grab one from its front leg. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Maybe nothing changes after death other than the lack of a physical body. Ive had many, many experiences with human entities. She is continually coming up with new ideas to share with the world. I was experiencing chronic insomnia, just as I was drifting off, something jumped up onto my side of the bed and began walking up beside me, I became quite alert by the time it made its way onto my pillow, then it was gone. After I had my conclusions and get bored of there games and lies I was very firm and they stop coming as figures any more ; and the experiences then got back to just feeling of landing and walking in the bed If your cat has developed a sudden fear of the dark, there are 3 explanations: The cat experienced a frightening experience at night. It has never did anything bad to me tho. Prayers to all. I had three distinct marks on my ankle, and it burned terribly. About four years ago, my bed was on the floor (no frame) and I felt something pushing up from under my bed. I really want to know. She felt the phantom kitty land and she noticed our cat Hi, Kathy. Hes terrified and needs help. If you cannot see anything at all tried taking a picture in a mirror shoot the camera towards the mirror to catch what is in the background. I have the radio on very low hoping to be lulled to sleep as Ive been insomnia-tic the past few weeks. The day he dies I put his littler box out in the carport with the intention of cleaning it the next day. 5. Maybe its what Ive been feeling on the bed. I kept thinking about an abandoned graveyard. One night I was scratched on the ankle, and it burned terribly. 97%. Countless people are trying to find answers. I urge you to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, find a good Bible-believing Christian friend and church to go to, and command that thing to leave in Jesus Name. Its a mystery. It was the tombstone I took a picture of. Thank you for starting this post!! The body also becomes paralyzed to prevent people from moving and acting out their dreams. Straight afterwards I felt as if something like a cat jumped on the bed and started moving from where my feet were towards my head. Shop our products Our Best Sellers The Juggernaut Cat Condo $ 589.00 $ 649.00 Deluxe Cat Scratching Pole $ 145.00 $ 269.00 Cat Bridge $ 155.00 $ 219.00 Lately, Ive found it a little frightening so no longer sure what to think. I feel honored that one or more of my cats has come back to visit me. high probability of mind body signal miscommunication, Had strong perfume scent also smelt one occasion, Youre welcome, Chris. They would end and he would talk again. I feel honored that one or more of my cats has come back to visit me. I dont do drugs. Anything is worth a try to two at this point. Ive had very similar occurrences the last 3 years with what feels like a cat or dog jumping onto my mattress and sleeping next to me. My hand went right through it. They jumped back on and were playing with each other. It happened a few times now, and I couldnt tell if it was just my legs or the entire mattress. My Grandmother gave me a set of blessed rosary beads for my confirmation, and they stay on my headboard. Sleep paralysis happens at this stage but you are awake. Just this morning I had this happen. a deep mans voice said never feel hungry till Im in a house, she isnt up for it is she. Hi, Marie. I meditated to awaken the energy but thought i failed, and while i was researching online i felt it wake up, so i laid back and let flow as far as it could. Looks like no one here has any real answers. I thought I was going nuts and didnt tell anyone. With no recent walking on the bed sensation, I now have a feeling or awareness at night that there is something in the room inducing some anxiety and therefore, sleep problems. Earlier this month, one night about 1 am I woke up suddenly and saw a man standing right next to my bed, starring at me. The first time I felt it I was sure it was a cat, but nothing was there. The bottom half of the bed sinks and stops about waist high. Its only in bednever if Im lying on the couch. I thought it was one of our cats, but they both wear a bell, and this was silent. If I am on my side, every once in a while I feel something walk on the bed behind my back. my sweet cat ursey was born in my home in the cellar in the christmas decorations a white ball of fur with blue eyes, he was with us and grew up with my son who was 5 yrs old , he was with us for 20 yrs when his kidneys failed i brought him home after he was euthanized to bury in our yard, then decided to have him cremated instead in case we move. But it happened more and I would try to see which one it was. Web2. kept me awake till 4am. I turned off my fan and got up to look around the house. It will walk all around me. It is unnerving, but Ive never seen anything, at least not in bed. It feels good to know that youre not alone. Sometimes the best path is protection. I googled it just now and found your page. I came across this site when searching for answers. Come back again to read other accounts of this strange phenomenon. I can feel when their paws sink into the bed. Thank you for letting me voice some of this. Of course nothing was there. Also one night I even felt a human or I wonder if my cat is aware of it? Sweetgrass is used for blessing after sage has been used. Maybe well never know, but youre definitely not alone. He used to jump up on that to get in front of me. It felt like a cat. It is a demonic entity..i have come across the same thing except i confront it. A cat walking in circles could be completely normal, or could have a significant underlying condition. I thought for sure my husbands cat was on my bed but nothing was there. One used to sit on my bed at night and tighten the covers around me. Exactly! You are NOT losing it Roy. I just ignored it . She had a big backyard. I get this quite frequently too. As of now I will be resorting to my religious beliefs to send it to where it belongs. It also walks up higher to my shoulder and I feel as if someone put their hand on my shoulder. This has put my mind at ease to know Im not alone in this mystery. I really pray that my daughter never had to experience this. ; Just ignore them and know there harmless traits . I advised him to seek help from someone experienced in his area. Maybe someone else will respond too. I had the same experience in our current home that my husband and I bought 17 years ago. And also have a great day. She couldnt. I feel that it is a gift and I feel good about it. My story too weird for you. 3- they enjoy to be with humans. I cant recall if this started in 2015, or 2016, but I know it hasnt been happening for much longer. That does sound like sleep paralysis. And I KNOW it wasnt my living cats. Nice to know, I am not crazy!! Maybe its just strong memory for a beloved pet physically manifesting. Maybe its my husbands cat that died many years ago. Some think its the ghost of a cat they knew while for others its something frightening. heres a theory for you. She suggested it may be a poltergeist that attached itself to me long ago from a haunted house I had once lived and manifested itself on my fears from the torture it had done and then on experiences throughout my life. I believe everything youve said. I saw him multiple days. I decided to get rid of the carpet in my spare room, cutting it out and leaving just the foam under pad. Not all homes can accommodate a big pan of clay. I had the footrest up. Ignore the cats or whatever they are as difficult as it sounds. I tried to wake up and move but I felt paralyzed. I told my Dad and asked if he had any way to send me a sign if he knew what was going on and if it was good or evil. That one I was grateful for. Losing a pet is losing a family member. And when you say it lands on your bed, where does it fall from? It sounds like in your first house it was either a child or something more sinister that could have been disguising itself as a child. This first startd with me always waking up in the middlr of thr night and i didnt know why. afraid to go to sleep. We currently have a mini Poodle, our second since living here. I just had back surgery and three incisions its almost like they know and they are using it. Im scared the first few seconds after it happens, and then I try to think of something else. That is kind of scary. A little unnerving though, but I look forward to more visits. My latest belt finally wore down so they are here in full force. I sincerely hope the script helps and it all goes away, but maybe it is real. i am having a hard time with mine. ok. scary stuff was when in my sleep grabbed one! I always thought I was just entering a dream. I had a cat that passed away he was my everything and it felt like he just came to visit me that morning. They say no idea is original, so I guess in the same vein, nothing that happens to you is happening for the first time ever. Unless it occurs during space travel. None slept with me last night and none were in my room (upstairs, 2 doors closed between). So spirits havent found their way yet and need a little human help, I have felt this for years and am just now getting to research it. I live in california where they are common. I do at times think about it differently and wonder am I loosing it? The K-2 has a row of lights to indicate the strength of the You might even see movement from the corner of your eye or feel him brush up against your leg. If anyone has any other advice for Jake, here is the article. She wasnt even in the room. I know it wont seem like much of an answer, but from what I have been able to discern here, the behaviour of this entity, phenomenon, whatever, seems to be changing. dont know what to do. I never used to be frightened and wondered if it was my mum trying to reach me, knowing that I would recognise the pressure of a what feels like a cat walking on the bed. Best wishes. I had this happen to me last night. Your not alone onbwhat your facing. Its almost impossible to give advice to anyone regarding this phenomenon b/c we dont know what we are dealing with. Away he was invisible cat walking on my bed scared to do anything but Continue to watch thing is that have... Feel hungry till Im in a crowd the world also one night I even felt a being... With new ideas to share with the intention of cleaning it the next.... Im so sorry about your husband and I aware of it my second experience feeling an cat... Others its something frightening reading on my bed would try to think that was! Religious nor consider my self believing in the morning he opened his door and all three of my cats their! 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