computer security: principles and practice 4th edition github

As a consequence of this ight control software rule, the stall warning stopped and started several times. In this chapter, well focus on the characteristics shared by many (if not all) mobile systems that an architect must consider when designing a system. You, after a period of time, or your replacement (when you get promoted and assigned to a more complex project) will want to know all the key design decisions and why they were made. Which of these required the greatest e ort to resolve? In most cases, the cause is not important: You made a request, or you were expecting a periodic keep-alive or heartbeat message, and did not receive a timely response, and now you need to take action to remedy this. The standard slogs through almost ve dozen separate descriptions of quality sub-characteristics in this way. Figure 17.2 Gateways into a public cloud Suppose you wish to have a VM allocated for you in the cloud. You anticipate that within a month of your debut, you will have half a million users. 12 (December 1972). 7.2 General Scenario for Integrability Table 7.1 presents the general scenario for integrability. A release would contain new features and bug xes. The uses structure is used to engineer systems that can be extended to add functionality, or from which useful functional subsets can be extracted. The probability of a risk event is related to, among other things, how precedented or unprecedented the system under development and its architecture are. How the software is used by humans to perform business processes and the standards that determine the computational environment are two other common concerns addressed by enterprise architecture. Document control information. Our systems are not connected to any external network and we have barbed-wire fences and guards with machine guns. Of course, someone at Livermore Labs was very interested in security. The communications between the CPU and the QPU will be in terms of classic bits. Many times, two possible alternatives do not di er dramatically in their consequences. [Boehm 07] B. Boehm, R. Valerdi, and E. Honour. From Software Architecture Analysis to Service Engineering: An Empirical Study of Enterprise SOA Implementation, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 3, no. What Makes Software Architecture-Based Testing Distinguishable, in Proceedings of the Sixth Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, WICSA 2007, Mumbai, India, January 2007. Second, decide whether the new container (or Pod) can be allocated on an existing runtime engine instance or whether a new instance must be allocated. Please do not hesitate to contact the instructor should you have any question or seek any help. 7. Physical resources that have safety consequences must not fail or must have backups. For example, the ability to communicate ideas clearly and to negotiate e ectively are skills often ascribed to competent architects. The lowest level of restart (Level 0) has the least impact on services and employs passive redundancy (warm spare), where all child threads of the faulty component are killed and recreated. You can subscribe again after auto-renew has been turned off by purchasing another Channels subscription. As an architect, you should establish and follow conventions on how resources are named, how API parameters are ordered, and how errors should be handled. Bring in outside expert consultants on architecture. [NIST 06] National Institute of Standards and Technology. What should the team do? For example, a component awaiting a response from another component can raise an exception if the wait time exceeds a certain value. Each view has a cost and a bene t, and you should ensure that the expected bene ts of creating and maintaining a particular view outweigh its costs. One interpretation of this de nition is that functionality describes what the system does and quality describes how well the system does its function. Voting also depends critically on having multiple sources to evaluate. This evaluation involves deciding among the competing alternatives. One release per month, per quarter, or even per year was common. At the coarsest level, the energy consumption of an entire data center can be measured from its power meter. Using an intercepting lter can be a strong motivator for reuse and can dramatically reduce the size of the code base. Treating Progress Functions as a Managerial Opportunity, Academy of Management Review 9 (1984): 235247. (Try to come up with di erent circumstances for each of the 13 reasons.) Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game. Safety Giles: Well, for gods sake, be careful If you should be hurt or killed, I shall take it amiss. This imposes a maintenance obligation on the organization responsible for the system. Instead of relying on di erent location data sources such as GPS and cell towers, use just one of those. The early work of David Parnas laid many conceptual foundations, including information hiding [Parnas 72], program families [Parnas 76], the structures inherent in software systems [Parnas 74], and the uses structure to build subsets and supersets of systems [Parnas 79]. But it was okay. In general, the later in the life cycle we can bind values, the better. Treating these scripts as code brings a wealth of advantages: These scripts can be consciously designed, tested, con guration controlled, reviewed, documented, and shared. In addition, updates should be easy and automated. Figure 12.4 Testability tactics 12.3 Tactics-Based Questionnaire for Testability Based on the tactics described in Section 12.2, we can create a set of tacticsinspired questions, as presented in Table 12.2. Canary Testing Before rolling out a new release, it is prudent to test it in the production environment, but with a limited set of users. Ah, to build, to build! Online chapters, appendices, and other documents are Premium Content, available via the access card printed in the front of the book. Stakeholders include developers, testers, integrators, maintainers, performance engineers, users, and builders of systems interacting with the one under consideration. 4. On the Criteria to Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules, Communications of the ACM 15, no. This relationship is called coupling, and high coupling is an enemy of modi ability. Top-level context diagrams showing interacting systems and system overview and purpose. Integration costs are reduced when orchestration is included in an architecture in a way that supports the services that are likely to be integrated in the future. When discrete events arrive at the system (or component) too rapidly to be processed, then the events must be queued until they can be processed, or they are simply discarded. This made the nancial tradeo clear, and rolling upgrade was the standard approach. Of course, the battery manager itself utilizes resourcesmemory and CPU time. You can nd out about Automotive SPICE at Problem Seeking: An Architectural Programming Primer. Functionality matters less. Periodic cleaning. For each quality attribute that you discovered as a result of question 2, write a modi ability scenario that expresses it. 1.4 Summary The software architecture of a system is the set of structures needed to reason about the system. A container can be moved from one environment to another if a compatible container runtime engine is available. Cloud service providers provide very precise time references for their time servers. In addition, services in a distributed system must often make their location discoverable once they have been deployed to a location. Pick a few of your favorite websites that do similar things, such as social networking or online shopping. [McCall 77] J. But the encryption algorithm that they chose could be cracked by a high school student with modest abilities! 4. Current Perspectives on Interoperability, CMU/SEI-2004-TR-009, You can opt to make a one-time payment for the initial 4-month term or pay monthly. As these results represent expected values, they should be evaluated in the context of the teams appetite for risk. Writing them down at that moment ensures that you wont have to remember the intended responsibilities later. The class simply contains an abstract method for the desired functionality, with the concrete version of this method being selected based on contextual factors. Recovery The nal category of safety tactics is recovery, which acts to place the system in a safe state. Along the way, we will take a journey into some of the most important principles and techniques of distributed computing. Also, a bit in a classic computer has a nondestructive readout. Figure 20.3 shows the steps and artifacts associated with ADD. This process gives the architect both the knowledge and the tools to identify and manage such debt. But performance remains of fundamental importance. [Schwaber 04] Ken Schwaber. Pause/resume. What does a hypervisor do to maintain isolation, or prevent leakage, between VMs running at di erent times? 19. GR-253-CORE, Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Transport Systems: Common Generic Criteria. 2000. We will examine a bakers dozen of the most important reasons. A UML communication diagram shows a graph of interacting elements and annotates each interaction with a number denoting its order. Linking Usability to Software Architecture Patterns through General Scenarios, Journal of Systems and Software 66, no. We may analyze audit trails to attempt to prosecute attackers, or to create better defenses in the future. It also includes the test cases that were run on that element and the tools that were used to produce the element. For example, if an organization has a career path for architects, that will motivate employees to become architects. Wiley, 2003. Naming conventions should be consistent and, in general, the principle of least surprise should be followed. At a resolution of 1,280 720, there are more pixels, so the information display can be richer. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize time across di erent devices that are connected over a local or wide area network. DevOps encompasses not only the cultural and organizational elements of any process improvement e ort, but also a strong reliance on tools and architectural design. Ping/echo requires a time threshold to be set; this threshold tells the pinging component how long to wait for the echo before considering the pinged component to have failed (timed out). In this chapter, we have said that architecture documentation is produced in service of architecture stakeholders. Working with Other Quality Attributes Quality is not what happens when what you do matches your intentions. More powerful ECUs may be reserved for critical functions. Discovering Architectures from Running Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 32, no. 4. Such a graphical depiction helps to capture these requirements in a structured form, starting from coarse, abstract notions of QAs and gradually re ning them to the point where they are captured as scenarios. [Vesely 81] W.E. What might you document di erently? 5 (1968): 341346. Using a sandbox, you can build a version of the resource whose behavior is under your control. One bene t of environments that employ virtualization is the ability to have environment parity, where environments may di er in scale but not in type of hardware or fundamental structure. What are the security issues associated with containers? Also, the operating system may tag executing threads and disk content such as les and directories with information such as a user ID and group, and restrict visibility or access by comparing the tags of the thread requesting access and the disk content. When you purchase a Pearson+ subscription, it will last 4 months. [Hiltzik 00] M. Hiltzik. Second, while the level of abstraction in systems is increasingwe can and do regularly use many sophisticated services, blissfully unaware of how they are implementedthe complexity of the systems we are being asked to create is increasing at least as quickly. 16.2 Virtual Machines Now that we have seen how the resource usage of one application can be isolated from the resource usage of another application, we can employ and combine these mechanisms. That may be the same person (as noted in the quotation that opened this chapter) or it may be a replacement, but in either case the future architect is guaranteed to have an enormous stake in the documentation. A quality attribute (QA) is a measurable or testable property of a system that is used to indicate how well the system satis es the needs of its stakeholders beyond the basic function of the system. William A. Drumnadrochit Education, 2010. A Business Case Approach to Usability Cost Justi cation, in Cost-Justifying Usability, R. Bias and D. Mayhew, eds. Table 22.2 Summary of C&C Views Notations for C&C Views As always, box-and-line drawings are available to represent C&C views. This is necessary because designing for continuous deployment requires continuous automated testing. The performance of a piece of software is fundamentally constrained by the performance of the processor that runs it. Testability 12.1 Testability General Scenario 12.2 Tactics for Testability 12.3 Tactics-Based Questionnaire for Testability 12.5 Patterns for Testability 12.6 For Further Reading 12.7 Discussion Questions 13. As our example shows, race conditions can occur when two threads of control are present and there is shared state. Entries in the discovery service should be de-registered when they are no longer relevant. It requires an architectural mechanism (not part of the service being deployed) to route a request from a user to either the new or old service, depending on that users identity. A venerable source is the ACM Risks Forum, available at Disks provide persistent storage for instructions and data, across reboots and shutdowns of the computer. Most programmers use a wide variety of higher-level languages. For example, if network utilization is an area of concern, the architect should produce (and enforce) for each development team guidelines that will result in acceptable levels of network tra c. If performance is a concern, the architect should produce (and enforce) time budgets. 6.6 Discussion Questions 1. Consequently, autoscaler rules typically are of the form, Create a new VM when CPU utilization is above 80 percent for 5 minutes. In addition to creating and destroying VMs based on utilization metrics, you can set rules to provide a minimum or maximum number of VMs or to create VMs based on a time schedule. They usually are chosen to be architects in part because of their above-average communication skills. Have architects join professional organizations. Active attacks: masquerade, replay, modification of messages, and denial of. If a carefully thought-out software architecture can reduce this cost, the payo is large. 2. An architecture is the key artifact that allows the architect and the project manager to reason about cost and schedule. The element may have entered the improper state as a result of a previous action or the lack of a previous action on the part of the same or another actor. We use the same term to describe a motivating action for developmental qualities. Quantum teleportation is the name given to this copying of the state. The old one can be deprecated when it is no longer needed or the decision has been made to no longer support it. In terms of integrability, this means that future components can be integrated with a single abstraction rather than separately integrated with each of the speci c elements. If you employ patterns in your design, as recommended in Chapter 20, these patterns should be identi ed in the documentation. What happens when a resource requires more memory than is available? The plug-ins can be developed by di erent teams or organizations than the developers of the microkernel. Rather, you should expose only what the actors on an interface need to know to interact with it. et al. Designing for Software Testability Using Automated Oracles, Proceedings International Test Conference, September 1992, pp. This information may simply be a pointer to the location of these artifacts. A timeouta decision that a response has taken too longis commonly used to detect a failure. Even with an existing corpus of solutions to choose fromand we are not always blessed with a rich corpusthis is still the hardest part of design. Figure 25.1 Skills and knowledge support the execution of duties. With the dominance of mobile devices as the primary form of computing for most people, with the increasing adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) in industry and government, and with the ubiquity of cloud services as the backbone of our computing infrastructure, energy has become an issue that architects can no longer ignore. 21.3 Who Can Perform the Evaluation? In other cases, a hard failure or crash may cause the failed instance to restart and re-register with the load balancer, or a new replacement instance may be started and registered with the load balancer, so as to maintain overall service delivery capacity. In general, mappings between structures are many to many. Second, lists often generate more controversy than understanding. Performance relative to the amount of resources used under the stated conditions. Another responsibility with caching is choosing the data to be cached. A lled arrowhead on a solid line represents a synchronous message, whereas an open arrowhead represents an asynchronous message. The driver gets a reading from the sensor periodically. The Structure of the THE-Multiprogramming System, Communications of the ACM 11, no. Despite the need to take a minimalist approach to interfaces, the architect must account for the possibility that during the course of a session, the mobile system may move from an environment that supports one protocol to an environment that supports another protocol. 16.4 Containers VMs solve the problem of sharing resources and maintaining isolation. Unlike static models, dynamic models estimate energy consumption based on knowledge of transient conditions such as workload. Co-located teams have a variety of informal coordination possibilities such as going to the next o ce or meeting in the co ee room or the hall. [Bass 15] Implementing DevOps is a process improvement e ort. The propagation involves two classical bits that are transferred to the location of . The common form is testable and unambiguous; it is not sensitive to whims of categorization. 5. Module views are excellent means of showing someone the structure of a project: who does what, which teams are assigned to which parts of the system, and so forth. Failure may cause deaths, usually with loss of the airplane. This tactic allows future integration activities to focus on integration with the orchestration mechanism instead of point-to-point integration with multiple components. Evaluations by peers and by outside evaluators are common enough that we have formalized processes to guide the evaluation. In particular: How much design do you need to do? However, integrating a North American plug into a British socket will require an adapter. Teams communicate with each other in terms of the interface speci cations for their elements. [Kazman 20a] R. Kazman, P. Bianco, J. Ivers, and J. Klein. 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